Celestialยน โ†  B.Blake

By TayCyn

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๐šŒ๐šŽยท๐š•๐šŽ๐šœยท๐š๐š’๐šŠ๐š• /๐šœษ™หˆ๐š•๐šŽ๐šœ๐™ฒ๐™ทษ™๐š•/ belonging or relating to heaven. Season 1&2 Cover by @EbbyWhite_Aven... More



2.4K 57 0
By TayCyn

All this pain will teach you
Everything worth

Valour felt sick to her stomach thinking about Monty, Finn, and Clarke. They didn't truly know whether they were dead or alive, what the grounders had done, or plan to do with them. Just like that, her friends were gone. Out of her reach, and she was as close to helpless in the situation. She could only hope at the moment, that those she cared about were still alive, and stayed that way until help came.  All around her people mine the ground, making place for the landmines they plan on placing in them. Meant for the grounders if they do retaliate any further. Which they were expecting, just a matter of when.

The sound of a gunshot ringing out causes Valour to jump, her head whipping in the direction of the sound. Maybe the grounders has decided now was the time. She stands, watching Bellamy approach a boy standing watch.

"Hey!The hell is the matter with you"? He yells.

"I-I'm Sorry man. I fell asleep. I've been on watch all day". The boy stutters.

Bellamy takes ahold of the boy roughly by the collar of his jacket, pushing him further into the wood he leans on. "We've all been on watch, all day! That bullet was one less dead grounder"!

It's clear to Valour that the anger in his voice isn't simply for the boy. He's scared. They all are.

"Bell, you're scaring people". Octavia Steps in.

"They should be scared! The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but the time is up"! Bellamy addresses all of them now. "The grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do! Clarke, Finn, and Monty are gone, probably dead, and if you want to be next, I can't stop you, but no guns are leaving this camp"!

Valour feels the sting of tears in her eyes at the mention of the three. She doesn't believe it. That they're gone. A part of her knows it's a possibility, but she can't grasp the idea that they're gone... But she also can't grasp the fact that the Ark is too.

"This camp is the only thing keeping us alive! Get back to work!" And with that he turns from them.

Valour looks around her, at the teens who's fear is clear as day on their faces. Jasper stands just a little ahead of her, the same expression as everyone else on his face, Raven too.

"Hey". She approaches the girl as she returns to the area she'd been working on.

"Hey V".

"I don't think they're dead". Valour says lowly.

Ravens eyes meet hers, the tears in them shining in the moonlight. "Nether do I". She says with a slight smile. "But Bellamy made it clear we're not sending a search party out for them". She shakes her head. "He thinks, they're 'dead'"

"You asked about going out for them"?

"Yeah. But he was real quick to shut me down on that. Like it's not Clarke, Monty, and Finn. They've all done so much fore us, and what? We leave them out there alone"? She sighs.

"You're right". Valour turns, jogging towards the dropship.

She enters, finding Bellamy helping Myels drink some water.

"So, we're not going to look for them"? She crosses her arms as he places the pack down.

"Not you too sunshine". He sighs leaning against the wall.

"You know if the roles were reversed and it were you out there, we all would've already started the search".

"Like I told Jasper. If that were the case, then you'd all be dead too". He says calmly.

"They're not dead"!

Her eyes fall from Bellamy, and down to her dirt covered boots. She doesn't know if she's saying it to convince Bellamy or herself. Maybe he's right. They could be all but dead. Maybe they'd be looking for bodies instead.

"I know you care about them, I do too". He's suddenly in front of her, his voice softened, like the way he talks to the injured, or Octavia. "But I'm thinking about all of us, we need the bodies, or none of us will make it".

"Who says any of us will"? She sniffles, with a shrug. "They've killed over a dozen of us already. Who says they won't get the rest of us"?

"You know that's not true. We're gonna win this war, and I'm gonna tell you, I told you so". His lips pull up into a smirk.

Which she can't help but smile at. "That would be the best 'I told you so' in history". She replies.

"Damn right". He slides past her, and back outside.

Even seconds after he's gone, the smile is still plastered over her face. And so is the warmth in her cheeks it caused. Valour approaches Myels, who's still very far from being healed. But she'd done all she could. Disinfecting the wound, removing all the dirt, and grass that had gotten into it. Stitching it up the best she could, and dressing it with what she had. Every so often Myels lets out groans of pain, something she couldn't really help. So she stood there, running her fingers through his sweat matted hair, just like she liked done when she was sick or hurt. It clearly did send some relief through the boy as his groans of pain lessened, as did the muscles in his face. He was younger then Valour by a few years, no older then 16. It was still haunting to her how young most of the 100 were, and dealing with what they were. She doubted she'd be as strong as she is now at their age.

