A Dragon's Mermaid

By GreenEyedKoneko

219K 7.6K 664

Book 1 in The Beasts Mate Series. This book contains 18+ content, so readers must be 18 years of age or older... More

A Dragon's Mermaid
Chapter One 🌊
Chapter Two πŸ‰
Chapter Three 🌊
Chapter Four 🌊
Chapter Five πŸ‰
Chapter Six 🌊
Chapter Seven πŸ‰
Chapter Eight πŸ‰
Chapter Nine 🌊
Chapter Ten πŸ‰
Chapter Eleven 🌊
Chapter Twelve πŸ‰
Chapter Thirteen 🌊
Chapter Fourteen 🌊
Chapter Fifteen πŸ‰
Chapter Sixteen 🌊
Chapter Seventeen πŸ‰
Chapter Eughteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Nineteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Twenty πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-One 🌊
Chapter Twenty-two 🌊
Chapter Twenty-three πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-four 🌊
Chapter Twenty-five πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-six 🌊
Chapter Twenty-eight πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-nine 🌊
Chapter Thirty πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-one 🌊
Chapter Thirty-twoπŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-three🌊
Chapter Thirty-four πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-five 🌊
Chapter Thirty-six 🌊
❀️Chapter Thirty-seven πŸ‰

Chapter Twenty-seven 🌊

2.9K 107 6
By GreenEyedKoneko

After a long day at work it feels great to be home. It was a busy day filled with back to back appointments. The only reason I ate lunch was because Vulcan ordered Chinese for me. He ordered my favorite meal, and I ate when Mia swept the floor. I thought it was sweet that she cleaned my station.

The sun is setting yet there is a warm humidity in the air. The grass is cool after clan members with a nature ability tended to it. Nerri, Willow and I are sitting on the grass. Yuna is sitting on a bench due to her growing baby bump. She still feels weak at times but has more energy than before. After a lot of insisting from a worried mate Yuna went to see the clan's healers. The healer told her that baby is powerful and is draining a lot of her magical energy. She assured Yuna this is normal, and that she should feel better in two to three weeks.

A pleasant breeze makes my hair fly in every direction. The tree branches and flowers move in the direction of the wind. Willow holds onto her hair as she giggles softl. Yuna smiles as she looks down at us.

"I did not expect the sudden wind," says Willow.

"Yes it was and it carried the scent of rain," said Neri.

Yuna raises an eyebrow in confusion as she smoothed her dress down with her hands. "What does the rain smell like? I did not sense rain".

When a stronger breeze comes I can smell humidity. A scent that is similar to the ocean appears as well. My body relaxes abs I start to look forward to the rain.

"It smells similar to the ocean but there is a different I can't explain," I say.

Neri nods her head in agreement at my explanation. Maybe we notice it because we are so strongly connected to water and the ocean. It was something I notice during my first experience with rain. Perhaps I was able to notice the scent because I never saw rain until coming to the surface. We have our own weather differences due to ocean currents and storms. Before coming to the surface I saw rain on movies or tv shows. Yes we get quite good internet and TV down there.  They even show us programs from the surface. That reminds me I should probably video call my family tonight.

"That sounds interesting. Maybe we just notice different things because our abilities," says Willow.

Neri bums as she turns her gaze over to Yuna. "Yuna what is the upcoming fire festival like?"

Yuna remains silent for a moment as she thinks about it. Her hand moves to her stomach and she smiles. "It is a lot of fun for everyone. There is a lot of food and games for the hatchlings. When they go to sleep we dance and the real party begins," says Yuna.

"Umm what kind of party?" Willow questions as she shifts her gaze to Yuna.

"It is to give thanks to the Fire God and become closer to him. This happens when Vulcan is used fo channel the God himself. Things tend to get wild and more adult," she says.

