Timeless [h.s]

By perfectlybecca

13.1K 716 153

"Do you believe in fate, Harry? The unexplainable force that somehow seems to draw people close and create si... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
1 year later

Thirty three

133 8 0
By perfectlybecca


"I turned 21 on October 15th 1636 and after Gaston killed the original Harry Styles, I have not aged a single day." Her words were an endless loop inside my mind, even after I drove as far away as possible, going to an old park my mother used to bring me whenever she wanted to unwind away from home. There was not a single known soul around me, and yet I saw Charlotte's face in every woman that dared to walk by.

I wanted to believe her as much as I wanted to believe she was lying. The idea of her being a pathological liar, someone who needed psychiatric help, it would quiet down my small, practical mind. If there was a rational and expected explanation to her tale, I wouldn't have to feel as if I was the one going insane. The worst part about the entire situation was knowing that deep down, to some extent, I believed her.

Time had always been a pretty well shaped concept inside my head. We were born, we lived and peaked, and at some point we died. I was accustomed with the idea of a finite amount of years, with the knowledge that one day there would be no trace of me in the world, not anymore. Charlotte's mere existence was the undeniable proof that our most basic concepts weren't trustworthy.

The idea of her living through centuries without ageing one day was absurd and yet wonderful all at once. The things she had seen, the places she had been, the people she had met; she was living history, right within my reach. Obviously her condition wasn't just the most amazing thing to ever happen during human evolution, it was also the biggest burden someone had to carry. I couldn't even begin to fathom how many losses she had suffered through her life, how many times she had to move before people noticed how young she seemed.

She wasn't just Charlotte, the closed off, amazing girl I met during a college party. She was once queen of England, and if we weren't living in such conventional modes, she'd probably still have a claim to the throne. The mere thought of how much power she had terrified me and overwhelmed at the same time.

I was in love with her, even though I was furious at her, furious at what I had to endure because she hadn't told me the truth before Gaston attacked me. What a fucking pathetic name, I thought to myself. I had no idea how he looked, which colour were his eyes, if they were menacing or deceiving. Not knowing who was my enemy alarmed me. He could be around, casually watching me as I sat down against the large trunk of a tree in a random park. I was afraid he'd kidnap me, but deep down I knew he wouldn't.

He was obsessed with Charlie, that much I could tell. I was just a nuisance, someone who looked like a ghost from their past. Someone he had killed before and he probably would do the same if necessary.

"Fuck Harry, what did you get yourself into?" I mumbled lowly, running my hands through my hair wildly, wondering what else I could do. Oliver was involved in it too, fuck, if anything she said before was truthful, Sean knew about it.

He was Oliver's best friend, which in the immortal world was probably code for someone who actually knew the truth. It angered me, but I knew it wasn't his place to tell other's secrets. Thinking about all that went on behind my back without my knowledge, it made me want to punch something, maybe someone.

My feelings were all over the place, my insecurities heightened, my fears dominating me. I wanted to help Charlie, to be there beside her, but my self preservation instincts wouldn't allow me, not after finding out so much in a short expanse of time. Aside from the life or death matters, a tiny part of me worried about who she'd see after leaving that atelier. I was hoping she wouldn't seek Oliver's aid and presence, but I knew that was something plausible.

I hated him and I definitely didn't trust him, but I was not blind. He had something to offer, something I would never have. He understood precisely what she went through these years of loneliness and death. If they weren't able to somehow stop Gaston, he would live forever just like her. I would age and look old enough to be her grandfather, meanwhile he would look like a fucking underwear model forever. It annoyed me greatly, but I knew he was also in love with her; more than that, I knew she could be happy beside him if only she tried to let me go.

Knowing all that made me understand her actions better. She had kissed him plenty of times, she had liked it, there was no reason why she wouldn't. Her head was probably battling her heart, and the thought of her holding onto me made me wonder if she was doing it because of my ancestor or because of me, plain old Harry Edward Styles, born in 1994.

