Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba K...

By Tsunami5505

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It has been only a month after Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Tea, and Lea had all gotten to Duelist Kingdom and defeat... More

Chapter I | The weird fortune teller
Chapter II | Fire problems
Chapter III | Lea's dream
Chapter IV | The play date
Chapter VI | Registering for the Battle City tournament
Chapter VII | Breakdowns, and Serenity's operation
Chapter VIII | The Battle City tournament begins
Chapter IX | Looking for Yugi
Chapter X | The wrath of Weevil Underwood
Chapter XI | Joey Wheeler vs Weevil Underwood part 1

Chapter V | Obelisk the Tormentor

129 2 0
By Tsunami5505

Meanwhile in KaibaCorp. Headquarters, Kaiba was testing out his new duel disk. He was wearing a long white sleeveless KaibaCorp. designed coat featuring shoulder pads and a raised studded collar, with black sleeves from his shirt coming out from under. He even had extra belts in pairs strapped around his upper arms and shins. All he did was face a Duel Computer that was using the same deck he used at Duelist Kingdom. 

"All fans, stand by. The final test of the new duel disk system." The announcer announced. 

"As you requested, Mr. Kaiba: We've removed all safeguards from a computer." One assistant reported to Kaiba. 

"You're crazy if you go through with this, Seto. If the safeguards are turned off, the monsters in this duel can really hurt you." Mokuba warned his big brother, worriedly. 

"Enough whining." Kaiba scoffed. Lea wanted to open her mouth to defend Mokuba, but she just refrained herself from doing so and kept her mouth closed. 

"Let's go." Kaiba told himself, before he tested out his new duel disk. As soon as it was open, Kaiba took a closer look at it for a moment while thinking to himself. 

"The duel disk is online. Engaging Duel Robot." One assistant reported, before the ceiling started opening, and out came the Duel Robot. 

"We've updated the Duel Robot's hard drive with your latest tournament rules." Another assaitant explained, just as the Duel Robot finally faced Kaiba. Kaiba grinned. 

"I'm setting skill level at max. We're ready to begin on your command." The assistant reported. 

Mokuba was tense, "Seto, are you sure you wanna go through with this?" 

"Keep the medics on standby. Probability of injury 90%." Another assistant requested, which annoyed Mokuba. 

"Listen! Why don't you keep your calculations to yourself!" He snapped at the assistant. Lea just pursed her lips together, a little embarrassed at the fact that he would snap at an adult who's on business. 

"I'm just doing my job. Since this robot is armed with the exact same deck Mr. Kaiba used at Duelist Kingdom, risk of injury is high." The assistant replied firmly, which made both Lea and Mokuba shocked. 

"You put all three Blue Eyes White Dragon in the Duel Robot's deck?" Mokuba demanded. 

"Right. Those were Mr. Kaiba's direct order." The assistant nodded.

'Seto's in major trouble if he gets attacked by a Blue Eyes. I hope he knows what he's doing.' Mokuba thought to himself, tensely. 

Kaiba suddenly took out his cards from his pocket, and he placed them on the new duel disk, which brought the life points to 4000. After that, he looked at the Duel Robot, ready to duel it. 

He then suddenly spoke out loud, "Three on one may seem unfair, but if Egyptian God cards are as powerful as Ishizu claims, Obelisk should destroy them." 

Lea raised her eyebrow when Kaiba just mentioned Ishizu... 

'Does he mean the woman on T.V. I saw 2 days ago?' 

"Let's go!" Kaiba announced, ready to duel. 

"Switching on the main computers' auto dueling system." One assistant confirmed. 

"Check." Another assistant agreed. 

"Duelbot, stand by." The assistant commanded. 

"Engage." The other assistant agreed, before Duelbot began turning on. 

"Good luck." Mokuba said, tensely. Lea took his hand, trying to be comforting, and she gave it a gentle squeeze. 

"Launching hologram projectors." The assistant announced, before the hologram projectors jumped out of Kaiba's duel disk. 

"With my new portable projectors, there's no need for oversized dueling arenas. It's time to duel." Kaiba stated, proudly. 

"Draw card. Accessing duel data base for optimal battle. Set monster card in defense mode." The Duelbot commanded, as it drew its card face down on the field. 

"I'll play this card facedown." Kaiba announced, before he placed his card facedown. Then he drew his other card and placed it on his duel disk. 

"Next I summon the Mighty Battle Ox." Kaiba added, before Battle Ox appeared on the field. 

Lea was amazed at the Battle Ox's presence, and she was starting to feel proud that she chose to use that monster back in Cyber Land.

"Destroy his monster. Axe slam attack!" Kaiba commanded his monster, before the Ox slashed the hell out of the card that was facedown. But after the card was slashed, it changed into Cyber Jar. Kaiba was shocked as hell. 

