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BOOK ONE: Xiao Zhan is a man on his late twenties who decided to move from a small town to a big city. Havin... More

One For The Money, Two For The Show
Hide And Seek


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I kicked the scrap metal that was once my Lamborghini, how could I have not noticed that there was something wrong with it sooner.

I was driving home when I suddenly lost control of the car. I was an infallible driver but when I noticed that my brake and steering wheel were not working, I knew the car had been tampered with. Before the car could hit the rocky corner I opened the door and jumped on to the road, glad I decided to wear a leather jacket today.

I saw a black SUV come around the corner and stop, Liu got out "Yibo" he called out to me "My team informed me about you, glad to see you're still in one piece"

"You trained me well," I said.

He chuckled "I did" then his expression turned serious

"What the hell happened here?" he said, looking at the mutilated car.

"I lost control of it, someone must've tampered with it. I think Jun sent one of his cronies to do it," I said, as a matter of fact.

Liu thought about it for a second "I'll have to take a look at your parking lot's surveillance tape, we'll bring this bastard to justice" he said.

I couldn't believe how blind Liu was; didn't he see this? It was all too obvious.

"How about you bring Jun to justice, don't you see Liu ? He's on to us. He knows I have him and he will stop at nothing, he was trying to send a message here

" I shouted, pointing at the car "He's going to do whatever it takes, to get what he wants. I can't have that, what if he'd been in the damn car with me?" I said clearing my voice as the thought attacked me.

"You better find a way to bring this son of a bitch down, or else I'm going to get involved, weather you like it or not" I said with conviction.

I had never spoken to Liu like that ever, for a minute he looked shocked at my tone of voice but it was replaced by irritation and understanding.

When it came to protecting the man I loved, I wasn't going to take any prisoners.

"I understand your frustration Yibo, but trust me when I say we have this under control. I've been doing this for a very long time my boy" he said warning in his voice.

I fought the edge to argue further so I just nodded tightly

"I have to get back to the headquarters, I'll give you a ride," he offered.

My Aston Martin came around the corner at that time and stopped, it was Lee and Mari. I thought in relief. He must be home and safe.

"No, my ride just arrived" I said, Liu nodded

"Well talk soon" he said, walking towards the SUV and sped away.

Mari and Lee got out and ran to me. Mari immediately hugged me "Thank heavens, Yibo. Are you okay?" she asked, checking me

"I'm okay just a couple of scratches here and there," I said as we went to the car.
I let Lee drive us back.

"What exactly happened back there? I know you, you wouldn't just simply lose control like that," she said.

"You're right, I didn't. Someone tampered with it" I said, still agitated

"But who?" she asked, baffled.

"Jun, he must've sent his men to do it" I said blankly.

"The guy that is trying to get Zhan's bracelet?" Lee asked

"Yes, he must know that he's under my protection, he's giving me a warning" I said.

"Goodness me" Mari exclaimed "And what would happen to him if he got it?"

"He would die," I said, my voice breaking as I put my face in my hands
"I can't let that happen Mari, I just can't," I whispered.

"I know," she whispered back, trying to soothe me.

"But at the moment Liu wont let me do anything, I can't just sit by while a sadistic bastard like Jun continues to plot against him" I said in frustration, lifting my face to look at Mari "Where is he?" I asked.

"He's back home and...you might want to come up with a convincing story on how you are still walking. He was pretty shaken" she said, I glared at her furiously.

"You told him?" I asked

"No, but Lee just had to say it in front of him that you had an accident" she offered.

"You what!" I said turning my glare to Lee, who shrugged

"I'm sorry boss, I just didn't know what to do," he said quickly

I took deep breaths, worrying about Zhan. He may not love me, but I was pretty sure he would've been scared for my life.

"It's fine, I'll take care of it," I offered, Lee relaxed.

We parked in the garage and made our way into the lounge, I saw Zhan on the couch with Zela. He was laying his head on Zela's lap who was stroking his hair in comfort. He looked up and his eyes grew wide as he met my gaze, his eyes were red-rimmed and his face was tearstained. He looked like he'd been tortured for years. Sweet Jesus I thought.