She had assured me her feelings were real, there was no interference of the past in our relationship, and even though I felt naïve while doing so, I believed her. I could see it in her eyes the way they softened whenever our gazes crossed. Maybe it was stupidity, love, or perhaps a mix of both sentiments, but I had faith in us. I needed time to process things, to understand if I was willing to forgive her, but I was not ready to give up on Charlotte, not yet. 

I needed to talk to someone, to vent, to let out some of my anger and come up with a plausible plan for the next few days. I knew she needed my support, but at least my self-preservation instinct was strong enough to make me walk away, considering the amount of info I found out in one day. Niall was my first option, but I didn't want to involve him in such an intricate and dangerous plot. I needed to keep him sane and safe, as much as possible. Getting between him and Sienna was also something I wasn't willing to do, he loved her too much and I knew he'd be crushed over this entire ordeal.

Sean was the only reasonable option, even though I wasn't entirely sure I should confront him. He had been friends with Oliver for a long time and I had no idea which one of us held his loyalty. I needed explanations, I needed to vent, I needed a friend. Picking up my car keys and my jacket, I got up and left the park in haste, driving towards the gym and hoping that the ominous feeling inside my chest was just paranoia instead of a presage.


"Harry, good to see you, man." I spared Jason a tight smile, knowing he had nothing to do with my grim mood. He was just doing his job and being a nice person to the customers.

"Hey, is Sean around?" I asked, scanning the place for the bald man. Not many people were in sight, and he definitely wasn't. His absence made me wonder if he was home, watching some shitty tv programme.

"He's back there, inside his office." I nodded, squeezing his shoulder a bit and walking past him without saying a word. I wanted to ignore the feeling overpowering my mind as I crossed the gym towards the back doors, but I couldn't. I remembered Charlotte and our kiss, the way she cheered me on during my match. If I closed my eyes, I could faintly hear the noise of screams and see the way her eyes brightened when I looked into them.

My small daydream was interrupted when I found myself knocking on Sean's door, wondering what I would say to him. I hadn't thought things through, I just went with my gut.

"Come in." I opened the door carelessly, stopping in my tracks immediately once I saw Sean had company. Looking at Oliver immediately made my blood boil; if I could go back in time I'd never drive all the way to the gym just to see his stupid face.

"Harry." They said in unison, making me roll my eyes. I could see in their expressions, they knew precisely why I was there. The thought of Oliver talking to Charlie, seeing her after I left, it angered me. I knew now just how many fucked up things he did, how much his actions affected the present.

"I guess coming here was a bad idea. I'm just gonna go home." I muttered, seeing Sean's face contort in guilt. Oliver, however, seemed angry at my words, as if he had the right to judge me.

"No, you can stay. I have to meet Charlotte, anyway." He smirked a bit and I knew he was taunting me, using my jealousy as his fuel. I clenched my fist tightly, knowing that he didn't deserve my attention.

"Goodbye then." I curtly answered, seeing his blue eyes harden at my words.

"You devastated her, Harry. She deserved better than being left alone." He left before I had the chance to punch his idiotic face like I wanted. He had no right to say those words to me. I knew precisely what I was doing when I left her, but I had no other choice. I needed to breathe otherwise I felt like I would pass out and suffocate inside that room with her.

"That fucker has absolutely no idea what I've been going through since I found out the truth. I fucking despise him." Sean's eyes were hooded, clearly torn between his two friends.

"I take it you're not here to discuss your membership." He mumbled, sparing me a brief smile. I sat down where Oliver had previously been, feeling the anger emanating from my body and trying to calm down. I needed someone to talk to, and even though I didn't approve of his friendship choices.

"Tell me this is all some fucking joke, Sean." He shook his head, plopping down on his own chair and sighing.

"You know I can't do that, Harry." He spoke, looking around as if someone would pop out of nowhere and interrupt our conversation. If I was being honest, I almost wanted someone to do so.

"How long have you known?" I asked.

