Kuroko No Basket [O/L]

By SimplyRina_

1.3K 303 114

Read to find out where your destinies with these cuties lie! Will it be a happily ever after? Or a heart-br... More

Intro // β™‘ Author's Note β™‘
Requestsγ€Š OPEN 》
β€’ (O) Kagami Taiga x Bullied!Reader
β€’ (O) Akashi Seijuro x Reader
β€’ (O) Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader
β€’ (O) Kise Ryouta x Idol!Reader
β€’ (O) Aomine Daiki x Reader
β€’ (L) Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader
β€’ (O) Midorima Shintaro x Reader
β€’ (O) Akashi Seijuro x Pregnant!Reader
β€’ (O) Murisakibara Atsushi x Reader
β€’ (O) Hanamiya Makoto x Reader

β€’ (O) Kuroko Tetsuya x Clingy!Reader

91 24 14
By SimplyRina_

Annoy Me

Word Count: 2375


Your POV

You smile as you happily skip to your boyfriend, Kuroko Tetsuya.

"Tetsu~" You sang cheerfully as you hugged him from behind.

"Hello, Reader." Kuroko turned around and gently patted your head.

"Wanna go eat lunch today?" You smiled up at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Reader, but I was going to eat with the basketball team today.." He frowned, a guilty look on his face.

"O-Oh.. That's okay! I'll just eat with you guys then, I guess." You beam at him.

He sighs softly and nods, knowing better than arguing with you.

"Wanna walk home together today too?" You ask him as you two walk over to the table where the basketball team ate.

It was a special table specifically only for the basketball team. It was in a room separated from the cafeteria.

"Ah, I have practice, sorry.." He placed his tray down and took a seat beside Kagami.

"I'll wait for you then. Wanna study at my house? Or yours?" You take a bite of your food.

"Oh, uhm, sure?" He shrugs and begins chatting with Kagami.

You gently tug on his shirt.

"Hey, I forgot to get a drink. Wanna come with me to get one?" You ask him.

"Reader, I'm trying to talk to my friends.." He frowns at you.

"Oh, okay! I'll be right back then, I guess." You walk out of the room to grab a drink from the cafeteria.

On the way back, you hear your name from the conversation at the table, so you stop and listen in.

"You okay Kuroko? You seem upset."

"Not really, Reader's being very annoying today."

"Damn, good luck trying to live with her your entire life."

Your eyes brim with tears at their comments. You just wanted to spend more time with your boyfriend. You two rarely saw each other since you guys had different classes, and he was always at practice.

You sniffle softly as you wait for Kuroko to say something. He was your boyfriend. He should stick up for you, whether you were there or not.

"Yes, I've noticed it. She's being very clingy out of nowhere, and it's very suffocating. I can't even sit here with you guys without her tagging along. I want to ask her to give me some space, but I know she'll take it the wrong way and overreact like she always does." Kuroko sighed.

You turned around and ran, hot tears streaming down your cheeks. Your own boyfriend found you annoying and 'too much to handle'.

'I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to annoy you..'

You didn't even bother to clean up your food. You knew you couldn't smile and pretend everything was okay if you went back there. You just went straight to your next class, not caring if you were early. As long as Kuroko got the space he so desperately wanted.


Days pass. You stop talking to Kuroko, texting him, eating lunch with him, and even ignoring him when you pass him in the hallways.

After all, that was what he wanted: space. So you gave it to him. However, getting what he wished may not have been what he wanted after all.

He's been performing poorly during practice. He couldn't focus or think straight because he was thinking about you. His reflexes were slower than usual, and he tripped over his feet often. He was a mess.

"Alright! That's enough for today!" Riko called out, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Go get changed and get out of my face. Kuroko! Get your ass over here now!" She roared, crossing her arms at him.

Kuroko sighed and walked over to her as the rest of the team went to the locker room.

"What the hell is going on with you?! This isn't the Kuroko I know. You've been getting worse and worse with each passing day! We go against Rakuzan in a month!"

"Yeah, I know.."

"Is it family problems? School?"


"Relationship issues?"

Kuroko looked at her.

