--Chapter Twenty-One--

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I ran back into the building my lungs filling with smoke as I did

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I ran back into the building my lungs filling with smoke as I did. I ripped off the mask from my eyes, clearing my vision slightly. Most of the doors were open a quick peek inside and I could see it was clear.

I then moved on to the doors that were closed. Forcing them open I was in the last room when Ghost-Spider came in.

"Are the other rooms empty?" She asked startling me.

"Yeah, I just got this door open it's the last one." I said between coughs.

"We need to get out, you don't sound too-" she cut off when she came over to help and saw my face.

"No time to stare, I gave it the kid, Ash. Let's clear this room and get out of here."


"Yeah, that's my name I know yours too Gwen." I said making my way around finding no one there.

"How? How do you know?" She said grabbing my hand causing me to cry out.

"You slipped up when we first meet. Now come on we have to get out!" I cried desperately.

"Have you told anyone?"

"No! 'Course not! I know how important these things are! Now would you like to keep breathing in smoke, or continue this conversation somewhere else?!"

"Fine, but this conversation is not over." With that, she let go of my hand and ran out the door. I quickly followed her up to the roof where she started web-slinging away.

I followed her grabbing my bag where I left it with a web, not stopping. Each breath I took was easier than the last, because of the clean air. I, however, still struggled to catch my breath when we stopped in an ally.

"You have some explaining to do Ace, and you better do it fast."

"What do I have to explain?" I asked still trying to catch my breath.

"I don't know, maybe why you're stealing money from places, or mimicking me, along with several other things. What would your family say?" She said pulling off her mask and looking me straight in the eye.

"They wouldn't say anything because they died in a car crash!" I snapped. She hit a nerve when she mentioned my family, and I could tell from the look in her eyes she knew it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." She responded in a small voice.

"No, you didn't. You don't even know the worst of it." I said sadly. It was true, that wasn't even the worst part.

"That sounds pretty bad. You sure that's not the worst thing?"

"Well, it depends on your perspective."

"You're right about that. Your perspective is different from mine because I barely know anything. You wanna see what my perspective is after I know everything?" She asked, no doubt curious.

"Sure, but don't say I didn't warn you. I'll be very brief this first time and then go into detail later."

"Basically, I woke up in a hospital bed with no memory. Then I learned I had been unconscious for ten days and my parents died two days after a car crash caused by a police officer chasing Ghost-Spider, you. I was then sent to an orphanage, but I didn't stay there. When I got there I got a tour and then went to my room where I climbed out the window and it started to rain. I was trying to make it to the fire escape so I could climb down when lightning flashed. I slipped off the ledge. I was able to grab it, but when I tried to pull myself up my hand slid off and I continued to fall I tried to find anything to grab on to when I stopped." I started in a rush.

"That's when you figured out you had powers." Gwen guessed.

"Yep. At that time I had one goal. To make Ghost-Spider see what she did. To get back at her. I was just walking on the sidewalk when I found a newspaper stand. The owner was really nice and gave me a newspaper. That's when I realize I had your powers. I set up the locations to lure you in because I knew you were a loose cannon."


"Well, everything went according to plan, until the pizza shop. A boy was about to fall from a balcony, so I acted on instinct and saved him. When I came out, he started asking me questions. I lost track and soon the police came. You know about this part. I got caught in a net, then I wasn't, and I started running from the cops. When I finally lost them Quake, Patriot, and Inferno showed up when I was hiding behind the trash cans in the ally. Then Quake knocked me out and I woke up in Dante's room."

"I think I know the rest. You helped them figure out the address you were going to go next, and you were celebrating when I walked in."

"Pretty much. Oh! A couple of times I would get memories after I took the ukulele."

"Wow. You weren't kidding." She looked like she wanted to say more, but was unsure what to say.

"Well, I warned you. Blacking out has also become something that happens more than it should." I said with a laugh.

"Comes with the territory. Thanks for changing my perspective." She said facing me.

"No problem."

"Well that was all nice and sentimental, but that's not what I came here for." An ominous voice said from behind us. Gwen quickly put her mask back on before facing him.

"Exile? How did you get out?" Ghost-Spider said facing him.


There, a chapter that's almost 1,000 words. I wanted to publish this sooner, but I was at my aunt's and didn't have access to copy and paste the chapter. We are getting closer to the new perspective too! I want to thank everyone who has been voting and commenting, it means a lot to me. Because they did so, I'll tell you whose perspective chapter 23 will be in. Drumroll, please...











It'll be Gwen's! Maybe if you guys show enough support I'll put the banner at the end of the next one. I also may be thinking about another perspective, but I haven't put much thought into that idea. I hope you enjoyed and look forward to the new perspective!


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