Home 2 (Sequel Of Home & Glee...

Por ryderlynnfever

4.9K 127 13

"What about the kids? What about you? You can't raise the kids alone. They need a father figure in their live... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 8

151 4 0
Por ryderlynnfever

"So what are you going to do for Christmas?" Hayes asks me as we walk out from the rehearsing studio.

"My kids and I will go to London. We will celebrate Christmas with my parents in law." I said to him. "What about you?"

"I don't know. Maybe just have my own dinner. I'm literally alone in this city. Sometimes I miss being back to L.A and taking care of my grandfather but here is fine especially now I got a reason to stay." He smiles at me.

"What is the reason?" I giggle.

"You." He winks at me.

I laugh and shake my head. "well maybe umm you can come by on Christmas Eve and have dinner with me and the kids?" I smile at him.

"Sure. That be great." He smiles back at me.

"Why don't you come home to your parents anyway?" I ask him.

"Uh no. I'd rather to be here." He grins at me. "They're not really nice person but they're my parents. It took long time for them to finally accepted Jessica." He said to me.

"What does she did before?" I turn my face at him.

"She was a dentist. My parents are high class person who sees people based on their wealth and I don't like that. I studied in UCLA and got scholarship. After high school, I moved out from their house, I moved to L.A with my grandfather and make it to my own." He said to me.

"Well, then your parents probably won't like me either." I chuckle.

"You kidding? You're amazing." He smiles at me.

"I'm not coming from rich family. My dad is only a high school teacher. I ever been homeless. I got into Juilliard by scholarship. Jason's parents are the one who rich. They own these fashion stores there. They also actually told me to move to London but I said I don't want to." I sigh.

"Why you don't want to?" He asks me.

"Because I want to make it by my own. I have two children to raise. I don't want to be depended on someone." I said to him. "But they called me everyday saying that I have to move on, and do I already have a new boyfriend or not." I chuckle.

"Jessica's parents also said the same thing. They are happy if I'm happy. Even they closer to me than my own parents. Kinda weird I know." He chuckles.

"That's not weird. They are just being parents. Sometimes I'm thinking that, I'm not alone. I have two dads and one mom who supports me." I smile at him.

"You won't be alone." He smiles back at me.

We then keep walking to the subway station. I'm standing and cross my arms on my chest while waiting for our train.

"Look at that baby, she is super cute." I said to Hayes and point to a baby on a carrier.

"Her big blue eyes just mesmerizing. She will be a beautiful girl someday." He chuckles.

"Yeah I can see that." I giggle.

"Now I'm having baby fever." He smiles while looking at that baby.

"Then get someone preggo." I laugh and get into the subway.

"Nope. I want to marry that person first then have a family with them." He smiles at me and sits down next to me.

"Yeah easy for you because you can tell everyone you met that you're single not a widower." I said to him.

"Well, that's easy for you too." He chuckles.

"No. People can accept me but they can't accept my children. I want someone who can love them as much as I do. But who wants to be with a single mom?" I chuckle.

"I definitely would." He smiles at me. "By the way, do you want to watch Knicks game tomorrow?"

"Sure. I don't really get into that game but I can definitely get big popcorn bowl and that giant coke cup." I laugh. "But mind if I bring the kids?"

"Not at all." He shakes his head and smiles at me.

I get up and walk out from the subway as the train stops at the nearest station of my apartment building.

"Do you have plans tonight?" I ask him.

"Umm yes, I have a date with someone." He simply said.

"Oh really?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No!" He laughs. "No, I'm free. Why?" He smiles at me.

"Want to come over for a dinner maybe? Dad is out on a date with his girlfriend and he brought the kids and I'm kinda scared to be home alone." I giggle.

"Sure. We can cook. And no ghost will eat you anyway." He chuckles.

"Stop it!" I laugh and slap his sleeve.

"That's true. Ghost doesn't like humans especially skinny human." He laughs.

"You stop." I laugh and unlock my apartment door. "See? I was right." I said and look around.

"You know we can..." He smirks at me.

"I don't do that on the first date." I chuckle.

"Is this a date?" He smiles at me.

"I'm afraid so." I giggle.

"I thought our first date was we bumped into each other in Shake n Shake burgers." He grins at me.

