It ain't me (Taekook)

By mamwadhi

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Jungkook's marriage of three years with his once windowed husband is threatened by his brother in la... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.

Chapter 17

6.3K 281 34
By mamwadhi

"I  know  what  is happening  in this  house  and what  exactly  you  are up to.I will  save  you  the  time  and  energy  for  a paternity  test and  make  everything much easier  for you . Just know one  thing. My daughter  and  I  don't  need  to prove  ourselves  to anyone. That's why  after  I  tell  you  the  truth  I'm  leaving  here  with  her "

After Jungkook uttered those words there was silence as mother and son exchanged wry glances.

"Jungkook, please  don't  do that "Hyuna  pleaded 

Jungkook  closed  his  eyes  for  a fraction  of a second  before  opening  them again.

"Ara isn't Namjoon 's  daughter. Her  father  is in this  very  room. Kim Taehyung "he uttered

Jungkook  could  have  sworn that  he saw the  sun  setting  off on Taehyung.He looked puzzled at first.  Hyuna  wasn't  that  much  suprised.

"I  have  nothing  else  to say  .He  should  be  talking  from  this  point  onwards. He  is the  one  who did  this  to me  after all. Now  do  I  have  the  permission  to leave  or shall  I  drag you  to court  for  rape if you  so try to stop  me"his voice  was colder than he  had  intended.

"Jungkook, if you  do that  then  this  family 's  name  will  be  drugged  through  the  mud"Hyuna pleaded.

"I  assume  I  have  your  permission "Jungkook said  as he  took Ara into  his  arms.

"Mom , you  aren't letting Jungkook  leave  with  my daughter "Taehyung 's  eyes  were  suddenly cold, hiding  his  thoughts.

That  got Jungkook  totally  irked at first .For  a moment  he stood  there  in shock not  believing  what Taehyung had  just  said.

"Is that  all  you  have  to say  after  what  you  did,  animal. Do you  have  any  shame? "Jungkook  yelled hoarsely. His  shoulders hunched over as he  held Ara closer .

"Why  didn't  you  tell  me  and  I  would  have  taken  responsibility  than making  someone else  the  father  of my  daughter. "

Jungkook  laughed humorlessly
"Tell  you? You  aren't  worth  of being  a father  Taehyung. Being  a rapist  says  a lot.You  know  what  baffles  me  the  most  is that  you  never  had  any  memory  of whatever  you  did  to me. Should  I  really  believe  that. You  ruined  my life  Taehyung .What do you mean by someone else? He  was  your  brother and  a better  human  than  you  will  ever be"Jungkook  tried  to protect  himself  from  the  pain  he  felt  by holding Ara even  closer.

"I'm  sorry  for  how  I  went  about  it but  I'm  not  sorry  for  having  you  carry our  daughter "

"You  are  really  shameless  and  brazen. Did  you  stop to consider  that  I  was  married  to your  own  brother "

"Jungkook, I  was  intoxicated  and  I'm  really  sorry. Even  if I  had  the  chance  to undo it ,I  still  wouldn't. Just  look  what  came  out  of it.Our beautiful  Angel.I'm  not  saying   I'm  not sorry. I'm  really  ,trust me "

"I'm  leaving .I  can't  stay in the  same  house  with  someone  like  you. Who knows  what  you  might  do next "

"Jungkook , stop being  impossible. Do you  really  think  the  court  will  let  you  have  her sole  custody? No ,it won't because  as much  as you  hate  to admit  it we are  married. And  as far  as I  know  they  won't  give  it to you  because  you aren't  capable  of taking  care  of her.You  don't  have  the  means  to do so"Taehyung 's  voice was  expressionless

"Taehyung  stop you are  going  overboard "Hyuna  intervened.

"If he  wants  to go otherwise  then  he can  but  without  my daughter. He  came  into  this  house  with  nothing  and  he  will  leave  with  nothing. It's  your  call  if you  want  to leave  her behind  or stay  here  with  her.If I  were  you  I  would  go with  the  latter. There  is nothing  to lose"Taehyung  gave Jungkook  a cold stare.

"Taehyung! "Hyuna  yelled  before  slapping  her son  for the  first  time  in her  life.

