Supernatural One Shots

By softlymasculine

698K 8.1K 2.9K

Supernatural X Reader One Shots☆☆☆ - Female x Female - Male x Male - Ships - x Reader ~~~ (I don't own all of... More

Supernatural x Reader
Sam & Dean x Vamp! Reader
Hey Dean here
Sam & Dean x Reader
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Sam x Reader
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Dean x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Part 1}
Lucifer x Reader {Part 2}
Crowley x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Part 3}
Lucifer x Reader {Final}
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Jack Kline x Reader
SMUT! Dean x Reader
Sam x Reader
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SMUT! Sam x Reader
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Sam x Male!Reader
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Human! Castiel x Male! Reader
NSFW! Crowley x Reader
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Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 1
Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 2
Castiel x Demon! Reader FINAL
Jack Kline x Reader SOUL
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SMUT! Dean x Male! Werewolf! Reader

13.4K 148 28
By softlymasculine

S M U T ---- W A R N I N G

"Don't say I didn't warn you!"

~ Name could be a gender neutral name, but this fic is based with a masculine body. Also the reader is in the heat & a werewolf so Dean comes to the rescue to help you through it ~

Dean sat there silent for a moment. There were two different voices inside him telling him two different things. One was saying no, that if he did, he would ruin the relationship he took too long to develop with you, and the other was saying yes, that it was what you and Dean himself needed. That voice ended up weighing out the one saying no.

"Alright, fine. But if he freaks out, this is all on you guys, I will not take the rap for this if it goes south." Dean said getting up.

"Yeah yeah," Bobby waved his hand, not even bothering to watch the older brother walk out of the room and back towards the basement.

Dean took his time making his way down to the basement, and it wasn't until his hands were undoing the locks did he realize Sam had followed him.

"I'm going to lock you in." The younger gave him a blank look, but no look could hide the smugness in his eyes.


As soon as the door was open, Dean was assaulted by your scent again, it was much stronger in here than it was anywhere else in the house.

But this time when the door shut behind him, you were on Dean, shucking his jacket off of him and working on the buttons of his flannel.

"Please please please please please Dean-" You chanted, your dilated pupils glancing from the buttons up to Dean's eyes, gasping when you saw he looked no different than you did at the moment.

Dean quickly understood that there was no going back. He practically growled as he helped you tear off his clothes, shoes, socks and all. And then his mouth was on yours, his hands touching everything his could reach, and with his height advantage, was just about every inch of your skin.

You moaned as soon as his hands touched you, arching into his touch. He was the only thing that was cooling your heated body down. The one thing on your mind was Dean, his hands, his lips, his smell, everything about him. He was the only thing that mattered.

"Dean," You keened, "I-I need, ah, need you t-to-" You tried to say in between the kisses he was showering you with down your neck.

"I know," His voice was dangerously low, and hot against your neck making your breath hitch. "I got you [Name]."

Dean placed you down on the bed and took a step back so he could step out of his jeans and underwear in one go before crawling on top of you.

"God, you're beautiful," Dean rasped, latching his lips on your neck again.

You barely registered the compliment, but it wasn't like you could flush anymore than you could at the moment.

"Fuck! Please please please Dean, fuck me," You sobbed, pulling by his shoulders as close as you could get him, just wanting to feel him against you.

Your legs fell apart in an obscene matter as Dean situated himself between them, gripping your legs behind your knees and pushing them towards your chest, nearly folding you in half to expose you leaking ass.

A sob racked through your being again as you felt the blunt head of Dean's dick teasing its way inside. This is what you've been waiting for, for however long you've been locked in this room, and he wasn't giving it to you.

Dean pushed his length inside you in one smooth thrust, and embarrassingly, not that you cared at the moment, you came instantly. You back arched in a silent cry of ecstasy, vaguely aware of the tears of pleasure running down your cheeks. But you were still hard, and you moaned pitifully thinking there would be no relief from this.

In a moment of sobered thought, you never remembered a heat being this bad.

You heard Dean curse and felt his grip on your legs tightened before he setting a brutal pace, not giving you time to breath.

A constant stream of moans and garbled versions of Dean's name filled the room. It was pure music to Dean's ears that he was the one making you feel like this, feel good for once instead of making you nervous. At least he knew why you were so nervous around him now.

The bed only fit the both of you because Dean was on top of you, and by the noises of the bed, sounded like it would collapse beneath you by how hard Dean was fucking you.

Your head fell back, "Deeeeeeaaaaan," You moaned and tried to arch your back again as you came for the second time, but the grip Dean had on your legs prevented you from doing so.

This time, your cock started to deflate after you came.

You vaguely heard Dean choke out your name and come inside you. The feeling of him coming for the moment sated your heat, and you started to come down from your high for the first time in what felt like years.

Dean slipped out of you and sat back at the foot of the bed, letting your legs fall into his lap as he tried to gain his breath back.

You were no where near being of sobered mind, because even though you were sated for the moment, your heat was at it's peak and you weren't going to be yourself until it was over.