I want to laugh at Neri and Willow who are blushing a bright red. My own reaction was similar when I was told about the festival. After Vulcan informed me mama and Ember have been helping me plan. This is the first festival I am in charge of and I want everyone to like it. A group of several mothers volunteered to decorate for the festival. We made up a little planning team and designed the two outdoor spaces. Tonight we are going to decorate the backyard, and tomorrow morning I we will decorate a section of the woods closest to the mountain. Apparently, after things get heated makes like to take their mates to a private rooms carved into the mountain. Neri and Willow are probably not ready for that, and they have wonderful mates. I know that Roark and Aeric would not push their mates to do something they do not want to.

"I will probably not participate in the evening celebrations this year. If you both do not feel ready we can have dinner together with our mates," says Yuna.

"Thank you Yuna," mutters Willow as she looks into the distance at the hatchlings.

Some hatchlings  are in their tiny dragon forms while others only have their wings out. They appear to be playing a high altitude and speedy game of catch. They are so cute and if I could fly then I would play with them.

"Why are you not particularly this year?" asks Neri.

Yuna sighs as she plays with the hem of her sweater. "I would like to but Ion thinks it would be a strain on my body. He is taking it serious when the doctor told him I need to rest".

"Can got not get energy from your mate? It would allow your body to have energy when the baby is taking from you," says Neri.

Yuna shakes her head, "No because Ion is considered a rare and deadly type of fae. Once the baby is born he will be able to provide our little with energy and heal them".

"We have to remember that not all species are as fertile or love giving as our own Neri. You are also special because you can feed from Roark," I say.

Willow raises an eyebrow in question," How does that work? I know that mermaids are strongly connected to their mates but I never knew about energy sharing".

"Merpeople energy share when their mate is pregnant or ill. Neri has a different and special case," I explain.

I remain silent and give Nerin a reassuring gaze. If she does not want to give Willow details then I will not. I believe that it is her place to explain to others what she is. Neri remained quiet for a moment before continuing my explication.

"Yep and I am what the merpeople refer to as a minimer. It is our equivalent of what your people call a Flower. We need a supply of life giving energy to not weaken or to heal," says Neri.

Willow gums as she leans forward and hugs her. When this happens Neri's eyes widen, but she returns the hug. The two women probably feel a bond by being their species omega. There are some differences but the hardships are still there. They have faced difficulties since they were born, and unfortunately it will remain with them. Now that they have found their mates they have someone to care for them. They have friends and a dragon clan who have their back.

"Miss Willow! Will you play catch with us?" Asks a cute hatchling named Lori. She has red hair, brown eyes, and a cute red and copper wings.

"I would love to play with you," says Willow as she gets up.

More hatchlings fly to us and ask for us to play with. All of us aside from Yuna get up to play with the hatchlings. She remains on the bench and cheers us all on. A hatchling named Azul carefully throws Yuna the ball. He is such a cute hatchling, and I often find myself spending time with him. Azul is seven and unfortunately is an orphan. His mother died during child birth and his father died a year ago in an accident. He is so cute with his wavy teal hair and bright blue eyes. He has a cute button nose and a baby face. I probably became so attached to him because of his friendly personality. He is always happy and offers to help me or the other clan women. After playing with the little ones for about an hour they rush over to their parents. Neri, Willow and Yuna head back to the den. I hold Azul in my arms as we walk back to the den. He rests his head on my shoulder, and I hold onto him.

"I am happy that you played with us today Mistress Avalon," says Azul.

I smile at him as I play with his thick hair, which makes him hum.
"I liked playing with you too. Would you like do have dinner with us tonight?"

Azul moves quickly and looks up at me with big eyes. "Can I?" He asks in a happy voice and I immediately tell him yes. He is such a sweet hatchling that deserves love. I can tell that he feels loved from Cora and all of the other women that take care of the orphaned hatchlings. It is not the same love you would feel from a family though. When I enter the dinning room Vulcan rushes to my side. He leans down and places a gentle kiss on my lips. He is careful to not crush Azul, since i am still holding him.

"Hello Azul, how are you today?" Vulcan asks as he ruffles Azul's hair.

Azul giggles as he looks up at Vulcan with a smile. It is clear that he is basking in the attention. "I am good Master Vulcan. The other hatchlings and I had fun playing with Mistress Avalon and the other ladies," he answers.

