Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba K...

By Tsunami5505

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It has been only a month after Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Tea, and Lea had all gotten to Duelist Kingdom and defeat... More

Chapter I | The weird fortune teller
Chapter II | Fire problems
Chapter III | Lea's dream
Chapter V | Obelisk the Tormentor
Chapter VI | Registering for the Battle City tournament
Chapter VII | Breakdowns, and Serenity's operation
Chapter VIII | The Battle City tournament begins
Chapter IX | Looking for Yugi
Chapter X | The wrath of Weevil Underwood
Chapter XI | Joey Wheeler vs Weevil Underwood part 1

Chapter IV | The play date

131 4 2
By Tsunami5505

The next morning, as soon as Lea arrived in front of her school, she just gripped her necklace and had a worried look on her face that Mokuba might leave her. Just then, she spotted Mokuba, and she quickly ran towards him to hug him tightly, not wanting to let him go. Mokuba was a bit surprised, but he smiled and hugged her back as he gently whispered in her ear. 

"Lea, you seem really desperate. Are you okay?" He asked her, with a light chuckle. 

"I'm sorry, but can you just hug me for a little longer?" Lea replied, as she felt a little tears forming in her eyes. 

Mokuba just looked at her confusedly for a moment, but he smiled softly and held her tightly, reassuring her that he was there for her and he would never leave her. Lea just gripped his shirt tightly, and she nuzzled her head into his shoulder while inhaling into his scent and warmth. She could also feel herself fluttering her eyes closed when his warmth just led her into a comfortable zone, and she felt safe just as long as he was there for her and holding her in his arms. 

'Please to God, don't let this moment end.' Was all Lea could think right now. 

After school was over, it appeared to be raining and Lea just stood there for a moment until the rain would stop. She then suddenly got a call, so she answered her phone and said "Hello?" 

"Hey, Lea. It's Tea." Came Tea's voice from the phone all of a sudden. 

"Oh, hey, Tea. What's up?" Lea greeted. 

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that Yugi invited me to hang out with him tomorrow, and if you want you could ask either Jill or Mokuba to hang out with you while I'm with Yugi." 

"Oh, ok. Thanks, Tea." Lea nodded in agreement, before she hung up the phone. After that, she went to look for Mokuba, and when she found him, she talked to him, but was feeling a bit shy. 

"Mokuba, Tea just called me and told me that she'll be hanging out with Yugi tomorrow. So, I was just wondering if you and me could hang out tomorrow?" She asked him, shyly. 

Mokuba smiled softly, and he said, "Of course, Lea. I'd love to have you over." 

Lea suddenly felt herself smile, then she took out a piece of paper and pencil and wrote down her address. After writing her address down, she handed the paper to Mokuba and smiled softly, "10 a.m. tomorrow. That's when she's out of the house." 

She then kissed his cheek and began heading on her way back home. But before she did, she took our her notebook and held it on top of her head so she can prevent the rain from falling to her head. 

Mokuba just stood there for a moment as he watched Lea leave, and he slowly placed his hand to his cheek where Lea kissed at, and he blushed softly. 

The next day, Saturday morning, Lea slowly got up from her bed and headed out of her room to go to the bathroom so she can brush her teeth and wash her face. After that, she walked back to her room and got dressed. She put on a line knit lapel long-sleeved dress, along with long black socks and long brown boots. Then she went into her mirror and brushed her brunette hair and put it in her usual two-braided pigtails, and she even put on a black headband. And last but not least, she put on her necklace that Mokuba gave to her. Lea just looked at herself in the mirror for a little longer, and she sighed. She knew that she always chose the crappiest style of clothing to wear, and she wasn't ready for Mokuba to see her this way. But to shake the feeling off, she headed out of her room, on her way to her kitchen. She grabbed some toast and spread it with butter, then she walked to the living room and saw that Tea was sitting on the couch. She was wearing a pink jacket with a yellow tube-top underneath, red choker, light pink shorts, black thigh-high socks, and red platform sandals. 

"Good morning, Lea." Tea smiled at her little sister. 

Lea smiled back while taking a bite of her toast, "Good morning, Tea. Nice outfit." 

Tea blushed, and she said, "Yours too. Mokuba will flip!" 

Lea blushed hard, and she attempted to stutter out a question, "R-really? I mean, I feel like I always choose the crappiest style of clothing. So, I'm nervous and I'm not ready for him to see me this way." 