For a whole day and a half, Dean had you every which way possible. Against the wall, bent over the desk, reverse cowgirl, everything. But, you guys only did it once missionary style because Dean couldn't watch you come undone. The look on your face when you climaxed was too much for him, and was probably the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. From the way your nose scrunched up as you cam calling his name, your flushed face and chest, everything was too much for him.

Because Dean didn't have the stamina of an alpha in heat, you gladly fucked yourself on his dick many times until you both met your ends. Dean also didn't have a knot like an alpha did, so when you rode him, you were glad you were in control and got to keep him inside of you when he came, often until he was oversensitive and hard again.

While you were ready to go as soon as you came, the time between each of Dean's orgasms lengthened, and often resulted in letting the brunet relax and finger you to your end.

It was more than tiring for Dean, and he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to have sex for a while once your heat was over.

Once you passed out for overexertion at three in the morning, Dean got out of the panic room to get a few blanket and pillows to spread out on the floor since it was getting a little uncomfortable on the small cot. He tucked you under one of the blankets when he came back and tried to get some sleep himself, but found himself unable to and just wanted to watch you sleep.

He knew before he was a little into you once he got ahold of himself and got over the fact you were one of the creatures he hunted and killed, he allowed himself to actually see who you were as [Name], not your species.

Eventually he fell asleep at one point.


As you started to come your own sleep, and from your once lust hazy mind, a feeling of dread filled you.

"Fuck," You groaned and covered your face in your hands.

Dean just fucked you through your heat. Dean saw how strung out you were in your heat. Dean fucking Winchester put his dick in your ass.

You whimpered pitifully, how could you let this happen? You should have taken better precautions to prevent this from happening. He was going to hate you forever, your friendship could never be repaired now. It was over.

"I'm sorry." You whispered still not looking at him.

Dean sat up once he heard those words escape your mouth, "What? Why are you sorry?"

You couldn't meet his eyes, "I'm sorry I coaxed you into- uh, helping me through my heat. I'm sure it was terrible and I'm so sorry, I should have just left for the week instead of dragging you into this." You whispered, pulling your knees to your chest, wincing at the ache coming from your ass.

"Don't you dare think this was a burden, I'm more upset at the fact you told Bobby and Sam about this but not me. I wanted to come in here and help you, and though sex is the last thing on my mind right now, I would do this again in a heart beat." He slowly and gently pried your hands away from your face so he could make you meet his eyes, "Alright [Name]?"

You worried you lip and tried to look away from him, but he wouldn't let you, "But-"

"No buts, do you have feelings for me?" Dean asked, catching you off guard.

A blush filled your cheeks at his question, your eyes darting away from his for a moment that quickly answered his question, "D-Did they tell you I did?"

"Yes, but I wanted to hear it from you," Dean persisted.

"Uh, yeah then um yeah I do, I have practically since I met you..." You mumbled, "Do-Do you like me too?" The way the words came out made you sound skittish and childish.

"I could smell you ya know, the scent you were secreting," Dean said suddenly, "Bobby said the reason why I could smell you could was probably because you had feelings for me and subconsciously chose me as your, uh, mate." You deflated a little as he avoided answering your question, taking the action that he didn't return your feelings. Thankfully, Dean noticed your demeanour change, "And I am, I do feel something for you [Name], don't think I just did this out of pity."


"Yeah, so," He cleared his throat and let go of your hands to scratch the back of his neck, "I'm thinking we should probably go take a shower now that sex isn't the only thing on your mind." Dean teased, flashing you a smile as he stood to find his, and your clothes.

You blushed and stood to help him, making a startled noise as you felt cum start to leak from your ass. The feeling made you squirm and feel dirty.

Dean turned to you as he pulled up his pants when he heard you make a sound, and thought instantly that he really liked the image of his cum leaking from you. It made you look claimed.

And then it dawned on him.

"Jesus-fucking-christ, I am such an idiot!" He growl, fisting his hair.

You jumped at his outburst, "What?" You found your pants just then and used your underwear to wipe up the dried slick and dripping cum from your inner thighs before pulling your pants on.

"I didn't use a condom." And you paled at his words and stumbled back, "[Name], I'm so sorry, I-I didn't think, I'm and idiot," He added in despair.

You were at a for words. With how much sex the two of you had in the past day and a half, you were positive you could be pregnant.

At Dean's sudden outburst, Sam came barrelling into the room, "What's wrong, what happened?" He demanded, looking between the two of you.

You were slumped against the wall with your pants up but not buttoned or zipped up, and Dean was pacing the room.

"Fuck Sam," Dean exasperated as soon as he saw his brother, "We didn't use a condom, oh God, what's gonna happen now?" For once, Dean was truly scared.

He wasn't scared of the fact that you could be pregnant with his child, he was afraid of his line of work. He knew that admitting to his feelings for you would put you in danger, and now quite possibly putting your child in danger too.

"Calm down Dean, we'll figure this out, don't worry." Sam tried to ease Dean down from a freak panic attack and looked over at you, now putting on your shirt as well, "Do you know anything that could help us deal with this?" He asked you.