The sound of the dropship closing catches the attention of all of the teens, as does Bellamy's yelling.

"Murphy! Murphy"! He stands just below as the door rises. "Open the damn door"!

"You try to be a hero, Jasper dies"!

The words send shivers down Valours spine. Jasper. Murphy had Jasper. They didn't only have to worry about the enemy's outside the camp, they were inside too.

Valour stands beside Bellamy, anger coursing through her veins. She had vouched for Murphy, protected him when Bellamy had sworn he was not to be trusted. And he was absolutely correct.

"What are we going to do"? She asks her eyes on the ship as if suddenly something will happen.

"What is there we can do"? Bellamy answers, his eyes too on the ship.

"We-I- we can". Valour stutters, but her mind is blank.  "We can't just leave him in there".

"I know".

Hours drag on with radio silence, and the plan to rescue Jasper already formed. Valours eyes stay on the ship of the door. There's a plan, though they were still unsure wether or not it would work. They were simply waiting for confirmation from Raven.

"I just heard Murphy has Jasper". Octavia jogs breathlessly.

"Yeah. South foxhole done"? He replies.

"What? Bellamy, my friends in there with a killer".

"O, look around. No ones working. If the grounders attack us right now, we're all dead".

Octavia turns from Bellamy annoyed, and moves closer to the door, just feet away from Valour.

"Murphy"! She yells. "Murphy if you even touch Jasper, I swear to god, you're dead"!

Valours lips pull up slightly. The words taken from her mind.

"Octavia, I got this". Bellamy says lowly.

"Really? Cause it doesn't look like you're doing anything about it". She retorts.

Valour spots Raven, meeting her at Bellamy. "Bellamy. You were right. There's a loose panel on the back. If I can pop it, we can get in through the floor".

"Good, do it". He nods.

Raven nods back, quick to do as he says.

"Sorry". Octavia apologizes.

She too goes off, but Valour stays. "This better work".

"It will". He says confidently. He brings the walkie to his lips, pressing down on the button. "Murphy, I know you can hear me. All our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that. Your leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen".

Murphy is quick to reply. "Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now".

"Come on, Murphy. You don't want to hurt Jasper. You want to hurt me. So what do you say? How about you trade him for me"?

Valours eyes widen at his words, her hands quick to hit him on the shoulder.

"What the hell"?

"No". Octavia joins in.

"All you have to do is let him go, and I'll take his place". Bellamy ignores the two girls protests.

"How"? Murphy answers after a few long seconds.

"Bellamy, if you do this. He'll kill you". Octavia states.

"If I don't, he'll kill jasper".

"There has to be another way. Th-theres always another way". Valour tries.

"Not this time sunshine". He smiles weakly. "Simple". He brings the walkie to his lips once again. "You open the door, I walk in, he walks out".

The seconds that pass, and Murphy doesn't answer is nearly torture. That is until the door of the ship brings creaking, and lowering.

"Bell, you don't have to do this". Valour tries a third time.

"Don't worry about me, just survive".

All weapons click as those armed aim their guns in the direction of the ship.

"Just you, Bellamy, unarmed"! Murphy yells. "10 seconds or I'll put one in Jaspers leg".

Bellamy's quick to hand off his gun, and walkie.

"Raven will find a way to get you out". Octavia says surly.

"I can handle Murphy. Get everyone back to work". He says as if this is an everyday occurrence. "The grounders are still coming.


"I'm here". Bellamy stands at the foot of the door, before disappearing behind the parachute.

Just a second later, and Jaspers pushed through, and the door creaks closing. Octavia helps with Jasper, who's gagged and has his hands tied behind behind his back, before they both stand and watch the door close behind Bellamy. Everyone gathers around the door, waiting, waiting for something, anything to happen. Her heart continued to race knowing Bellamy was stuck in there with Murphy. She didn't know why exactly yet, but she feared the thought of losing Bellamy. And it wasn't simply because he was the leader of the group, and that scared her too. The sudden sound of a gunshot from inside causes a gasp to escape her lips.

"Bellamy"? Octavia's quick to respond over the walkie. But is left without an answer. "Bellamy! Are you okay? Bellamy do you copy"?

"What the hell is going on"? Valour mutters to herself.