"About Oliver? For ten years or so. I only found out Charlotte existed when you brought her here; the reality behind her identity, however, I only found out when I caught Ollie kissing her during his birthday party." I nodded, wondering how Sean found out the truth and never told people about it.

"What was Oliver doing here?" I enquired again, knowing my tone was rude and demanding but also being unable to control myself. I wanted every answer rapidly; I wanted to know everything people were keeping from me so I could finally form a coherent opinion.

"He was filling me in. We weren't entirely sure you'd come here, but he felt like you might at some point. After all, I'm the only non-immortal you trust enough to talk about this subject." He shrugged, running his hands through his head as if there was a mop of hair there. I mimicked his actions, feeling my anxiety dominating me as I thought about my importance in this mess and my inability to feel confident enough in myself.

"I want to let you know that I am on your side, Harry. You're in no way obliged to help Charlotte, Oliver or any of them. I understand you're angry, people lied to you about a major problem. I know you ended up in the hospital because of her lies and that is something one doesn't get over in minutes." He stopped, gauging my reaction to see if I would say anything. I stayed silent, trying to keep my tears inside. I hadn't cried yet, but things were starting to feel more real and threatening.

I hadn't considered my family or their safety, what type of future I could have, knowing that through the entire course of my life I would always be targeted until the day Gaston freed himself. The prospect of running forever was overpowered only by the utmost fear of being killed in the near future.

"You have choices, Harry. You can leave, you can pretend nothing has ever happened and that this situation is none of your concern. You can also support Charlotte if you wish, but not out of pity or fear." He finished, adjusting the immaculate papers atop his desk.

"I love her but I'm not sure I can forgive her. I almost died because of this mess." I mumbled, sighing in frustration. My feelings were conflicted because of how much I wanted Charlie in my life, despite everything.

"You don't owe her anything, Harry. You need to look deep in yourself and find out what you want to do. This is a defining moment in your life." I nodded, knowing he was right.

"I want to be there for her, I just don't know if I am willing to sacrifice myself in the process." His eyes were soft and understanding in a way I hadn't seen before. He reminded me of my own dad when my fifteen year old version came to him asking for advice on how to break up with a girl.

"Then you know what to do. Be honest with her, tell her you won't show up and move on with your life." Rationally, his words were precisely what I knew I had to do, but the thought of abandoning her in such dire times didn't settle well with me. My family had always raised me to be an honourable and decent man, to help others. I felt like I was going against my own principles.

"If she had told me sooner, I wouldn't even blink. I'd be there beside her through everything. It's pathetic how whipped I am." I admitted, looking down at my own fingers and remembering the way her small fingers fit through mine perfectly.

"I don't want to be rude or pressure you into anything, but I hope you know that you're not the only one who feels this way about Charlotte. Oliver feels exactly the same way." I rolled my eyes, knowing where the conversation was headed.

"If you don't choose her side during this mess, he will and trust me, she'll be by his side. I have never seen you like this, Harry. I've known you and your family for a long time, and you're happy and carefree around her. Oliver may be my best friend but I know that deep down you belong with the girl." He got up abruptly, walking around his small office in haste. I observed his moves, seeing him pace without much understand of what was going on inside his mind.

"I have already said too much. I just hope you find peace with yourself and whichever choice you make. If you decide to show up at the ball, I'll be attending it as well." I nodded, feeling numb and realising he was giving me the cue to leave. I needed to talk to someone, to help my jumbled mind regain its reins, but deep down the choice was mine and no one else could do it for me.

"I'll talk to you later. I think I might stick around a bit, do some light workout." He nodded walking towards me and surprising us both when he hugged me. I reciprocated with force, allowing my tears to flow freely. Sean was probably the only person in the entire world who seemed to be on my side after my entire world came crashing down.

"Thank you for your support." I mumbled, embarrassed as I distanced our bodies and saw the wet spot on his left shoulder, showing off how much I had cried.

"I'm always by your side, kid. Don't forget that."

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