the king and his bride |

By x_linn_

278K 15.6K 8.1K

[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... More

TKAHB universe


5.6K 305 140
By x_linn_


Luck was obviously not on my side. At least not this time. To my misfortune, the guys decided to meet up by the pond yesterday night while I was with the king. Since Jisoo didn't expect such a turn of events, she had a really hard time explaining to Jin why I couldn't join them. Adding the two and two together, Seokjin found out where I was, and to say he was disappointed was an understatement.

And so, right after I found out what happened, I took off to find him and explain as much as I can.

"Oppa~" I whined for the hundredth time, tugging at his sleeve. Seokjin continued walking ahead, not giving me a single glance or a sign of acknowledgment. "You know I didn't mean to lie to you, right? I just didn't want to pour gas into the fire." I explained, holding onto his elbow, as we continued walking along the long corridors.

"That doesn't matter, I thought we promised to tell each other everything," he muttered, obviously sulking.

"I didn't want you guys to fight again! For whatever reason, you were upset a lot already and I just-" sighing, I didn't know how to explain myself anymore.

I didn't want to risk the two having another fight, seeing they're not in greatest conditions right now. I didn't want to risk Seokjin getting hurt if things went out of hand. On the other side, I must have made him feel betrayed.

Seokjin halted with a sigh, turning around to face me with a bothered expression.

"I know, and I'm thankful for that, but you don't need to be concerned about me and the king. We'll sort out our problems on our own." biting my lip I nodded, gazing down at the floor. "Besides, I know it wasn't from your own will since he called for you anyway, but even s-"

"Actually," I chuckled nervously, scratching the back of my head. I was not going to lie to him any more than needed, might as well drop the bomb now. "he did give me choice. was me who chose to go." I muttered silently, looking anywhere but him.

I hissed silently, noticing the man in front of me stiffing.

"You chose to go?" I nodded, glancing at him from behind my lashes. Looking away from me he took a deep breath, combing his fingers through his hair frustratingly.

Without saying anything else he bolted away, making me gawk at him in surprise.

"W-wait, oppa!" catching up to him I tugged at his sleeve again, whining, "Don't be angry with me, please." Seokjin, however, stayed silent, not giving any sign of answer once again. I sighed softly, quietly walking after him with my head hung low.

What am I going to say now? And why is he even so bothered by it anyway? Just because he had a fight with the king, doesn't mean I should be angry with him too, right?

"Op-" walking around a corner we both stopped in our tracks as Seokjin almost collided into someone else. Looking up, I widened my eyes at the king, the air around us thickening in instant.

"Your Majesty," I muttered quietly, bowing down. His eyes wandered from me to Seokjin who was standing silently, looking at him solemnly with an unreadable expression.

I never knew Seokjin could be this scary when he's angry.

Hoping things won't get out of control, I tugged softly at Seokjin's sleeve, thinking it would be better if the two stayed apart for awhile.

Clicking his tongue, Seokjin shrugged my hand away before walking off, leaving me standing in my spot, stunned at his actions.

"Oppa!" I shouted after him, however, he didn't bother to look back. Pursing my lips, I decided it would be a probably better idea to face him about it some other time. He was obviously not in the mood.

Whining quietly I messed up my hair in frustration.

Men are seriously impossible, no one can tell me otherwise.

"What's his problem?" I turned around, glancing at the king who had his hands in his pockets, looking at the end of the corridor where Seokjin disappeared just a second ago.

"I am, probably," I muttered, causing him to look down at me with a raised eyebrow. "Just a little bicker." I waved it off, sighing.

A short, comforting silence enveloped the air as I glanced up at the king, watching as his eyes ran around the corridor before they lay on me.

