Only Time Can Tell

By ShaunaRoberts304

133 0 4

Sally-Ann Neil had been working in Paris as a top paying model for 5yrs and was now making her way back to h... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter four
Chapter Five...
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven. ...
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen. ..
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen...
Chapter Sixteen. ..
Chapter Seventeen. .
Chapter 18
Chapter Nineteen. .
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one...
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-five.
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine.
Chapter Thirty.

Chapter One

23 0 2
By ShaunaRoberts304

It was a beautiful  sunny spring day of 1982, when Sally-Ann  Neil drove her corvette  back to her home town  of Reitman Bay.

Why she even bothered to  return home to the place that   caused her nothing but heartache was beyond her wildest dreams.....but she knew that one day soon  she would have  to face her biggest fear and that fear was coming face to face with the man who broke her heart 5 years ago - Steven Young.

"Damn , damn it, damn him to hell!" Sally-Ann  said hitting her steering wheel with her left hand.
What's  wrong Mummy?" Skyanne asked her mother with a concerned  look on her little face. "Huh.... oh, oh nothing sweetheart. I was just thinking about something  that young man back at the car-yard said to me,"  she said telling a little white lie to her daughter. "All good, nothing to worry about sweetheart - I'm just thinking out loud," she added.

Driving on a bit more with the radio playing, Sally-Ann  started tapping her fingers on the steering wheel as she sang along to Queens- "Another One Bites The Dust."
Enjoying the music  and just thinking about when they were all teenager's  hanging out together  down on the local beach without a care in the world. Watching Luke and Steven kicking a football  backwards and forwards  between them, while both Karen and herself did some serious sun-baking. "Yep, those were the days, "she thought to herself as she kept tapping her fingers on the steering wheel  in time with the music.

Coming into Reitman Bay, Sally-Ann  took a quick glance around the area and was taken backby now much the town had changed over the past couple of years while she was away working in Paris.

"It's  so beautiful  here Mummy, young Skyanne  told her mother while taking a good look around at everything."It sure is sweetheart,  you will love it here...just as much as I love it and I promise to show you all around Reitman Bay once we're settled," Sally-Ann  told her daughter.

Pulling up out the front of Luke and  Karen's place, Sally-Ann  turned the corvette off, turned to face her daughter and said, " Well, we're  here at long last. You can get out now and go up to the door  and ring the doorbell if you like honey." "Cool," Skyanne  said jumping out of the car and running up to the front door to press the doorbell. It rang twice before the door opened and there stood Luke looking out.

"Damn door knockers, one day I'll catch the little bugger who keeps pressing the doorbell and then runs away," he said turning to shut the front door.
"Ha,ha,ha, your funny Uncle Luke,"Skyanne  said wrapping her little arm's around his legs. "Why hello there pumpkin...what a  lovely surprise this is," he said giving Skyanne a kiss and cuddle. "It sure is lovely to see again Uncle Luke....I've missed you sooo much,"she smile up at him. I've missed you too  sweetheart.  I'ts been  a long time."  "It surly has been awhile since you last saw her Luke. I think Skyanne  wa turning one year old the last time you saw  her," Sally-Ann  smiled as she started grabbing  all the packages  out of her car and pressing central  locking on her car keys.

"Hey there gorgeous,  long time no see," he said walking over to the car to give her a hand with all the packages.
"Gee's Sally-Ann,  are you sure you left anything in the  shop's  for other people to buy...... And what is all this stuff?," he asked as he helped carry it inside and placed it all down on the coffee table. "Oh just a few odds and ends that I brought for both Karen and you while I was working over in Paris  and yes Mr Smartie pants - Idid leave a few items  in the shops  for other's  to buy.... 3 or 4 item's  I think, or maybe  it was  the kitchen  sink I left behind. Mmm, I can't  remember  now," she said placing her finger on the left side of her and pretending  to think. " Ha, ha,ha, your a crack-up Sally-Ann.  I can just picture you doing that too," he laughed.
"Who me- NEVER," she smiled back at him.

"Can I offer you a drink or something. Tea, coffee, orange-juice, water or a cold can of soft, and what would you like  to drink pumpkin? " Luke asked them both as he headed to the kitchen.
"I'd love a nice cold can of diet coke please," Sally-Ann  answered. "And I would like an orange-juice  please Uncle Luke," Skyanne  said as she tooka seat next to her mother on the sofa.

