--Chapter Forty-Five--

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Once we arrived at the restaurant, we got our orders taken

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Once we arrived at the restaurant, we got our orders taken. We talked some more, and then once our food came we ate. Riri did most of the talking, if she asked me a question I'd answer, but I mostly listened. At first, she seemed tense but then started to relax.

After a while, we finished eating. I paid and we started walking around. After a couple of minutes, I heard a voice come from the Secret Warriors medallion, I guess it also doubled as a comlink.

"Riri, you there?" A voice asked I recognized it as Doreen's. At first, she froze, then she saw I wasn't alarmed about the voice and answered.

"Yeah, I just ate dinner with..." She started then realizing I hadn't told her my name.

"Great, but we need you downtown, like yesterday!" I heard her answer. Her voice sounded strained, like she was in the middle of something.

"Got it," She said then glanced at me.

"What, I'm not going to stop you if your friends need help," I told her. She looked surprised at my response.

"Wait, you're not freaked out by my necklace, or what was said about it. You know who I am!" She said taking a step away from me. I sighed, I knew tonight was too good to last.

"Yes, I know who you are Riri. I also know that you don't know who I am." I said walking past her, heading downtown.

"Who are you? Where do you think you're going?" She asked as she grabbed my wrist.

"Are we going to stand here asking questions, or are we going to go help the Secret Warriors?" I said pulling her with me as I continued walking.

"We? What do you mean? I've never seen you before!" She told me, I could tell she didn't like not knowing so I finally gave in.

"I'm someone your 'team' didn't trust. I watch them, in case they need help. I do this because no matter what, I don't want them to get hurt. I know you help stop the antiplasma, and that Gwen stopped Screaming Mimi. I helped keep people away from the antiplasma, and I tried to help with Screaming Mimi, I would've too if none of you could catch up to her." I told her, she looked shocked about what I told her, but I just stood there, even as tears started to fall. When she finally moved, it was to put a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know why they didn't trust you, but I do. I think it would be best if you come help with whatever is going on downtown. That is, if you want to." She told me looking me in the eye. I could tell she meant it too.

"Okay, let's go," I told her and she started leading the way.

I started weaving a mask while we walked, just so no one would see my face. It also gave my fingers something to do. Ms. Dorris always commented on how my fingers seemed to never stop moving, and it was pretty much true. I was always moving at least a little bit, whether it was my foot or fingers.

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