Part fourty two

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Aaliyah's twins were progressing very nicely. Aaliyah was pleased, but her happiness was incomplete. Two members of her family still lay unawake, and in a bad way. Aaliyah was torn. She was happy, but it was incomplete. Aaliyah took the twins out of their bed, and put their hands in their big sisters.

"Look, the twins want their big sister to get well and wake up. So does mummy. Please wake up my darling. You have lots of presents to open. They're just sitting there, waiting for you."

Aaliyah and the twins kept trying to wake her up. Nothing was working. Aaliyah felt helpless. She was her mum, it was her job to protect her from everything bad, but how could she protect her from this? Aaliyah didn't know what to do. She was being kept occupied by the twins and she was happy they were on the road to recovery, but her husband and her daughter were still lying there. Aaliyah didn't know what to do. All she could do was look after the twins, and pray for the others.

One day, Aaliyah felt a little hand squeezing hers. Aaliyah looked at her daughter. She was blinking really hard, trying to open her eyes. Aaliyah ran and called the doctor. The doctor confirmed her daughter was waking up. Aaliyah was overjoyed. "Mummy" shouted her daughter, as Aaliyah ran and hugged her. There were plenty of tears of joy and happiness. The twins ran to her. They wanted a cuddle too.

Aaliyah went to Jameels side, and squeezed his hand. "Our children are awake and they're fine. Now all we need is their dad back."

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