Part six

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She woke in the dark, to check where she was. She noticed him sat by her bead, asleep, holding her hand. She smiled and went back to sleep. Aaliyah woke the next day, wondering where he was. She saw him by the window, and wondered whether to call out or not.

"Jameel" she slowly whispered 

Jameel turned round and rushed over. "Oh my god latte. Are you ok? I thought I'd lost you forever." "I'm ok." "How many fingers am I holding up? Are you seeing two of me?" Aaliyah hit Jameel on the shoulder, "I've hurt my chest. My brain is fine." Doctors came in to give her her pain medicine. "How long do I have to stay here?" "We can discharge you soon, but you need someone to take care of you." "I'm a nurse, I can take care of myself." Jameel held her hand, "don't worry, she's going to come live with us, until she's better. My father is a top hospital doctor." Aaliyah tried to protest, but Jameel put his hand up to silence her.

Soon, Aaliyah was discharged. Jameel came to pick her up and he took her home. "Right, you sit there and don't move. If you need anything, just tell me." said Jameels mum. Aaliyah sighed. She was living with Jameel, in his parents house. This was going to be interesting 

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