"Uh, I won't be able to shift if I am pregnant," You started, wringing your hands together nervously, "U-Uh, um... I won't go into heat again until after I give birth- that is if I am pregnant," You added, having a hard time sorting through your thoughts at the moment.

The younger brother nodded, and took in your frazzled and still shocked state, "Alright, why don't you and Dean go take a shower and I'll go talk to Bobby about this."

Dean nodded, and the two of you left the panic room and headed towards the bathroom, and Sam towards the Library where Bobby was.


"How do men give birth anyways [Name]?" Bobby asked, "If you do end up pregnant, we need to be prepared."

"Uh, I've only met one other man who was like me, a gay omega, and he had a c-section. We have a uterus, but not a vagina, so we have specially trained members in our pack to give c-sections to both men and women when they have kids." You explained.

"How did that man you knew find out he was pregnant?" It was Sam who asked this question.

"Uh, well we can't really use women pregnancy tests, so he had to wait for the full moon to see if he shifted or not, plus he and his partner were purposefully trying to have children." You paused, "When is the next full moon?"

"Two weeks from now," Dean supplied, "Can you just explain everything you know?"

You smiled and nodded, "For starters, male pregnancies last a month longer at ten months rather than nine, and they don't start to show until five months," You paused to take a sip of your water, "But I'm not sure how good this information will be since Dean isn't a werewolf like I am." You added.

There was silence between the four of you for a while as you all thought about the possibilities. It was a lot to take in all at once, at least for you.

Bobby sighed, "I think the best thing for now is to wait for the next full moon and try to seek out other information. I can call Rufus and see if he knows anything about this, and I can reach out to other hunters that have come into contact with packs."

You all agreed to not freak out or stress over the idea and possibility of you be pregnant for the time being. You would still be cautious of course with what you ate and drink in case you were pregnant. Didn't want to hurt the baby.


After Dean got over his fear of putting you and your baby in danger by being connected to him and his line of work, you guys ended up having a very loving relationship.

Sam, in the beginning, would often have to help you calm him down when they would get a close call in a hunt, even if you weren't there. You weren't allowed to go hunting at all when you found out you were pregnant.

After you stomach started showing at five and a half months, Bobby somehow got a hold of a surgeon in Montana who knew of the type of work you were all involved in, and thankfully has given a c-section to a handful of people before in dire situations such as yours. And he agreed that he would help, and help you give birth when the time came. You would be the first male he would preform on, but you assure him that your uterus was in the same place as a females.

His name was Shaun, and even though you assured him your anatomy wouldn't be crazy off from a female's he still gave you an ultrasound to make sure.

You also got to see your baby for the first time that day, and found out it was a little boy.

At first Dean didn't want to know the sex of the baby, saying that it didn't matter what they were and he would love them more than anything and wanted it to be a surprise, but you wanted to start buying things for them, and he caved and found out it was a boy. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was ecstatic his first born was going to be a boy.

"What about a name?" You asked one night only a month away from your due date.

You were beyond showing now and it looked like you swallowed a bowling ball. If you ever wanted to get out of the house, you had to dress as a girl because of the fact human males couldn't get pregnant. Let's just say you only left the house when absolutely necessary.

Dean shifted in the bed, moving to place a hand on your stomach, "I don't know, got any ideas?"

"We could name him after your dad," You offered, smiling when you felt him kick where Dean's hand laid.

"My dad was a trash father, I wouldn't want to curse my own son with his name," He grinned when you laughed, "Any other ideas?"

You hummed and thought, "We could name him after Castiel," There was a grunt in response, but not a definite 'no', "Um, I like the name Jules, it's cute and gender-neutral just in case they weren't meant to be a boy ya know. Plus Jules as in they will be the most precious thing in the world."

"I like Jules," Dean agreed, "They would have their own name, not having to follow up to anyone by being named after someone."

You nodded, "Alright, Jules it is."

You were the one thing in Dean's life that was always solid, and the one thing that kept him grounded. He was surprised that you weren't effected by the way he lived his life, and actually seemed to thrive in it. It probably had to do with the fact you were a werewolf and were born into the same life Dean was.

Everything went fine during the birth, but that didn't stop Dean from worrying.

Jules was born without a scratch and was a beautiful and healthy baby boy. Though he was born with a natural baby's blue eyes, you were glad that they changed to match Dean's hazel-green ones. And through some God-given miracle, Jules wasn't born with your werewolf curse. He did seem to get more angry and agitated during the full moon, but not once did he shift for years. But it wasn't until he was three did you finally realize and come to this conclusion.

You were happy with Dean and Jules, and felt a completeness you haven't felt since your parents died. It was a wonderful and beautiful and amazing feeling. And you were never ever going to let it go. Even if Dean did die a few times along the way, because he would always come back to you. 

-----F O L L O W-----

-----C O M M E N T-----

-----V O T E-----

-----R E Q U E S T-----

-----E N J O Y-----

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