Since yesterday, I couldn't stop but admire his eyes even more than before. Reminiscing back, the way they dived into mine so intensely in the steaming bathroom, my insides churned just by the memory of it. Thinking about it now, I always knew and saw that the king was indeed the most handsome man I've ever seen. Someone, whose beauty captured every single person he passed. But remembering the way his dewy skin glistened underneath the water, the way his muscles flexed with every movement, the way his damp locks stuck to his forehead and how his eyelashes fluttered with pleasure, was enough of a proof to say he was more like an artwork. An exquisite and very rare one at that. You simply could not find a man similar to him so easily.

Even now, it was hard to look away from his mesmerizing charms. It was intriguing how effortlessly good he looked. Like some sort of a Greek god.

The corner of his lips suddenly lifted up, forming a small smirk. Tilting my head, I wondered what could be the reason behind his mischievous grin before my eyes widened in realization.

Snapping my head in another direction, I cried internally, closing my eyes.

Could I have really been checking him out so openly and for so long? No wonder he's smirking like an idiot!

"You shouldn't worry about him too much," he mused suddenly, walking closer. I snapped my head in his direction, confused. "Seokjin, I mean," he added, amused at my confusion.

"Ah," I nodded, heat creeping up my neck towards my cheeks.

"The guy doesn't know how to hold grudges," he explained, causing me to raise my eyebrow at him skeptically.

"Against other people than me, that is," he muttered, making me chuckle quietly to myself.

Looking up at him once again I smiled. He did look more at ease around me than a few weeks ago, but just like I expected, the king from yesterday night was gone. But he was on a good path. We were on a good path.

Taking a deep breath I offered him a grin before bowing down.

"I'll get going then, have a good day Your Majesty." skipping around him I walked towards the staircase, heading to my room.

Dear Jungoo,

hope you're doing well. I know we've seen each other just recently, but even amidst all the chaos that's happening I can't help but miss you. I wish the brides had vacations just like children in schools do. Coming back home to you at least for a week would come in useful. But don't worry, all in all, I'm fine. Actually, things have gotten better, the king and I sorted things out. Kind of.

Anyway, are you and Mrs Lee doing well? And how is your job hunting? It's getting a little bit chilly out there recently, I can only imagine how cold it is back in Clawsen. So dress warm. Also, make sure not to overwork yourself, alright? We both know you can't take care of yourself for life when you're sick.

How about we meet next Sunday, at the same coffee as before? I heard there is supposed to be a food festival that weekend in the city. Let's see it together.

Take care big brother.

Love you and miss you,

your Rose.

"I say you should wait for him to cool down." announced Jennie, popping a cracker into her mouth.

In the early afternoon, both of us decided to go and sit down in the summer house to enjoy the calming breeze of spring. However, somewhere along the way, two kids including Insu came running to us, asking if they could join us underneath the roof to hide themselves from the wind. Not having the heart to refuse, we both ended up with the kids sitting in our laps.

Insu and the little girl whose name was Haeun were coloring silently while we continued our conversation.

"I understand he's worried for you but I think it's not really his business whether you spent the night with the king or not."

"But he's a friend-"

"Yeah but just because he's in a fight with the king doesn't mean you have to keep away from him as well." sighing, I hugged Insu around his middle tighter as I thought.

That's what I've been thinking too, but I know Seokjin is just concerned for me. I haven't told him about what happened that night, but I could see he knew something went wrong. Maybe that's why he acted the way he did today. But there's just still something missing. I feel like I'm not getting something. But again, trying to find out would be probably sticking my nose where it doesn't belong.

"Hey, Jennie?" I muttered, staring blankly at Insu's coloring book. "Is there something between Jisoo and Seokjin oppa?" I asked curiously, shifting my eyes back up towards her. Surprised, she looked at me silently before glancing to the side, draping her palm around her neck nervously.

"Uh, well-"

"I mean, I know you once told me he's her confessor but I figured that was just a joke," I said, raising my eyebrow.

For a moment, nothing but the roaring of the wind and the happy chatting of the two little kids could be heard. Jennie cleared her throat awkwardly, crossing her arms on the table.

"How should I-"

"I'm sorry." I sighed, shaking my head. "You don't have to answer that, it's not your place to tell me. I'm sorry for making you troubled." I apologized, sending her a weak smile.

