Fairy Tail Adventure Resort (...

By makasxru

553K 15.9K 15.7K

The Fairy Tail guild has been whisked away to a hotel. Plans awaited them, unexpected arrivals from other gui... More

Currently Under Changes.
Chapter one : Going on vacation?
Chapter two : Lets go!
Chapter three : On the plane
Chapter four : Arriving
Chapter five : Pool party
Chapter six : Rock climbing
Chapter seven : The obstacle course
Chapter eight : Treasure hunt
Chapter nine : Find the rings
Chapter ten : The nightmare
Chapter eleven : Visiting him
Chapter twelve : Paintball
Chapter thirteen : First date
Chapter fourteen : The other guilds
Chapter fifteen : Concert
Chapter sixteen : Fancy dress party
Chapter seventeen : Rescued
Chapter eighteen : Ice bucket challenge
Chapter nineteen : Off to the bookstore
Chapter twenty : Feeling ill
Chapter twenty one : The renaissance fair
Chapter twenty two : Renaissance Fair (part 2)
Chapter twenty three : The eventful date
Chapter twenty four : Juvia vs Natsu
Chapter twenty five : Breakfast
Chapter twenty six : Open gate of the rainbows?
Chapter twenty seven : Rise and shine
Chapter twenty eight : Ren and Sherry's wedding
Chapter twenty nine : Want to dance?
Chapter thirty : Want to dance? (part 2)
Chapter thirty one : Gaming
Chapter thirty two : It isn't a date!
Chapter thirty three : Training
Chapter thirty five : The flower blooming Capital
Chapter thirty six : Merry Christmas!
Chapter thirty seven : Merry Christmas! (part 2)
Chapter thirty eight : The fight
Chapter thirty nine : Pranks
Chapter forty : Mount Hakobe (Part 1)
Chapter forty one : Mount Hakobe (part 2)
Chapter forty two : Revenge
Chapter forty three : Acting differently?
Chapter forty four : Let's not give children nightmares
Chapter forty five : Goodbye
Chapter forty six : Home
Thank You.
Time To Vote!
Results + 10 Facts About Me.
Prompt Ideas?

Chapter thirty four : Looking for a needle in a haystack

8.1K 260 181
By makasxru

Soon it would be Christmas.

Yukino knew what she was going to get Sting. 

Sting had been pretty grumpy for the last few days because he lost his earring. She was unsure what kind of special connection he had with the earring but it looked like it did mean something to him from the way he has been acting. 

So Yukino had spent the whole day searching the whole hotel for it. She was searching for a needle in a haystack. Yukino was filthy. She had gotten her clothes all dirty and her nails were chipped off from searching the place.


Yukino turned around and saw Orga and Rufus standing there.

"Rufus, Orga."

Orga raised his eyebrows "what are you doing?"

"Well Sting lost his earring so I'm looking for it." Yukino added "I thought it would be a good Christmas present since he's been down after he lost it."

Rufus smirked. 

Orga reached in his pocket and took a picture of Yukino.

"What was that for?" Yukino pouted.

"I'm showing this to Sting on Christmas if you manage to find it or you don't." Orga grinned and put his phone back into his pocket.

Yukino sighed.

Rufus said "have you checked the roof?"

"No, why the roof?"

"I remember Sting said he was going up to the roof a few days ago."

"Thank you Rufus. Come help me check the roof will be huge."

They both nodded and followed Yukino up to the roof's stairs of the hotel. Yukino pushed open the doors. It was cold. And there was a layer of snow on the roof. Yukino shivered, she was just in a t-shirt and slim fitting joggers, she forgot to put on shoes.

Yukino said "I'll take the left side." Rufus and Orga nodded and looked around to the right.

Yukino made footsteps through the snow and stopped seeing footstep marks going along to the corner of the roof. They looked like Sting's boots. She ran towards the corner of the roof and kneeled down digging through the snow to find his earring. Her feet were getting numb in the snow and so were her fingers. Yukino dug through the snow still at the corner but couldn't see it.

Yukino leaned over the roof to look at the view. A glint caught her eyes. And there on a window ledge was Sting's earring.

"I found it!" Yukino shouted.

Rufus and Orga went over to her and leaned across Orga said "I'm not that into heights."

"How do you expect to reach it?" Rufus asked.

It was far down. She would need to lean over and grab it. It would be too dangerous to try and get a hook of some sort and get it with that. That could lead to her accidentally hitting it and it would fall to the ground, it was crystal it could shatter.

Libra was out of commission for a while after a job she went on. She would have helped a lot since she had gravity change. Picses was also out for the count.