Coming back out to the lounge-room and handing the drinks out to both Sally-Ann  and Skyanne,  Luke took acseat across from them and asked, "So tell me what's  brought you back this way and how long are you here for?" "Woud you believe me if I v told you, I was already in the area  and thought  I'd drop in and say hi. ..... NO? Okay then, I'll tell you", she said taking a sip of her drink, then placing it back down on the coffee table in front of her.
"About a month ago today, my job as a model in Paris  came to an end and I made the decision to sell everything I owned, packed up what was most important  to me, booked myself a flight back home and buy myself a car once I arrived back home. Then I made the final decision of all - I decided that I wish to buy myself a house right here in Reitman Bay and settle down. So here Iam in the flesh, back home to stay," she told Luke.

"Are you serious - why on earth would you want to move back here for after what you went through? Please tell me this hasn't  got anything to do with Steven Young,!"Luke aked hercwith a worried look on his face. "Why on earth would you think that for Luke. No it doesn't have anything to do with Steven what-so-ever. In case you have forgotten.... this is  my home town too. It is where I grew up and it's where I had Skyanne;  plus I happen to love it here. I really do," she answered  him feeling a bit hurt by the question he asked her.

"Im sorry Sally-Ann,  I didn't  mean to offend you in anyway. I was just curious as to why you choose here of all places, after everything  you went through, " he said looking straight at her with a concerned look on his face.
"There is no need to apologize  Luke,  I guess if the shoe was on the other foot, I'd probably  would have  asked you the same question, "she statted as she took another sip of her drink.

Luke and Sally-Ann  sat around chatting away about everything  that they both had been up too lately and speaking about the changes that has taken place around the Bay over the past few year's  while she was away working  over seas.  Just the normal day to day chit-chat and catching up on all the latest news, when Luke pipped up and said,"I still can't  believe  that your actually here.... boy won't  Karen be really surprised  to see you sitting  here in our lounge-room  drinking a soft drink."
" More like shocked I think," Sally-Ann  siad looking straight at him. "Well I can't  wait to see the look on her face, and speaking of which...that's  her now," he added.

Parking  the Toyota  next to Sally-Anns corvette,  Karen got out of the car, locked it up and started making her way up the path that lead to the front door. Just as she was about to place her hand on the door knob to open it, the front door opened and there stood  Sally-Ann.

Glued to the spot, Karen just stood there  starring at her in total  shock. " Well aren't you going to say hello or are you just going to stand there catching flies?" Sally-Ann  said making a joke.  "What the hell ...... no it can't be, my mind's  playing tricks on me. I knew I shouldn't have  pulled into that pub for that one drink, as I'm seeing and hearing shit!", Karen said shaking  her head and rubbing her eye's.
"O.M.G, I can't  believe  my eyes. So when did you get here  and how long are you in town for this time before  you leave again?", Karen asked.

"I actually  arrived back in  Australia  last night after losing after losing my job asca model in Paris,  cause the job ended about a month ago today. Then early this morning  I brought myself a new car, decided that I would come back home to the Bay to catch up with my friends,  find myself another job and hopefully  buy myself a house right here in Reitman Bay, " she babbled  on.

"Hang on a minute,  rewind.  What did you just say - did I hear you say that you were working  asca model in Paris?  Well that explains  a lot then doesn't it! I mean the beautiful  corvette out the front, and this figure on you.... Check  it out, she's got boob's  now and my there huge! I always did say  you would make an excellent  model, " Karen  smiled at her  best friend.
"Good ol Karen, always the joker,"Sally-Ann  laughed.

Just then Skyanne  walked into the lounge-room,  looked up at Karen and said," So your my Aunty Karen, the one my Mummy  is always talking about. You look way much prettier  than the photo my Mummy has of you in her purse."  "Why thank-you  sweetie, but please, just call me Karen,  as I'm not really your Aunty," she said looking straight at Sally-Ann  with a puzzled look on her face. "Oh but yes you are my Aunty - Steven's my Daddy and your his that makes you my Aunty Karen," Skyanne  smiled back at her.
"Will someone please explain to me  what's going on here and why is it that this young child is saying Steven's her father. Someone better start explaining and fast too I might add, " Karen said feeling annoyed.

