Unstable [Harry Styles AU]

By ImSorryIfISayINeedYa

27.7K 1.4K 187

Everyone has an angelic and demonic side to them, but what defines us is our choices which makes one more pro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note

Chapter 8

1K 55 16
By ImSorryIfISayINeedYa

I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in- Harry's arms. His necklace was dangling off of his chest and onto my neck. It's just now I realize it's a small paper airplane, I wonder if it means anything to him.

His scent surrounded me and I didn't want to leave this position, mainly because I was tired, but fate had a different idea. Harry's phone rang and he groaned before rolling over and answering it.

"What?" His voice sounded both strained and annoyed, I guess he's not much of a morning person. Neither am I.

I tried to listen to what the person on the other line was saying, because I'm nosy, but I could only make out low voices, no words.


I flinch from the sudden noise and open my eyes, waiting a few moments before they adjust to the light.

Harry throws the sheets off of himself and jumps out of bed, pacing around the room. I didn't have to listen closely to hear his breathing becoming heavier.

"No, that's not going to happen. I won't let it. If those bastards think they can do that to us, to me, then they must be out of their fucking minds. They must have fogotten who I am." The cockiness in his tone of voice causes me to roll my eyes.

How mad can a man actually get? It's starting to get old, and frankly a bit annoying. I have never seen someone as bipolar as he is. One second he's flirty and conceited, the next he's fuming about every small thing, then all of a sudden he's back to being smug. I just can't figure him out.

"Alright...I know. Okay, I'll see you tonight." He puts his phone away, grabs a shirt, and walks out of the room. "Get up, Jules. It's two in the afternoon." My eyes widen, I must have been exhausted.

But who could blame me?

Harry makes my life an emotional roller coaster, and as of right now it's a never ending ride that I can't get off of.

"We're going to Liam's in an hour or two, I want you to wear something nice."

I get out of bed and decide I should grab my clothes before I take a shower.

I walk into the massive walk-in closet and look at the new apparel.

Harry told me to wear something nice, so I picked out a beautiful dress. It wasn't over the top formal, but it was definitely nice enough. Once I saw it I couldn't keep my eyes away from it, it was not only classy but elegant.

It was a lilac color and also it was maxi. It was kind of form fitting around my curves so it gave me a little bit of shape, it looked great. I wasn't sure how I would like it, but as soon as I put it on I fell in love. I grab tan lace up flats and walk to the bathroom.

The outfit was quite stunning, and it surprised me how well these clothes were chosen. Whoever did my shopping did a great job. It was like they actually knew me.

After my shower I shave my legs and under my arms, and blow dry my hair. I deciding on just leaving my hair the way it was since it had some volume to it because I just took a shower and blow dried it.

I venture to the newly bought make up bag I found, and it has absolutely everything I could ask for inside. I apply what I want, but then immediately my mind wanders off, like usual.

Why am I here? Why is he doing all of this for me?

I haven't built up enough courage to ask him yet, but maybe I can talk to someone else, I'm sure the rest of the boys know. Some kind of project? I'm sure he'll be letting me leave soon.


As I'm applying the last touches to my makeup, there's a loud knock on the door.

"Let's go, Jules. It's time to head over to Liam's."

"Okay." I reply to him with a smile. I think it's about time I let Harry stop scaring me and I stop feeling bad about myself. I'll be out of here soon enough, I'll call or text Kaylin as soon as I can and I'll be out of here, and far away from Harry. So while I'm here I'll pretend to be on good behavior, and hopefully he'll let his guard down.

I open the door and walk down the hallway, making my way downstairs towards the front door. Harry's standing there waiting for me in the jacket he wore the first night I met him and a black shirt with black jeans.

His face lights up as I reach the last step, and he walks over to me holding my hand softly and whispering, "Fuck, just looking at you makes me hard."

I gasp at his sexual comment, trying to keep my composure. Don't let him get to you. You need him to trust you, to think you want to be here.

He couldn't have said something like I look nice or pretty?


I smack his arm playfully, giving him a shocked expression and blushing. He winks at me, making me laugh.

We walk outside, hand in hand, and it's pouring out, so we quickly tread over to his car. He opens the door for me, and after closing it he jogs around the front, trying to stay as dry as he can.

He climbs inside and we start the trip to Liam's house.


"It's so nice to see you again, Jules!" I'm pulled into a hug from Eleanor before I even come into the house, and the rest just give me a welcoming smile.

All the girls are also dressed nicely. I wonder why they had us dress up?