It was more than obvious that something was going on between Jin and Jisoo. The two bickered almost every time they talked to each other. Seokjin would always glance her way when she was near and Jisoo would never fail to send him a glare or scowl when she passed him. But at the same time, somehow, they still looked so close.

Giving me a warm smile, Jennie reached across the table to hold my hand, squeezing it gently.

"I'm just trying to understand what's going on, you know? The two look like they're hiding a lot, but Jisoo never told me anything about it. About them. And I never had the guts to ask her." I admitted quietly, sighing.

"It's okay, I understand your curiosity. It must be all confusing to you, seeing you're new to all of this. The palace, the brides, the people here in general." she reassured, smiling a little, "Not to mention you're the king's favour-"

"Not this again!" I whined, making her laugh at my exclaim.

"But don't worry, I'm sure you'll understand everything eventually. And as for Jin and Jisoo," she piped, a smug smirk making it's way to her face, "I'm sure with you being close to both the king and Jisoo, you'll find out soon. Not to mention Seokjin being a loudmouth." I laughed, shaking my head.

She's right, I shouldn't try to understand everything at once. I'm sure the truth will come my way eventually. I don't need to know everything now.

"Thanks, Jennie, I'll have to come to you for pep-talks more often." I mused, causing her to chuckle with a nod.

"You're always welcome."

"Pretty noona?" I glanced down at Insu, the little boy looking up at me with round eyes.

"Yes, Insu?"

"I ran out of red crayon," he said with a little pout, causing me and Jennie to giggle at his adorableness. I glanced at Haeun who looked through her box of crayons before pouting as well, looking up.

"I don't have one either." she muttered, her dark wavy hair falling to her face.

"Should I go and bring you guys more crayons? I think I should have some back in my room." I said, patting Insu's hair as I ran my eyes between the two.

The children nodded enthusiastically, making me grin widely, nodding.

"Alright, I'll be right back," I said to Jennie before pulling Insu down from my lap carefully, sitting him on the bench instead.

Skipping through the corridors with the box of crayons already in my hands, I couldn't help but look around the walls in awe. Ever since I came to live here, I've never paid attention to the numbers of portraits hanging on the walls of the ground floor. Never until now.

One next to the other, portraits of all the heirs of the throne in the Kim clan were hanging along the whole corridor, secured and decorated with thick, golden frames with all kinds of patterns.

Slowing my steps, I observed every one of the paintings carefully. I gotta admit, it seems that beauty and charms ran in the Kim family for a long time now. With these ancestors, no wonder the king looks like the finest piece of artwork.

Halting my steps, I observed the second last painting, frowning. So this is the king's father. The painting must have been done when he was still young, seeing he was around his late twenties in the painting. He had dark hair parted in the middle of his forehead. His face was sharp and his skin pale. Last but not least, he had the most intimidating pair of eyes.

Looking at him now, maybe I should be grateful I haven't met the guy yet. If he looked so stern then, how could he possibly look now?

Tracing my eyes lower, he was wearing a jacket in royal purple color with golden facings. But what grabbed my attention were the golden buttons running down the middle of his jacket.

They were no ordinary buttons but rather well-detailed ones. The family crest of the Kim clan was craved into each button in detail. The crest consisted of a brawny dragon standing on top of a fort, spewing fire over himself into the air. His long, thick tail wrapped itself around the tower, his strong claws ripping and destroying the roof he was clutching onto.

Of course, not all of the little details could be seen in the painting on the small buttons, however, the family crest was already familiar to me as it hung on many places around the palace.

Looking to the right, I smiled softly as I spotted our current king in the near painting. He looked a bit younger in the painting than he did now, but it was still the king I knew.

"What a surprise, isn't this Miss Chaeyoung?" turning around in confusion, I noticed an aristocrat walking my way, an unsettling grin adorning his face. He was a middle-aged man I recognized from the few times I spot him on the corridors.

