Unexpected | Calum Hood

By SavSOS_

740K 12.5K 4.8K

A night out. A conversation that led to more. Now their lives are forever intertwined and they must find a w... More



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By SavSOS_

"Welcome home PK!" Cal says quietly to the sleeping newborn as we cross through the threshold of our home.

He sets her carrier down on the counter and returns to help me ease myself onto the couch. The past few days have wracked my body in ways that even mesh panties full of ice packs can't help.

"Do you need anything love?" Cal asks, his eyes searching mine.

"Just a bottle of water for now. Pais' needs to be fed in like twenty minutes but I may try to rest my eyes between now and then." He nods before turning in search of my water. It feels nice to be home. While the hospital offered security and medical professionals who could field all of my never ending questions. Home offered me a haven full of only Calum, our daughter, and I. A barrier between us and the world where we could explore our new roles as parents.

Cal returns with my bottle of water and I guzzle down half. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was until the first sip. I finish off the final drops just as Paisley begins to stir. Calum quickly moves to her untangling her from the straps of her car seat and bringing her to me so I can feed her. She latches on to me quickly and I stroke her tiny cheek as she cuddles into me.

"What time are the boys coming over?"

"Around noon if that's okay. Luke asked if the girl's are invited as well."

"Of course. I know everyone wants to meet her."

"Mum and Dad said they'd bring us dinner, but I told them your Dad, Christina and Lena were coming with food."

"They can come too. The more the merrier, we're going to be exhausted either way, might as well make everyone happy." I reply.

"Jes, we can say no. I know you're tired and she's only two days old."

"It's our friends and family Cal. They want to be here for us, I won't deny them that. If it gets to be too much I'll tell you and let you kick them out."

"Deal." He chuckles.

"Where's the tiny human?" Ashton asks before he's even through the door.

I laugh at him and Calum points from the door in my direction.

"You're in luck she's just woken up." I tell him as he makes his way into the living room followed closely by the rest of Calum's band and their girlfriends.

I pass Paisley to Cal and let him show her off. Everyone coos over how gorgeous she is and the look of pride on Calum's face is something I wish I could bottle up and sell.

"Will you guys finally tell us her name now?" Luke whines and I smirk at Calum. I don't know why we'd been so protective of her name, I guess it just meant a lot to us and we hadn't wanted to hear any comments and be swayed once we'd fallen in love with it. I nod in Cal's direction to indicate he can share.

"Paisley Kora Hood" Cal says beaming down at the content infant resting in his arms. He rejoins me and passes me the baby.

"Aw that's lovely!" Sierra comments and the others offer words of agreement.

"She's sooooo cute." Crystal says

"Do you wanna hold her?" I question and she immediately nods her head excitedly, moving to sit next to me. I support P's head and pass her over. Crystal's face lights up as Paisley stares at her.

"You better be careful Mikey, think she's got a little touch of baby fever."

He laughs off my comment, but I don't miss the way he lovingly looks at his fiancé cradling my daughter. 'They're definitely next' I think to myself. I look over to find Cal smirking and when our eyes meet I can tell he's thinking the same thing.

KayKay takes a turn after Crystal all the boys seemingly too afraid to hold her just yet. As soon as she settles P against her chest Ashton jokes, "don't get any ideas." She scoffs at him and rubs at Paisleys back for a few minutes before giving Sierra a turn.

"I want 10 of them. Like, tomorrow." She says seriously, staring at Luke as she holds P close.

"Yeah, yeah. In time love." Luke says leaning over to kiss her cheek.

They are disgustingly cute and I know if Luke has a choice in it he'll give her anything her heart desires. He's completely in love with her.

"What are you gonna do while Cal's away?" She asks innocently. It's a simple enough question but even just the thought of him leaving makes my heart drop.

"That's uh....that's a bit of a sore subject." Calum chokes out. I sit quietly, fiddling with my hands unwilling to let myself go too deep into thoughts of Cal's impending month long departure. That was still two weeks away and I didn't have the headspace to process those thoughts yet.

The group changes subject as Paisley is handed back to me and I pull away from the conversation. I'm physically here, but my mind is somewhere far away. Calum seems to notice and stands before addressing our group of friends, "I'm really glad you guys all got to come meet P. I think my girls could use a nap before dinner time though." He's polite but firm and everyone seems to get the hint and stands to leave, offering goodbyes as they exit.

When they're gone Cal returns to sit beside me on the couch. I lean my head against his shoulder and enjoy the content feeling I get when it's just the three of us. I wish it could stay this way forever.

I know he has to go. I know that this is his job and I knew that when I allowed him into my life. Knowing that it's part of the deal and having to live through it are two different things though. Cal hasn't even left yet and I already miss him. I don't want him to miss out on all of Paisley's little milestones and thinking about being alone with her sucks the air from my lungs.

I know he senses my apprehension about his leaving but I don't think he can understand the true magnitude of my feelings. I'm terrified but it's something that will happen whether I like it or not. I'd have to find a way to be okay with that.

All of my unspoken worries linger in the chasm between Cal and I. He senses the dread brought about by this conversation and wraps his arm around me protectively, his wordless reminder that he loves me and we will get through this.

An: this story has been gaining reads like crazy! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy lives to read my little story. I hope you've grown to love my characters as much as I do! Please continue to read/vote/comment/share this story! As long as people are reading I'll keep writing ❤️

All the love
Sav 🖤

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