Liam opens the door wider while voicing quite blatantly, "Come in! My house is yours, so you're allowed to whatever you like." His face gave us a reassuring smile, which made me smile back.

His house was absolutely lovely, but in size and quality it was nothing compared to Harry's. But still, beautiful.

"Well, ladies. We have some work to do downstairs, but you can stay up here and talk for a bit. We should be done in about an hour." Louis explains to us as we sit down on a couch.

Louis kisses Eleanor on her forehead, and as she watched him the look in her eyes explained everything.

She is completely in love with him.

But why? How could you love someone who is such a monster?

I don't know Louis, but I do know he and Harry are best friends. And if he's anything like Harry, then I'm not sure I want to get to know him.

Harry scares me. I wouldn't admit it, and I try to hide it, but he does.

No one has ever hurt me before, and no one has ever touched me the way he has.

The boyfriend that I had in high school and I would obviously kiss and stuff like that, but we didn't go any farther than second base, and both of us were content with that.

Of course there were times I would get curious and want to try, but he would think I'm joking and laugh at me, so I never would bring it up again.

Obviously it wasn't enough for him.

But back to Harry, I can't put my finger on it with him. He's so rude and conceited, but at the same time there's moments when he's a total sweetheart and I love it.

Is he's so horrible to you, why do you keep going back to him? Why do you stay?

My subconscious interrogates me.

I push the thought out of my head as Harry strides over to me.

"So, as we both know, it's really hard for me to keep myself away from you right now while you're wearing that outfit."

Thankfully his voice was just above a whisper, I don't know what I would do if people could hear him right now. Probably get even more embarrassed than I already am.

"So no funny business while I'm downstairs, okay? I want you to be here when I get back up. Let's just say we're going to have some 'fun' tonight, so no escaping." He half-sarcastically says as his right eye closes into a wink, and he kisses me on my forehead before jogging off to the rest of his gang.

My head was spinning and it felt like I was going to pass out.

What if he tries to rape me or something?

He's sexy, don't get me wrong, but I am not at the point where I want to have sex with him right now, thank you.

My breathing became unsteady as Eleanor walked over to me cautiously before sitting down.

"Uh, are you okay?"

I turn my head to look at her and the words 'I'm fine' make it's way up to my mouth. But the truth is, I'm not fine. I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up, no matter how much I tell myself to.

"I'm fine." Thankfully, she believed it and left the conversation where it was.

Throughout the night the girls and I made small conversations, nothing major. Most of it consisted of how I came to England and why. I didn't tell them every detail, just that I wanted to get away from home.

"Enough about me, what about you guys? How did you get in this, uh, situation?"

Sophia and Perrie look at Eleanor, and Eleanor is beaming. She must love to tell this story.

"Louis and I have known each other since we were little kids. We met at our school, he was two grades above me, and I was just starting out. On the first day of kindergarten there was a boy who started to bully me. Not physically or anything like that, he was just a kid, but he would tell me my hair is gross or call me names and just be a rude little boy. One day, when the boy and his friends cornered me at recess, Louis saw me and stood up for me. The boys never made fun of me again, and from that point on, Louis and I were inseparable. He was my best friend.

"In middle school he started to get into trouble, nothing serious, just a couple lunch detentions and after schools here and there. I tried to get him on the right track again, but by the time he got into high school he was too far gone. He didn't talk to me anymore, he was too busy getting into trouble, and I didn't want anything to do with him. It got so bad his parents took him away. They moved, I'm not sure where, and I didn't hear from him for years. It was horrible- like a piece of my heart was gone.

"A couple years ago I was walking down the street and as I turned a corner I bumped into someone and spilled my coffee all over both of us. I had fallen, but the person caught me by my arm, and as I looked up I was met with a pair of the blue eyes I had missed so much. It was so cliché, but that's the beauty of it- it was actually perfect. Like what you'd read in a fairytale. We caught up and talked for a while, and I realized how much I still did love him. But this time, as more than a best friend. He told me he was in One Direction, and it made me a little nervous at first, but I didn't care because when you love somebody age, height, weight, anything, it just doesn't matter. It's just you and the other person, and the feelings you have for each other."

As she finished my lips curved into a warm smile, so big it was making my face hurt. Every word she said made my heart melt. I hope one day I can feel the same way about someone as she does about Louis.

I'm also happy she's not here against her will, she doesn't deserve that. And if I'm honest, Louis doesn't deserve her. But I am happy for them.

"Sorry I've talked so much, it's just-"

I held my hand up. "Don't apologize, El. I'm so happy for you and I'm glad you told me."

She gives me a gracious smile which I return.

