--Chapter Twenty-Seven--

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I headed back to my house once I had everything in my bag

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I headed back to my house once I had everything in my bag. It was dusk and getting really dark. I didn't realize how late it had gotten.

As I was walking, I realized how tired I was. It had been a long day, and an emotional one too. It wasn't worse than Ace's, but mine was a close second. I would fall asleep the moment my head hit my pillow.

I was almost home when Exile and Sheath showed up in front of me. The sun had just finished setting so there wasn't a lot of people around, but there was still enough around that I couldn't use my powers.

"Did you really think you could get away from us by running away? You should've known better." Sheath said walking towards me.

"Well, I hoped your chasing ability was the same as your ability to get away from me. Guess you're better than I expected." I responded trying to provoke her. They were already going to fight me, so why put it off?

"There's no point in running Ghost-Spider. You will come with us sooner or later, so save yourself the trouble and do us a favor, just come with us now." Exile said walking to me twirling a staff in his hand.

"Buuuuut, I like being difficult." I said as I charged at them. They both easily dodged and Exile shoved me to the ground with his staff.

"I was hoping you'd choose to fight. It's no fun when they go peacefully" Sheath said walking towards me. I got up and ready to fight.

"She's all yours." Exile said stepping back.

Sheath started charging at me and tried slashing at me with her knives. I quickly dodged pushed her to the ground. She quickly got back up and started attacking me, wasting no time.

I kept doing the best I could but I couldn't win against her with people around. In fact, people started to make a ring around us taking out their phones recording us. I guess they thought it was a performance, but that meant I still couldn't web her up.

Soon, Sheath pushed me to the ground and pinned me. I tried to throw her off, but I was too tired, and soon Exile created a portal below us and we were all pulled through. Everything went black after we went through.


Sorry it's short, it was a conveinent time to end it. For at least a little while there shouldn't be much back tracking. I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote if you did.


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