The Crown

By chofachofachofa

203K 5.9K 1.1K

It was the first thing he saw when his eyes opened for the first time. The glistening, golden glow shining in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
lil vote
Epilogue - 1
Epilogue - 2
Epilogue - 3
Epilogue - 4
Epilogue - 5
CONTEST (part 2)

Chapter Two

5.5K 130 22
By chofachofachofa

Beatrice opened her eyes and took a deep breath. 

The cottage was quiet, too quiet. It was unusual, especially living on such a noisy part of the mountain like Beatrice and her family did.

She carefully moved to lay on her side as she looked to the other end of the bedroom. Her brother, asleep soundly, snored. She sighed at the sight, a small smile filling her face. A horrid noise that I know I will miss, she laughed silently. 

As she stared up at the ceiling full of cracks, her mind finally felt at peace. As of today, her life would change entirely. 

No longer was she just another villager - she was now the prince's new servant. A highly respected position indeed, but was no choice of hers. The money she would earn would be sent to her parents, toward a plan to keep the little farm they had.

With careful movements, Beatrice stood from her bed, slow enough so her bed didn't squeak, but failed. Caleb stirred a little but stayed still and fell back asleep. She sighed in relief and walked outside, spotting her mother drying her new work clothes. Beatrice stood beside her and took a piece of clothing from the drenched basket to put on the clothing line.

"Thank you, Beatrice," her mother thanked softly.

She smiled at her. 

Her mother sighed, her smile persistent. "Although today your departure fills us with sorrow, you will have a better life in the castle, my dear. The King will grant you a room - your own room! And, a big bed!" She chuckled softly and looked around. She nudged her daughter, sticking her tongue out quickly. "Just don't let your father hear me talking like that."

Beatrice chuckled with her mother, knowing her father's not-so-warm views towards the Royal Family. They lived In the mountains, far from the castle and the richer parts of the kingdom. This was always a fact that grew her father to resent and hate the Royal Family. These sentiments were very much shared in the neighborhood she grew up in, and constantly spoken about in her own home. 

And now, she would be leaving to go work for the very people she'd been taught to despise. 

"It all feels surreal," Beatrice admitted. "Almost as if the change hasn't hit me yet."

"It will," her mother assured. "Probably in the carriage. But, don't think for a moment that your decision is regrettable. You are doing an honorable thing for our family, Beatrice."

"At what cost?" She asks her, sighing. "I'm leaving my family to work for a spoiled one. The very same you and father struggle for in order to keep their luxuries in line and our lives poorer."

"It's just the way life is, Beatrice. We each have our roles in society."

Beatrice nodded, but did not agree. She finished placing the last of the clothing on the line and retreated back inside the cozy home. 

Caleb exited the bedroom, stopping at the sight of his younger sister. He looked away, guilt washing over him. I'm sorry you have to do this, Beatrice. You shouldn't be doing this. I should be the one getting a job, not you. You're my baby sister. You're still a baby..."

"No, Caleb, I'm doing this. On the bright side, I'll see Christina," she offered, trying to lighten the mood. She and Christina had grown up together, their families neighbors. Christina had left two years ago to the castle, accepting a position in the kitchen. 

Caleb let out a small chuckle. As the eldest, he was certainly should have been the one to get a job. Nevertheless, Caleb was a cowardly and lazy man, choosing instead to stay home conveniently rather than pursue a career that would benefit their family. The money Beatrice was set to earn from the castle would most assuredly restore serenity within the financials for their family. 

Beatrice glanced at the basket of flowers that was dropped off for her earlier in the morning. She read the signature attached - Robert. She would have married him only a couple of months later - merge their families as one and live a life together. That wasn't what she wanted, of course. It was but another arranged marriage in the confines of poverty. 

Natalie, their mother, wiped her tears and looked at her children. Natalie was happy to see her daughter leave, not because she didn't love her, but because she was glad she would have a better life than being stuck in a loveless marriage. Any mother would want that for her daughter.