"Is anyone hungry?" Perrie asks changing the subject and standing up as we all nod our heads and follow her into the kitchen.

"Uh, Eleanor? Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course!" She follows me into the next room. I need answers and hopefully she'll be able to give me some.

"Please, I know I've asked you this before, but why am I here? Do you know what he's going to do with me? I just need answers, ya know? I'm tired of not knowing why, it's such a weird situation."

She pauses for a few seconds before sighing. "It is, you're right. But no, Jules, I'm sorry to say I don't. Harry has never done this before, never been with a girl longer than one night. He's had so many one night stands it's hard to keep track. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true."

That last sentence made my heart ache. Has he really been with that many girls?

"When he's with girls they do what he wants and then they're gone. They never fight him, but that's usually because they're sluts and want it too. But you're nothing like that. You're naturally beautiful, sweet, kind, and you go against everything Harry says. He hates that, so I'm as confused as you are, hun. But I promise it will work out. Just give him a chance. I know it's hard now, but he's just misunderstood."

"No you're right, he probably is. But that doesn't mean he can kidnap me."

Again, a sigh. "I know he seems rude and smug now, but I promise the more time you spend with him, the more you will see a very normal and sweet person. It just takes him a while to warm up to people."

I groan in frustration. "I know you're trying to help, El, and thank you for that, but I'm positive he won't be getting better anytime soon. He's been the same person for so long, why would he change suddenly when I come along?"

"I don't know, but you're special Jules. I can just see it. You're pure, sweet, beautiful, and caring, and I think Harry sees that too. I don't know what's happening or what's going to happen, but I have a good feeling about it." She smiles at me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Give him a chance. He's definitely rough around the edges, but I've known him for a while. I haven't seen his eyes light up the way they have been since you came along."

My heart was aching and my stomach was doing flips, what she said to me couldn't make me keep the smile off of my face.

But a grown instantly replaced it. That was sweet of her to say, but it can't be true. I haven't noticed Harry change at all.

I give her a half smile and we walk back into the kitchen, standing next to Sophia and Perrie who were getting food. I started up a normal conversation and pretended I didn't have that talk with Eleanor.

She was just trying to stay positive, but I can't believe what she's saying is true. It's impossible I could change Harry, I'm nothing special. He'd never think of me like that, he told me in the grocery store I wasn't special, anyways.

As the girls and I sat down on the couch I tapped Eleanor on the shoulder discretely, and whispered so only she could hear.

"Thank you Eleanor, for what you said. It was sweet."

She places a hand on my shoulder and smiles warmly. "Of course, I needed to. I think it's good he has you now, Jules, he's been so lonely lately. Harry's had a really tough life and especially with his parents and-"

She stops mid-sentence and looks like she just saw a ghost. She faces forward and grabs her drink, taking a sip of it.

"What do you mean? What happened to him?" Nothing. No response. Not even a glance.

"Come on, El. I won't tell anyone. Does it involve what happened to his parents?" Just as I finish my sentence the boys come up from downstairs.

Harry tumbles up last, and is barely able to walk as he makes his way over to me. He looks completely hammered.

Jesus lord almighty could this night get any worse?

"Hello, love. What's your name? I'm Harry." He mumbles as he practically falls on top of me. I inhale deeply and try to keep my composure while he runs his finger sloppily up and down my forearm.

"I'm sorry, Jules. He doesn't drink, he's disgusted by it. But it's been a rough night for him. You should get him home and in bed."

I solemnly look at Harry who's grinning at me, and I feel bad- feel bad that Eleanor was asking me to give him a chance because he's lonely, feel bad that whatever caused him to drink tonight must be something really worth drinking for and he's probably stressed about it, feel bad for his childhood, feel bad for whatever happened to his parents, and I also feel horrible that I am probably the only one that has ever helped and taken care of it stayed with Harry, besides his parents at least. Who by the way, or no longer in his life I've gathered, but I don't know why.

This man is truly broken.

I swallow the lump in my throat- maybe I need to cut him some slack. After all, he is taking good care of me. He hasn't hurt me and he lets me sleep in a bed, of course there's rude comments, his attitude, and sometimes sexual advantages, but it could be much worse.

I give him a sad smile, and he returns it with a lopsided grin.

I nod my head at what Louis tells me, say goodbye to everyone, and walk out to the car. My arm is around Harry's waist, and I'm practically carrying him.

It would help if I was taller...and stronger, his height towers over me.

We get to the passenger side of the car and I open it, letting go of Harry.

"Okay, Harry, get in. Could I have the keys?"

