The Accidental Fling

By prettyinpinklace

9.5K 222 24

Bea was just your average teenage girl. Her life was very simple and boring. Until one day when she came acro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 6

415 10 2
By prettyinpinklace

"Good morning beautiful" were the first words I heard when I woke up. I laid there in silence just soaking it all in. I had my very first boyfriend. One that cared about me, made me laugh and most important of all, one who loved me. I turned over and gave him a morning kiss. He asked what I wanted for breakfast even though it was closer to lunch. I told him I'd make him something. So he told me where I could find most things I'd need and I got out of bed and walked upstairs to the kitchen. I thought I heard talking coming from the kitchen but I just put it off as his sister. I was greeted by not only his sister but his mother and father. I knew this looked super bad. Like a random girl they've never met walking up stairs from their sons bedroom. I looked pretty bad because I had no time to do my makeup that morning plus I felt like shit from the drinks last night. I stood there awkwardly and went to introduce myself when his mother said "Nathan Luke Taylor! Come up stairs right now!" I tried to say something again when I was cut off once again by his mother who told me to get my stuff and get out. I wanted to explain to her that it wasn't what it looked like but it didn't help that Nathan came upstairs shirtless. There was tension in the air when his mom saw him and he began to tell his mom that I was his girlfriend and that I was a good girl. I didn't think his mother believed him because she went on saying stuuf like "What happen with Samantha? You have a new girl every time I see you. You better not get anyone pregnant" and probably the one that hurt me the most was when she said "If she was a good girl she wouldn't be hooking up with you!" I almost broke into tears but his sister stood up for me and told her mom off by saying that I was a really nice girl and that she should give me a chance. That was absolutely the nicest thing she said plus Nathan told his mom that we've been dating for awhile and that we haven't hooked up. His dad sat there quietly and I told Nathan that I think I should leave so I went downstairs and grabbed my bag. I could hear Nathan yelling at his mom saying that he actually cared about me and she should stop being a bitch to me. I put a sweater over my shirt and was about to walk out of his room when his phone went off. I walked over just out of curiosity and saw he had about 20 missed texts from Samantha. Why was she still texting him? Maybe she wasn't over him? Mistake number 7 (If the ex girlfriend still texts him there is obviously something going on.) I walked upstairs and told him I'd walk home but he said he'd drive me.

The drive to my house was awkward but he broke the awkwardness by saying his mom was just under a lot of stress at the moment and she probably would really like me if she wasn't stressed out. I nodded. I really didn't want to ever see his mom again but thank god she'll be away for business the next couple weeks so if have Nathan to myself. He dropped me off and we kissed goodbye because he's be going out of town for the next 2-3 days for a volleyball tournament so I won't see him till Thursday, maybe. He promised he'd text me when he got the chance and we finished our convo with my three favourite words. I love you.

He drove off and I walked inside of my house. My mom was at work so I wasn't worried about explaining anything. I went to go start some laundry when I a got a text from an unknown number saying "I know what you did you slut". I had no idea who it was so I sent back "I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong number!" Not to long after I got a text from the same number that read "Face it Bea. Everyone knows what you and Nathan did and how much of a slut you are for it". I stood there in my laundry room confused, shocked and hurt that someone would say that about me. I decided to not respond.

~thanks for all the support. Make sure to vote for it and leave me a comment if you feel like it! -Brittany~

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