Betting With The Boys! Comple...

By faithraven09

90.9K 4.2K 589

Blurb: Carly Penton was seen as the school genius, with her grades there was no room for argument. So how is... More

Chapter two:
Chapter three:
Chapter four:
Chapter five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty: The Big Match
Chapter Twenty One: Party Mania Part 2
Chapter Twenty Two:
Chapter Twenty Three:
Chapter Twenty Four:
Author's Note:

Chapter one:

4.9K 220 17
By faithraven09

--Day one--

Most people wake up at six ‘o’ clock in the morning accidently, whether it was the need to use the bathroom, a dog barking in their neighbours yard or a relative moving around the house. 

Not Carly, no.  See she woke up to someone screaming ‘CARLY!’ in her ear and - in her bid for escape from the loud voice - her legs had gotten tangled in the sheets causing her body to fall over the edge of her bed, in which gravity had pulled her down allowing her face to greet the floor with a loud smack.

 Now like any human being the sound of an alarm clock blaring at 7 ‘o’ clock in the morning is enough to piss her off so that she has to restrain herself in pushing the off button rather than throwing it out of the window like she’d love to.  So you can imagine how pissed off Carly would be with the fact that not only was she woken up an hour earlier than she should have been but her face was stinging from the slap the ground had given her, her right ear was still ringing with the echo of that scream and her eyes were taking in the stupid look of amusement on Callum’s face.

“Callum,” Carly hissed directing as much hate as she could in her stare at Callum who stood – luckily – on the other side of her bed, “You had better have a good reason for why you disturbed my slumber because if you don’t you had better run now.  And if I end up catching you, trust me, when I’m done with you your own Mother won’t be able to identify your body.”

Callum noticeably swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing, “I’m here to take you to Liam’s place so we can get you ready for the bet.”

“What bet?”  Carly snapped pulling the sheets away from her legs.

“Where we’re going to dress you up as a boy,” Callum said in a ‘duh’ tone. 

She rubbed her face in irritation, in her sleep dazed state she had forgotten about the immature bet that she was roped into.  Yet, as her awareness of the preparation the boys did over the past few days for the bet raised so did her dread. 

I wonder if I bash my alarm clock into Callum’s head hard enough I could kill him.  That way I could not only get rid of Callum’s annoying face but I also won’t have to participate in the bet and the alarm clock won’t wake me up ever again

Carly’s thoughts of killing the two things that ranked highest on her kill list were interrupted as something hit her in the face.  She pulled away the rough material long enough to glimpse denim jeans before her face was again assaulted by another – thankfully softer– material.  She raised an eyebrow at the shirt and the jeans Callum had thrown at her.

“Hurry up and put them on,” Callum said waving his hands as he started to walk out of the room, “We don’t have much time as it is.”

Carly sighed tiredly before taking off her pyjamas and donning the clothes that had abused her face.  She roughly made her bed and put her clothes in her closet before departing her room and heading downstairs.  She found Callum at the front of the door twirling his keys in his hands as he waited for her.  Upon seeing her he yanked her out of her house - barely giving her enough time to lock the door –  and into his car before driving down her deserted neighbourhood and into Liam’s drive way. 

It was as she was clambering out of Callum’s car that Liam’s front door was flung open to reveal an almost manic looking Liam. 

“Is she here?!”  He cried with glee as he ran down his front door steps to inspect Carly. 

Not even waiting for an answer he gripped her by the arm and dragged her into his house, up to his room and on his spinning desk chair.  She saw Jasper lying on Liam’s bed but upon Carly’s arrival he slowly stood up and made his way towards her while rubbing his right eye.  Callum stood to her left with his arms crossed and Liam stood between the two, his hands clasped under his chin, staring at Carly like a Mother would when they sent their kid to their first day of school.

“So,” Carly said breaking the silence that was filled with nothing but the three of them just staring at her, “Are you guys going to tell me what you have planned or what?”  She asked rubbing her eye tiredly. 

“Jasper you get the accessories, Callum get the wig and I’ll get the clothes,” Liam said slapping his hands on the boys backs with a wide grin. 