"Nah uh." I laugh and shake my head. "Oh I want to make smoothies but my juicer is with Blaine. I will be right back, you stay here and don't go anywhere." I said to him and walk out from my apartment.

I walk to the elevator and get to the downstairs. I walk to the next building and get into the elevator. Blaine and Kurt are living next building and it's nice actually.

"Blaine?" I knock the door.

"Yeah?" Cooper opens the door.

"Hi, I'm calling for Blaine actually not you." I grin at him and walk in.

"They are still at rehearsal." Cooper says to me.

"Oh if Kurt went back, tell him that I'm taking this juicer back." I said to him and pick up the juicer. "Oh cronuts." I chuckle and put the cronuts into my mouth.

I walk out from his building and walk to my building and get to the elevator. After that I walk to my apartment and Hayes is just sitting down on the counter and drinking mineral water.

"You're so silly." He chuckles.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Put this away first before you talk." Hayes smiles at me and take the cronuts off of my mouth.

We both look at each other. My heart beats so fast right now. It was like the first time I actually fell for Sam and Jason. But no, I don't want to ruin this moment by kissing him. Nah uh.

Hayes pulls his face closer to me and about to kiss me. I pull away and giggle then turn my face away.

"I should cook now." I giggle.

"I can help. What do you want to make?" Hayes asks me.

"Umm just lasagna, I have cookie dough that I just need to bake and smoothies." I said to him.

"I will help with the cookies." He smiles at me and walks to me.

"There you go." I take the cookie dough from the fridge.

I smile and boil the lasagna noodles. I take a pan and start making the sauce and take the ingredients from the fridge.

"Hmm chocolate chips cookies. This one is my favorite." Hayes chuckles.

"The kids also love that." I smile at him.

"What about their mom?" He grins at me.

"I'm not really fan of cookies." I giggle.

"Can I be honest with you?" He turns his face at me.

"Yeah sure." I nod.

"Today when you were in the recording studio, it seems like I ever heard your singing voice before. I don't where. Like in a dream or something. I ever had a dream about a woman sang Shallow and I can't see her face but she has similar voice like you. Literally the same." He said to me.

"That's kinda weird." I chuckle.

"I know but I didn't lie. Maybe it's the way of God showing his way to me." He chuckles.

"My voice is kinda weak today actually." I said to him.

I turn my face as someone opens the front door. "mommy!" Lily shouts and runs to me.

"Hi." I kneel down and open my arms. "Where have you been?" I smile at them and hug them.

"We went to have a date." Lily grins at me.

"Have a date in the day care?" I chuckle.

"Hi..Hi five!" Hayes smiles at them and shows them his hand.

"My superman balloon popped out this morning." Luke says to him.

"We will get it again tomorrow okay." He smiles at Luke.

"Uh dad, he is Hayes. And this is my dad, Will Schuester." I introduce them to each other.

"Nice to meet you." Hayes smiles at dad and shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you as well." Dad smiles back at him.

"I invited him to have dinner with us, is that okay?" I ask dad.

"That's totally fine." Dad nods and smiles at us. "What do you do?" Dad asks Hayes.

"Oh I'm a music producer in Sony Music. I'm new to New York. I used to work in Los Angeles but now they sent me here to handle everything in New York." He giggles.

"Isn't that Mercedes is also in Sony Music?" Dad asks me.

"Mercedes Jones? Oh yeah she is. But I'm not her personal producer." He says to dad.

"Who are you working with?" I ask him.

"Lately I'm working on Harry Styles new album." Hayes says to me.

"Is there any chance I can meet Liam Payne in the studio?" I grin at him.

"No, sweetie. He is in Republic Records." He shakes his head.

"Oh I thought they're in the same label." I said to him.

"No but I will call you if Harry Styles come in." He smiles at me.

"Sure." I chuckle.

"Why don't you sign up? There are some Broadway actors that sign up with us." He said to me.

"Oh my agency who usually handle that." I said to him.

"What's your agency?"

"It's CAA. Creative Artist Agency." I giggle.

"That is one of the best talent agent in this industry. Anyway, I think I'm going to put some little autotune for Nate's voices." Hayes said and put the cookies into the oven.

"Why is that? He has an amazing voice." I said to him.

"But your voice is more dominant. So it sounds like he has weaker voice. I know you both have strong voice." He said to me.

