A Dragon's Mermaid

GreenEyedKoneko tarafından

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Book 1 in The Beasts Mate Series. This book contains 18+ content, so readers must be 18 years of age or older... Daha Fazla

A Dragon's Mermaid
Chapter One 🌊
Chapter Two 🐉
Chapter Three 🌊
Chapter Four 🌊
Chapter Five 🐉
Chapter Six 🌊
Chapter Seven 🐉
Chapter Eight 🐉
Chapter Nine 🌊
Chapter Ten 🐉
Chapter Eleven 🌊
Chapter Twelve 🐉
Chapter Thirteen 🌊
Chapter Fourteen 🌊
Chapter Fifteen 🐉
Chapter Sixteen 🌊
Chapter Seventeen 🐉
Chapter Eughteen 🌊
❤️Chapter Nineteen 🌊
❤️Chapter Twenty 🐉
Chapter Twenty-One 🌊
Chapter Twenty-two 🌊
Chapter Twenty-three 🐉
Chapter Twenty-four 🌊
Chapter Twenty-five 🐉
❤️Chapter Twenty-six 🌊
Chapter Twenty-seven 🌊
Chapter Twenty-eight 🐉
Chapter Thirty 🐉
Chapter Thirty-one 🌊
Chapter Thirty-two🐉
Chapter Thirty-three🌊
Chapter Thirty-four 🐉
Chapter Thirty-five 🌊
Chapter Thirty-six 🌊
❤️Chapter Thirty-seven 🐉

❤️Chapter Twenty-nine 🌊

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GreenEyedKoneko tarafından

My body feels slightly flushed as I wipe away sweat from my forehead. It is probably from the heat of the lights and driers. The salon has been pretty busy today. We had a big wave of college kids come in because school is starting again. Today was one of our busiest days of the year. The next time we will be as busy is during the holidays. Days like today are hectic, but I enjoy them.

Jayson laughs as he sweeps hair at his station. "Do you have any fun plans tonight boss lady?"

I think about it for a moment as I continue to clean my station. Thankfully, tonight I do not have to oversee any of my duties. Tonight it would be nice to enjoy a meal with my mate. I have not really gotten the chance to cook for him. My eyes scan the clock, and I should have enough time before he gets home.

"No but I plan to make dinner for  Vulcan," I say.

Mia hums as she helps me sweep up my station. "That sounds like a nice night. Do you know what you want to make?"

"I was thinking something simple and quick to make, like Parmesan chicken with a vegetable pasta," I answer.

"Ooh that sounds really yummy! I know where I am getting dinner from," says Jayson.

Mia rolls her eyes, "You are such a foodie, but you almost never cook for yourself".

Jayson shrugs,"Who has time to cook when we work. Do you want to join me for dinner?"

Mia grins,"I am never one to turn down food from the yummy places you find".

Jayson throws his hands up,"Yass!  Let's finish cleaning so we can relax our sexy butts!"

Mia giggles,"Yass boy! To the yummy food!"

I laugh at their antics as we continue to clean. Once the floor is swept we put away the products. Mia makes sure the appliances are turned off. I look over the appointment book for tomorrow. I make sure the cash is locked up in the safe while Mia and Jayson finish up. When I am done I make sure to give Jayson and Mia their tips. They stay with me while I lock up, and we walk to our cars together. It feels nice to walk in a group when it is dark outside. You never know who could come up and attack you. Being a supernatural being does not mean someone will not attack you. In fact, some supernaturals have gotten attacked for that very reason. They were attacked by humans or other species. Not all of the bitterness has disappeared after the war. The war happened way before I was born, but some people will not change their views.

I say goodbye to Jayson and Mia from inside my car. They wave goodbye as they drive away in Jayson's car. The drive home is not a long one, and before I know it the tall familiar trees surround me. The heat does not leave me and for some reason intensifies a little. I thought that it would have cooled down by now. Maybe I am just tiered after a long day of work. After a few minute drive I pull up to the large parking lot. I notice that Vulcan is not home yet, which is perfect. I want to surprise him and have dinner ready when he gets home.

The walk through the den is rather quiet since it is a week night. I am greeted by several members, and I say hello. The kitchen is usually busy, but it is empty now. I open the fridge, and glance on what I can make. Thankfully, I have all of the ingredients that I need. I get the ingredients out of the fridge and pantry. Afterwards, I cut up the vegetables, season and coat the chicken in breadcrumbs. After the chicken starts to fry I put the pasta in the boiling water. In a separate sauce pan I cook the chopped vegetables with garlic and sauce. When the pasta is ready I strain it, and then put it in a large bowl. Then, I pour the vegetable sauce over and sprinkle a generous amount of parmesan. I carefully put the parmesan chicken on a large plate.

