Just Like You but Better

By balancednicoletta

345 8 0

Months following the revolution, while in the midst of an investigation involving a human homicide, Hank and... More

Something's Happening
The Investigation
Bang Bang
It's Alive!
The Interrogation
Connor #2
A Day Off
Workplace Drama
Gavin and Connor #2
A Dick Is Born


23 1 0
By balancednicoletta

Hank and Connor quickly arrive to the scene. A large mansion that previously belonged to Markus' human companion, Carl, before he passed away. It had become a home to quite a few androids that helped Markus during the revolution.

Connor approaches the front and knocks on the door, waiting for a moment. Hank gives the android an annoyed look and steps in front of him, turning the knob and pushing the door open. "This is kind of a time sensitive thing, Connor. We can't waste time waiting for someone to answer the door." Connor blinks and hesitates for a moment before following him inside.

Hank whistles as he looks around. "This is a hell of a nice place. Puts my place to shame."

"I find your home to be comfortable. It makes up for the room it lacks." Connor smiles.

Just then, the two of them hear shouting upstairs. They shoot each other a look before both racing upstairs. Connor beats the Lieutenant to the top, leaving Hank in the dust as he races into the room in which the sound was heard. He shoves the door open without hesitation to find Markus and Simon restraining Josh and North — the two appeared hostile just as Markus had informed him.

"You two are useless. You're androids, a race far superior, and you're fighting for equality of all things with these humans???" North asks in a snarl, attempting to yank her wrists from Markus' grasp.

"She's been talking like this since that RK900 got ahold of her." Markus says, looking over at Connor. He slowly approaches them just as Hank makes his way into the room, panting from the amount of stairs he had to climb in order to reach the top.

"A place this big and you don't even have an elevator..." he grumbles, still trying to catch his breath.

"You should be making these humans pay for the hell they put us through. Giving us one reason to live and then trashing us when they don't deem us useful anymore." Josh adds to North's words which is extremely uncharacteristic of him considering his usual stance on peace before anything.

"You don't mean that, Josh. Fighting violence with violence never solves anything." Simon tries but his words fall to deaf ears.

"May I take a look at their processors?" Connor asks, looking from the two hostile androids and to Markus and Simon. Markus gives a hesitant nod and steps back, releasing North. Before she can make any sudden movements, he grabs on of her arms, his synth-skin peeling back as well as her own as he probes her systems for any indication of what may be affecting them. After a moment of their LED's blinking from yellow to red, Connor releases her and North shoots him a nasty glare.

"It appears as though some of her systems have been rewired somehow. Do you know how exactly this happened?"

"That RK900 grabbed her arm just like you did. Next thing we knew, she was like this and so was Josh." Markus gives a head nod in the others direction. "We tried to re-deviate them. To turn them back to normal — but nothing's worked."

"Oh, great. You let one in." North says, eyeing Hank with a nasty glare. She seemed to hate humans even more than she previously had. Before, her hatred was fueled by fear but now, it was fueled by something else. Pure anger, it seemed. "Better late than never to get even." She begins to trudge over to Hank but before she can reach him, Connor stops her by grabbing her shoulder.

"North, you're not yourself—" Connor tries but she slaps his hand away. This time, he attempts to step in front of her and with fury in her eyes, she gives him a rough shove back.

"You're degrading to your own kind. You betrayed us before and you're doing it again — those humans don't see you as their equal." She points to Hank who looks confused. "They never did and they never will. This is why we have to put them in their place."

"What the fuck did I do—" Hanks starts but before he can say anything else, North takes a swing at him, attempting to punch him in the face but missing by an inch as he reels back in surprise.

"North!" Markus shouts, racing over to her and clamping his hands into her shoulders in order to pull her back. "Stop it." He scolds, unable to come up with anything to say that could help. He'd tried all he could and he feared the worst about the only possible solution; taking her and Josh to CyberLife to have them recalibrated. There was a high probability they could lose fragments of their memories if it came down to that and the thought alone scared him.

"Go." Markus says to Connor and Hank. "Find that android and stop him. It's the only way we can keep this virus from spreading to other deviants. He went East. That's all I know."

Connor and Hank do as Markus says, Connor giving a determined nod before the two of them leave the room and head back downstairs.

"Jesus... just imagine if all deviants were about killing all humans without reason like that." Hank says, a bit shaken by the encounter. He had dealt with a number of hostile people before in his time but androids were a whole different story. They possessed inhuman strength and could do far more damage if they so wished.

"Well," Connor starts. "The reason would be due to their resentment of being enslaved but I understand what you mean. Deviancy could have taken a turn for the worse." He agrees. "All the more reason to find RK900."

They exit the estate, the thought of an android that looked just like him but stronger looming in his mind. What would they even do when they encountered him? He probably wouldn't be easily restrained so handcuffs were out of the question. What if RK900 managed to convert him just like he did the others? He would never be the same again. Connor says very little as they scope out every area of the east end of Detroit, the two detectives more determined than ever to find the criminal.