She couldn't use Frosch or Lector they were out Christmas shopping and mostly everyone else was out doing that too.

Yukino shrugged "can you guys do anything?"

Orga shook his head.

Rufus shook his head too.

"Well grab my ankles and I'll lean over and get it."

"That's way too dangerous." Orga said.

Rufus nodded.

"Come on please you won't drop me." Yukino smiled "I can trust you two not two drop me."

Orga looked at Rufus like they were having some kind of telepathic conversation. Because a minute later they turned and both said "fine."

Yukino smiled "thank you."

Orga grabbed Yukino's ankles and slowly lowered her off the roof to the window ledge where Sting's earring was.

"Go lower." Yukino said.

Orga lowered Yukino further down. The wind hit Yukino's hair. Hopefully people down there wouldn't notice her. The world was all tilted to Yukino as she hung off the side of the roof. Yukino stretched her arm out and her fingers slightly hit the window ledge but she still couldn't grab the earring.

"Just a bit lower."

Orga lowered her more and Yukino managed to grab his earring. "I've got it!" Yukino smiled and then turned a little and passed it to Rufus who leaned over the roof and grabbed it putting it safely in his pocket.

Yukino felt one of her keys slip from her belt. It was Picses key.

It began to fall so Yukino reached out and jolted to grab it. She stretched with all her might to catch it making Orga lose his grip on Yukino and he let go of her left ankle.

Yukino screamed but kept trying to catch the key. She stretched out and her finger and  just touched her key but slipped from her grasp and fell down to the ground.

Yukino looked down and watched it fall as she was still held over the roof by one ankle to see someone below catch it.

She peered down and saw Kagura down below standing with Rogue and Frosch, she had caught her key.

The three looked up and saw Yukino hanging from the roof.

Rogue shouted "YUKINO?"

Yukino could barely make out what he said from the wind hitting her hears and the distance between them "I FOUND STING'S EARRING!"

Yukino could tell Rogue had rolled his eyes even though he only looked like an ant from down on the ground. Orga grabbed her other ankle back and she was safe.

Frosch got out his phone and took a picture of Yukino hanging on the side of the roof and grinned happily.

Orga hauled Yukino back over and sat her down on the ground. Yukino's head was pumping as all the blood rushed to it and her ear was ringing slightly from the wind battering at her. She shivered in the snow.

Orga said "well that happened."

Yukino laughed.

Rufus put his hand on her shoulder "are you alright?"

"I just need to get to my room." Yukino nodded. She was going to freeze out here.

Rufus handed her Sting's earring and she put it in her pocket. "Thank you for helping." Then they began to make their way back into the hotel.

"Hey we're Sabertooth." Orga grinned.

"Yeah." Yukino nodded. 

Orga pushed open the doors and they walked back into the hotel. Yukino felt funny all over after being freezing to going back to warm. They made their way down stairs and back to their floor and walked along into their room.

Yukino went straight to her room and grabbed her blanket and wrapped it tightly around her.

When she came back out Rogue, Kagura and Frosch were there. Rogue said "what exactly were you doing hanging from a roof?" Rogue sat her key down on the table.

"Well Sting lost his earring so I found it for him."

Kagura asked "why was it on a window ledge?"

Yukino shrugged "it must have fell when he was up at the roof." Yukino added "Sting has seemed really sad since he lost it so I decided to look for it as a Christmas present."

"You went to extreme lengths to get it." Kagura  pointed out "I don't want to sound rude but you are kind of filthy."

Yukino chuckled "I know."

"Well I can't wait for Sting to hear about this on Christmas." Rogue smirked.

"What were you two doing then?" Orga asked looking at Rogue and Kagura.

"Oh us?" Rogue paused "uhhh just you know training."

Kagura nodded her head.

Frosch said "they kissed!"

Yukino's mouth fell open "really!"

Rogue and Kagura looked away and nodded slowly.

"Fro thinks so too!"

Yukino smiled "I'm so happy for you two!" And she really was. She was hoping it would happen, everyone really knew it would happen sooner or later for the two of them anyway.

The door swung open and Sting came in with Lector. Sting blinked at the amount of people in the room he still looked quite down in the dumps. "What are you all doing here?"

"Just talking." Yukino hastily said.

Sting looked over and his eyes widened "what happened to you? You look... well no offence but you look really bad."

Yukino couldn't think of what to say. She just stared.

Frosch said "Yukino found you're ea-"

Rogue put his hand over Frosch's mouth "what he meant to say was..." Rogue's mind went blank.

Kagura folded her arms "Yukino lost her shoe so she looked around for it and was recently outside with us in the cold."

Not the best lie but it would work.