"It smells delicious in the kitchen my treasure," said Vulcan.

I jump up as I finish setting the table. Oh my goodness! When did Vulcan get home? I did not hear or sense him. Vulcan chuckles, and wraps his arms around my waist. His lips place soft kisses against my mate mark. A low moan escape my lips, and my body begins to heat up even more. No! I made us dinner and we are going to enjoy it! Before Vulcan can continue I turn around, and playfully slap his chest.

"Do not scare me like that again!"
I scold him.

Vulcan chuckles and kisses my forehead. "I am sorry for scaring you. Have you been home for long?"

I glance at the clock at the wall to check the time. It looks like I have been home for about an hour. "No I have not been home for too long. I wanted to make us a nice dinner though," I answer.

He smirks at me, and leads us to the table. "Thank you for making dinner. I did not realize I was hungry until I smelled your cooking," he says.

When we reach the table Vulcan pulls my chair out for me. I smile and thank him for being such a gentlemen. After I take my seat Vulcan goes to the small beverage fridge. He comes back to the table with an opened bottle of wine. Vulcan sits down, and then pours us each a glass.

"How was work today?" Vulcan asks after taking a bite of chicken.

"It was good despite the fact that we were very busy. It felt nice to be moving around and seeing a lot of my clients," I answer.

Vulcan nods, "That sounds nice and I hope you did not exhaust yourself".

I answer him after taking a bite of my pasta. "I made sure to rest and eat my lunch. How was your day?"

"Work was uneventful, but I did have an interesting meeting with Ambrose and Lachlan," he says.

"What did you discuss with them?" I ask.

We continue to eat our meal as Vulcan remains silent. He is most likely thinking about what to tell me. As leaders of a clan they may have shared some confidential information. A few moments later he sets his fork down on the table.

"It seems that the rogue demons managed to find water demons," answers Vulcan.

My eyes widen in surprise because his is rather surprising. Water demons were thought to be near nonexistent. This is rather concerning since I thought their source of magic was tainted. The reason they could no longer use their magic was due to the lake in their realm being tainted after the first Great War.

"Someone powerful is providing them with a new source of magic," I say.

Vulcan nods his head in agreement, "That was my theory as well. There are no leads on who could be helping them. Ambrose is positive it is not the vampires, and Lachlan assumes the same about the Fae"z

I nod in agreement since both species do not like the demons. "Do you think any of the dragon clans would help them?" I ask.

Vulcan shakes his head no,"It is highly unlike since in general we cannot tolerate them".

I nod my head as I think about the mer. We have managed to stay out of one of the Great Wars. During the others we provided aid to the side we believed had a just cause. I do not think the mer would want to help these rogue demons. They would not benefit from it. However, whoever is helping them has access to water or water magic.

"I believe that whoever is helping them has powerful water magic or a large source of water," I say.

Vulcan nods as he thinks over the possibilities. "Do you believe the mer would help them? I cannot think of a water species powerful enough," he says.

"I do not think so, because I cannot see what they would gain from it," I answer.

"I see well we are having people look into the matter. If the problem worsens I may bring it up at the upcoming clan meeting," says Vulcan.

I nod my head since the first meeting is coming up soon. If I remember correctly it is shortly after the autumn festival. Leaders and trusted individuals meet at a mountain. The mountain is considered powerful, and mutual territory.

"That is a wise decision. Will I be attending the meeting with you?"

"Yes female clan leaders attend the meetings as well. The only case that would not occur is if there was a threat against you or our clan," explains Vulcan.

While we continue our meal Vulcan explains the meetings. I am thankful for the information because mama did not really go over it. She said that Vulcan would explain it when the time came. The meetings happen for a week, and we will have housing in the mountain. Each clan has a large wing for sleeping. There are common areas, such as a den and dinning hall. I will be expected to attend some meetings with Vulcan. When I am not needed by his side I will spend it with other female leaders. Apparently, that is a good time to socialize and make allies. Also, I am expected to wear clothes and jewelry that symbolizes the clan.

"Will I be allowed to bring someone I know? I will feel a title awkward being there alone," I say.

"Nerri will be coming with us, and once the demon threat is gone Willow will come as well," answers Vulcan.