"Oh no! Cyber Jar!" He exclaimed, in disbelief. 

"Monster Cyber Jar, special effect one: Destroy all monsters on field." Duelbot commanded Cyber Jar, before it aimed its fire on Battle Ox, and he disappeared for good. 

"Cyber Jar, special effect two: Each player summons up to five monsters onto the field." Duelbot added, and Kaiba glared furiously at it while drawing as much cards as he could. 

"Set two monsters onto field." Duelbot commanded, before it drew two more facedown cards on the field. 

"I place four monsters on the field!" Kaiba snapped back, before he summoned all four of his monsters. 

"What a digital dummy! The robot gave Seto a huge lead." Mokuba exclaimed, completely surprised. Lea just nervously bit her fingernails. 

"Analyzing new tournament rules: Must sacrifice two monsters to summon Blue Eyes White Dragon." Duelbot commanded once again, which made Kaiba shocked. 

"What?!" He exclaimed, before Blue Eyes White Dragon suddenly appeared! 

"Now I'm in trouble." Kaiba told himself, a bit nervously. 

At Blue Eyes' presence, Lea hugged Mokuba from the side tightly and she trembled nervously. 

"Turn off the machine before he gets hurt!" Mokuba commanded, worriedly. 

"The Duel Robot already mastered my new sacrifice rule to summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon. If it attacks now, it's all over." Kaiba observed. 

"Opponent has card face down. End turn." Duelbot commanded, and Kaiba was smirking as he thought of a plan. 

Then he spoke out loud, "A big mistake! I sacrifice a monster to summon Dragon Seeker! In defense mode!" 

He drew his card and placed it on his duel disk, and Dragon Seeker appeared on the field. 

"Analyzing Dragon Seeker. Processing counter measures. Set one card facedown on field." Duelbot commanded, before a card appeared face down. 

"Summon Lord of Dragons in attack mode." Duelbot commanded again, which shocked Kaiba. 

"What?!" He exclaimed, before Lord of Dragons suddenly appeared! 

"Lord of Dragons' special effect protects dragons from all magic, trap, and monster cards. Dragon Seeker's effect negated." Duelbot described Lord of Dragons' special effect. 

"If I can't destroy the Blue Eyes White Dragon, at least I can protect myself. I switch all my monsters to defense mode." Kaiba scoffed, as he switched his monsters to defense mode. 

"You can't lose, Seto. Do something!" Mokuba pleaded, desperately. Lea just placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, and she herself also seemed a bit worried about what would happen to Kaiba. 

"Processing battle strategy. Playing magic card, Flute of Summoning Dragon." Duelbot announced, and what it said shocked Kaiba! Then the Flute of Summoning Dragon appeared on the field.

"Magic effect summons two dragons from hand onto field. Selecting dragons processing, summon two Blue Eyes White Dragons." 

"There's no way!" Kaiba protested. 

"Seto!" Mokuba exclaimed, before Lea buried her face in his shoulder, not wanting to see the two Blue Eyes White Dragon appear. 

"Playing magic card, Polymerization. Fuse three Blue Eyes into Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon." Duelbot confirmed, which made Kaiba really shocked! 


Then the three Blue Eyes began combining all together, and there appeared to be the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! 

"Analyzing tournament rule book: Fusion Monster cannot attack on same turn it was created. Must end turn." 

Kaiba just stared at the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon for a bit, then he suddenly smirked and said nervously, "Just great." 

Mokuba gasped in shock, "Seto!" 

Lea just held on to Mokuba tightly as she gritted her teeth nervously. 

"He's doomed. None of his monsters can compare to the attack strength." One assistant sighed. 

"The damage from Ultimate Dragon's attack will be catastrophic!" Another assistant exclaimed, which shocked both Lea and Mokuba. 


"With the safety disabled, the dragon's neutron blast will cause serious injury to Mr. Kaiba." The assistant answered, a bit tensely. 

"Get out of there, Seto! Shut down the duel!" Mokuba urged his big brother, but Kaiba shook his head. 

"Seto!" Mokuba called out again, but Kaiba just ignored him. Lea took Mokuba's hand, reassuring him that it'll be okay. 

Kaiba just looked at the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon for a moment, until he suddenly spoke up, "It's time for my final test!" 

He drew his card and announced tauntingly, "Now I'll see what an Egyptian God card can do! Obelisk the Tormentor, I summon you by sacrificing three of my monsters!" 

Then Obelisk the Tormentor appeared on the field. 

"No way! That Egyptian God card is humongous!" Mokuba exclaimed, completely shocked. Lea just covered in mouth, as she herself was also in shock. 

"Obelisk the Tormentor, let's see how powerful you really are!" Kaiba told Obelisk, proudly. 