"Well, my girlfriend hasn't been talking to me lately. I feel like she may be losing interest in me. I don't know what to do.." He frowned, sighing softly.

"Just talk to her. Figure things out. FIX THE PROBLEM! Because if you can't fix whatever this is, I'll have to pull you out of the team." She said, shaking her head.


"The team's worked hard to get where they are. If we slip up because of some girl, we push ourselves through our limits for nothing. Please fix this, Kuroko. I don't want to have to pull you out. You're an amazing player." Riko pats him on the shoulder before walking out of the gym.


"Reader!" Kuroko called out as he knocked on your door.

You open the door, and your eyes widen in shock at the sight of Kuroko. This is the first time he's come to your house.

"Tetsu? What are you doing here?" You lean against the doorway a bit.

"We need to talk. Riko's threatened to pull me out of the team because I miss you talking to me. Please, Reader, I can't be pulled out of the team. You know I worked too hard to get to where I am. I can't lose it all." He stares straight into your eyes.

You smiled internally at his words. Did he actually miss you talking to him? However, as he says 'threatened', those warm thoughts disappeared as quickly as they came.

'Oh, Riko blackmailed him to come here. And to think he actually wanted to spend time with me.'

You force a smile and nod.

"Yeah, sure. I mean, I only gave you space because you said you wanted it, right? Because I was being too suffocating and clingy? Yeah, I think those were the exact words you used." You said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

He stares at you, confused by your words.

"What are you—"

"I was only giving you what you wanted. I mean, all I wanted was to spend time with my boyfriend, who doesn't text me, doesn't call me, doesn't take me out on dates, doesn't study with me, doesn't even want to eat lunch with me, doesn't invite me to his practices or games, doesn't want me to meet his friends and doesn't love me. Because if you did, you'd love spending time with me. Love having me around. Seeing me, hearing my voice. But.. But no.." Your voice cracks at the end, tears flooding your cheeks after all was said.

Kuroko frowned as he listened to you. You were right. He hasn't been a good boyfriend lately.

"Wanna know the saddest part? This is the first time you've visited me, and someone had to blackmail you to do it." You just shake your head and slam the door closed, unable to look at him without breaking down completely.

You lean against the door and slide down to the floor, hugging your legs as you sob to yourself.

'Why.. Why did I fall for you, Tetsuya..?'


You sit quietly by yourself during lunch. Your friends were out at a restaurant without you. They didn't invite you since you always tried to go with Kuroko anyway. You play around with your food with your fork, sighing to yourself. You looked up as the basketball team came in. You frown and grab your tray, tossing it in the garbage before leaving the cafeteria.

"Reader! Reader, wait up!" Kagami called out to you.

You look behind you, seeing Kagami jog towards you. You turn back around and keep walking, ignoring his calls. He grabbed your wrist, pulling you back gently.

"Reader, relax. I only want to talk, okay?" He smiled at you, and you crossed your arms.

"I'm busy. What do you want." You look away from him.

"Did you break up with Kuroko?" His sudden question caught you off guard, so you looked at him.

"Huh. I guess that's what it is. It'd make sense that he broke up with me without telling me. He was always horrible at communication." Your voice came out in a soft whisper.

You then began to laugh bitterly.

"Figures as much. I guess we weren't really meant to be." You shrugged, although, on the inside, you felt your soul being torn apart.

"Wait, Reader, he didn't—"

"Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore. I couldn't care less. I'm better off without him.." You blinked your tears away as you walked away from Kagami, refusing to talk to him further.

You left school entirely. It didn't matter to you that you would miss classes; you just couldn't stand the chance of seeing him face-to-face, even if it was a glance at him in the halls.

He broke up with you and didn't even tell you? This was not the Kuroko you thought you'd ever meet. The Kuroko you fell in love with was caring, sweet, and gentle. Guess people weren't the same when they're chained down with a commitment.

Someone grabbed your arm, and you swung your other arm, ready to fend off whatever pervert was trying to capture you, but they grabbed your other arm as well, restraining them both.

"Reader, it's only me, relax."