I let out a sigh of relief knowing that Neri will be with me. I am sure that I can handle being surrounded by dragon clans. However, it will be comforting to have a friend there, especially one from my home. Being mated to a dragon, especially a clan leader, is a whole new world. While it is completely different I would not change it for anything. I love Vulcan, his family and the clan. Living here has quickly become a part of my life.

"I am happy to hear that. Is there anything else I should know?"

Vulcan thinks about it as he finishes his chicken. "Yes but we will discuss that when the morning is closer," said Vulcan.

We finish our dinner, and decide to enjoy some ice cream. There is a carton of rocky road in the freezer. Vulcan takes our two spoons, and we eat directly from the ice cream tub. I moan as the sweet chocolate and marshmallows not my tongue. After another spoonful I find some nuts. This is probably one of my favorite ice cream flavors. It is a great combination of sweet and a little salty. We put the container back in the freezer, and clean up the kitchen.

The cold treat helped little with my body's warm temperature. I thought dinner would help since I did not eat too much. Maybe I just need some rest, and I will be all good tomorrow. Vulcan and I hold hands as we walk back to our bedroom. After we are inside our room I stop out of my clothes. I toss them into the hamper, and put on my pjs. It is only when my body hits the bed that I realize how tiered I am. I cuddle into Vulcan's side, and he pulls the covers over us. He kisses my forehead, which helped with the heat. I tell him goodnight as my eyes begin to close. He whispers goodnight as he holds onto my waist. I am not sure when but I quickly fall asleep.

I whimper and moan loudly as my body trembles. One minute I was fast asleep, and having a wonderful dream. Then all of a sudden a scorching painful heat wakes me up. My body feels like it is on fire! I move my hand to Vulcan's side of the bed, and notice it is empty. Footsteps hurry into our bedroom, and I can smell Vulcan. For some reason his scent is stronger, and even more appealing. Vulcan runs up to me, and places a hand against my arm. The burning becomes more tolerable as he runs his hand up, and down my arm. My nipples harden, and my pussy beings to feel wet.

Oh! Why did I not think of this earlier? If my body is reading like this, then maybe I am in heat. Why did I not realize this sooner? Maybe it is because I have never gone into heat before. I should have figured this out because it was bound to come. Mermaids tend to go into heat pretty quickly after their mating ceremony. I am a little surprised it did not happen a few days after. Maybe that is because Vulcan is a dragon.

Vulcan whispers sweet words into my ears as he picks me up. "Shh my treasure everything will be alright. I will take care of you once we reach the cave," whispers Vulcan.

I whimper as he holds me into his arms. The painful heat is slightly better, but still present. Vulcan walks us to the balcony, and his beautiful wings appear. I almost want to reach up and touch them. The chance does not come because his wings begin to move. The beautiful scaled wings begin to take us higher into the early morning sky. The sky is still dark, and the moon is out. A pleasant breeze hits against my skin as we fly. Vulcan flys by the den and tall trees with ease. If I could somehow fly I woke probably fly into a tree. Although, I suppose that it comes with practice. When I was a guppy my parents taught me to swim. They did so in a safe space where sharks and other animals could not hurt me. Oh and so the currents could not push me away.

When the mountain comes into view I sigh in relief. When Vulcan first showed me his dragon he told me about the dragon. There is a cave in the mountain where dragons mate during heat. A protective magic blocks out the heats scent. That sounds like a good thing, since unmated males are strongly affected by the scent.

After we reach the mountain Vulcan uses his magic to allow us inside. My foggy eyes scans over the cave. I gasp in surprise when I see a magnificent pool of water. A walkway and stairs is carved into the cave. Lights illuminate the otherwise dark cave. I look above and notice a bedroom over the pool. Vulcan retracts his wings, and I am a little sad to see them go.

Vulcan sets me down, and gently takes off my clothes. I sigh in relief because my pjs were making me feel uncomfortable. It is odd because these pjs are usually very comfortable. Vulcan takes off his own clothes, which consists of a t-shirt and boxers. I moan as he picks me up, and carries me into the pool. The cool water feels great against my heated skin. However, nothing feels better than Vulcan's touch. His fingers move against my hip while his other hand grabs my ass. Our lips meet, and move together in perfect sync. I open my mouth to allow his tongue to slip in. Our tongues ice together, and we taste each other's moths.