"We are very proud of you, Beatrice," Natalie soothed.

Andrew, their father, emerged from his bedroom. He smiled and wrapped an arm around his wife. She rested his head against his shoulder as he opened his mouth to speak. "She's right. You took a step and took a job at eighteen. It's very selfless, and we couldn't be prouder. It's everything we've ever taught you to be."

"I don't deserve this praise," Beatrice said softly as her family members enveloped her in an embrace. 

"You can take the shower, Beatrice. It only makes sense. It's about ten o'clock, and the carriage will be arriving at mid-day. Go, get dressed, your mother will make you something for your ride."

With a simple nod, Beatrice walked into the cottage and into their only bathroom. She filled the two buckets of water and stepped into one. She closed her eyes and dumped the second bucket on her hair and cleaned her body off with the cold water. After she had finished, she dressed in her new clothes, running her hands along her freshly washed white apron to straighten it. 

Her head lifted up just enough to see her face in the reflection of the mirror in the hallway. It was the only mirror they had, and Beatrice seemed to be the only one always looking at herself, behind her mother's back, who believed that the mirror was a symbol of selfishness and self-loathing.

Her whole family, in fact, was raised to be selfless; not to look too long in the mirror, help others, and put everyone else before themselves. Beatrice, more often than not, questioned these values. Yet, as she walked out the front door, she realized that she was going to profoundly miss the constant nagging of her mother reminding everyone of their family values.

"Beatrice, the-" Caleb nearly ran into his little sister but grabbed her by the shoulders just before she managed to fall down. He eyed her outfit, and guilt filled him whole. "This is wrong. Don't go!"

It took everything inside of her to look away and shake her head. "No."

His intentions aren't genuine, Beatrice told herself. He's only feeling guilty.

Caleb let go of her angrily, leaving his little sister alone in the hallway.

"Goodbye..." she whispered, taking one last look around her childhood home.

With a deep breath, Beatrice stepped onto the porch, joining her parents at the bottom. They smiled up at her. In the corner of her eye, she noticed a moving figure headed their way. The carriage. 

Silently, her father handed his daughter her suitcase as the carriage stopped next to them.

"No matter what, my dear daughter - remember the values we taught you. Do not allow yourself to succumb to the power that lies within those walls," her father told her.

Beatrice gripped the suitcase, nodding. "I understand, father."

"Write to us all the time," Natalie urged. "We love you tremendously," She smiled and reached out to stroke her daughter's cheek one last time. "Our beautiful, selfless, Beatrice."

Andrew nodded in agreement, squeezing his daughter's arm. 

Beatrice smiled at them and watched the coachman open the door for her. She thanked him and entered, sitting down. Her eyes wandered around the intricately designed vessel. 

The coachmen whipped the horses, and at their neighs, the carriage began to move once more. Beatrice looked out the window at her parents and her house, watching them become increasingly smaller as the seconds passed. Once they had gone out of sight, she settled back into her seat.

A tear slipped from her eye, then another, then another. Soon enough, she was crying into her hands, processing. Her mother's words from earlier rang in her ears, causing her to laugh at the irony. 

Beatrice sighed and wiped her tears, knowing there was no more need for them. 

The curtain on the opposing wall of the carriage drew open as the coachman peeked his hand through. Beatrice gasped, startled, as she watched the hand began to wave at her. 

"This is the farthest I rode to retrieve a servant before," the coachman said, laughing. "How important is your new position, miss?"

"I'm the new servant for the prince," She tells him. 

"Oh," he said. "That's quite a position. You want to know your first castle secret?"

She smiled. "Do tell."

"The prince is a nasty little brat," he said quickly. "I have no shame in saying so - we servants have to work together."

"A brat?" she pondered. "Why do you think that is? I can't imagine being bratty when I have everything I ever wanted."

"Being spoiled makes one bratty. He is a sad case, that prince. I heard he stayed an extra two years in the academy in order to avoid coming home!"