"That is good to hear little man. Are you ready for dinner?"

He nods his head and Vulcan takes him from my arms. I follow Vulcan to our seats and he places Azul on his lap. My heart skips a beat as I imagine Vulcan with our own little one. He looks so sexy and cute as he bounces Azul on his knee. Other members smile at the action. There is a small flash, and it makes me wonder if mama took a picture. She is known to take pictures when we are not paying attention. Dinner is served and we begin to eat the delicious food. There is small talk about the festival around the table. It seems that everyone is excited and I hope it turns out good. After dinner is over Azul returns to the orphanage with Cora.

Vulcan holds my hand as we walk into the backyard. The women who volunteered tonight are ready with the supplies. Vulcan sits down on a patio chair and we get to work. I notice that other warriors, who are these ladies mates, join Vulcan. John, Mimi's mate, gives Vulcan a beer. Some women are hanging fairy lights on the trees while mothers are tying streamers. We decided to make red streamers with red and organize flower balls. We thought they would resemble fire and are fitting colors for the festival. While they continue to decorate the trees I work on the stage. The bottom of the stage is stressed with a red sequin that has a copper shimmer. Afterwards,I wrap a red ribbon and some flowers against the two support pillars. When I am done unnoticed that they have started to set up the booths and tables. We quickly get to work to set the tables and put out enough chairs. By the time we are done it is late, but the backyard looks amazing.

"Thank you for everyone for helping. The backyard looks amazing for tomorrow," I say.

"We were happy to help Mistress Avalon," says Renee.

"What time will we meet tomorrow?" asks Cassandra.

"We will meet at dusk so that we finish before breakfast. Is there anyone that cannot make it?"

"Um would I be able to bring Xander with me?" Asks Mimi a young mother.

"Doesn't your mother usually watch Xander?" Questions Anna Maria.

Mimi nods as she sighs softly, "Yes but she agreed to watch him tomorrow night. I do not want to bother her in the morning".

"Bring Xander and we can bring a play pen for him. We will be near him and can take turns watching him," I say.

Mimi's face lights up, "Thank you Mistress Avalon".

I smile at her, "Xander is well behaved and it should not take us long to set up".

We clean up our baskets and supplies, and place them inside the sun room. By placing them there I can easily grab them tomorrow morning. We say goodnight as Vulcan holds my hand.

Once we are in our bedroom Vulcan wraps his arms around my waist. My back is pressed against his muscular chest. My body shivers as he places kisses against my shoulder. When he playfully traces my mating mark I grip onto his arms.

"Vulcan," I moan as he continues to kiss and lick my mark.

"You looked so sexy tonight taking care of Azul," says Vulcan.

I giggle softly as I lean back and look up at his face. "Really? I thought you looked sexy while taking care of him," I admit.

His hands move until they are placed over my flat stomach. His lips are back on my neck, and he nibbles at the flesh. I am positive that I have a few hickeys now.

"Seeing you like that made me think of our own hatchlings," says Vulcan.

I moan loudly as he bites down onto my mark while cupping my breast. His large hand moves in a circular motion, and occasionally pinches my nipple. My body trembles and I feel myself get wet. He knows exactly what to do for me to crave him. All thoughts of sleep disappear, because I want him to continue.

"You will have to wait until tomorrow my treasure. I do not want to tire you out before the festival," he says.

I pout at him which makes him chuckle. "You will not tire me out!" I protest as I look into his beautiful eyes.

"My stamina will increase tomorrow after the ceremony. Also, you may not be able to tell but your heat is coming," says Vulcan.

I blink in surprise at that because I do not feel different. I have gone through heat before and there are no symptoms. "Why do you think that? I do not feel like my heat is here".

"Your scent has changed and your skin is a little warm. I think that your heat may appear tomorrow," answers Vulcan.

My eyes widen and I turn around to face him. My hands grip his shirt and I lean into him. Vulcan wraps his arms around my waist and holds onto me. My heat cannot come tomorrow! I have to worry about helping set up for the festival. Oh and not to mention standing by Vulcan's side to help preform the ceremony.