"Now I offer you my two remaining monsters!" Kaiba commanded, before Obelisk picked up two monsters. 

"Absorb their power to increase your own." Kaiba commanded again, before Obelisk absorbed their power so that Obelisk could get more power. 

"I've never seen anything like this! Obelisk's attack points are climbing off the charts!" One assistant exclaimed, before his computer suddenly exploded, due to the electricity. Mokuba just held Lea securely as he saw that happen, much to Lea burying her face in his chest and gripping his vest tightly. 

"Obelisk, attack now! Show Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon why you're known as the tormentor! Obelisk, fist defeat!" Kaiba commanded Obelisk, before he punched the living hell out of Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and he disappeared for good! Then all of a sudden, Duelbot's life points went all the way down to zero! 

"System error! System error! Power overload! Danger! Danger!" Duelbot warned in alarm, before it exploded! 

"Ah! The compter's exploded!" The assistant exclaimed. Mokuba was left shocked, and Lea just kept her face buried in his chest as she trembled. 

"Shut down the powers right away!" Another assistant commanded. 

"Obelisk the Tormentor... He defeated Ultimate Dragon with a single punch!" Mokuba exclaimed, completely fascinated. Lea moved her face away from his chest when she just heard what Mokuba said, and she exchanged a fascinated look when she saw that Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was gone! 

"Incredible! If this is the power of one card, with all three Egyptian God cards, I will be unstoppable! I will defeat Yugi and reclaim my title as the #1 Duelist!" Kaiba said satisfyingly, before he laughed. 

When Lea just heard Kaiba's claim about defeating Yugi, she bit her lip. Then she glanced at Mokuba and remembered the dream she had about him turning on her, which made her sigh. She felt that the dream might just come true since he's always on his big brother's side, and she's always on Yugi's side. She suddenly removed the headset out of her head and began walking out of the headquarters. Mokuba obviously noticed, so he as well took off the headset out of his head and followed her. 

"Lea, what's wrong?" He asked her, a bit concerned. 

Lea was startled when she heard his voice, but she sighed and said, "It's nothing." 

Mokuba knew that there was something bothering Lea, so he couldn't take that answer, "Nothing? Come on, Lea, tell me. What's going on?" 

Lea felt a little tears form in her eyes, but she tried to hold in her tears and tried her best to not let her voice break, "I-I can't tell you." 

Mokuba just sighed, so he turned Lea around to face him, and spoke to her firmly, "Lea, for God's sake, I cannot help you unless you tell me what's wrong." 

Lea still felt like she couldn't tell Mokuba what was bothering her, but she sighed in defeat and decided to tell him, "I'm just afraid you might turn on me." 

Mokuba was shocked at that answer, so he touched her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Lea, why the hell would you think that?! I love you!" 

"Because since Yugi and your brother are still against each other, and I'm the one who supports Yugi, and you support your brother... I just feel that way. I just fear that you'll turn on me someday, and I don't wanna lose you." 

Mokuba sighed, and he placed both of his hands to her cheeks, then he leaned forward and kissed her lips softly. Lea's eyes widened, but she kissed back while fluttering her eyes closed, and she felt a little tears forming in her eyes. 

Mokuba finally pulled back to face her as he told her softly while placing both of his hands back to her shoulders, "Lea, you know that I would never leave you. Even if my brother and Yugi are still against each other, it doesn't mean we'll be torn apart, because I still care for you." 

Lea just looked in his eyes, and all she saw in his eyes were filled with truth and honesty. She felt a little more tears forming in her eyes, and she let them stream down her face. Mokuba obviously noticed, so he placed his hands back to her cheeks as he looked at her firmly. 

"Lea, just know that no matter what, I will always love you." Mokuba told Lea softly, as he gently wiped her tears away. 

Lea smiled as she still felt the tears forming in her eyes, "I love you too, Mokuba Kaiba. I love you too."  

Then she moved forward and hugged him tightly as she snuggled her head on his chest while saying, "I love you so much!" 

Mokuba hugged her back tightly, and he lightly rocked her back and forth. He could then suddenly feel her trembling and shivering, so he asked her gently, "Are you alright? You're trembling. What's going on?" 

"I'm sorry, I just feel a little cold right now." Lea replied, shivering. Mokuba looked around to see if there were any blankets or jackets around to keep her warm, but he saw that there wasn't any right now, so he took off his vest and put it on her, covering her shoulders and arms. Then he pulled her into his chest and patted her back comfortingly, reassuring her that he was there for her and he would always be there to protect her. He even gave her a kiss on the forehead. Even though Lea was a bit surprised, she just relaxed and sighed, feeling very warm and comfortable, and by the sound of his soothing heartbeat... she soon fell asleep in his arms.

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