"I  warned  you  didn't  I? All my  life  I  had  never  expected  anything  from  you  nor did  I  ever know  you  would  disappoint  me like  this. You  should  know better  than  threatening  or making  things  harder  for  him. If anything  you  should  be on your  knees right now.  You  are  just  like  your  father "she  sobbed  before  going  up her  room.

Tears  were  welling up in Jungkook  's  eyes  as he held  his  startled  daughter  closer  to his  chest. Jimin  who was  silent  amidst  the  bowl out  escorted  Jungkook  out  of the  house  for  air that  he greatly  needed.

Taehyung  just  stood  there  frozen. Eyes  brimming  with  tears. This  was  the  second  time  he had  cried  except  from  his  childhood. His  mother  who had  overlooked  his  every  mistake  finally  released her  wrath upon  him  because  of someone. Someone  whom  he  had  gravely  wronged.

"I  want  to get  divorced  Hyung. I can't  stand  him. His  threats  won't  work  on me "Jungkook  sniffed  as he  cradled Ara  in his  arms.

They  were  sitting  on a park bench with Jimin.

"Jungkook, its  not  that  easy. Your  marriage  isn't  6 months  yet  and  taking  into  considering  Ara's  age the court  won't  be able  to give  it to  you  that  easily. And Taehyung  was  right. It will  only  be  your  loss.They  will  take  her  away  from  you  because  you  can't  give  her the life  that  Taehyung  can  give  her. Most  importantly  he loves  her a lot  and  thousands  of people  are  aware  of that. If he  tells the  court that  he  was  drunk  they  are bound  to believe  him  and  you  will  lose your  daughter "

"It's  not  fair, Hyung "Jungkook  sobbed feeling  deprived and empty.

"I  know. Just  make  a compromise  for  her,Jungkook. I'm  sure  she  will  be  happy  to grow up with  both  her parents  and  as much  as you  hate  to admit  Taehyung  is an excellent  father  putting  aside  whatever  he  did  to you "

"Hyung, you  make  this  sound  easy .Maybe  you  are  right. I never  really  want  to display  our  dirty  laundry  in the  court. Namjoon  wouldn't  want  that. So I'm  walking  back  into  that  house  only  for  my daughter  and  because  I  have more  to lose "Jungkook  frowned.

"That's  the  spirit .Don't  forget  to bear your  clows "

"Hyung, can  I  ask you  something. Did  you  prank  anyone  this  year? "

"Me,I  pranked  a lot  of people  and  there  is someone  whom  I  pranked  good. He  couldn't  even  go to work  for  a whole  week. I laughed  like  I  never  did "

"Just  like  how  you  pranked Taehyung  and  I? '

"You  knew. How  did  you  even  find  out. Actually  I  was  paid handsomely for  that  and  I  won't  tell  you  who that  was. My  client  wouldn't  like  it"

"So this  person  you  pranked  good. What's  he like? "

"Are  you  interested  in him? No way  he  is mine  and  you  are  married "

"And  when  did  a marriage  ever stopped  anyone  from  having  fun.I don't  wanna  go up to be  boring "

"Tell  you  what? Go and  get  dressed  in the  tightest  jeans  you  can  find  and  I  will  introduce  you  to some  guy  not  him "

"Hyung, I'm  joking. That  is out  of character  for me "Jungkook laughed.

"That's  sad 'he  pouted.

Jungkook  was  glad  that  at least  someone  was  moving  on.He  was  happy  for  Jimin.

As for  him  ,a new  chapter  had opened  up in front  of him. At least  he  had  gotten  rid of his  guilty. He  didn't  have  to be  unfair  to anyone  else.

Something  that  he  had  seen  coming  was  Hyuna  slapping  Taehyung. Maybe  she  was  that  disappointed. As far  as Jungkook  had  known  her ,she  was  always  calm and  rational and  funny.

He  also  wondered  how  Taehyung  must  be feeling. Knowing  that  his  father  had  been  a sensitive  topic.

Jungkook  actually  thought  of crushing  at Jimin 's .A part  of him  felt  that  he  had  made  Hyuna  hit  Taehyung. What  if he  goes  back  and  the  older  takes  it out  on him,?

He  got home at dusk. The  house was  dark.No one  had  lit the  lights.He  felt  like  a prey that  had  walked straight  into  the lion's  den.

Shaking  his  thoughts off he laid  a sleeping Ara  on the  couch  so he  could make  formula  for  her

After  he  was  done he woke  her up and  fed her.

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