"Hello," I muttered quietly, bowing. Still confused about the sudden approach I looked up at him with a polite smile, raising my eyebrow.

Till now, I've never interacted with an aristocrat before. Aristocrats, especially the ones in the palace were never fond of brides, therefore I and the girls avoided any interaction with them as much as possible.

While outside of the castle, we were respected and were considered a higher rank, inside the castle, for the aristocrats we had the same status as the maids and common staff in the palace.

"You know," he started, the little sneer in his voice making my insides stiffen, "you've been a great talk in the palace for the last weeks." I frowned, processing his words in confusion.

"I'm sorry? What do you mean?" he approached me slowly, making me unconsciously step back while clutching the box of crayons tightly.

"Oh, you didn't know? Everyone seems to be talking about that one unfortunate bride who's been a seed of interest of our king for a long time now." his playful voice laced with disgust made me hiss internally.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Please excuse me." I said tonelessly, bowing. Stepping around him, I suddenly felt his tight grip on my wrist, causing me to let go of the crayons, the little colorful pencils scattering around the carpeted floor. I looked around at him in shock.

"Now, now, let's not be disrespectful, little girl." I shuddered, his grip around me tight enough to reassure I won't escape, "I was about to give you a nice offer, won't you hear me out?"

I knew I could be foolish and oblivious in some situations but this was definitely not one of them. Just from the rough tone of his voice, I knew his words could mean nothing good.

Not saying anything, I tried to tug my wrist away from his hold but with no success.

"I can finally see why the king's so interested in you. You're definitely not a one to waste." he snickered, licking his lips as he looked me up and down.

I felt the shivers of disgust crawl up my spine while trying to keep myself as far from the man as possible.

"Let me go." I insisted harshly, making the guy laugh as his iron grip never faltered.

"Feisty too, I like you," he muttered to himself before proceeding to take steps in my direction, causing me to panic. "I bet I can make you feel much better than that little boy ever will. Why not coming to me instead, huh?" stepping back, my breath accelerated with each second as the heavy scent of his cologne nipped at my nostrils uncomfortably.

I couldn't help but tremble and my heart continued to crash into my ribcage violently.

"I said let g-"

"I believe you have a meeting to attend to, aren't I right, Mr Cho?" the sound of his grave voice made my body shudder with chills, but the familiarity of it made me relieved.

Letting go of my wrist abruptly the guy turned around towards the king, bowing deeply as if nothing ever happened. With my heart still beating widely in my chest I glanced at the king who looked my way too, his eyes softening instantly.

I bowed as well, muttering a silent 'Your Majesty' before straightening back up, clenching my clammy fists.

"I'm right on my way, Your Majesty. See you later, Miss Chaeyoung." I avoided his eyes as the man stepped away from us, eventually disappearing in one of the meeting rooms in the back.

Sighing shakily I crouched down to pick up the scattered pencils around me, the king not making a single noise as he approached me.

Standing up with the box in my hand I turned towards him hesitatingly, glancing up.

Does he know what happened? Did he see it?

"Are you alright?" he muttered softly, stepping towards me so only a few inches kept us apart.

I guess he did see.

Looking away from him I nodded, holding the box of crayons to my chest tightly.

I knew the aristocrats didn't fancy us, especially the men working with the king. Yet, I would have never guessed they would go as far as this. Remembering the disgusting words he said, I couldn't help but take a sharp breath.

And these people were the leaders of our society?

Feeling his firm palms on both of my cheeks I looked up, watching as he searched my eyes while caressing my skin with his thumbs soothingly.

Feeling myself calm down in his presence, I slowly leaned into his hands, closing my eyes. It was incredible how quickly he made me feel safe. The feeling of his body heat next to me gave me some kind of reassurance and support. He felt so firm and stable, like a shelter I could always come to whenever I felt in danger.

The shock and fear subsided slowly, my breaths became more stable as I finally looked up at him with a small smile.