"Maybe you should leave it that way. I mean if you use autotune then it will sound weird when you copy to the CD." I said to him.

"Yeah you're right." He simply nods. "Anyway, Mr. Schuester, how come you have this beautiful talented woman?" He chuckles.

"Oh I watched Singing in The Rain a lot when she was in her mom's womb. Then Isn't She Lovely and Yellow were her lullabies when she was baby." Dad chuckles. "I sent her to music lessons, dance lessons, and a lot of competition in music since she was five. And her biggest achievement when she was in the classical concert in Carnegie Hall in 2012." Dad smiles at us.

"You were in that concert? Wow they only pick the best of the best." Hayes smiles at me.

"That's my way getting a scholarship from Juilliard a year away from my graduation." I giggle. "Alright, dinner is ready." I smile at them and put the food on the dining table.


I rub Luke's back and kisses his face as he is sitting down on my lap and hugging me. Meanwhile Lily is busy with the iPad and watching Peppa Pig, her favorite show on YouTube.

"Time's up, give mommy the iPad." I said to Lily.

"Okay." Lily nods and gives the iPad to me then sits down next to me. "Hi."

"Hi.." I smile at her and tickle her slowly.

"So he is a nice guy." Dad says to me.

"Daddy..." I chuckle.

"When I saw you two it was like I saw Jason too. Your little family. Christmas Eve last year in my house, you two cooked for dinner meanwhile me and the kids just playing along? That's what I saw tonight." Dad says to me.

"Dad, it's just too soon. Yeah I admit that I like him and I have this feeling when my heart beats so fast around him you know. But it's too soon." I said to him.

"And I'm sure the kids love him. He is really nice with them." Dad says.

"Yeah he is a father without a baby." I nod.

"So what are you waiting for? You like him and he flirted with you. He spent hours talking to me asking me about you. I just want you to be happy. And your face is glowing when you see him." Dad smiles at me.

"We'll see okay? I want to take things slow." I giggle.

"Okay but I know this time you will totally hit it off." Dad grins at me.

"Daddy!" I laugh and shake my head.

"I'm just saying." Dad shrugs and chuckles.

I shake my head and turn my face to the kids. Suddenly my phone is vibrating. I take it and Hayes just texted me. I smile and answer his text. Yeah I like this man.


"Now she is down for a nap." I smile and put Tracy on the crib.

"How did you do that?" Kurt asks quietly.

I smile at him and walk out from his baby's nursery and close the door. "That's just called motherhood thing." I giggle.

"Oh thank you so much, I don't know who should I call if it's not you." Kurt grins at me.

"It's only me." I chuckle.

"Hey, I just got your urgent text, what happened?" Blaine and his brother walk in.

"Tracy couldn't stop crying lately. Turned out that she has this little fever. I panicked so I called her and now she is napping. I don't know what magic that Paris did." Kurt chuckles. "I will pay you with a box if cronuts."

"I told you, it's just one of the motherhood thing that you boys wouldn't understand." I said to him.

"Don't bother to pay her with cronuts. She stole 2 dollars from me." Blaine simply said.

"You stole from me when you took Sam's stuff out of my apartment." I frown at him.

"Oh that was your money? I thought mine was fell on the ground." Blaine says to me.

"My kids don't understand about how much money they have." I said to them and take a bottle of mineral water from the fridge.

"You have kids?" Cooper asks me.

"Yeah. Two. Twins a boy and a girl. I got knocked up when I almost 21. Now they're almost four." I nod and sip my water.

"Married?" He asks me.

"Her husband passed away like couple months ago." Kurt says to him.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know that." Cooper half smiled at me.

"It's alright, I'm fine now. Not fine but better actually." I smile at them.

"Where are your kids?" Blaine asks me.

"My dad took them out. You know people said that if you raise your kids right, you will spoiled your grandchildren, but if you spoiled your kids, you will raise your grandchildren." I said to them.

"Yeah my dad definitely ever said that." Kurt nods as agree.

"Yeah I mean, it's not everyday my dad can meet them. So I just let him spoiled his grandchildren." I nod.

"So what do you do?" Cooper asks me.

"I'm in Broadway like these two too." I giggle.

"She is a Tony nominees." Blaine grins at me.

