Out Of The Ordinary

By ThatNerdyChickx

2.7K 238 172

(Sequel to "From Simple To Strange") She was gone, kidnapped for four months without knowing where she was a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Question/Survey Thingy!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Finale!)

Chapter 15

78 7 6
By ThatNerdyChickx

Hope you like! :P

Kiera’s POV

            As I left Kade sitting there, I thought about his statement. Was it Alex? Was that why I had said no?

            But even if he was the reason, I doubt I’d ever get enough guts to actually tell him, let alone make something out of it. Yeah, I could fight and kill and use my powers for anything, but I pretty much had no experience in the ‘guy’ zone.

             “Hey, um, Kiera?” a voice from behind me called. When I turned, I saw Alex. Well, a frantic looking Alex. Great, speak of the devil…

            “Yeah?” I asked. It took a second for him to catch his breath, which surprised me. Normally Alex was pretty fit. He would’ve had to run quite far or fast to actually be out of breath. Where had he been?

            “C-can we talk?” He motioned towards the bench behind us. Man, everywhere you look, there’s one of those things. Okay, now I’m just stalling.

            “Yeah, sure…” I trailed off, not meeting his eye. It was dead silent in the garden but it sure wasn’t lacking colour. Everywhere I looked- I didn’t care where that was, just not at Alex- it was bright, vibrant.

            Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alex fidgeting and I almost laughed. Alex, nervous? Never happened. He seemed to be surprising me in all kind of ways today. “So, what’s up?” I began for him. Poor guy looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

            “Well… IsortasawyouwithKadeandIreallyhavetotellyouabouthowIfeel.” I just stared at him.

            “Um… what?”                                                           

            Alex gulped, looking annoyed but I could tell he was about to crash and just leave. He could never admit to his feelings.

            Not saying he has feelings, he just… ugg, never mind. My mind was always so messed up.

            “Okay, I was kinda… watching you and Kade today…” He didn’t meet my eye.

            “You mean stalking?” I interjected, smiling. He just rolled his eyes. The wind picked up suddenly, blowing his pitch black hair to the side of his face. All that could be heard for a few seconds was the rustle of the leaves and the crunch of dirt underneath Alex’s feet as he shuffled them.

            “It wasn’t really stalking…” he tried to defend himself. “Actually, um, it made me realize something…” He trailed off and didn’t meet my eye. I patiently waited for a minute before I made an attempt to move things along, even though my own heart was pounding loudly.


            “And… I’ve-Um, no, it’s, uh… Look, when I was listening, I heard you say that there was someone else and it made me realize that… that I didn’t want there to be someone else.” I didn’t dare breath in case it made Alex stop talking.

            To be honest, I was surprised that Alex was sharing  his feelings. That was rarer to hear than what he was actually saying. Not that I was complaining.

            “I really like you, Kiera. I know it’s clichéd and all, but I do… And yeah. I know it might be too late and all but I just had to…” He took a deep breath, as if it was almost paining him to say this. I was honestly surprised he’d made it this far. “Had to get that out before you did anything else.”

            Alex didn’t meet my eye and a sudden realization came over me: he thought there was another guy! Okay, either that was good thing or not… I’m gonna go with ‘not’ because I didn’t know how I was going to tell him that he  was the other guy.

            “Alex?” I prodded, nudging him with my shoulder. His whole stance was downcast, his face to the ground.

            “Hmm?” he muttered half-heartedly. Holding back a chuckle, I stated, “You’re the other guy.”

            Instantly, his whole face brightened up, more than I had ever seen it. Of course it didn’t stay for too long, but it was enough for me.

            “Seriously?” he asked. “Me?” I just nodded, laughing at his expression. So there we were, both laughing like idiots, when Luke came.

            “Umm…” Luke commented as he quickly walked in, but then stopped in his path and stared at us. What can I say? Alex and I were one of a kind.

            “Uh… you know, never mind,” Luke said, straying from what he was going to say and then went to look at me. “Kiera… we sorta need your help with something.”

            “Um…” I tried to say but instead got pulled away from Alex. Luke walked briskly towards the courtyard, a place that I hadn’t seen but I knew what it was used for: mostly just for training and stuff for the army, but then there was a gathering, either formal or not, it was used.

            So you can tell why I was confused. I was about to say something when Luke began to speak, not breaking his pace at all.

            “Look, I know this is a bit last minute but I just remember that we sorta don’t have a General for the army. And with that attack happening any day now… well, you know what I’m getting at, right?”
            “Wait… you want me to organize the army? Why, exactly?” Of course Luke thought that I was good at playing General, or Commander, or whatever the heck those kind of people are called. I’m good at fighting, but not good at telling people how to fight. Make sense?

            “Look, it’s easy. Just... divide them up into divisions, make a plan, and boom! You’ve got it.” Luke grinned like it was the easiest thing in the world. Newsflash: it isn’t!
            Scowling, I just mumbled, “Fine,” and that pleased him enough so he left me alone in front of about four hundred men. I stared at them, they stared back; none of us really knew where to start.

            Suddenly there was a shout closer to the back of the audience and sounds of fighting made me curious. I had no doubt that a fight could solve any problem…. But right now I was ‘in charge’ of these guys, and of course that means no fighting.

