The Gods of Fairy Tail

By Fantasyandromance516

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Plenty of Gods and Goddesses live on Mount Olympus and they do their job by aiding the mortals on earth. But... More

The Gods
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
My Friend's YouTube Page
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 1

1.3K 32 11
By Fantasyandromance516

In the beginning Acnologia ruled the world. A cruel and ruthless tyrant who came from within in the skies. He enslaved the mortals and banished them to the depths of Tartarus if they ever questioned his authority. But then one day his son, Zeref the titan rose up against his father and fought him. Acnologia was strong but Zeref was stronger and more powerful so he easily defeated his father and banished him to Tartarus. But just before he was in prisoned in the darkness below Acnologia vengefully uttered a curse to his son.

"Upon the birth of your first child a great madness shall takeover you and you shall be overthrown just as I was!"

But Zeref did not believe in his father's curse. With Acnologia gone, Zeref became the new ruler of the world. He was a fair, humble, and wise ruler who treated the mortals much better than their previous ruler. As the centuries passed Zeref grew lonely and yearned for a queen to rule by his side. Then one day he fell love with the beautiful titaness Mavis. They were married and on the day of their wedding all the mortals celebrated for they all knew of how compassionate and nurturing Mavis was, who better to be their queen? Zeref and Mavis's marriage was a happy one and it seemed that the world would remain good and serene.

But then Mavis became with child and gave birth to a baby boy. At first all was well and Zeref seemed to be happy that he had a son but it wasn't long before Acnologia's curse began to take effect on him. He soon became jealous of how his wife fawned over the child and that jealousy quickly turned to paranoia. He feared that one day the boy would grow up to overthrow him just as he had done to his own father.

"Good morning Gray." Mavis said gently waking the six year old boy from his sleep.

"Good morning Mama." He yawned.

"So have your powers developed any since the last time you used them?"

"I learned a new trick."

"You did? Let me see."

The boy clapped his hands together and gripped them. Then three jewels appeared in his hands.

"For you Mama." He said.

"Oh they're beautiful. Thank you. What are they called?"

"I don't know um...Shiny rocks."

"Now I know you're smart enough to come up with a better name than that." She giggled before planting a kiss on her boy's cheek. "Did you know that it's your birthday today?"

"It is? But haven't I already had a birthday? Like five times?"

"Yes and you'll have one every year."

"Really? Cool!"

"Is there anything you would like to do today my son?"



Suddenly the ground shook with the thundering voice and earth quaking footsteps of her husband Zeref.

"Oh dear Zeref is in another bad mood." She said. "Gray go hide while I try to calm him down."

The boy did as his mother said and she went to speak with Zeref.

"What ails you my darling husband?" She asked him.

"The boy. Give him to me!"


"Because he needs to go."

"Go where?"

"I have come to the conclusion that our son is destined to bring about our destruction."

"What are you talking about? Zeref you're not making any sense."

"Where is he?!"

"What are you going to do with him?"

"What I have to do. Get rid of him!"

"What?! But he's our son!"

"I will not be overthrown! You've enjoyed him long enough Mavis. Give him to me!"

"No! He's my child! I want to keep him!"

He glared at his wife then spotted the six year old boy hiding behind a tree. With a swipe of his might hand he knocked the tree away and grabbed the boy.

"Mama! Help me!" He cried.

"Zeref no!" Mavis cried. "My love I beg of you! Don't!"

But he just ignored his wife's pleas and dropped the frightened child into his large jaw, swallowing him in one gulp. Mavis screamed then burst into tears.

"How could you?! He was our child!" She wept.

"It was for the best Mavis. He would have destroyed us all."

But Zeref didn't stop there. The great madness only continued to consume his mind until he became just as cruel and tyrannical as his father. Several years later Mavis bore another son but Zeref swallowed him as soon as he was born. When Mavis became pregnant a third time she was determined to keep this child from suffering the same fate as the first two. When she had her third son she gave him to her loyal nymph friend Zera to raise.

"Are you sure you want me to take him?" Zera said cradling the newborn in her arms.

Mavis who was exhausted from labor looked up her baby son then at her friend.

"You must take him. If he stays with me then Zeref will find him and swallow him up like he did to his brothers. Take him far away from here Zera, love him and raise him just as I would have."

"I will."

Mavis weakly raised her hand up to stroke the side of her son's cheek.

"Forgive me Natsu." She said. "If your father would allow me I would keep you in a heart beat but for your own safety I must send you away. But remember Natsu I love you and I pray that someday we'll meet again."

The infant opened his eyes and smiled down at his mother. Mavis shed a tear upon seeing her son's smiling face.

"Now go. Take him."

Zera then left the palace. Later when Zeref arrived at to swallow the child Mavis gave him a stone that was wrapped in swaddled clothes. To her relief he didn't notice the difference. As for Zera she took the child to an island that was far away from the eyes of Zeref and found shelter in a cave. There she cared for and raised Mavis's son as if he were her own. When he was fourteen Zera told him about his parents and his brothers, upon learning these news he brewed up a potion which Mavis secretly fed to Zeref causing him to throw up his other two sons.

Enraged and consumed with madness Zeref attempted to destroy all three of the boys but they had become a thousand times more stronger than their father and together they overpowered him and banished him to Tartarus.

Mavis was heartbroken by what her husband had become but she was overjoyed to be reunited with her children. Now naturally with Zeref gone his sons would have to take his place but there was three of them. Neither Acnologia nor Zeref had any siblings so they just took over. But Mavis found a way to make it work for the boys, she decided to divide the world up in three kingdoms that each of her sons would rule when the time was right.

Gray the oldest and first born would rule the underworld. Jellal the middle and second born would rule the seas. And Natsu the youngest and third born would rule the skies. However they were too young and unprepared to rule anything so until they were ready their mother would rule the three realms of the world. Unfortunately just because they were Gods didn't mean they were exactly godly and didn't cause trouble.

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