Believe in Love.

By blarry20

728 7 13

Liam never expected to fall in love again after his breakup with Danielle. You never thought a guy like Liam... More

Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.

Chapter 1.

178 0 0
By blarry20

"Good morning boys!" You said as you entered the kitchen in jean shorts and one of Liam's plaid shirts. "Have you seen my neon orange shoes anywhere?"

"No," said Louis all sassy, "but if you bend over a bit, I think we could see your butt cheeks."

"Shut up Lou! The shirt's just long!" You snapped while looking down at your outfit.

"Plus, it's my favorite outfit she wears." Liam piped in.

"Thanks Li." You smiled at your boyfriend. It had been a year since him and Danielle broke up and you still couldn't belive that you were dating Mr. Liam James Payne. "Wanna go for a walk when you're done eating?"

"I'd love to Mew." He said taking another bite of his waffles.

"What's your real name again?" Niall asked in between bites.

"Monique Easton Williams. My mom is a big baseball fan, and I think she was kinda hoping I was gonna be a boy." You replied while sighing. You had to keep telling him because he was constantly forgetting. You really liked your name, and you really liked it shortened down to Mew because Pokemon was one of your favorite shows. Hell! It still is!

"Morning Zayn!" you said as you rushed out of the kitchen still looking for your shoes.

"Hey Mew," he mumbled. "Your neon shoes are in the doorway to my room. Did you know that they practically glow in the dark?"

You gave him a puzzled look before replying, "Okay? I did know that actually, but why... You know what? Never mind. Thanks!" and you ran upstairs to go get them.


"She's a really great girl Liam." Niall said when you were out of ear shot.

"Yeah, she's a little sassy though." said Louis getting up to go get dressed.

"I really think I love her." Liam admitted. "I'm a little but scared to allow my heart to feel that way again though, you know? I don't want to feel the way I did before, nor do I wanna break her heart."

"Trust me Liam. You gotta enjoy the roller coaster that is life, and falling in love is like one the big drops." Zayn advised while his waffles were cooking.

"He's right Liam. You gotta believe in love again man." Niall said and got up for another round.

"You know what. You're completely right! I'll tell her how I feel on our walk. You want the rest of these Niall?"

Niall barely got the words, "Of course" out before stuffing his face.

Meanwhile, upstairs:

"Looking for these?" Harry asked holding your shoes when you got to the top of the staircase. "Saw them in Zayn's doorway.. That's a strange... Umm... Place to leave them."

"Yeah! Thanks Haz!" You said and went to your room to grab a pair of socks. You came out of your room and sat on the staircase to put them on when Harry sat next to you. "I didn't leave them in Zayn's doorway by the way. I don't know why they were there he just told me that's where they were when I was downstairs."

"Right. Mew? Can I ask you something?" He looked nervous so you stopped and looked him in the eyes.

"Sure. What's wrong? How can I help?" You liked helping people, and giving them advice, but you felt something different this time because Harry very rarely talked to you. You didn't know why you didn't talk to each other, you just never did. "It must be important if you need my help." You said jokingly trying to lighten to mood.

"You... Um... Know how you were a directioner before you met Liam and all of us?" He asked. He was really starting to freak you out.

"Yeah. I'm still a directioner. I just don't fangirl as much as I use too." You said, you could hear that the boys were leaving the kitchen. "Let's go to my room and talk in private. This really does seem important." You got up and started walking toward your room which was right in between Liam's and Harry's rooms. 

"It's okay. We'll... Uh... Talk later, okay Mew? Promise." He said and took off down the stairs two at a time.

"Well that was weird."   You thought to yourself, and sat back down to finish putting your shoes on. You went down the stairs and found Liam waiting for you by the door. "Bye guys!" You called as you passed the kitchen noticing that all but Harry were in there.

"Bye!" They all called back.

You took Liam's hand and you went on your walk. 

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