"Thank you," I whispered, getting a nod and a small nudge on my nose with his as an answer. Biting back a grin I looked him in the eyes, the warmth of his gaze causing me to melt inside.

"I'll have a talk with him later. He's getting what he deserves, don't worry." I nodded, his reassurance making me heave a relieved sigh.

"Thank you again," I muttered, my words leaving us watching each other in silence.

With the silence lasting too long, it soon became a bit awkward so I shyly looked down, the king slowly retreating his hands from my face while looking anywhere but me.

Clearing my throat I looked down, playing with the chipped carton of the box in my hands.

Who would have thought the king could be awkward as well?

"Crayons?" he mused suddenly, looking at the little box in my hands. Darting my eyes from him to the box and then back to him, I chuckled.

"I'm watching over some children outside. They needed more crayons." I explained, making him nod at me with amusement clearly written all over his face.

"And you happened to have crayons?" he asked, my cheeks dusting with pale pink at how childish I sounded right now.

"W-well, why not?" I muttered, glancing aside.

What's wrong with owning some crayons?

"Nothing." he chuckled to himself, looking away as well.

"So," I cleared my throat again, desperate to change the topic, "another meeting?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. The king glanced at me a little taken aback before nodding.

"Lately, there has been way more meetings than usual, no?" I blurted, the king sighing at my words.

"Yeah, it has been quite busy around the palace lately." he said, frowning a little before glancing at me, "Nothing you should worry about, though." I nodded with pursed lips, watching as his expression fell noticeably at the mention of it, "I'll get going now."

"Oh yeah, of course, go ahead, don't let me tardy you," I said with a smile as I stepped aside, bowing a little.

Stepping my way he put his hand on my head gently, stroking my hair. Surprised, I watched him bending down so he was at my height level, looking at me seriously.

"And if anything like this happens again, you go straight to me, alright?" he whispered, his eyes softening by the end of his sentence.

"Alright." I nodded, giving him a close-lipped smile.

Let's hope I won't have to tough.

3. person

"Jisoo, I don't think this will work."

"What do you mean?" sighing, the man ran his hand across his locks.

"I mean keeping Taehyung and Chaeyoung apart. It obviously won't work and besides, I don't think I want to even try anymore." Jisoo looked at him questioningly, tilting her head.


"Well," he sighed, frowning "I don't have the strength to keep him away from someone he's starting to care about. "

"Wow, you speak so highly of him, considering you punched him just a few hours ago." chuckled Jisoo, shaking her head.

"That was about something else! The dipshit deserved it! But still, I know we haven't even started, but I'm not doing this. It seems like Chaeyoung's getting attached as well. I don't want to ruin it for them." sighing, Jisoo nodded. "But hey, I'll still be watching out for her, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, and I get where you're coming from. But what if-"

"Taehyung's more mature than he was back then, Jisoo. I'm sure what happened then, won't happen again."

"Jin, you know this isn't about his maturity, right?" sighing, he hung his head low.

"He'll take care of it. If Chaeyoung means more to him than just another bride, then I'm sure he'll do something about it. He'll stop his father."

"Okay, but if something happens to Chae, you're paying for it together with him." seethed Jisoo, pointing an accusing finger his way. Chuckling he rolled his eyes.

"Gosh woman, I just told you they'll be fine." Jisoo only rolled her eyes at that, looking away.

"So," she muttered, glancing back up at him, "if you two weren't fighting because of Chaeyoung, what happened?" she asked, causing the male to take a sharp breath. Looking anywhere but her, Seokjin scratched his head, trying to think of something to say.

"Just a men talk."

"Mhm." Jisoo nodded skeptically before scoffing and turning away.

"Men these days." with that she walked away, leaving Seokjin standing by himself, confused and frustrated.


I know I don't have an updating schedule but my updating is still chaotic as hell

hope you liked this chapter guys, nothing THAT MUCH of an importance happened, but hope you understand I wanna go slow with the plot

vote and comment if you enjoyed!!

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