"Do not sorry my treasure, given your current scent you should be able to preform the ceremony," reassures Vulcan.

"How can you be so sure? We have never experienced a heat together. I have heard that it is more intense with your mate," I ramble.

Yes I keep saying things and going on, but I am worried. I am not bothered that my heat will begin. It was bound to happen regardless if I mated with Vulcan. My heats are regular and occur once a month. It lasts for about five days, but supposedly it is shorter once you have found your mate. If that is actually true then I am glad for that. It is so annoying to be stuck in the house!

"Sleep for now my treasure you need your rest," whispers Vulcan.

I look up at him confused because he is brushing off my question. Suddenly my eyes begin to flutter, and I feel exhausted. My eyes struggle to remain open and I lean against Vulcan. He picks me up in his arms and carries me to the bed. That is the last thing I remember before my eyes close. I do not remember getting in bed, but I know Vulcan our me there. Last night I slept a wonderful and dreamless sleep.

I run through the den after spending the early morning decorating the ceremony area. It took us a little longer then we planned, but it turned out great! I am sure that everything will look great once night fall hits. Now I am rushing to my room to change clothes. This is the only time I have to get into my ceremony clothes. It may be odd to wear such a lovely outfit so early, but not to dragons. They enjoy dressing up and showing off their mates. I sprint down the hallway once I see the door.

My outfit is laying down on the bed. Red roses and a hand written note is on the bed. I pick up the note and carefully open it. In black ink is Vulcan's nest handwriting. A smile appears on my face at how sweet he is.

Hello my treasure,
I saw that you were still preparing the ceremony grounds. I thought that I would save you some time and get your outfit ready. I look forward to seeing you outside.

My heart skips a beat as I put the note down. I quickly strip out of my clothes, and rush to take a quick shower. After my shower I bruh my hair, and put on a red strapless bra and panties. Then, I rush back to put on the dress. It is a simple dress made of chiffon and a sweetheart neckline. The dress itself is red and at the bottom it fades to orange, and then white. It is lovely because I wanted something to resemble fire. I make sure to put on my stunning red mating band, and a gold circlet there has a bright garnet dangling in the center. After my accessories are on I put on a pair of metallic gold flat sandals. There is no way I will be able to wear heals all day.

When I step outside the backyard is crowded with pack members. Vulcan is laughing as he stands next to Roark and Dion. He looks handsome in a red leather jacket, black leather pants with a belt, and black boots. His muscular chest is glistening in the sunlight. Vulcan turns around and smiles when he sees me. I return his smile, and stand beside him. He leans down and places a kiss on my lips.

"You look stunning Avalon," says Vulcan.

"Thank you Vulcan, you look handsome today," I say.

Vulcan holds me close to his side as he oversee the festival. We give a short speech for the festival to officially begin. Afterwards, a band takes our place on stage. They are quite good and play a variety of music. Food stands are open, and we make sure to get something to eat. There are activity tables for the hatchlings. They are playing games, making jewelry and little pottery. A few of the older women in the clan set up a face painting stall. It is rather cute to see the hatchlings with face paint. The teens are dancing, socializing or making more complicated crafts. There is even a section for the warriors and teens to have mock fights. It is clear that some of the teen boys are doing this to impress their mates.

"What do you think of the festival sis?" Qullian asks as he walks beside us.

"It is very fun and reminds me of festivals from back home," I tell him.

Qullian fist pumps in excitement, "Great but the real festival starts tonight. Ooh old man David made apple cider!"

Vulcan and I laugh as we watch Qullian rush to one of the stalls. He looks to be so excited and it makes me wonder if this cider is so good.

"Would you like to try some? David is known for his ciders," says Vulcan.

I think about it for a moment and nod my head. It has been a while since I have had cider. This morning I decided to enjoy myself, and to stop stressing. My stress has gone away when I saw everyone enjoying themselves. It made all the hard work I have done worth it.

"Yes a cup of cider sounds great," I say.

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