Snipers Of Chicago Season 3 (...

By RonnaSweeney51317

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Make sure to read Snipers Of Chicago Season 1 & 2 before reading this. Published May 29, 2019 More

This is continued from Snipers Of Chicago Season 2...
Chapter 1 "Going to Heaven"
Chapter 1 1/2 "Whatever You Need I'll Give It To You"
Chapter 2 "Do You Have A Permit"
Chapter 3 "I'm Worried"
Chapter 4 "You're So Addicted"
Chapter 5 "Need Your Help"
Chapter 6 "Thank You For Coming"
Chapter 7 "It's Pretty Bad"
Chapter 8 "You Just Jinxed Me"
Chapter 9 "He Doesn't Trust You"
Chapter 10 "Why Did You Hurt Me"
Chapter 10 1/2 "A Waste Of Time"
Chapter 11 "Null & Void"
Chapter 12 "The Face and Eagle"
Chapter 13 "He's A Detective"
Chapter 14 "Ghosties"
Chapter 15 "Bubba's Bitch"
Chapter 16 "Meathead"
Chapter 17 "Going Down"
Chapter 18 "Makeup and Men"
Chapter 19 "No Choice"
Chapter 20 "What About Us"
Chapter 21 "SCOTLAND!"
Chapter 22 "Your Reckoning"
Chapter 23 "Find This Prick"
Chapter 24 "Keep Living Our Lives"


1.2K 28 22
By RonnaSweeney51317

"What am I going to do?" Shaylynn asks Beth wiping the tears from her eyes.
"You have to tell Jay as soon as possible," Beth tells her.
Shaylynn gives her a look, "I'm going to tell him I'm pregnant again, he's going to be happy until I tell him there is a fifty-fifty chance the baby isn't his!" she says shaking her head, "We finally got married, legally, and now this has to happen!"
Beth watches as Shaylynn breaks down in tears again, "Do you think Jay is going to leave you if you tell him there's a chance the baby might not be his?" she asks, Shaylynn shakes her head 'yes', "Jay loves you! I don't see him doing that!"
Shaylynn looks at the time, "I better be going. He'll be home soon," she tells Beth.
"Alright," Beth says as they walk to the front door, "Call me when you get a chance!" she says as Shaylynn walks out to her car.


An hour later, Halstead's walking in the side door that leads into the kitchen to find Shaylynn making supper.
He walks up behind her, moves her hair to the side, puts his arms around her and starts kissing her neck, "How was your day?" he quickly asks her going back to what he was doing.
"It was alright," she tells him, Halstead catching a tone in her voice.
He backs up and turns her around, "Is everything alright?" he asks her.
"Yeah, just one of those off days," she tells him.
Right when she gets ready to tell him about the call, he starts talking, "Will invited us and the kids to go to Six Flags with him and Riley tomorrow," he tells her.
Shaylynn gives him a fake smile, "Okay," she tells him.
"You're okay with it?" he asks surprised.
"Yes, it will give me more time to spend with Riley. I don't get much time with her when she's here. Jacquelyn hogs her!" Shaylynn tells him as he starts laughing and Jacquelyn runs in.
"Why's Daddy laughing?" she asks.
Halstead looks down at her, "Mommy said something funny. Hey, Uncle Will invited us to go to Six Flags with him and Riley. Do you want to go?" he asks her.
Shaylynn looks at him wondering why he asked a stupid question like that, "YES!" Jacquelyn yells, "Do I get to ride with Riley?" she asks.
"I guess so," Halstead tells her.
"YAY!" Jacquelyn yells dancing around the kitchen.
"I'll have to get up early tomorrow and go buy a new double stroller. The other one broke," Shaylynn tells Halstead.
"Why do you need a stroller for? I can walk Mommy!" Jacquelyn tells her.
"It's for your brothers," Shaylynn tells her, "They can't walk."
"They're going?" Jacquelyn questions.
"Yes," Halstead tells her.
"AWW MAN!" Jacquelyn says as she stomps out of the kitchen.

