Remembering His Name

By brooklyn_parks

244K 6.2K 828

Brandy Diamond found herself in the arms of a man she couldn't evade no matter what she did. She doesn't have... More



3.4K 101 5
By brooklyn_parks

Alexander's POV

"A deal? Denim would never. He's too stubborn and too smart to agree to something as dumb as that!" I argued slamming my fists on a desk.

"Two mafia's working together can do wonders for business. Expansion on territory, better protection..."

"Let me stop you right there, Denim does not want anything do with anything else that isn't already his. He won't fall for it."

"Your son is being ridiculous!" Aatto exclaims.

"Put something in works and get back to me." I stated sitting back in my chair, crossing my arms.

Aatto glared at me before turning towards the door. Getting to the frame, he stopped and turned on his heels. He grinned over at me as he walked back over and sat down in front of me.

"I got an idea. An arrangement, if your prefer." He chuckles.

I sat up intrigued. "Go on."

Aatto proposed a marriage arrangement between Denim and his second oldest daughter, Cleonie. Territory expands also with further alliances outside of the city. Not to mention millions that could be brought it daily.

"My son isn't an idiot. He'll see right through your plan." I said bluntly.

Aatto nods. "My wife and I, will make reservations, tomorrow night, at Positano. Bring your family along."


I rolled my eyes. "I feel like you are missing the big picture. Marry the girl for the alliances and the money."

"I'm Not Marrying Some Dumb Slut To Please You!"

"I handed you the heir cause Julian couldn't. I thought you'd be smart and know what's best!" I exclaimed.

"Being forced into a marriage is not it!"

Denim is furious. You could feel the body heat bouncing off him. It's like his eyes changed completely black.

"We are meeting the Goldrick's tomorrow evening at Positano. Wear something nice and be nice."

"Over my dead body!" Denim shouts slamming the door behind him.

"This better work." I whispered.

Denim's POV

"You'll be lucky if you make out of that dinner alive." I said clutching my fists.

"Denim this will only be about the money and the territory. You Don't Even Have To Sleep With Her!" Alexander snaps.

I sighed rubbing the sides of my temple with my thumb and finger. "I'm bringing Brandy." I said hanging up.

I sat up from my bed and peaked over at Brandy who laid peacefully. I leaned in closer and gently planted a kiss on her forehead.

The day went on like usual. I made my down to the club and met with Blue. I grabbed a drink making my way up to the suite. "What was so important that you had drag me away from my bed?"

"There was an attack on the bar last night. It was from the east coast." He explained.

"Anyone die?"

He nodded. "A waitress and one of the attackers. I already got rid of bodies. There's no evidence."

I slammed my glass down. "Let then that they caused war. I'll kill them all with my bare hands if I have to! I'll Fucking Kill Them All!"

"Of course." Blue says. "I already sent Christopher and his little friends over."

I raised my eyebrows. "If my brother comes back injured or even close to death...I'll slit your throat."

Blue rolled his eyes. "You love me." He teased.

"Get out of my face." I glared.

"By the way, Alexander got a suit dry-cleaned for you. It's being sent over to your house now." Blue says leaving.

Got to be fucking kidding me.

This is all bullshit. "Brandy!" I called out.

I look up after fixing my tie and my eyes widened. I bit my lip. I pulled her in closer placing one hand on her lower back and the other lifting up her chin to face me. Her big blue eyes with irresistible.

She wore a long fitted, pink dress, with a slit going up the side just reaching the mid of her thigh. The dress hugged her curves perfectly. She did her makeup where it look so natural. I played with her that was slicked back into a ponytail.

"It's a surprise that you're still a virgin with me." I whispered gently kissing her neck. I felt her hands place themselves on my chest trying to push me away.

"I will never sleep with you." She groans stepping away from me.

"Just put your shoes and meet me downstairs. We are already late." I said.

I made my way downstairs to see Christopher and Julian already fighting with each other. I cleared my throat grabbing their attention. "Both of you, bring a loaded gun with you."

"It's a dinner Denim." Julian says holding Christopher in a headlock. "I'm not planning on killing the waiter cause my food isn't cooked properly."

I rolled my eyes. "Do you trust the Goldrick's?"

Julian immediately let go of Christopher. They both looked at me shocked. "The Goldrick's?" Christopher laughed. "They are nothing, but a joke. All they have is money."

"Then this night should be easy. Get through and never have to see them again!"

"Holy Shit! She's hot." Julian says breaking the silence. We all looked up to see Brandy walking down the stairs. It felt as if it was in slow motion. I ended up glaring at my brothers, who are freaking out.

Handing Brandy her jacket, I pushed her outside in front of me. "She's off limits. If you even think about touching her, I don't care about either of you, I'll have your heads."

"Not my fault she's the prettiest girl we've ever seen." Julian teased as Christopher chuckled alongside.

Reaching the restaurant, I made sure that Brandy wasn't going to be a problem. "I need to stay close to Christopher. Okay?"

She nods. "Alright, but why?"

"Just do it. You don't need to know everything."

I watched Brandy walk off and head towards Christopher. Walking inside, Alexander greeted me first. "Be wise, Denim." He said.

"I'm not marrying some bimbo."

With rage filled through my body, the Goldrick's started to pile in. With a doubt, my mother rushed over to me. "Denim!" She scolds.

I smiled standing up. "Mother."

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