Tea stood up from the couch, and she walked over to her little sister and knelt down in front of her as she spoke softly to her, "Lea, you're beautiful. No matter how you dress, you're always beautiful. So don't you worry about a thing, ok? Mokuba will still love you." 

Lea just looked at her big sister for a moment, a bit unsure, but she managed a weak smile and nodded her head in agreement. 

"Ok." She whispered, softly. 

Tea then wrapped her arms around her little sister, hugging her tightly and patting her back comfortingly. Lea hugged back and while she did so, she just looked at the front, still a little worried about what Mokuba would think if he saw how she was wearing her clothes.

Tea then suddenly pulled away to face Lea and told her, "I think I gotta go now. Have fun, ok?" 

Lea nodded her head in agreement and said, "You too."

Tea kissed her forehead, then she stood up to her feet so she could head out of the door. 

As soon as Tea was out of the house, Lea sighed and sat down on the couch, still a little concerned about her 'crappy' clothing. She then ate the rest of her toast and when she finished, she walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed a book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling. She sat back down on the couch and opened the book so she could read it. She just read the book for a little longer until she suddenly got a text. She picked up her phone and saw that the text was from Mokuba, saying 'We're here.' Lea texted back, saying 'Omw'. Then she stood up from the couch and she headed out of the door. As soon as she saw the car, she stiffened up a bit, but she relaxed and headed towards the car. She opened the car door, and the first person she saw inside the car was Mokuba. He was wearing a gold vest with a purple and blue striped shirt underneath, even he wore blue jeans and black sneakers. 

Mokuba smiled softly at the sight of her, then he held out his hand. Lea slightly blushed, and she gratefully took his hand, and let him help her up inside the car. As soon as she was inside, Mokuba just hugged her tight and softly whispered in her ear, "You're beautiful." 

Lea's face grew even warmer when he said that, then she smiled a little and buried her face into his shoulder. 

'So he doesn't think I look crappy.' She thought. 

Mokuba then turned his head to face his big brother, who was driving the car, and he nodded at him, signaling that he was ready. Kaiba nodded back, then he started driving. When the car started moving, both Lea and Mokuba broke apart from each other, but they held on to each others hands, and Lea just laid her head on his shoulder, sighing a bit. It was then that Mokuba laid his head on top of hers. 

In KaibaCorp., Kaiba was just in his office after he had told Lea and Mokuba that they could play quietly together until they could help him with a Duel Computer at KaibaCorp. Headquarters to test out his new duel disk, just no "funny business". All Lea and Mokuba did was watch some movies and play some video games together. After they did some of that, they were thinking about what they should do next. 

"What should we do next, Lea?" Mokuba suddenly asked Lea. 

Lea smiled softly and answered, "Twenty one questions?" 

Mokuba chuckled lightly while nodding in agreement, "All right, you go." 

"No, you go." 

"All right. Favorite color?" 

Lea just blinked meekly and answered, "Green." 

After that answer, Mokuba said that his was blue. Then he asked her her favorite animal, which was pandas, Mokuba's was lions. And so they went on, firing questions back and forth, usually the same one until they had five left each. Finally, it was Lea's turn to ask. 

"Favorite book?" She asked, a bit sheepishly. 

Mokuba thought about it for a moment, staring at the ceiling until he finally answered, "The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis." 

With that answer, Lea said that hers was Harry Potter. Mokuba smiled and carried on with the game until he was the only one with a question left. He'd been wanting to ask Lea this certain question ever since she requested this game, but now that the time came to it, he was really nervous. He was worried that she might say no, but all he knew right now was that she loved him as much as he loved her and she'd never say no, and they'd still feel the same way towards each other no matter what.

So Mokuba took her hand and looked into her eyes as he asked her softly, "Is this a date?" 

Lea's cheeks blushed at that question, and she looked down as she tried to think of what to answer. She finally smiled and whispered, "Maybe, it could be. I'd like to think it is." 

With that answer, they tenderly stared into each other's eyes for a little longer, until they slowly leaned towards each other, but then... 

"All right, I'm ready. Come on, you two." Came Kaiba's voice all of a sudden, which startled the pair. Mokuba took Lea's hand, and he led her to where Kaiba was going to, which was KaibaCorp headquarters.

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