"You're really pretty, you know that?"

"Please, Harry. The keys. We can get you home and in bed." I wrap my arm around him and slip it into his back pocket, but he grabs my arms and pulls me into him.

Harry hums lowly, I'm so close I can smell the liquor on his breath and also his cologne. "I could get used to this position."

I roll my eyes while grabbing his keys and getting out of his grip, sitting him in the car. I walk to the other side, get in and start the car. Hopefully I can find my way to Harry's house. I haven't been with him too long, but I should know my way.

And with Harry being drunk, maybe we can actually have a normal car ride instead of one where you can cut the tension with a knife.

I turn on his radio, might as well listen to some music. Harry's silent as he sits next to me.

The song She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 comes on. Ever since I was a kid, Maroon 5 was always one of my favorite bands.

Singing has always been a passion of mine, but I only did it when I was by myself so no one could hear. Harry was drunk, so he probably couldn't even understand what was happening.

As I'm in the middle of the chorus a hand grabs my leg, and I'm at first startled but I know it's just Harry.

"You have a nice voice." He slurs as his hand moves it's way closer to my feminine area. I squirm in my seat.

"Harry, you're drunk, and I'm trying to drive. Stop."

"Come on, baby. It'll be fun."

I groan and get his hand off of me when it reaches the space in between my legs, and he chuckles to himself.

His eyes widen for a moment as he puts a hand on his stomach, and the other on my arm.

I start to get scared as I stare at him, trying to keep the car steady. "Harry what is it? What's wrong?"

"Pull the car over." His sober voice is back, and it's much less playful.

"Is everything alright? Why do you want me to?"

"Just pull the fucking car over!!" He yells, startling me. A frown covers my face as I quickly pull over to the side, and Harry rushes out of the car.

As quickly as I can I get out too, following him.

As I get closer I realize he's hunched over and vomiting, and I scrunch my face at the sight.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." I stand behind him and rub his back while he gets sick from the alcohol, and once he's done he shakes my hand off of his back.

"Don't touch me." He snaps, making me flinch my arm back. What's wrong with him tonight? He's being so...rude.

Why are you surpirsed? He's a gang leader, are you expecting him to bring you breakfast in bed?

I roll my eyes at my thoughts, but know it's true. Maybe it's because he's been somewhat tolerable that this tone in his voice is bothering me.

"Do you fucking think that since you're living with me that I actually like you? That I want you to be my babysitter or to feel bad for me? I don't need you, and I don't want you. You're just here because you happen to be, you're nothing special to me."

It's just the alcohol talking.

No, I can't keep giving him the benefit of the doubt. He is drunk, but that doesn't give him an excuse to talk to me the way he is. And why is it hurting me as much as it is, anyways?

My heart clenches as I stare at the man in front of me, thinking I was totally foolish to actually feel bad enough for him that I was going to maybe give him a chance.

His cold glare didn't help me swallow his hurtful words down any easier, and I but my lip, trying not to let him get to me.

I feel like he expected me to retaliate, because when he saw the expression on my face and saw me begin to turn around to go back to the car, his glare immediately dropped.

I get in the car and start it immediately, impatiently waiting for Harry to get back in.

I wasn't trying to mother him, he was sick so I was just trying to comfort him.

He comes inside and I start to drive away, the silence almost unbearable.

He does look very sick though, he's pale, sweaty, and I can tell he has the chills because he keeps shivering.

I thought about turning the AC on just to annoy him, but decide against it. Man, after all he's done to me I'm still here taking care of his drunk ass.

I focus on the road as we continue the silent car ride, and there are no cars in sight for about ten minutes of driving in the woods.

I notice in the rear-view mirror a big car is coming up behind us and fast, so I was about to move out of its way since it seemed to be in such a hurry and I didn't want to hold it up, but it wasn't going past me when I was giving him room.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I stare at the vehicle behind us, and all of a sudden there's an ear shattering bang.

"Fuck!" Harry screams, waking up from his drunken state a bit. "God damn it, Jules!! Speed up!"

I pushed my foot down on the gas, almost in a daze. What was happening? Why are people shooting at us?

Two more shots were sounded from behind, shattering the glass in the back of Harry's car, and causing us to both duck down.

Harry forcibly took the wheel from me and was now driving, which I don't know how that helped, but I was pushing down on the gas pedal as hard as I could.

"Listen Jules, I'm going to need you to slam on the brakes, exactly when I tell you, as hard as you can. Got it?" He rushed out commands as we share a quick glance.