"Yibo!" he screamed, running towards me and crashing onto me. I caught him in my arms; he buried his face in my neck and let out a pained sound.

"Hey now" I said, trying to soothe him,

"Thank God you're okay," he whispered fervently.

I chuckled uneasily as he didn't let me go, he only wrapped his arms tighter around me as I moved with him. He was more distraught than I thought.

"Zhan my dear, give the man a chance to breathe" Mari said in a soft voice,

I cast Mari a warning glance. Zhan lifted his head "sorry" he whispered as he unlocked his arms around me and I let him down.

Pissed at Mari for cutting our embrace short,

"Sorry, I'm just a little freaked out, are you okay?" he asked, still frantic.

"I'm absolutely fine" I reassured. He chuckled without humour, it was shaky and uneasy "I wonder how much I owe for this" he murmured to himself.

"What?" I asked; what was he talking about?

He looked up at me and shook his head "Nothing" he took my hand pulling me down to the sofa "What happened?" he asked.

"The car had a problem, fortunately I noticed it before it could get out of control. I was able to jump out, before it could crash," I said truthfully.

"On to the road?" he asked shocked.

"Yes" I motioned at my torn jacket.

He flinched "I guess that would also explain these" he lightly traced the scratches on my hands and one on the side of my face.

"I'll get the first-aid kit," Mari said, walking away
" I don't understand, Lee said you were in an accident. I thought you were..." his voice broke, I stroked his hair comfortingly.

"I'm fine, and no I was not in an accident. Whoever called Lee must have exaggerated," I said casting Lee a scornful look.

Mari came back in with the first-aid kit

Zhan stared at me for a while "Don't you ever, ever, ever do that to me ever again" he said.

"Yes boss" I said chuckling, glad to see he cared about me a lot,

"I just didn't think you cared this much" I said.

He froze and his eyes sparkled with fury.

"You didn't think I cared this much? Look at me Yibo. Do I look like someone whose been jumping for joy while I waited for you all to come back?" he shouted, standing up.

"Zhan I..." I began

"What is wrong with you huh? Why are you so ignorant to other people's feelings? You might not care but the rest of us do. Look around you Yibo" he shouted,

throwing his arms up.

"This room is filled with people who love and care about you deeply, you are just too blind to see that. Do you think any of them would've been happy if something had happened to you?" he took a few steps back. I got up facing him.

"I love you," he screamed at me, his voice echoing in the silent room.

"The thought of you never coming back killed me! And you thought I didn't care? Do you think I'd be screaming at you right now if I didn't?"

I was shocked into utter silence and stillness; he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"No one on this planet lives and dies alone, at some point you are going to touch other people's lives" he said, his voice blank and monotonous

"But you don't care either way do you?" it wasn't a question.

"Zhan please listen to me," I begged walking towards him,

"Stop right there" he screamed and I froze again. His screams pierced me.

"Do not follow me and under no circumstances should you come into my room, I want you to leave me the hell alone" he said, his voice blank again.

He turned and ran up the stairs, for a moment I thought of going after him but that would do more harm than good.

I turned, forgetting that we had spectators. I looked around the silent room. Mari wore a disappointed look on her face, she agreed with Zhan. She has always had a problem with me ignoring her worries about the agent business. It has always bothered her not knowing if I was going to come back home in one piece or not.

"Mari..." I started, but she just got up and left the room without giving me a second glance.

Zela's eyes were accusing and apologetic as she got up and followed after Mari.

Lee grimaced and left the room too.

And I was alone.

I went to my own room and sat in my balcony; letting the cool summer breeze calm me. My thoughts and emotions were in turmoil, first I couldn't believe that Zhan truly thought of me as heartless that way, especially towards him; I would have to prove him wrong. Secondly he told me he loved me; that would've made me happy except that he was screaming it in fury. If he loved me too, then what was stopping me from getting what I want...him.

I heard my bedroom door open and close, I didn't turn to see who it was, but I could guess.

