--Chapter Fourteen--

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Unfortunately, the chase went on longer than I thought

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Unfortunately, the chase went on longer than I thought. I kept repeating my method, and they just kept chasing me. It was another thirty minutes until they finally admitted defeat.

By the time they did, my body was aching all over. I would've just crashed in an ally if I didn't start thinking of how I broke through the net. At the moment it felt like one minute the net was tight, holding me in place, and then it just wasn't. Thinking back on what I did I recalled that I had been angry at myself, then felt a slight vibration. Could it have been me?

I was still trying to figure out how I had escaped the net when I heard voices talking to each other.

"...looked like she landed here." Was what I caught the first voice say, a female from what I could tell. The voice sounded familiar somehow, but I didn't dare look out from behind the trash cans for fear of getting caught.

"She could be long gone by now." Another voice responded, male this time. This voice sounded impatient, angry even.

"We need to find out who she is, and why she's impersonating Ghost-Spider, we're lucky to have gotten here without her knowing. You know how she acts impulsively, we couldn't risk her running off." The first voice responded.

"Well, she's not here. Can we leave now?" The impatient one asked.

"We haven't even searched for her in the area yet. You want to leave now, even with the chance she could still be here?!" A new voice asked, another male.

"Well, when you put it like that no..." The second voice said in a guilty tone.

"Then it's settled, Patriot, you and Inferno will search the surrounding area, I'll take a quick look here then join you." The first voice said, I could tell who they were now, and I could tell I was in trouble. Quake, Patriot, and Inferno. A small part of the Secret Warriors, the team Ghost-Spider is on, again a big problem. If Quake looked behind these trash cans I would be found, no doubt about it.

I heard the others leave the ally and started to panic. Time was running out and with my muscles still sore and my energy low from running from the cops, there was no way I could win if we fought, or get away if I started to run.

She was looking for the imposter of Ghost-Spider, but what if she found Ace? I quickly and quietly took off the maroon sweatshirt I had on, but would that be enough? Then I had an idea, what if I covered myself in webs, holding me to the ground? That way, it would look like the imposter had been here, and I was the unlucky witness who saw them.

I quickly set to work for I only had seconds before she would look behind the trash cans. I was quickly covered in webs, then I shot one around my mouth so it would make sense why I was quiet. As soon as I did this she appeared in front of the trash can. I saw her eyes widen, her hands go up, then black.


Hello, I posted another chapter and what do ya know? It's another cliffhanger. These next few chapters will be. But guess what? I am currently writing chapter twenty! Things are heating up(You'll see why!) and I'm having so much fun writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I also will soon be writing a new perspective! Who will it be? Comment your guess, and maybe you'll find out.

One last thing, thank you so much for over 100 reads! I would never have thought I would get that much attention when I published this. I could not do it without the readers or Sumereii and PandaPhoenix05. Sumereii has made the cover and the banner(s). They both have proof-read and edited the story as I'm writing. So again, THANK YOU!!!!!


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