
By ChildOfHypnos

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After Vorona stabbed Izaya during his fight with Shizuo, he was taken far away from Ikebukuro to see an under... More

Prologue: Empty
Chapter 1: "Healing"
Chapter 2: Change
Chapter 3: Yuu
Chapter 4: Feeling
Chapter 5: Moving
Chapter 6: Anime
Chapter 7: Celty
Chapter 8: Jealousy
Chapter 9: Kanra
Chapter 10: Confusion
Chapter 11: Culprit
Chapter 12: Hotpot
Chapter 13: Caring
Chapter 14: Weak
Chapter 15: Downhill
Chapter 16: Revelations
Chapter 17: Past
Tagged: End my pain
Chapter 18: Information
Chapter 19: Izaya
Chapter 20: Himi
Chapter 21: Loneliness
Chapter 22: Reunion
Chapter 23: Locked
Chapter 24: Amends
Chapter 25: (Kid)napped
Chapter 26: Rescue
Chapter 28: Monster
Chapter 28.5: Birthday Special
Chapter 29: Shizuo

Chapter 27: Rescued

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By ChildOfHypnos


Shizuo fought his way through the very small amount of people, he expected there to be much more security if they were able to get Namie off guard. He didn't dwell on it much and just focused in what he was good at, beating people up. He didn't agree with Izaya's idea at first but it was their only option to get into the facility.

Sakura and Shinra worked on knocking out the main guys guarding the room they believed Izaya and Namie were trapped in. They opened the door to find Kadota, Saburo, and Miki. "Sakura! Shinra! You guys are a sight for sore eyes." Kadota got up and turned around. "Mind helping us?" He gestured to his hands that were tied together.

Shinra undid the ropes binding the hostages' hands together while Sakura went to help Shizuo, he did most of the fighting but Sakura knocked out a couple guards before picking the lock to another room. Izaya and Namie had to be there and if they were lucky then Yuu would be with them too.

"Sakura! Took you long enough." Izaya stood up and cut himself free from the ropes binding his feet together. "They didn't even bother taking my switchblade." He stood up and dusted himself off. "You stay here, I have a word or two for our kidnapper." He walked out and walked past Shizuo. He looked around but didn't see the man who had planned the whole scheme.

He cursed under his breath and searched the walls for any type of switch that would hide a secret room. His search was not in vain as he found a cavity in the wall. He used his knife to stab a hole where the cavity was and stuck his arm inside, he moved his hand to find a doorknob. He opened the door and saw a staircase leading down.

"Shizu-chan! Look at this." He gestured to the now very obvious hole in the wall.

Shizuo walked over after knocking out the last of the men. "What?" Izaya was glad Shizuo was at least just treating him normally for Namie and Yuu's sake.

"Secret passage, you should go first. I don't feel like dying. You're expendable." He laughed, hoping Shizuo would get his joke and not kill him.

"Haha, so funny. I'm dying of laughter" Izaya could hear the sarcasm in Shizuo's tone. At least he didn't get punched. "I'll go first cuz I can take a hit. I doubt you can put up a fight after what I-" He shook his head, leaving Izaya curious about what he was going to say.

"Uh..right..." The two walked down the steps in silence, Izaya was ready to murder whoever kidnapped Yuu and Namie. He clutched his switchblade tightly, on edge.

"Loosen up, you'll break the knife if you keep that up." Shizuo grumbled, he himself didn't have any room to talk as he was clenching his fists so tightly that he was beginning to draw blood.

"Well this is unexpected." A nervous voice said. "I- I didn't know Shizuo was...uh...if I knew Shizuo was friends with that chick then I wouldn't have-" He couldn't finished his sentence as Izaya already had him pinned to the wall. "Woah woah!"

"Give me one good reason to not shove this blade into your neck."


Shizuo was not expecting Izaya to do what he did. He thought Izaya wouldn't be able to fight as well as he used to but there he was, pinning a man against a wall with a blade to his neck. "Woah! Dude calm down! This has nothing to do with you."

Izaya glared at the man. "So kidnapping my friends, son, assistant, and myself has nothing to do with me?! Don't make me laugh!" He stepped on the man's foot.

"Wait-" The man seemed to realize who had a knife at his neck. "You're Izaya! H-how did you escape?" The man looked between Shizuo and Izaya. "And how did you get that thing on your side?"

Izaya pressed his arm against the man's neck, effectively shutting him up. "Insult Shizu-chan again and you will regret being born."

"Okay okay! I give up! J-just put the knife down." The man tried desperately to get Izaya's arm away from his neck, he could barely breathe.

Shizuo forced the knife out of Izaya's hand and took the man up the stairs. Izaya could hear Shizuo barking orders at Sakura to call the police. He looked down at his hands, he was ready to kill that guy yet Shizuo was able to control his own anger.

He fell to his knees, he could barely stand after all the stress and the energy he used just to keep the guy in one place. His arms and legs were hurting but he couldn't feel the pain when he was talking to the man that kidnapped his friends. It was like he was blinded by his rage, was that how Shizuo was?

No, Shizuo was able to control himself, he wouldn't ever kill anyone. Well he almost killed Izaya but he definitely didn't want to become a murderer. Izaya sighed and forced himself to stand, he used the wall to support him as he slowly made his way up the stairs.

He was greeted by Sakura and Yuu when he got to the top but he just walked past them. Sakura frowned and grabbed his arm. "You aren't ignoring us again! I've decided that you have to always tell me what's going on. You can't keep doing this whenever you feel bad, it's unfair to all of us."

Izaya stared at her in shock. "I- uh. What?" He didn't know how to respond to her.

"She said you have to tell us what's wrong! Papa you can tell me when you're sad." Yuu pouted and hugged his dad. "I don't like it when you're sad."

Namie just stared in disbelief. Kadota and Saburo were more shocked though since they thought that Yuu was Psyche's son, why was he calling Izaya his papa?

"You're right." Izaya tried to pick up Yuu but couldn't, he stepped back and held his arm. "Remind me to never do that again. That hurts."

Kadota decided to voice his confusion. "I have so many questions. One, why is the manga author's son calling you his papa, and two, how the hell did you get Shizuo to help you?"

Izaya seemed to just notice Kadota. "Uh..well..I guess I have some explaining to do."


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