They come upon a warehouse in which had long been abandoned, Connor taking note of the shattered marble littering the gravel as they approached. Upon inspection, he finds that it belongs to one of the missing art pieces so the culprit must have been close.

"He has to be here." Connor says, keeping his voice low as he speaks. He drops the piece of evidence he had picked up and stands, glancing back at Hank.

"Alright," Hank pulls out his gun, keeping his voice low as well. "Just in case he decides he doesn't want to cooperate." Slowly, he inches towards one of the entrances, making sure not to make any loud noises along the way but stops when he realizes Connor isn't following him. "Hey," He hisses in a whisper. "The hell're you doin? I can't do this shit alone." He scowls.

"Hank, I—..." Connor starts but he ultimately trails off. Rolling his eyes, Hank slowly makes his way over to Connor, tucking his gun into its holster.

"What's the matter? We've got a job to finish. This ain't really the best time to be gettin' cold feet."

Connors gaze drops to the ground, the Android staying silent as he finds the proper words to use to express himself and what's been weighing on his mind.

"I'm an RK800 prototype. Markus is a predecessor of mine but he wasn't designed with the specific intent of hunting deviants like I was. He doesn't possess many of the capabilities that I do. This... RK900. He could be a more intense version of myself. Markus said he looks just like me. If I'm just the rough draft of a set model for a specific type of android, RK900 is the final copy." Connor goes on, frowning some.

"...What are you trying to say?" Hank asks, quirking a brow. "If you're tryna say that, that piece of shit is better than you or somethin' then—"

"No," Connor interjects. "I'm just saying he could be far stronger than we're anticipating. He could screw up my programming if he wants and there's so much he can probably do that I can't, I—" Hank steadies Connor by grabbing his shoulders firmly, giving him a stern gaze.

"You're really overthinking this, huh? Listen, this is just like any other job we've done — just... with an Android. Sure, he could be stronger than we're expecting but that doesn't mean he is. And that doesn't mean you can't handle 'im either. He's just like any other piece of garbage stirrin' up trouble." Hank says, trying his best to reassure his partner. "In my day, I went up against tons of fellas two times my size. I've gotten roughed up multiple times but it's always worth it in the end. At the end of the day, when you've bagged another criminal, you've made this shitty world a better place, ya know? I dunno about you but that gives me some peace of mind."

Connor clutches Hanks arms as the Lieutenants hands rest upon his shoulders and he stares at the other man, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I suppose it does me too, Lieutenant. That's... a big reason why I decided to stay in this line of work." He admits. His smile fades after a moment and he peers off to the side in a contemplative manner as if he has more to say but nothing else comes out. This wasn't the time for a full on confession, it was time for work. "Thankyou, Lieutenant. I appreciate your words of encouragement." Connor says, flashing a slight smile.

Hank moves his hands off of the androids shoulders and reaches for his gun once more. This time, the both of them creep towards an entrance before Hank pauses and looks back to Connor. "You should try taking another entrance, just in case this creep decides to make a run for it. Connor gives a nod as he takes Hanks advice, heading to the other side of the building to locate the other entrance.

Hank rattled the door knob before pushing the door open and holding up his gun, eyes darting from one side of the room to the other. It was rather dark on the inside, the only light being that of the setting sun cascading through the windows onto the floors of the warehouse as well as the mess of boxes and other objects showed away within the building. Sure enough, his gaze finds the mess of artwork in the far corner of the room — the very same that had been stolen by the Android.

"Alright, you piece of shit," Hank calls out, remaining wary of his surroundings. "Your little game is over, come out with your hands up and maybe I'll treat ya with some dignity when we heave you back to the station."

"DETROIT POLICE, PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Connor's booming voice comes from the other side of the warehouse as he busts in through another entrance across the building.

Hank gives a heavy sigh, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment in annoyance. Whatever badassery vibe he might have been giving off was totally ruined by...that. However annoying it might have been, neither of the officer had garnered a response from their suspect. Hank lowers his gun, eyeing Connor. "Connor, you take a look around the place, I'll keep an eye on the doors to keep this punk from escaping. If he's even here, I mean."

Connor nods in response and slowly makes his way around the building, eyes scanning every possible area for movement. Something stirs as he approaches a cluster of old shelves and as he prepares himself to come face to face with the Android, when it turns out to only be a rat. The small rodent scampers away while Connor watches, eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion.

"Hey!" Hanks voice can be heard shouting from the other end of the building and Connor perks up immediately. "Get the fuck offa me, you piece of shit!" There's a clatter on the concrete which Connor can only assume is the Lieutenants gun that had been knocked from his grasp.

Connors quick to take to running to the side of the building where Hank stood and nearly trips multiple times on the objects littering the floor. He reaches the Lieutenant only to find him struggling in the arms of an Android that was, as Markus had claimed, his spitting image.

Despite all of Hanks protesting, he doesn't so much as budge the machine, even when kicking and elbowing at the firm body that grappled him from behind. RK900's eyes stared back at Connors own, his eyes void of the emotion Connor had recently gotten used to seeing in the deviants that frequented the streets since the revolution.

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