That whole night Shaylynn wonders how she's going to tell Halstead about the baby.
Not wanting to ruin tomorrow, Shaylynn keeps her mouth shut.


Walking around Six Flags pushing the boys, Shaylynn's not feeling well but pushes along.
She can tell something's up with Riley and asks her to hold back from the others.
"Is everything okay?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Yeah," Riley says as she gets ready to put her hand on her stomach but stops.
"Riley, are you pregnant? " Shaylynn asks, Riley shakes her head 'yes', "Has that asshole gotten you pregnant before?"
"Twice," Riley tells her, "I miscarried once. The other time the FBI forced me to get an abortion."
Shaylynn can feel her blood boil, "I won't tell anyone know but you need to tell your Dad. He's going to notice being a doctor."
"I just don't know how to tell him. He may act tough but when it comes to family he becomes a wreck," Riley tells her.
"I can help you, Dr. Charles can help, even Jay. You don't have to go through this alone. The case is nearly over! Everyone is close to capturing this son of a bitch!" Shaylynn tells her.
"How do you know?" Riley asks.
"I know people," Shaylynn says, "It's not fair the FBI has had you undercover for so long seeing you started this when you were a kid!"
"I feel my cover is slipping and my Dad is gonna find out at any time," Riley tells her.
"Your cover isn't slipping. Trust me!" Shaylynn reassures her, "As far as your Dad is concerned, you're seeing sense and starting to change."
"I want to tell him that I've gotten three scholarships to Yale, Harvard, and Stanford, but I can't since part of my cover is I dropped out of high school," Riley says.
"Have you talked to the Universities?" Shaylynn asks.
"Yeah, they all have told me that my place and scholarship will be waiting for me when I'm ready to start," Riley tells her.
"That's good!" Shaylynn says looking to see how far ahead the others are, "Since Jay knows about your cover, does he know about the scholarships too?"
Riley shakes her head 'no', "No, not yet."
"You should tell him," Shaylynn tells her, "It may take a bit of weight off your shoulders," she says listening to her own words thinking about her own situation.
"I'll think about it," Riley tells her, "When I was in Boston, it seemed like the case was moving quickly. But here it's like no one wants to update me on what's going on."
"Have you ever thought it's because there's nothing to report?" Shaylynn asks.
"With Sharpe, there's something always to report! He never takes a break!" Riley says then sighs, "It's times like this I could really use my boyfriend. But having him here and knowing that I'm pregnant because I was raped is a bad idea."
"Because he's Sharpe's son?" Shaylynn asks her.
Riley gives Shaylynn a look, "How did you know that?" she asks, "You've seen my file haven't you? You're FBI."
"Yes," Shaylynn says, "I asked Jay not to tell you. I didn't know what you thought of Agent Lee and," she tells Riley when she starts talking.
"You didn't know what I'd think of you?" Riley says as Shaylynn acknowledges Riley's question with a nod, "I don't care if you're in the FBI or not. You're family and that's all that matters. All Ingrid is there for is to make sure that I don't get killed, She'll be around here somewhere. Or she'll have some agents undercover somewhere."
"You're extremely safe here," Shaylynn tells her.
"How could you possibly know that?" Riley asks her.
"Because I'm here," Shaylynn tells her with a smile, "I always carry at least two guns and my aim is extremely accurate."
"How did you get past security?" Riley asks.
"I have my ways of concealing weapons in places no one will dare to look," Shaylynn says, And not where you're thinking," she says laughing.
"This is a lot to ask. I'd ask Jay but he'd say no and it's not my dad's expertise," Riley says, "Can you take me to a firing range to learn how to shoot a gun? I think it will help me forget things for a couple of hours a day."
"I don't know if I feel comfortable going behind your Dad's back or Jay's," Shaylynn tells her.
"It will be fine! I'll tell them it was my idea," Riley says.
"Yeah, they won't believe that," Shaylynn says laughing as she thinks, "Okay. I have my own shooting range so you can decide if you want to use it or go somewhere else."
"Thank you," Riley tells her as they both look and see they're way behind.
"We're really behind," Shaylynn says.
"Yeah," Riley says laughing, "They'll be wondering where we are," she says as Jacquelyn comes running up to them.
"Hurry up!" Jacquelyn tells them, "I'm hungry!"
"We're coming," Shaylynn tells her, "I just had to talk to Riley about something," she says as they walk back to Halstead brothers.
"Everything okay?" Will asks.
"Everything's fine," Shaylynn says before Riley, "I just had to talk to Riley about some girly stuff,"
Will looks at Riley who nods in agreement, "Now let's go eat and enjoy the rest of the day."