"I'm fine, just a misfire". He finally replies.

Valour lets out a sigh of relief. Hoping that there is no next time, and if there is, the bullet doesn't end his life.

"Now stop worrying about me and get back to work, all of you. And tell Raven to hurry her ass up"

Some do, others continue to stand outside the dropship. Not too long after the first miss shot, another one rings out. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. And less then a minute after that the sound of bullets hitting metal one after the other continues. He's still alive, he has to be. But then, as if her silent prayers had been answer, the door behind creaking and lowering.

"Raven you did it"! Somebody behind her yells.

Jasper is the first to go in, armed with a gun, behind him another boy, Octavia, then Valour. When she walks in, she's surprised to see Bellamy hanging from the ceiling by seat belts, and Jasper holding the bottom of his legs keeping him alive.

"Bell hold on"! Octavia screams.

Valour helps Jasper, trying to get Bellamy as high into the air as possible. Octavia unlatches the seatbelt, and Bellamy comes falling into their arms, quickly being placed onto the floor. Valours fingers quickly wrap around the seatbelt tied around his neck, loosening it as quickly as possible.

"Bell, breath"! Octavia says breathlessly.

"Breath"! Jasper chimes in. "Can you breath"?

His breath comes gasping for air quickly as Valour pulls the seatbelt completely off his neck.

"You're Okay. Your gonna be just fine". She says with tears hot in her eyes.

"Raven he's fine"' Jasper yells informing the girl below them.

His breathing is raspy, as to be expected, but he somehow lived. He gets onto his hands and knees, supported by both Octavia and Valour.

"Murphy"! He yells lowly. Panting as he stands up. "Murphy! It's over"! He yells above, towards the second level, quickly regaining his strength.

He lets out grunts as he mounts the ladder, pushing against the door, which doesn't budge.

"Murphy"! He pushes his weight against the door, but still it holds. "There's only one way out of this for you now"!

He continues pushing with all of his weight, even as the sound of an explosion coming from the level erupts. And he finally makes it through.

"Murphy! He continues on.

Jasper follows behind him, and within minutes the two climb the latter as valour and Octavia rush out of the dropship at the mention of movement outside the walls. Had the grounders finally decided to attack? Was today the day?

"Wait hold your fire! Clarke and Finn! Open the gate"! Miller yells from on top of a mountain of scrap metal.

A few rush to do as Miller says, just as Clarke and Finn run into view, and into the camp. They were alive. But Monty wasn't with them.

"Hey we heard an explosion. What happened"? Clarke asks breathlessly.

"Murphy happened". Bellamy informs her.

"Thank god"! Jasper runs into Clarke's embraces "where have you been? Where's Monty"?

"Monty's gone"? Clarke asks confused. Clearly not knowing that he too was missing.

"Clarke, we need to leave now". Finn speaks. "All of us do". He addresses the group. "There's an army of grounders, Unlike anything we've ever seen, coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can, and run".

So the attack was happening. And sooner then they knew.

"Like hell we do". Bellamy shoots back. "We knew this was coming.

"Bell, were not prepared". Octavia points out.

"And they're not here yet .we still have time to get ready. Besides where would we go? Where would we be safer than behind these walls"? He gestures to the walls around them.

"There's an ocean to the East. People there will help us". He Says.

"You saw Lincoln". Octavia states.


"You expect us to trust a grounder? This is our home now. We built this from nothing with our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that wall in this ground! Our ground! The grounders think they can take that away. They think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. But they're yet to realize one very important fact: we are on the ground now, and that means we are grounders".

Cheers erupt from the teens, as well as shouts of agreement.
"Grounders with guns"!

"Damn right"! Bellamy agrees. "I say let em come"!

"Bellamy right". Clarke interjects. "If we leave, we may never find a place as safe as this. And god knows in this world, we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow. But that doesn't change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die tonight. So pack your things. Just take what you can carry, now"!

And with that and numerous voices, the teens disperse. Tonight they would say goodbye to the only home on Earth they knew. But they would be alive, and that counted for so much.

"Help, me"! A familiar voice rings out.

From the back of the drop ship Raven limps, and Bellamy takes off in a run, and right behind him Valour.

"Murphy shot her".

"Get her into the dropship"! Clarke orders as Finn picks her up in his arms, valour following in suit behind them.

Tonight everything would change.


Thank you for being patient. I've been busy with school the past couple weeks, but I've been writing, even though this isn't the best chapter, please bare with me :)

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