Part thirty six

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Aaliyah felt terrible. This baby was making her throw up all the time. She couldn't do anything, as it made her feel ill. Plus, her bump was huge. Her legs were giving out, under the weight. She had terrible back pain too.

"Jameel, I hate you. Look what you have done to me."  said Aaliyah, trying to get comfortable on the couch 

"I don't remember you complaining at the time."

Aaliyah groaned. That was always his comeback when she blamed him for getting her into this state. She threw a pillow at him, then snuggled up to him. Jameel put his arm around her, then pulled her closer. Aaliyah's daughter came up to them, and kissed her baby bump. Aaliyah loved it when she did this. Aaliyah's daughter said it was her way of saying hello to baby. 

"Well today, you can see the baby on screen today. We are going to have a scan" Aaliyah told her daughter excitedly. Jameel helped Aaliyah into the car, and they went to the hospital. Aaliyah lay on the bed. "This is one big baby. I'm only a few months in and I'm huge" Aaliyah told the nurse. The nurse rubbed Aaliyah's belly, then frowned.

"Is something wrong?" Aaliyah asked worried, gripping Jameels hand. The nurse quickly excused herself and left.

"Jameel, something is wrong. I know it." wept Aaliyah. Jameel kissed her forehead. "Nothings wrong. Our baby will be fine." Jameel assured her 

The nurse came back with the doctor. They were both watching the screen, and the doctor confirmed it. "Congratulations. I can clearly see the two heartbeats. Both babies are doing fine." Aaliyah looked at Jameel, "two?" "Yes, your having twins." She turned the screen around for the family to see. Aaliyah's daughter jumped up and down with happiness.

At home, Aaliyah didn't say a word. Jameel got worried. "Latte, talk to me." "Jameel, we're having twins."

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