Mari sat in the chair next to me; she didn't look at me, only at the stars above

"I thought you were mad at me" I said, breaking the silence.

"Yibo I've always considered you my son, I could never be mad at you" she said, smiling warmly.

" You think he's right about me?" I asked, I already knew the answer,

"Yes and no" she replied "Yes in the sense that you don't consider the people who care about you when you subject yourself to these dangerous things" she sighed. "And no to you not caring, you do care." She said.

I put my face in my hands "What I'm I going to do Mari?" I asked desperately.

"You already know what you have to do Yibo, you heard him; he loves you. And I know you love him too" she said "Question is do you pursue this or not"

She faced me "I'm sorry but there's only two ways for you, either you let him go; free him while there's still a chance. Save him the heartbreak of having to lose you in the end" she said looking up at the sky again.

" Or you could go after him like nobody has ever seen; convince him and show him that you do feel the same way, that you do want something with him. Let him in, give him the chance to know the real you."

"What about the dangers? I have enemies Mari, one of which is hunting him down as we speak, and he doesn't even know how attached I 'am to him" I said.

"Let him make that decision, it would be wrong for you to deprive him of the choice. If he wants to be with you regardless, leave him be" she insisted.

She got up and put her hand on my shoulder "I will support any decision you make, only if it doesn't hurt you or Zhan" she turned and left.

I thought about what Mari said for some time, deliberating on what I want and what was right. I wanted to be with

Zhan more than anything, but could I risk his life dragging him into this dark world of mine? But I couldn't completely let him go either; it would kill me.

I got up heading to his room, Mari was right; the choice was his. I for one have made mine.

I paused outside of his door, he'd told me to leave him alone but I just had to make sure he was okay. It was past midnight, and he was probably asleep.

I lightly opened the door and came in, the room was semi lit from lights emanating from outside.

He was under his covers and he looked like he was asleep so I moved closer to the bed. He looked worn out, I sighed inwardly.

He opened his eyes sensing he was not alone, his eyes met mine and he quivered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," I said quietly

He shifted "I thought I told you to leave me alone" he said, his voice weak and rough. I sat on the edge of the bed facing him.

I smiled "You did, but that's an impossibility for me" I said softly, that was the God's honest truth; I had no idea how to stay away from him.

He sat up "What do you want Yibo?" he asked, his voice didn't express anger

"Well firstly I came to apologize," I said, staring into his eyes.

"You don't have to apologize, you did nothing wrong. I just got carried away, I don't know what came over me" he looked down.

"No Zhan you don't understand, you're right about me being ignorant to people's feelings and I'm sorry I was insensitive towards yours" I said, lifting his chin with my finger

"But you're wrong about me not caring, I care more than you think" I assured, he shook his head.

"Yes Zhan I do, you're blind too my dear. You can't seem to see how crazy I 'am about you," I added softly,

He looked up shocked.

"You're not the only one who is a mess Zhan, something also happened to me to make me wary of a relationship. Why I was ignorant towards my feelings and yours" I continued; I was going to do the talking for once.

"Tell me?" he whispered, reluctant that I would do it,

I nodded and took a deep breath, I have never had to tell anyone this story not even people I considered my close friends.

"I grew up in a small town in Tongli, my parents liked the small town life a lot. They never cared about money and power and that also translated onto me growing up," I said "I'm sure Mari told you about how she met my parents?"

He slowly nodded "She refused to tell me anything else".

I grinned typical Mari

"Even without siblings I was a happy child, I was closest to my mother. She meant the world to me; I loved my father too very much. I think in overall I lost them way too young, I went from being loved and happy to being completely alone and traumatized." I said in sad voice.

Zhan's eyes expressing the hurt I felt,

"I lied, they didn't die because of a car accident, they were murdered," I said. I heard Zhan gasp; I looked into his shocked eyes and continued it gets worse after all.

" That day Mari had to run to the shops to get some groceries, me and my parents were playing in the living room when a bunch of black-suited and armed men burst in" I said my voice blank.