"I can't imagine not wanting to return to a castle!" she scoffed. "What could possibly be so wrong in his life? Not enough time on his hands, I suppose?"

The coachman laughed. "Careful with that tongue, miss. You wouldn't want to slip up in front of your new employer, now."

She smiled. "I appreciate the advice, sir. I do wish I will be able to see more of you during my stay."

"Doubtful - there's always a servant to be transported. These Royals terrorize their servants into resignation constantly."

"Do you happen to know what happened to the servant who held my previous position, sir?"

A small silence. "Only rumors, miss. That servant left so abruptly - she didn't even request a carriage home. I can only imagine what that spoiled prince did to her."

Beatrice took a deep breath, her eyes widened. "Yes, I can only imagine indeed," she muttered, looking out the window. 

"Miss?!" a loud voice yelled.

Beatrice's eyes shot open and caught the coachman standing in front of her with a bucket of water.

"Oh no, I fell asleep," she cursed, rushing out of the carriage. She glanced at the bucket of water and cocked her brow. "That would have been an abrupt awakening."

The coachman chuckled. "You're lucky I like you, otherwise I would have not hesitated," He reached into the carriage and pulled out her suitcase. "Don't forget this, miss. It will be your most treasured item."

Beatrice smiled as she took the suitcase from him. As the coachman closed the carriage door and wished her good luck, she stroked the engraving in the corner of the suitcase. 


She could not help her smile. 

Beatrice looked up at the grand majesty of the castle. The mere steps were larger than the height of her entire house. She gripped the handle of the suitcase and walked up the stairs, looking around at the magnificent view and perfectly kept environment. I've never seen grass so green!

The sunset shined on the paint and designed glass windows, making the view even more beautiful. Tall and big grass bushes stood in a straight line, leading to the grand doors, leading into the castle.

When she made it to the top, she smiled at the two guards posted just outside the doors. She waved, but they paid her no attention. So serious, she smiled. She stepped forward and the doors began to open, revealing the anticipated interior of the castle she would be spending her working years in. 

Instead of the serenity and calmness she had expected, Beatrice was greeted to a frenzy of servants running around. 

As her mind was captivated by finally being in the majestuous castle she'd read about all her life, another body crashed into hers. Beatrice dropped her suitcase as the woman she identified as being the one who'd bumped into her grabbed her by the elbow, hauling her away from the doors.

"We're all behind schedule!" She screamed as she pushed Beatrice into a large kitchen. Beatrice looked around at the commotion and gulped. Cooks were dashing left and right, and the incessant sound of knife cutting filled her head to a headache. 

"I'm very sorry; I don't think you know who I am. I'm the new servant-"

"Shush!" The woman replied and pushed her to a counter with a huge bowl of dough. "Shape the dough and give it to Christina," and with that, the odd woman ran out of the kitchen.

"Christina?" Beatrice's face lit up with a huge smile.

Barking orders at others was Christina, her best friend. The short young woman was instructing all those around her, assigning them to various jobs. It was no surprise that a woman like Christina had taken control over the kitchen; she was endlessly determinant and persistent in achieving her ambitions. She set out on making most of her time in the castle, making her way to being one of the Sous-Chefs in the Royal Kitchen.

Beatrice slowly made her way to her, afraid she would not recognize her after two years of separation. Christina pushed her black hair behind her ears and whipped around to reach an ingredient, but stopped at the sight of Beatrice in her way. 

"What are you-" Christina paused as she gasped. "B-Beatrice?"

Beatrice nodded. Christina exclaimed happily as she wrapped her arms around her best friend, ecstatic to see her. She remembered a letter of hers that said she would be joining the castle servants, but ongoing events within the castle had left her mind in a flurry. 

"I can't believe you're here!" Christina laughed. "Oh, there's so much I wish to show you. I-I-I just have so much work right now, and-"

"There's no need to explain," Beatrice assured her best friend. "I was accidentally pushed in here. I'm completely unsure of where to go."

Christina furrowed her brows. "That is unacceptable. Someone should show you around..." she smiled. "Wait five minutes outside and I will help you."