My glossy eyes look over at him as I try to calm my heart beat. Could this night get any worse?

I try and fight the tears from leaving my eyes.

Am I going to die?

"Now!" He orders, and I slam my foot on the brake, and he begins to turn the car. 

I honestly thought we were going to tip, but for some reason we stayed up right, which I was very grateful for.

As soon as the car had turned, I started to push on the gas again, and soon enough we had lost the car behind us by some miracle.

I stare wide eyed at the road in front of us as Harry let's go of the wheel and let's me have control again, and goosebumps cover my buddy as I start to feel a bit dizzy.

Am I in some kind of James Bond movie?

I've never been this terrified in my life. People were actually shooting at me. How crazy is that?

I stop the car in the middle of the road, I think I'm going to be sick.

"What are you doing, Jules?" I open my car door and get out, jogging to the other side of the car so I'm not in the road, and begin to pace. I just need some time to take in what actually just happened.

Harry gets out quickly and follows me.

"Get back in the car, Jules. Now."


His eyes widen at my statement. "No?"

"No, Harry! I want some answers. And you're going to give them to me." He scrunches up his features and stares at me intently. I don't care if he gets mad at me, I'm tired of all this crazy shit happening. He acts like it's not even a big deal.

"Who were those people and why were they shooting at us? Why am I even here? I want you to-"

"Listen I don't want to fucking do this right now. They could still be around here and we need to get back to the house. I'll tell you soon enough but not at this moment."

"Who the fuck are "they"? Let's start with that, yeah?"

"You better watch your tone, I understand your upset but do not speak to me like I am below you."

"I'm not moving from this spot until you tell me what I want to know. What do you even want from me? Why are you putting me through this? I don't want to be here. Just give me-"

I was interrupted again, but this time not by Harry.

A sudden and piercing pain is shot into my left thigh as I fall to the ground, and my breathing becomes erratic as I hold my now bloody leg, not able to move or even speak.

"JULES!" I see Harry's feet running towards me, and I feel two cool fingers pressed against my neck. He's checking my pulse.

I feel very woozy as he suddenly picks me up, pain immediately being shot through my leg and my voice suddenly finds its way back into my throat.

I scream out in pain, realizing what's happening.

"Harry," A few tears fall down my face, "Harry, m-my leg. I was shot."

His face looks even more sickly than before as he holds me, "I know baby, I know." He rushes out, his voice cracking once. "Just hang in there, okay? I'm going to get you help."

I nod my head then rest it on his shoulder, starting to lose sight of reality and becoming confused of where I am.

We finally reach the car, and he unlocks the doors before opening the passenger door, and beginning to slide me in.

"I'm so tired, Harry." I croak out, the excruciating pain from my leg beginning to subside as my eyes start to close.

"Stay awake, love, okay? Don't fall asleep on me."

He takes this moment to take a look at my leg to see exactly where it was, and from his facial expression I could tell it didn't look good.

"Jesus Christ." He breathes in and out loudly from his nose before abruptly standing up and punching the car.

He runs over to the other side and puts the keys in the ignition, starting the car up, which even in my state I didn't think he should be doing.

"Harry," I say with a soft voice, "should you be driving? Aren't you drunk?"

Harry chuckles at me, and I'm surprised he was able to even hear me. My voice couldn't reach above a whisper.

"You've just been shot, and you're worried because I've had a bit too much to drink tonight?"

My head is in his lap as he smiles down at me, "You must be losing a lot of blood."

I smile half-heartedly at his comment, and that makes him grin even more.

"Ah, now there's that smile."

Before we start to drive Harry takes his shirt off and wraps it tightly around my thigh to help stop the blood flow, and begins to speed to who knows where.

My vision was blurry, and I couldn't hear very well. I could feel him squeezing onto my hand, and I could hear his rapid breathing.

"Stay with me Jules. Don't close those eyes. Keep them open and focused on me."

His voice was the same tone it had been the other night when he woke me up from my nightmare, it was caring and vulnerable, like he was actually worried.

But he couldn't be, he told me I was nothing special to him.

He grabbed my head and pulled it close to his chest, kissing my forehead.

I rested on him, until my eyes began to get droopy.

Harry wiped away tears from my cheeks that I didn't even know were there.

"Don't leave me. Please."

His voice made me feel like I was being punched in the stomach, he sounded so alone.

Everything suddenly becomes black as I take one last glance at the broken man above me.


Soo kind of a cliffhanger I guess :)

I have surgery soon, I tore my ACL. Yay.

I'm so nervous, but whatever.

Thanks for reading :)

I love you all!

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