            Why does Luke do this to me?          

            I pushed my way through a sea of brown, green and black, shoving bodies past me until I finally broke into the circle. Well, it reminded me more of a fight ring, if that makes sense.

            And there, on the ground, was one of my men. Surprisingly, though, one of the Fearies from the other dimension was kicking butt.

            Of course Luke didn’t mention that the Fearies from the other dimension had joined our army. Why wouldn’t they, though? Unfortunately, even I was smart enough to know that that idea was stupid; there would be fights going on back and forth- a rivalry, per say- for who knows how long. Unless these guys were put in their place, there was no way that our army could actually function, let alone fight against Jared and his men.

            “Guys, c’mon, let it go!” Across the little ‘circle’, there stood Kade. Good to know at least someone  was willing to work together and maybe help fix things.

            Even though standing on the sidelines telling them to stop fighting was a pretty… boring way of stopping them. Jumping into the fight is so much better.

            I tried to pry one off the other but it’s like they were glued. The Feary from the other dimension-Jack, I think his name was- continuously punched the guy on the ground. He was relentless until I decided I’d had enough.

            Backing up a bit, I focused on Jack and took a deep breath before raising my hands. Jack shouted in surprise as he was lifted up into the air.

            His glare was fixated on me now, a scowled firmly planted on his face. Honestly, I felt like a parent and I hate feelings that way.

            “Okay, chill!” I shouted, looking at both the guys. Kade sort of just backed up slowly, like I was a bomb he knew was about out go off. Smart guy.

            “Seriously?” I commented, looking between them. “We need to work together otherwise we’re all gonna die! We don’t exactly have time for petty fights.”

            “But-“ Jack began but I just raised my other hand, the one that wasn’t holding up. He shut up pretty quick. Well, I suppose the look on my face helped too.

            “I don’t care!” I threw my hands back down, causing Jack to fall back to the ground. He landed with a harsh thump but I didn’t care. Instead, with renewed vigor, I went back to where I was standing before.

            By now I had all the attention on me and I used that to my advantage. I wasn’t going to waste this opportunity.

            “Okay. I don’t really know how to run an army so I’m gonna need all of your guys’ help. That means working together,”  I stressed, staring pointedly at Jack and the other guy. “And doing are best. I’m not sure about any of you, but I don’t really wanna die. So… will you guys actually try?”

            There was silence and for a second I’d thought I lost them. But then a loud cheer went up from the crowd and I grinned. Maybe this wouldn’t be too bad.

*     *     *

            “Hey, uh, thanks for that,” Luke said as we walked down the hall. I’d just finished up with a lovely pep talk and saying how we should all get along. Now let’s just see if that actually works.

            “Oh, it’s no problem.”

            “Yeah, but anyways, thanks.”

            You could’ve called the silence awkward but behind us in the courtyard, all we heard were the sounds of fighting so it wasn’t really that bad.

            “So…” Luke’s voice took a change. “I saw you and Alex… talking today.” That was just enough for me to hit him.

            “You listened in, didn’t you?”

            “I don’t tell a lie,” he said smugly, looking quite pleased with himself. I, on the other hand, was mortified.

            “Uggg!” I groaned, putting my face in my hands so that Luke wouldn’t see the redish tint on my face.

            “You know, I’ve never heard Alex talking so… freely about his feelings,” Luke continued. “Even at our parents’ funeral, he was just like stone.”

            “As we grew up, he became more independent. We grew apart; me focusing on my powers and responsibilities of being crown prince and him on training.” It was almost like Luke was talking to himself, like he was actually back in time. And there I was, just standing there, listening.

            “Alex was, like, the ultimate fighter before he was a teenager. Cold as ice, but almost unbeatable. But since you’ve come along… Well, I’m sure you’ve seen it. He’s begun to use his powers, to express his feelings through ways other than fighting.,” Luke finally finished, looking up at me. I could barely make it out, but there was in fact a hint of pride in his eyes. He was proud of his brother. “Kiera, you changed him. You’ve made him better.”

            “If that’s even possible,” I muttered under my breath.




I loved writing the ending... But that's just me.

So how did you like it? Like, once I'm done a third of every chapter, I always think, 'Oh, this is gonna be so short... too bad for them.' and then once I'm finished, it's like, 'Woah, where did that come from?' So yeah... lol

I decided to chuck the original storyline I had and make a new one.. if all things go as planned, this book will end at chapter 24, arund Christmas if we're lucky. (Mostly if I don't procrastinate like I do with EVERYTHING!)

On another note, this weekend I had two tests to study for, flute and piccalo to spend 30mins+ of practice on AND finished writing a french script. Can you guess what I had done? Only the french, which I finished an hour ago...

Oh, and does anyone watch Supernatural? Did you watch the latest episode? If you did, LET US CONVERSE ABOUT THE AWESOMENESS/SCARINESS/SADDENING PARTS OF IT!!!!!! It was a terrible episode, yet awesome at the same time...

Okay, I've got to end this somewhere.... Oh, did you see my new profile pic? Wanna see if using a pic of a fairly pretty girl will attract more people to my profile. So far, it's worked... ;) ('CAUSE IMMA EVIL MASTERMIND!!)







-Me x

(Okay guys, sorry for the caps lock, you know I love you all)

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