"Take all the time you need, I'll be outside," Beatrice smiled before leaving the kitchen and letting Christina continue to work. 

Beatrice looked up and found herself, once again, alone in the grand castle. 

The stories she had read all her life do not nearly do the castle any justice. 

The ceiling was so high, Beatrice was almost unsure of where it ended. The walls were filled with paintings and portraits of Royal members. The floor was lined with soft carpet that she could feel through her thin flats.

This lobby is bigger than our whole land, Beatrice said, amazed. She unconsciously found herself wandering toward it. She lifted her head and stared at the beautiful design laid across the ceiling. She walked slowly to follow the painting, admiring every detail laid out on the art piece. 

Entrapped in her amazement, Beatrice did not do well in hearing the soft conversation of important members coming her way. Too late, she lowered her head and bumped into another person.

Judging from the loud noise that comes out of the other person's mouth, not only had she bumped into a woman, but an angry one.

"Watch it, stupid girl!" The young woman said as she stumbled into a man's arms. "You almost ruined my dress!"

Beatrice stood from the floor and straightened her own clothes, gawking at the large gown the young woman wore. Fear filled her up inside.

"Apologize, servant!" She screamed.

"Lauren!" The young man beside her interrupted. He discarded her from his arms and looked at Beatrice. "Are you lost?"

Beatrice looked up at the young man, thankful he didn't speak to her in the same tone the young woman did. "I'm-"

"Were you raised by pigs?!" The young woman continued. "How dare you address us in such a manner? I should not have to worry about a servant attacking me while I am walking in the comfort of the castle. Have you no shame? Did your parents not teach you any manners?" she scoffed and rose her hand. "They should have done this to teach you-"

The young man grabbed her wrist, pulling her raised hand back. Beatrice gasped at the sight, and so did the woman. She furrowed her brows, looking at her escort. 

"You do not raise your hand to my servants," he spoke clearly. "Am I understood?"

She nodded quickly, lowering her head. 

He looked back at Beatrice. "You should be more careful about where you are walking."

Beatrice nodded fervently, bowing to him. 

"Are you lost?" he repeated once more.

She looked up shakily. Her mouth opened to respond when a voice interrupted them. She turned behind and saw Christina approach, her eyes widened. 

Christina bowed beside Beatrice. "Your Highnesses."

Beatrice's heart beat fast. Your Highnesses! Just who did I bump into!

"This servant seems to be lost," the man spoke. "Please do her a service in guiding her properly."

"Of course, your majesty," Christina assured. "If I may introduce her, this is your new servant."

Your new servant?! You mean this is...Beatrice's eyes were as wide as could be as she shakily looked up at the man in front of her. 

Prince Tobias. 

Her new employer.

And what an introduction she had made for herself.

The prince smiled. My new servant...he thought to himself, a small smile on his face.

"That means I will be seeing you around," he said before walking away from them, the woman by his side. 

Christina looked at her best friend, who was in complete shock. 

"That was-"

"Yes. The prince. Accompanied by that horrible, wretched woman - Princess Lauren," Christina explained, watching them leave. "She's been speaking to servants like this all day."

Beatrice's heart continued to beat increasingly fast.

The prince!

Prince Tobias...she thought to herself, the young man... How could I have not recognized him?

"But in the Sunday newspaper, he's only a child! I didn't expect him to be a young man..." Beatrice incredulously explained. The only reference she had was the corner portrait of the Royal Family featured on the cover of the newspaper every week.

Christina nodded. "It's a dated picture from four years ago. The prince has only just returned home."

He even seems older than me, she wondered. 

She buried her head in her hands. "Oh, how am I supposed to show up to clean while I've made a complete fool out of myself?"

Christina laughed softly. "Oh, don't take it so personally. The prince seemed rather amused by the debacle. Come, let me introduce you to the guards."

Beatrice nodded and took one look behind her shoulder just enough to catch a glimpse of no other but Prince Tobias staring back at her.

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