--Chapter Thirty--

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I woke up when Daisy was above me, shaking me awake

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I woke up when Daisy was above me, shaking me awake. She had a worried look on her face. I sat up quickly, knowing I had slept for a while, because my body was very sore.

"What is it? What's going on?" I asked her.

"Exile and Sheath took Gwen. There's a video online of her fighting Sheath and Exile teleporting them away." She said pulling up the video on the big screen.

"Wow, this happened last night?" I questioned trying to get all of the facts.

"Yeah. Probably when she was walking home. She could've easily defeated them as Ghost-Spider, but they surprised her as Gwen. I hope she's doing okay and that we can find her soon." She responded rambling a bit.

"So what can we do? Where could they take her?" I said speaking my thoughts.

"I don't know where they took her, but I have an idea. The last time something like this happened, Hala took them to a spaceship hiding behind a satellite, so if we can find it we can fly to it. There is also a chance Lockjaw will be able to teleport to Gwen." She told me pacing the length of the room.

"Okay, first you need to take a breath and calm down. We will get her back, you have a good team. If she is in space, then she will probably be able to use her powers and stand her own." I was trying to calm her down, I knew it was working when her pacing slowed.

"I know, I just feel bad. I was the one who told her to go home without thinking that they would come after her. I should've thought it through, or turned on my program to search for Exile." She rambled.

"You were distracted, besides Gwen wouldn't want you to beat yourself up about it."

"You're right, the rest of the team should be here soon. Hopefully, Kamala will be able to help tell us what to expect. She was in the same boat not too long ago. I'll go get you something to eat." She said not waiting for an answer.

I was okay with that, because I was really hungry. It also gave me time to think. Gwen was who knows where, and with who knows who. She was probably not expecting us to realize she was missing until later this afternoon, so we already were ahead of what she expected. Soon Daisy came back with the team and food.

"Doreen, Kamala, America this is Ace. Ace this is Doreen, Kamala, and America. You'll figure out their superhero identities if you don't already know. Now let's all start looking for Gwen. Captain Marvel will be joining us soon." She said handing me my food getting straight to the point.

"Way to get straight to the point." America said crossing her arms and voicing my thoughts.

"Daisy, just calm down. We will help her." Rayshaun reassured her putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah we're all concerned, but we need to have a clear head." Doreen continued for him.

"We will all do what we can. Dante and I will try to tell you about our experience, but we weren't there very long. We could teleport to her with Lockjaw, but I think we all should know what we're getting into." Kamala started, getting us all prepared.

"So we'll tell you how we woke up, and our experience on the ship." Dante finished.

We all sat down and I began to eat my food. Kamala and Dante filled us all in with what they knew. We debated what to do for a while before settling on our only real option. It left a lot unknown, but it was the best plan we had.


Chapter thirty is up! I hope you enjoyed it, and sorry it's a little short. The pokemon story is coming slowly if you were wondering. I want to have a decent amount done before I start publishing it. I want to publish another chapter of this soon, probably tomorrow if I don't forget. Let me know what you think of this chapter and don't forget to vote if you did enjoy.


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