"Um Skyanne  honey, I think you need to go outside and play while I have a talk to your Aunty  Karen. I'll call you once we're  done okay," Sally-Ann  told her daughter.  "Okay Mummy," she said as she headed outside to play.

Turning to face Sally-Ann,  Karen ripped it into her and said,"Mind telling me what the hell that was all about and what does she mean I'm her Aunty? Come on,  out with it Sally-Ann  Neil,  your hiding something. "  "I'm afraid to say you heard her right the first time Karen. Your her Aunty, Steven's  her father."  "What, does Steven know about this...... Oh no, don't  tell me, I can see it's  written  all over your face that he doesn't know. Oh my fucken  God Sally-Ann,  you've got to be kidding me - your actually  going to stand there and tell me he doesn't  know anything about  his own daughter;  let alone that he's a father. Why?,"Karen snapped at her.
" I don't  see the point, it wouldn't  have made any difference  whether  Steven knew or not about Skyanne, " Sally-Ann  said sitting back down on the sofa. "Are you for real?  You didn't  see the point.... bloody hell Sally-Ann,  this isn't some kind of game and it most certainly  isn't  "Days of our lives," neither. You can't  just rock up outta the blue and announce  that you have a 5 year old daughter to my brother I might add and hope to God that everything  is sweet and everyone is happy  for you. New's flash honey.... it doesn't  work that way! I can't  believe  you of all  people  would turn out to be such a cold hearted bitch and not tell my brother qbout his own daughter.  Don't  you think you owe it to him to tell him?"Karen fired back at her.

"I owe your brother nothing and like I said before - I don't  see the point whether  Steven knows about Skyanne  or not, as he doesn't  care about anyone else but himself and that's  the damn truth,"Sally-Ann  said getting up and walking over to stand near the window.

"Are you fucken serious, your going to stand there qand bluntly  tell me that you really don't  see the point in this what-so-ever!  I nevr thought I would ever say this to you, but your just a cold hearted  selfish bitch and  you need to snap out of whatever  fairytale  your living in and tell my brother about his daughter,  cause if you don't,  I will Sally-Ann, "Karen shouted at her.
" You will do no such thing Karen, otherwise  you can find yourself somewhere else to live," Luke told her.

" That's  blackmail Luke and you know it!" "Call it what you  want Karen, but I'm  dead set  serious; not a word  about this to anyone, otherwise  you can pack your bag's  and leave. There's  your option - take it or leave it, the choice is your's," Luke told her.

"This is bullshit and you bloody  well know it is. In case you've seemed to have forgotten,  there is a little girl outside playing in our backyard,  who just happens to be my brother's  daughter.... a daughter he doesn't  know anything about because this selfish bitch standing right here in our lounge-room  hasn't  got the balls to tell him. She just gets herself pregnant,  shoots  through for what.... 5yrs, then waltzes  back into town and drops a bombshell on everyone, hoping it will be fine. Well it's  not fine, not fine at all. My brother  loved you Sally-Ann  and this is how you repay him!", Karen said annoyed about the whole thing.

" First of all Karen, I didn't  get pregnant  on purpose  - it just happened.  Second of all - don't  you dare sit there and tell me that your brother loved me, cause if that was the case, he  wouldn't have done what he did and he sure as hell wouldn't  be with Amanda right now would he? He doesn't  have an idea on how to love anyone else but himself  and that's  a fact," Sally-Ann   said rasing her voice a bit.

" Now thats an out right lie there Sally-Ann  and you know it.  My God, not just a cold hearted selfish bitch,  but alier too I might add,"she glared at her.

"Okay, that's  enough Karen, your being unfair and you really haven't  got a clue as to what or why Sally-Ann  made  the choice she did when she did," Luke said sticking up for Sally-Ann.

"Unfair, me, really..... And why do I get the impression  that you obviously  know more  about this situation  than your letting on Luke Rogers," she eye- balled him while tapping her foot. "O,M.G - you do know, don't you,  and it's just dawned on me..... that picture you have in your room of a little blonde haired girl your holding, is none other than Skyanne.  How can I have been so blind not to work out who she was when she looks soooo much like her daddy. And all this time you knew about her Luke and never said a word. I can't  believe  it, she told you and never said a word too me about it and I'm suppose  to be Sally-Anns  best friend. Ha, what a joke that is,  you don't  know the meaning of the word - do you Sally-Ann.  You only know how to run away and tell lies about everything.  Your a very selfish cold hearted cow and I can't  believe  you kept this a secret from everyone, everyone  expect for Luke," she said feeling cut.

