The Cries of a Broken Omega [...

By jackwag0n

243K 7K 2.3K

Alpha! Vincent x Omega! Felix ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll have to find out what happens yourself. ~~~~~~~~~~... More

Introduction to Characters
Chapter 1. "My Beginning"
Chapter 2. "New Phone Who Dis?"
Chapter 3. "Detention"
Chapter 4. "Mood Swings"
Chapter 6. "Public Apology"
Chapter 7. "Mic Drop"
Chapter 8. "Runaway Soul"
Chapter 9. "I'll Save You"
Chapter 10. "I Shouldn't Have Walked In"
I've Been Tagged
Chapter 11. "Your Moans Are Arousing"
Chapter 12. "Let's Talk"
Chapter 13. "YouTube"
Chapter 14. "The Question"
Chapter 15. "Pre-date Jitters"
Chapter 16. "God, I Wanna Kiss You"
Chapter 17. "Dear JOURNAL"
Chapter 18. "Lets Hang"
Chapter 19. "Can We Try This For Real"
Chapter 20. "Few Months Later"

Chapter 5. "Office"

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By jackwag0n

[Felix's POV]

I sit in Mrs. Swash's third bored out of my mind until the intercom interrupts the class, "Is Felix Williams able to come down to the office?"

Mrs. Swash looks at me and back at her clock, "Yes! He'll be right down!" Then the intercom shuts off.

"Felix grab your stuff, class is pretty much over." I nod to her.

Y'know, earlier I said Mrs. Carter was my favorite, I take it back. Mrs. Swash is definitely better. I sweep up all my stuff and wave a goodbye to everyone as I leave.

     I make it down to the office and I see the principal and the guidance counselor, 'Uh oh.'

     "Hey, someone from the office needed me?"

     "Ah! Yes, lovely to meet you Felix. I'm Mrs. Juniper but you can call me June too! Thanks Martin I can handle things from here." She says to Mr. Snik, our principle, in which he nods walking off.

      Mrs. Juniper leads me into her office and points to a lavish seat in front of a very tidy desk. "Do you know why you were called into the office?" I shake my head.

     "Well, Mrs. Carter was very concerned about your mental health. She said you walked out of class saying nobody cared and something about social norms, is this correct?" She sits on the corner of her desk.

     "Yeah, I said that."

     "Is anything going on at home?"

     I shake my head, "No."

     "Do you have any anxiety or depression? Anything Mrs. Carter should be worried about?"

     "What normal human doesn't have some form of anxiety? Also I don't see why it has to be Mrs. Carter's concern. I'm not dead or hurt, sure I said a couple of things but that doesn't mean anything so why not waste your time on someone that actually needs it."

     She stares at me blankly for a second, "Do you harm yourself mentally or physically?"

     I tilt my head, "How would I harm myself mentally, look in a mirror? You know how many people do that on the daily? No, before you ask again, I haven't done either."

     "Okay, thank you. I'll let Mrs. Carter know it was just a misunderstanding." I roll my eyes and nod.

     "Can I have a pass for fourth?"

     "Of course, give me a second, please."

     She grabs a slip of paper and signs it, "What teacher?"

     "Mr. Farmer." She nods and finishes with the slip.

     "There, you may be on your way now, goodbye!" She waves and I wave back at her.

     I finally get to my social studies class. I run the note up to Mr. Farmer which he simply just throws away and continues teaching.

I look around the class in boredom. "I guess I'll sketch my life away." I mumble.

I casually grab my comics from yesterday and finish them up. Daniel is just the most wholesome thing I've ever created! I love him more than I love myself.

     I doodle some simple drawings of Daniel in different poses on a sheet that was passed out later in class. Just as I finished some worksheets the bell sounds and I hurry out of my seat, lunch time!

     I walk into the cafeteria casually looking around for my friends since our usual table was filled with random people. I feel my phone vibrate and I look down at it to see a couple texts.

Hey babes, we're not at school anymore. Apparently our pet bunny, Snickers, died. Marcus the poor thing started balling, Mama came and picked us up.
Read 12:09

Awe, poor dude. He loved that bun bun so much. Hope you and him are alright, lots of love.
Read 12:10

Thanks, love you sweet cheeks. We'll be back probably tomorrow.
Read 12:10

Okay, you guys need me to pick up ur hw?

Nah. We both stopped at our classes to get that stuff but thanks hun. Love u gtg
Read 12:11

Ok, ily bye.
Read 12:11

Read 12:12

I sigh as I go to Julian's messages,

Bro im going out with other friends for some boneless pizza at lunch since y'know lunch at school sucks
Read 12:12

Mrs. Johnson✉️:
That's chill. See ya.
Read 12:12

Ok! Bye bro have fun at lunch.
Read 12:13

Mrs. Johnson✉️:
Oh I will, bye.
Read 12:13

"Are you fucking with me?" I look around anxiously.

"Guess I'm not eating today." I say to myself as I sit by myself at the edge of a mildly empty table.

      I pull out my sketch book that I bring to lunch sometimes and you guessed it, I started drawing.
This time I draw Wayem, he has the slyest most shit eating grin a person could have, he's the asshole you love but pisses you off 'cause he's the type to use all the hot water.

His hair is simply brown and his eyes are simply a hazel color but he has a slight almost unnoticeable limp when he walks due to a football accident he had one year as a kid. Never seen a kid go down on the field so fast.

I stop drawing Wayem when I hear a loud "thump" right beside me. I look over and I see none other than Vincent and his small band of probably fake friends.

I spare them nothing but a slight glance before going back to my hard work. "Hey!" I look back at them again.

"Yes?" I say blankly.

"What you drawing kid?" Leo, one of the fake friends, ask me slyly.

"A drawing, nothing fancy. Mind leaving me alone?"

"Is it a drawing of a crush?" The dumb one, Hunter, asks.

     "No, it's just a random character I made up. Leave me alone now, please." I say staring back at them, is it me or is the cafeteria weirdly quiet?

"You're so funny, you know that?" Vincent laughs.

"What do you mean?"

"You think you can boss us around?" He gets up in my face before snatching my notebook.

He flips through them, his face scrunches up each one that goes by. "What the fuck are these?" He asks as he shoves my hard work in my face.

I snatch my notebook back, "It's my fucking hard work. Maybe if you weren't such a goddamn playboy you'd know what the fuck that word means." I explode.

The cafeteria is filled with shocked noises.

He gives me the scariest look I've ever seen on someone's face, he grabs me by the collar and slams me against the table. "You listen to me right fucking now, I am above you. I am like your god, you will treat me with respect."

I smirk and spit on his face, "There's my respect for you." He doesn't to seem to think what I did was as funny as I thought.

He pulls back his fist and punches me right in the face I respond by kicking him as hard as possible in the balls. He cringes, sinking to the floor.

I wipe the blood from my nose as I look down at him, "Respect others you fucking wannabe alpha." Just then teachers flood the cafeteria.

(A/n): Here you guys go!

Words: 1224
Date: August 5th, 2019

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