You look up and gasp internally in surprise at the sight of Kuroko. You stare at him. The last time you two were this close was when you sat beside him for lunch with the basketball team. You missed him. You stare into his eyes before shaking your head, mentally scolding yourself as you push yourself away from him. Without saying a word, you walk away from him, but he proceeds to then walk after you.

"Reader, please, can we talk? I—"

"Can't stay on the basketball team if I don't, and you love playing basketball, so you'll do anything to stay on it, yeah yeah. I know. I'll just talk to Riko, so you're off the hook, okay? You don't have to—"

"Reader." Kuroko ran in front of you, stopping you as he gripped your shoulders.

"You don't have to talk to me, but I would at least appreciate it if you'd listen." He said, gently taking your hands into his.

You sighed but allowed him to do so anyway, letting him lead you to a nearby bench. He sat you down and knelt in front of you, gripping your hands tightly.

"Reader, these past few days, I've been a mess. I couldn't focus on anything because I was thinking about you. I wondered why you had stopped talking to me or wanting to hang out, and I thought you were starting to lose interest in me. But it wasn't that, was it?" He smiled, staring into your eyes, and you looked away, unable to hold his gaze.

"I thought about you more than I did with basketball. I messed up during practices. I tripped over my feet, spilled water onto the court, and constantly ran into the guys. I was a complete and utter mess. Riko told me so, and I figured out what was wrong with me." He placed a gentle kiss on your left hand.

"I missed the one and only person who saw me—the one person who was always there for me, always helping me through everything. In all of my classes, I would always be looked over, never really seen. But with you, I didn't have to try to gain your attention. You always gave it to me. I took advantage of that, and I treated you more like a pest than my girlfriend." He looked up at you, staring into your eyes.

"I can't live without you, Reader. I can't live knowing that you won't be there to support me or when I have bad days. I just barely survived half a week without hearing your voice. I was a disaster." He sighed.

"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm begging you. If you give me one more chance, I swear to you, you won't regret it. I'll treat you how you should be treated, like a queen. Besides, Nigou really loves you, and he misses you." He said, giving you a small smile.

You sighed before looking at him.

"Fine. I'll give you another chance. But only because I miss Nigou, too." You tell him, still avoiding his gaze.

Kuroko smiled as he pulled you into a sweet and gentle kiss.

"Thank you, Reader. I love you so, so much—maybe even more than vanilla milkshakes." He smiled at her.

Knowing Kuroko, those words meant a lot. Like, A LOT, a lot. He was always serious when it came to his vanilla milkshakes.


Kuroko smiled as he held your hand, the two of you walking towards the gym.

"Riko!" Kuroko called out, smiling.

Riko grinned as she walked over to you two.

"Guess you two finally made up?" She said, patting Kuroko's shoulder.

"Great job, Kuroko. Go warm up and join the others."

"No thanks."

You and Riko snap your heads towards the bluette, the two of you just as shocked and confused as the other.


Kuroko smiled at you.

"I'm going to be taking a week off. I want to spend it with Reader." He said, his voice firm and his gaze serious.

You looked at him in surprise, your heart beating wildly at his actions.

"You must be joking! Need I remind you we'll be going against RAKUZAN!"

"I know. I'll be ready. I'll work three times as hard when I come back." He said.

"Kuroko, that's impossible. You'll never be ready in time!"

"It's not impossible, just challenging. I'll have to work hard, but Reader is worth it." He said, looking at his girlfriend.

You hug him tightly, appreciating every single one of his words. You've been waiting so long for him to say and do something romantic like this because you wanted to know he still cared. Now that you got what you wanted, you felt like the happiest person on earth.

Riko, however, was far from that. She sighed.

"Fine, Fine. Go. But prepare yourself for hell when you come back."

"I'd crawl through hell for Reader. So please, bring it on."

You blushed as you playfully pushed him.

"Okay, shut up now. Your friends are staring." You mumble to him, looking away in embarrassment.

He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you.

"I don't mind."

"Y-Yeah well I do!"



"You're very adorable like that, you know?"

"W-Whatever! I'm going!"

"Wait up, Reader! You're walking so fast!"

"Go away!"

"You're acting very much like Midorima."

"I-I am not!!!"

'Annoy Me every day.. I don't care.. I want to hear your voice all the time..'

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