"Okay, yes I knew and yes that photo you just mentioned  is Skyanne.... But your so wrong  about Sally-Ann  telling me. For your information Karen, I hadn't  heard from Sally-Ann  for ages. When one day out of the blue, I got a phone call from her. She sounded like something was wrong. So I got  into my car and drove over to where she was staying,-- only to find her on the floor in pain at the time. Little be known to me - she was in  labour and was about to give birth to Skyanne. And in case your wondering if I knew about her being pregnant, I didn't have a clue until that moment.It was a total shock too me. I was the one who helped her deliver Skyanne  and yes I also asked id Steven knew about the baby..... She told me no he didnt know. So from that moment I promised not to say or tell anyone about the baby and I helped her to get back on her feet. The rest of it  is history.  Sally-Ann  must have left for Paris  right after Skyannes 1st birthday; asI didn't  hearfrom her for awhile and I didn't  know where she was neither. But if anyone's  in the wrong here - it's  your brother Karen, not Sally-Ann.  She only did what she thought was right at the time," Luke told her coming to Sally-Anns  defence.

"I'm calling  BULLSHIT  Luke, Sally-Ann  is in the wrong, not Steven. For she is the one who got  pregnant,  took off and never told the one person she should havetold about the baby. Bloody hell - you always did stick up Sally-Ann, she could never do anything fucken wrong in your eyes..... but this time she has and now it involes an innocent  young child," Karen said standing there glarring at her, while fumming over it all.

"Pull up right there - that's  enough.  You really are talking way out of line and haven't  got a clue as to what really happened, " Luke said coming to Sally-Anns defence once again.
" Oh and you do - oh stupid me..... off course  you do," she snapped. " Queen fucken bitch here would have told you the whole damn story," Karen shouted back at Luke.

"You know what, I've had more than enough of this conversation. I'm so sick and tired of having to justify  myself over the decision  I made,"Sally-Ann  said feeling very annoyed  by the whole thing.
"That would be about right, just run away from the issue like always. But you know what.... this conversation  isn't  going away anytime soon Sally-Ann,  so face facts and stop trying to run away from them," karen statted.

"Enough is enough  Karen. What do you want ftom apologize  or something?  Cause if that's  the case, your never going to get  one because I've done nothing wrong," Sally-Ann  shouted at her as she spun around to face her.
"The truth  isnwhat I want! ", Karen yelled at her. "Fair enough;  if it's  the truth you want, than the truth  you shall get," Sally-Ann  told her   as she wiped the tears away from her eyes.

" Imagine being 14yrs old, in love with a guy much older than yourself, who you thought loved you just as much as you l Ioved  him,then suddenly  you find out your pregnant. What would you do; panic  or face the music?  I know you think I panicked and ran away... but that's  not the case at all.  Actually  it's  the complete opposite  if you would really like to know. When I found out I was pregnant,  I was on my way around to tell your charming brother all about it. I thought I'd surprise him, seeing I had my own key to his apartment  and he was suppose to have been at work. But as I turned the key and opened the door, the surprise wason me... There he was on the floor in all his glory making out with Amanda  Roberts. I don't  think he saw me,  but she surecas hell did. And there you stand before me Karen, telling me that Steven loved me, thatI'm the cold hearted selfish bitch  cause I never told him about his daughter.  How's that work? I did what I thought was best for my daughter  and myself at the time. I didn't  mean to upset or hurt anyone - but hey what about me???? I'm the one who got my heart ripped out of my chest - but obviously  that doesn't count does it, cause apparently  I'm in the wrong, not Steven. Look I'm sorry, I made a huge mistake coming here," she said wipping the tears from her eye's  as she called out for her daughter and started heading for the front door.

"Where are you going?,Luke asked her. "I'm going to find myself a motel for the night, then who knows... I might just head back overseas - seeing that's  what I'm good for... running away. I didn't  cme here to stir up trouble or anything in case that's  what your thinking... but hey, what do I care anyway, I'm just a cold hearted selfish  bitch; as Karen kept throwing at me. So I'll just leave. Enjoy the gifts, ", she said heading towards the front door.

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