The three of them dispersed in a flurry, scattering clothes and bags as they retrieved the items.  They returned seconds later with the allocated goods in their hands; “Okay first you need to get the clothes on so here,” Liam said as he pushed some clothes into her arms, pulling her into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.  Only for it to open again and a wad of white, soft material was thrown in her face.  Carly frowned in confusion at the material not understanding what the hell its function was. 

“Hey what is this?”  She called through the door.

“It’s to make sure that your non-existent boobs look even more non-existent,” Callum shouted back causing her to glare dully at the door. 

Grumbling a fair few swear words at the three idiots she started to pull off her clothes, secured the white stretchy material around her chest and wore the clothes they gave her.  They had given her casual clothing; a white tee with a chequered black and red shirt on top, black skinny jeans and red Vans. 

As soon as she stepped out of the bathroom they whisked her back to the chair and plonked her down in it, not even giving her a chance to say anything before they were pulling at her hair.  Carly loved her hair; she loved to experiment with it so it was pretty much a different colour every month.  Right now it was a violet colour; one that she has to say was her favourite so far.  Will my hair get damaged beyond repair because of all the dye I use?  Yes.  Did I care?  No.

Right now Callum and Liam were pulling Carly’s hair back into a bun while Jasper was pinning all of the stray hairs back with black hair slides.

“Um guys?”  Carly asked.

“Hmm?”  Jasper hummed his mouth full of hair slides.

“I understand that I have to become a boy because of the bet but it doesn’t mean that you guys have to become girls,” She said, snorting embarrassingly at her own joke.

Carly coughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of her neck as Callum, Liam and Jasper stopped what they were doing and stared at her with blank looks.  After a few minutes of staring they resumed their work and Carly learnt the lesson of shutting her mouth.   

Carly felt them pull the light brown wig over her pinned back hair, Jasper securing it with even more black hair slides.  When they had finally finished fidgeting with the wig Jasper pulled a black beanie over it just enough so that the fringe of the wig could be seen.  Liam handed her some leather wrist bands which she grudgingly put on. 

“Liam, what about your sisters?”  Carly questioned suddenly as she fussed over the clothing and the wig.

“What about them?”  He asked as he retrieved the bag Carly was borrowing from Callum.

“Normally they would have come to investigate at this time, I mean you do have six sisters,” She contributed.

Yes six sisters.  Liam’s six sisters – three older and three younger – were the cause of his all out bubbly personality. 

“Oh, I kind of forced them to promise me not to go into my room no matter what they heard,” Liam said as a suspicious blush coated his cheeks.  Liam didn’t mention it but the three older sisters had poked fun of Liam, claiming that he was probably going to be doing the down and dirty with either Callum or Jasper.

Carly didn’t question the blush and continued to tie the leather wrist bands.  Liam, Callum and Jasper all took a step back from her and studied her new appearance in awe as she slowly stood up.  Carly raised an eyebrow and swung her hands out to the side, “So how do I look?”  She asked.

Liam backed away to his wardrobe, without taking his eyes away from her and opened it to show the full length mirror inside.  Carly took a few hesitant steps towards the mirror and stared at her profile in shock.  I looked...awesome.  The fringe of the wig sort of swooped down jaggedly so that it covered her right eye slightly, only catching a glimpse of the blue eye beneath.  The beanie gave her a sort of laid back, cool look and the casual clothes were put together nicely making a more dramatic affect than Carly would have thought.  The sleeves for the chequered shirt were cut off allowing the guys to see her slightly noticeable muscled biceps.  Carly worked out as much as she could so that she could remain fit and she had been somewhat proud of herself when she saw the, although small, but still their muscles on her arms, legs and stomach. 

Now she didn’t look hot but even Carly could admit that she made one cute boy.  This thought caused a giddy smile to stretch across her lips and her heart to start beating excitedly.

“Boys,” Liam said as he wrapped his arms around Callum’s and Jasper’s shoulders, “I believe we have done a job well done.”

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