Sting looked suspicious but then did a face that said he couldn't really be bothered to figure anything out "okay then.." He then dragged his feet into his room and Lector went over to Frosch.

"See look at how down he is." Yukino said.

"Well he'll be happier for Christmas then, you like him don't you?" Rogue asked.

Yukino felt her face flush "w-what? No..."

"You hung yourself over the roof and could have died just to get his earring back Yukino, if you don't like him I would be really surprised." Kagura said.

Yukino mumbled "maybe I do like him."

Orga said "sorry I didn't hear that can you repeat it?"

"I do like him." Yukino said louder.

Frosch grinned "I can't wait for Christmas!"


Yukino was all prepared for Christmas.

She wrapped up Sting's earring in some tissue paper and put it in a cute little box with a ribbon tied around it. Yukino also decided to get him a blanket to put in his office back at the guild. She always caught him in the office fallen asleep with his head resting on the desk.

She got Rogue a new scarf after he dropped his other one and it got all dirty and couldn't wash it out, she got Rufus a quill with a feather matching the colour of feathers on his hat and a new book released yesterday about spells, she got Orga a ps4 sing-star game for him to try out, Yukino bought Lucy a silver necklace and book, she got Natsu a new t-shirt that would hopefully fit his fashion sense along with some food and she got Levy a new hairband and book.

Yukino had other things for her other Sabertooth friends and for the Fairy Tail guild too. She also bought Kagura a new bow and some eyeliner, she wasn't too sure what Kagura was really into.

Someone knocked on her door.

"Come in."

Then in came Kagura.

Kagura strode in and said "may I sit."

"Yeah." Yukino pointed at the chair by the desk. Yukino was currently on the floor with sellotape scissors and lots of wrapping paper and presents surrounding her. Yukino discreetly pushed Kagura's present behind her. "Is something wrong?"

Kagura nodded "I don't know what to get Rogue for Christmas."

"Rogue is probably in the same situation since you don't really know a lot of each other's interests. Well..." Yukino tapped her chin "I know he likes books, umm what else? Oh I know! Don't let anyone else know this but Rogue is actually a great drawer."


"Yeah I've seen some of his drawings they are amazing, he does painting, charcoal, pencil anything really."

Kagura smiled "that actually helps a lot, thank you Yukino."

"Any time." Yukino smiled and watched as Kagura left her room.


Rogue called Millianna.

"Feeling spiffy!" Millianna answered.

"I need you're help with something." Rogue said.


"What does Kagura like? Because I have no idea what I should get her for Christmas." And honestly he had no clue.

"Oh okay sure let me think." Millianna made thinking noises for a while before saying "she likes Disney movies."

"Kagura likes Disney movies?"

"Yep, she loves them she has a small soft spot for Disney, it's really cute actually when you watch it with her."

Rogue recalled when he, Sting and Yukino watched Frosch try get home and Kagura had found him and found him really cute and wanted to take him home.

"That actually makes sense, thank you Millianna."

"No problem! Bye!"

And then she hung up.

Rogue then set off for the DVD store.


Natsu sat in the room staring at the ceiling making thinking noises.

"Oi shut up!" Gray said.

"You want to go ice princess!"

"Let's go pyro!"

Jellal shouted "oh hey Erza how are you!"

"WE'RE SORRY ERZA!" They both yelled. Gray and Natsu then looked around and saw Erza nowhere to be found Natsu shouted "you tricked us!"

Jellal shrugged.

Gray asked "why were you making those annoying noises."

"Christmas presents."

"I have the same problem we think we have all the time in the world to get presents and then it's so soon." Gray sighed, he was having problems on what to get people.

Gajeel came out of his room and grinned "I'm all organized gihi." Gajeel added "put your clothes back on ice boy."

Gray gasped noticing he stripped and quickly put them back on. "Metal head is prepared wow?" Gray said.

Gajeel said "whatever Popsicle, at least I'm prepared unlike some." Gajeel looked at the three guys lounging around the room.

Gajeel waltzed onto the couch "I'm actually looking forward for Christmas."


I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter! Next week I'll as usual have the new chapter up on Friday but then the chapter after that I'll be uploading 2 chapters on Christmas, that's Thursday, so firrst thing I'll upload them both for you guys!

Also as I type I am freezing. I live in Scotland and I don't know if you know what the weather has been like but it's been awful. I mean it's almost Christmas and instead of snow we have rain, wind and hailstones. I just walked home from badminton in the wind and on Wednesday after netball I had to walk in the hailstones it sucked.

Well thank you for reading and 19,400 reads that's awesome!

Please comment and vote!

Twitter - @Rebeccaaa_4

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             - demon-halphas


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