no escape (kave)

By helledvibes

19.6K 754 1.5K

Kurt has been feeling off for a while. His depression was hitting on him harder than ever before and he was b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 21

559 19 16
By helledvibes

There was already so much interrogation at Kurt having to do with the breakup. By the next day, interviewers whenever they can would ask about it. Krist was surprised, he knew the shit Courtney did to him but was shocked with how he ended things with her.

Krist was starting to notice how close Dave and Kurt were but tried to not think anything of it. With what Dave said the other day though, it was hard not to. He brought up the conversation when the three were all chilling.

"Kurt, interviewers won't stop asking you about it, why did you break up with Courtney?"

Kurt didn't know what to say- there was the obvious reasons, but the singer wasn't sure if he should get into the details about him and Dave.

"You know why, our relationship wasn't healthy at all and I thought it was about time to end it.." Kurt said, not wanting to bring Dave into this. The drummer shot his boyfriend a look and cleared his throat, feeling this was the best thing they could do.

"Krist? Listen...." Dave began, Kurt giving the other male a worried look and in his eyes begging Dave not to tell Krist because in all truths he wasn't ready. Yeah, he was their bandmate and best friend but Kurt was unsure of his reaction and didn't want it to be a terrible one. "There is also another reason of the breakup.. you see- Kurt and I are dating."

Krist didn't have the reaction Kurt was dreading he'd have- instead, he was surprised.

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, we're dating, I'm sorry if you don't support us.." Kurt frowned, causing Dave to wrap an arm around his shoulder in attempt to calm him down. He can already tell how nervous he was.

"No I support you guys, I just wasn't expecting that. I noticed you two being close lately, I never thought you would date though. I'm happy for you two, all I ask is that you don't fuck or do anything gross in front of me!"

Both their faces were as red as tomatoes heading that.

"Stop Krist!" Dave rolled his eyes, Kurt chuckling a bit from his response and pecking his cheek.

"He's only playing," The blond laughs and felt relieved that their bassist was okay with it, "Thanks man. It means a lot to us, if people found out we'd get tons of hate but I'm happy you're looking past that and accepting our relationship."

"I am, if it makes the two of you happy which I can clearly see it does."

Courtney when she was asked about it would say that Kurt was a "pussy" and couldn't handle her. She'd call him whatever curse word she could, she was so furious and wanted him back even if she was pissed. Now that she didn't have him anyone that was when it kicked in.

She could get anyone she desired to have with those techniques of hers, in fact a few times she's contemplated on leaving Kurt for someone else. She'd flirt with other guys and hoped her now ex wouldn't find out.

Kurt on the other hand couldn't glance at anyone else. Kurt could barely talk to other girls in a friendly way or else Courtney would lash out on him. But in the beginning, no one else mattered. He only wanted her, and then their relationship gradually got worse. Kurt overall in a relationship couldn't even think about flirting with someone else, if he was in a relationship that meant he must really like the person and overall didn't have time for anyone else. It wasn't fair to the other person.

Kurt felt something strong for Dave and tried to stay hopeful. A relationship like theirs wasn't easy to keep up but they could do it. As long as no one found out, they were safe.

Just because they broke up didn't mean Courtney was out of the picture completely. She'd still nag Kurt and would call him, usually when she was intoxicated. Kurt thought it made her look like a fool when she did that.

"Kurt, do you want your life to be a living hell? You know I find out everything and I can reveal it to the press. I can even make stuff up, if I have to. You better come back to me by the end of the tour or we will have issues!"

"Courtney, I don't want problems with you. You know why I broke up with you, and what stuff do you know that you can leak out that would make every reporter go crazy? What do you have that the world would nonstop talk about? Making up stories isn't going to do you much. I suggest you just drop this.. unless you want me to release my side of things to the public."

"Who would believe you? No one. You think they'd care to hear a word you say? And I don't know, but I almost feel as if you left me for someone. I know you wouldn't have left me like that, you needed me. As much as you wanted to leave, you never could. So tell me Kurt... who is it?"

"What are you talking about? Where are you getting this from?" Kurt laughed, trying to get her non-suspicious, he was afraid she already knew, "Maybe I realized I had enough of the way you treated me. We weren't a healthy relationship, admit that. We looked good together from afar, but if anyone saw into our lives they'd regret ever thinking we were meant to be. Just stay out of my life, I don't want you Courtney.."

"You don't want me?" Courtney had paused for a couple of seconds and when she finally spoke it sounded like she was crying. Kurt wasn't able to tell if she was faking it or if it was legitimate tears, "Fuck you Kurt. All I ever did was love you. I can't believe I wasn't good enough for you. I am going to be the only person made for you, and have fun with that new person you're with. And if you're not with anyone, I bet you'll never find anyone and you will come crying back to me. No one else could put up with that sick head of yours."

Courtney hung up the phone angrily and Kurt felt those words sting him. They stung him the way that Dave yelled at him that one night, it was Courtney that hurt him and the harsh truth behind what she said. What if she was right? What if she was the only person who can put up with him?

And Kurt felt familiar thoughts coming to him, Dave didn't deserve Kurt questioning his love for him. Kurt knew Dave loved him very much but it hurt too bad. What if he would never be able to put up with him? What if after a while their relationship wouldn't work out?

Kurt felt hopeless again, and found his only peace by doing the one thing that was hell in disguise. It was hell leaving the peace he thought he had.

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