Part three

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Aaliyah was having a good time at dinner with Jameels parents. She had forgotten what good company they were. The conversation flowed nicely as Aaliyah told them all about her job, whilst they filled her in on what she had missed. However, they all knew what was off topic. They were all busy talking and eating when the door opened.

"Mum, I want you to meet someone" said Jameel as he entered. Jameels mum ran up to him and whispered "bad timing." Jameel entered the house and froze as he saw Aaliyah. "Aaliyah" he whispered. "Hello Jameel" said Aaliyah as the female who Jameel had brought home made her entrance. "Hello, you must be Jameels girlfriend." "I am, and you are?" "No one special. Just someone who knew Jameel a while ago."

Aaliyah was about to leave, when Jameels mum grabbed her and told her not to go anywhere. "It'll make you look weak." "Weak about what? I've told you before I'm not here for him. I'm just visiting." "Humour me then." Aaliyah sat down reluctantly, and started having dessert. She felt Jameels eyes on her, and tried not to look. After finishing, Aaliyah excused herself and went home. "Wait". Aaliyah turned around. "Can you drop me and Jameel off at my house? I'll give you directions." Aaliyah slowly nodded and all three got in the car. The atmosphere in the car was full of sexual tension, that Aaliyah was surprised Jameels new girlfriend hadn't noticed it.

"This is so cute." she said picking up the Jessie doll. "Where'd you get this?" Aaliyah and Jameels eyes met. Both were remembering that day, and what happened afterwards. "It was a gift from someone who i thought was special, but I was wrong." Jameel looked hurt, did Aaliyah think so little of him? Aaliyah pulled over and she got out. "I'll see you tomorrow, I've just remembered I've got something to do." Aaliyah and Jameel drove off, in complete silence. Aaliyah didn't know where they were going, so she just drove home. Both sat in the car in complete silence. Aaliyah tried to get out, but Jameel grabbed her hand and pulled her back in.

"Let me go. I'm tired. I've had a long day."

"We need to talk."

"Can we talk tomorrow? I'm tired. I need to sleep. Anyway, I know what you're going to say. It's fine. I'm the one who told you to move on. I left. Now, you're with someone else. That's fine. Anyway, apart from my ex, you're nothing to me."

Jameel grabbed her hand "I'm a lot more, you just don't want to admit it." Aaliyah shrugged her hand off. "Go to hell, she said running upstairs to her apartment 

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