His hand on my hip moves up, and cups my breast. Vulcan moves his hand and massages my breast. His fingers occasionally pinch and pull on my sensitive nipple. I moan into our kiss, and start to rock my hips.  My pussy begins to become even more wet as I rock against him. Vulcan moves his hips up, and his hard cock rubs against me.  The heat is increasing and is making me think of one thing. My mind and body are overcome with a strong need for our mate to breed me. The need for him to fill me with his cum is almost painful.

I break our kiss, and moan out loudly. It is almost as if Vulcan can sense what I need. Maybe his own instincts are starting to take over. Vulcan moves over to my mate mark nod kisses it. I lean forward and cling into his shoulders. My lips hover over his mark before leaning down. I kiss and bite his mark, which makes Vulcan release a powerful growl.

Vulcan moves us against my water until we are in deeper water. He leans me against the edge of the pool, and I wrap my legs around his waist. His hot lips continue to kiss and bite my mark, which is making me even wetter. His hand in my ass steadies me, and his hand on my breast moves. It holds onto his hard cock, which has me moaning at the sight. He rubs his cock over against my soaking wet slit. I moan loudly when his cock teases my entrance, but does not inch forward.

"Oooh! P-Please Vul!" I moan while looking at him through hooded eyes.

Vulcan grins down at me as he continues to rub himself against me. The friction feels amazing, and I move my hips to get more. However, this is not enough because I want him inside of me.

"Please what my Ava? Do you want me inside of you?" Vulcan asks in a deep sexy voice.

He lets out a low growl, which makes me whimper. I nod my head as I moan out "yes".Vulcan looks down at me as he slowly enter me. I moan loudly as his hard cock slowly enter me. His thrusts are rough, and his cock hits deep inside of me. One hand rests on my hip while the other is on my ass cheek. We meet each other thrust for thrust. He groans lowly as my hips slam down roughly.

"Ahhh! V-Vulcan!" I manage to scream in between a serious of moans.

Vulcan growls loudly as he says my name. The sound of skin slapping against skin echos against the cave wall.I whimper at his words as he begins to increase his speed. My hands holds onto his shoulders to help steady myself. The headboard hits the wall as we meet each other's thrusts. His cock hits my sweet spot with each thrust.

"Oooh!! Vuul ! P-Please don't stop!" I beg in as the tears cloud my vision.

My words awakened the sexy beast within my mate. Vulcan's cock hits so deeply inside of me that tears fall from my eyes. My walls begin to clench around his cock. His thrusts become faster, and harder. It becomes difficult for me to meet his thrusts, but I try my best. Hips lips kiss my mate mark as he thrusts into me. His wet tongue traces the lines of my mark. My body trembles as I fall on top of his best. His hand raises and then smacks my ass. The pleasurable pain feels amazing as he thrusts into me. He continues to smack my ass every few thrusts. My lips press against his mate mark, which makes him become tougher.

Vulcan's canines sink into my neck as he ponds into my pussy. I scream his name as my walls clench against his cock. My toes curl as my hands dig into his shoulders. I lose myself to the pleasure as my organism spreads through my body. Vulcan continues to thrust into my heat. The attention to my mate mark is prolonging my climax in the best way. It feels amazing to feel his canines in me, almost as if he is renewing his mark. Well he did make his scent more noticeable on my body now. My own canonizes sink into his mate mark, which makes him pond into me. After several hard and powerful thrusts Vulcan comes. His hot seed fills my pussy as he holds me close to him. We kick on another's mate marks before resting our foreheads against each other's.

My heat subsides a little but it is still present. I am surprised that Vulcan is still hard after coming. Without warning Vulcan flips me over. My hands grasp onto the edge of the water. Vulcan moves me so my knees are against a ledge in the pool. His hard cock slams back inside of me. I moan loudly as I grip onto the edge. My breasts rub against the cool stone. Water splashes against my skin as he fucks me. His speed is fast and harder than before. Strong hands grab my hips as me thrusts into me. This new angle has him hitting against my g-spot with each thrust. I notice that scales are beginning to appear on my arms and legs. I turn around to see dark scales covering Vulcan's skin. His eyes are darkened with lust as he thrusts into me. I moan loudly as the sight, and lean back into his muscular chest.

Vulcan's canines sink into my neck as he ponds into my pussy. The hard and fast pace he enters me is almost animalistic. I scream loudly as I cum around his cock.
My eyes flutter closed and I feel him come inside of me. He growls loudly as he continues to come inside of me. His cum feels warm, yet for some reason it is making my heat temporary vanish.

A/N; Hello everyone! I know that I do not usually leave an Author's Note. I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year! I hope that 2020 is a happy year for you all.

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