Take me home

By luton1983

862 69 153

Sequel to new start More

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Part fifteen
Part sixteen
Part seventeen
Part eighteen
Part nineteen
Part twenty
Part twenty one
Part twenty two
Part twenty three
Part twenty four
Part twenty five
Part twenty six
Part twenty seven
Part twenty eight
Part thirty
Part thirty one
Part thirty two
Part thirty three
Part thirty four
Part thirty five
Part thirty six
Part thirty seven
Part thirty eight
Part thirty nine
Part fourty
Untitled Part 44
Part fourty one
Part fourty two
Part fourty three
Part fourty four
Part fourty five
Part fourty six
Part fourty seven
Part 48

Part twenty nine

12 1 1
By luton1983

Aaliyah woke up, with her body snuggled next to Jameel. She couldn't believe finally the nightmare was over. She was angry that they had been dragged into this mess. The case should never have gone to court. It was too weak. She would deal with that later, but for now she was glad to have her husband back. Plus, she had started to show now. She was going to need him now more than ever.

Aaliyah got ready and went downstairs. Breakfast was ready and waiting on the table for her. Jameel hurriedly sat Aaliyah down, and told her to put her feet up. "Your showing now, so don't you dare lift a finger. I will do everything. It still hurts me that I missed out for a while." Aaliyah hugged him. "Jameel, you didn't do anything. The police arrested you for no good reason. It's because of them you missed it. Not your fault."

Aaliyah and Jameel spent the rest of the day, at home just catching up and cuddling each other. "The only thing that kept me going was that you believed me. I would of happily gone down for it, because I knew you believed in me." Aaliyah slapped Jameel, "Don't you dare say that. How could you be happy going down for something you didn't do? You have two people relying on you now. Did you want your child growing up, not knowing you?"

Aaliyah went to bed, tired. She had stopped talking to Jameel after what he said. It had upset her terribly. She couldn't imagine her life without Jameel. It terrified her, how much she relied on him. She had always been an independent person, she didn't trust men after what happened, but Jameel had come into her life and changed all that. Jameel came into the room. "Spare room. I'm not talking to you. Maybe I will tomorrow. If you don't go, I will." Jameel went into the spare room. He couldn't sleep without his Latte. Aaliyah was really uncomfortable. She couldn't sleep. She missed Jameel.

She crept into the spare room, and snuggled next to Jameel. "Shut up. I'm still angry at you" said Aaliyah, snuggling closer. "Of course you are" said Jameel, hugging her tighter.

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