"Well... What are you doing here? I thought you're living in L.A." I turn my face at Cooper.

"I'm having this TV show. It took place in New York so I'm staying here until I got the perfect place." He said to me.

"Oh I see." I simply nod.

"I don't know how come they made these beautiful clothes for baby in small size." Kurt chuckles.

"Those are doll clothes for Lily's baby doll." I chuckle.

"She is so adorable. Last time I asked her to marry me and she said "no uncle Baine, kids don't get married" she said that with shaking her head and she called me "Baine"." Blaine chuckles.

"Yeah she still can't call you Blaine." I chuckle. "And she really loves pet. She said she wanted to have a panda because she loves watching We Bare Bears instead of Peppa Pig now."

"I wonder my kids are going to be when they become toddlers." Blaine smiles at us.

"They will be beautiful girls, Blaine." I smile at him. "Anyway, does anyone wants some coffee? I have to finish these paperwork." I get up and ask them.

"Yeah sure. I'm kinda sleepy all day and I need to remember my lines." Cooper nods.

"You both?" I turn my face at Blaine and Kurt.

"Oh no, we are avoiding coffee." Kurt shakes his head.

"Alright, have fun with that ridiculous sugar free sparkling soda machine." I laugh and walk out from their apartment. "Where do you want to get some coffee?"

"Umm Starbucks?" He raises his eyebrows.

"You're wasting your time if you're looking for Starbucks in New York City where they have a lot of great place of coffee house." I chuckle. "What about across the street? They have this delicious blueberry muffins." I grin at him.

"Sure, wherever you want." He chuckles.

"I'm walking down on the street with Cooper Anderson, there must be a lot of paparazzi." I chuckle.

"Well, you're famous too. I mean, you're on Broadway and then you got Tony nomination." He grins at me.

"Not really." I chuckle and walk to the counter. "One ice cappuccino please." I smile to the cashier.

"Black coffee and two blueberries muffins." Cooper says to the cashier. "Don't worry, my treat." He said to me and pay the coffee.

"Well, thank you." I giggle and grab my cup and walk to an empty table. "Oh you're staying in New York for White Collar season 2?"

"How could you know that?" He chuckles.

"My dad used to watch White Collar a lot." I smile at him. "But watching you made out with Alexandra Daddario a lot, was totally hot." I laugh softly and sip my latte.

"Well, I'm just being professional." He chuckles. "What are you doing tonight? Maybe you can show me some good places to have dinner in New York City." He smiles at him.

"Oh I can't tonight, I'm planning to go to Knicks game with someone. What about tomorrow after my rehearsal?" I giggle.

"Sure." He nods and smiles. "So is this someone your new someone?" He chuckles.

"No, not at all. It's too soon." I shake my head and giggle.

"Alright." He smiles at me.

I smile back at him and sip my coffee then look around. I know that they told me to move on but I haven't find the right home for me just yet.

"So, you're living in The Sherry Netherland tower? That's amazing." Cooper chuckles.

"Well, my late husband bought that for our fourth wedding anniversary but he passed away about four months before the anniversary and my parents in law told me that during Thanksgiving and I don't want to upset them so I live there." I said to him.

"Cant believe that someone as young as you already have to struggle with this life. Being a single mother and raise two kids alone." He half smiled.

"I'm actually lucky because I got my parents and my friends. There are some people who doesn't even have anyone. They got knocked up then the person who knocked them up bailed, their parents kicked them out, got no support from family even friends." I said to him.

"I actually never meet someone like that." Cooper says to me.

"Oh I have. My friend in high school. Quinn. She got pregnant when she was sixteen, she lied about her baby father, and when her parents found out that she was pregnant, they kicked her out of the house because they thought that she made a mistake. Now my dad's fiance is adopting her kid." I said and sip my coffee.

"Wow... I'm so lucky." He chuckles.

"I never called my kids as an accident even though people think that getting preggo at twenty was an accident but they aren't accident for me. They're my everything." I smile at him.

"I can see that because you can't stop mentioning them." He smiles back at me.

"They're amazing." I giggle. "Wanna go back? I'm kinda worried about Tracy and Theresa." I giggle and get up.

"Sure. And you were right, the blueberry muffins here is totally a God's gift." Cooper chuckles as we walk together.

"Yeah my kids love that." I chuckle.


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