Part fourty three

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Aaliyah was a mixture of emotions. She was happy her children were getting better by the day, but she was upset there had been no sign of improvement in her husband. She didn't realise how much she needed Jameel. All the children kept asking her when daddy was coming back, and when he'd wake up. Aaliyah hated seeing the disappointment in their faces, when she couldn't give them a clear answer. Aaliyah willed Jameel to get better. She and the children needed him. Aaliyah needed him. The bed was so empty at night, it was so cold. She had trouble falling asleep at night.

Aaliyah sat by Jameels side, squeezing his fingers and talking to him. She would tell him how the kids were getting on, how much they improved, how they kept asking when he'd wake up, how much she needed him to wake up as they were a team, and she couldn't function without him. She would tell him about their life, how they met, their wedding and the birth of their kids. Sometimes, when it became too much for her, she would break down and beg Jameel to wake up. She couldn't imagine doing this alone.

Aaliyah was asleep next to Jameel when she felt movement. She got off the bed and double checked. Sure enough, Jameels hands and fingers were twitching. "Jameel honey, can you hear me? It's me Aaliyah" Jameel responded by trying to open his eyes. Aaliyah ran to get the doctor. The doctor checked over Jameel. "Well, I don't know what kind of prayer you did, but everyone is ok." "It was a prayer from a mum and wife to God to look after her family, and to make them ok. My faith and love are equally strong." The doctor smiled and congratulated Aaliyah.

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