"I was too young to understand what was happening, it looked like they were trying to fight them off. My mother screamed for me to run but I couldn't".

"The men shot both of them down, I will never forget watching my parents die right in front of me," I said.

His hand was on my shoulder as if trying to support himself from falling backwards, tears streamed down his face

"Oh my God, Yibo" he chocked out.

"They left me behind, I didn't know why they decided not to finish me off too. They probably saw me as a harmless kid, who couldn't threaten them" I said, wiping his tears with the back of my hand.

"Mari found me crying in a puddle of my own parents blood, she called 911 but instead witness protection services came for me and took me away, claiming it was for my own good. Mari wasn't having it, but they took me away anyway. I remember Mari's anguished screams as she tried to fight off the officers to get to me. That was the last time I saw her for a very long time" I said remembering that dreadful day.

"Did they catch the killers?" he asked between sobs,

"Trust me they were taken care of," I said in a harsh tone. I had personally taken justice into my own hands and hunted down the bastards that took everything from me.

Zhan shivered "What happened after they had you?" he whispered pained.

"My uncle Chen came and took over custody of me, he helped me in a way.

But the wound was too deep; the trauma of their death left an irreversible scar on me. My uncle took over my father's company and assets until I came of age" I said, it was around that time that Liu found me and offered me a job I couldn't refuse.

"I was in college when I found Mari again, it was quite an emotional reunion. Mari was happy to see me, but I had changed. I was not the sweet and innocent little boy she once knew, and she blamed herself" I said in a solemn voice "She always regretted going to the shops that day, but I didn't. I was glad she did"

"They would've killed her too," Zhan whispered blankly.

I nodded "Collateral damage, for me having her was better than having no one at all. She has never left my side since."

"Losing my parents the way I did was agonizing. Never wanting to feel like that again, I shut out everything and everyone. I interacted with people and I had dates but I never got attached to anyone. I promised I would never need anyone but myself," I said.

I smiled, gently caressed his red cheek and sighed "I should've known that promise would have an exception...you" I said.

"I'm so sorry Yibo, for everything. What happened to you was truly tragic, no one should ever have to go through that" he whispered "And now I feel horrible for calling you heartless"

I shook my head "I deserved it, even I thought I was. Until I met you" I said.

He hugged me, wrapping his arms around me like he did earlier "I love you Yibo, and that's not going to change, I realize that now" he whispered with conviction.

"What happened to not getting attached to me?" I teased, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Lost cause" he muttered, kissing my neck

"You made it so hard not to Mr. Wang it was hardly fair" he smiled.

I kissed him, happy that he was able to accept my dark past; a part of it at leased. I would tell him everything in time "I want to be with you Zhan, please give me a chance to prove myself to you" I asked, kissing his forehead.

"I thought you would never ask," he whispered, smiling. I got a strange Idea.

"Can I try something?" I asked, not sure what I wanted to do myself,

"Sure" he said, confused. I laid his back on the bed and got beside him, laying my head on his chest. For a moment he was tense but then relaxed and began stroking my hair. This gesture brought back a very fond memory I never thought I had; behind the trauma and pain, my parents left me with beautiful memories. They just have been clouded over the years.

I listened to his heartbeat; it was oddly comforting.

We stayed that way for a long time, neither Zhan nor me broke our embrace or bothered with conversation.

Another memory came to me,

"Ewwww why do you do that? It's nasty" I made a gaging sound at my parents kissing while we ate breakfast. They both stopped and looked at me, amused.

"When you get older and meet a person you like, you wont be able to help yourself my son," my father said looking at my mother. "They will become your everything"

"And you will have to treat them right, not break their heart" my mother teased, "You will have to be careful with them Yibo".

"Yeah well whatever you say, I still think its nasty," I said wrinkling my nose.

They both laughed and my mother kissed my forehead.

I thought they were talking nonsense at the time and I still thought that way for a while. But after meeting Zhan I could see how they hit the spot on my situation right now.

I smiled to myself and let sleep take me.

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