Later that day after returning home from Six Flags, Shaylynn and Halstead decide to go out for supper.


Sitting at home watching TV, Hank's phone rings, "Voight."
"That guy Christian you're looking for is at the same railroad yard he raped your daughter in," the voice tells him, "He gave up some interesting information before, well he gave up information. You might want to look into Agent Lee and her involvement in your daughter's attack. I bet the GPS on her FBI issued vehicle has some interesting information on it from that night right along with Christian's GPS."
The line goes dead.
Hank stands up and starts walking to the door as he makes a call, "Meet me at the railroad yard Shaylynn was attacked in," he says hanging up.


Arriving at the railroad yard, Hank sees a car in front of him and then notices one coming up behind him as he parks.
Looking to his right, he sees Ruzek get out of his car.
Hank gets out of his and walks over to Ruzek, "Why are we here?" Ruzek asks him.
"That's Christian's car," Hank tells him, "And looks like he's in it!"
Hank and Ruzek draw their guns, "Christian! Get out of the car!" Hank yells as he and Ruzek slowly walk up to the car.
"Christian, get out now!" Ruzek yells as he walks up to the passenger door as Hank walks up to the driver's side.
Nothing happens from inside the car.
Hank grabs ahold of the door handle and opens the door to find Christian sitting in the driver's seat with a gunshot wound to the side of his head.
Reaching in he feels for a pulse, "Well?" Ruzek asks.
"He's dead!" Hank tells him as he puts his gun back into its holster, he gets closer to look at the wound, "This was a hit!" he tells Ruzek.
"You don't think it was Jay do you?" Ruzek asks.
"No, he wouldn't be that stupid! Plus this looks like a professional hit," Hank says, "Call it in!"
"You got it, Boss!" Ruzek says and calls the scene in.


After suppers over, Shaylynn and Halstead go for a walk down by the river.
Through dinner and now, Shaylynn's been quiet, "Is everything okay?" Halstead asks her.
Shaylynn can't take it any longer and pulls him over to the railing, "There's something I need to tell you," she says.
"Okay," Halstead says.
"I'm pregnant," she tells him.
Halstead smiles, "That's great!" he says when he sees tears starting to make their way down her cheeks, "What's wrong?"
Shaylynn shakes her head, "The baby might not be yours," she tells him, "When I got the call from the doctor he looked at the ultrasounds that were done after the attack. He told me how far along I am. That puts it around the time toward the end of when I was in Bali and when we had sex in the restaurant bathroom," she tells him.
Halstead doesn't say anything.
His face is expressionless.
"Jay, please say something," Shaylynn says to him.
Halstead looks down at the ground, then back up to her.
He turns around and starts walking away, "JAY!" Shaylynn yells at him.
Halstead doesn't stop.
"JAY!" Shaylynn yells again as she continues to watch him walk away as tears start falling.
Halstead keeps walking.
Shaylynn walks over to a bench, sits down, and breaks down crying.


The character Beth belongs to Paulinemartin100

The character Riley belongs to ChloeOgradyXo

Make sure to be on the lookout for Season 4 of Snipers Of Chicago. 

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