It ain't me (Taekook)

By mamwadhi

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Jungkook's marriage of three years with his once windowed husband is threatened by his brother in la... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.

Chapter 15

6.3K 292 21
By mamwadhi

The following days Taehyung 's  instagram ,Twitter  and  face  book  accounts  were  flooded  with  pictures of him, Jungkook  and  Ara.His  following  had  also  increased  by 40%.Most of them followed  him for  his  good looks.

Jungkook  was  playing  along  just  for  the  sake  of it.After  a week he  could  finally go back  to his  daily routine. They went  to different places  for  a week  straight. Parks, malls

One afternoon Jungkook was  chilling  on the  couch  alone. Ara  was  well  fed  so she  slept  soundly.

Taehyung  came  out  of nowhere and  sat on the same couch  blocking his  view of the  tv.

"Taehyung  seriously "he  groaned.

"Is there something  that  you  aren't  telling me. Something  I  should  know. Something  I  did  to you  maybe? "

With iron control Jungkook raised his  brows in question
"I don't know what  you  are getting  at"

He  felt the  perspiration dampen the  palms of his hands as he struggled to maintain his  calm exterior .

"I think something  happened  between  us.You don't  remember? Taehyung 's  eyes narrowed suspiciously
"Maybe  I  was  just  imagining  it"

"Something  like  what? Are  you  sure? "Jungkook echoed his  words incredulously.

"I'm  really  sorry. I don't  think  that  I'm  not  in the right  frame  of mind  these  days "

"I  advice you  go and  get  checked  out. It could be  serious "Jungkook swallowed  dryly 

"Scratch  that. You won't  believe  what happened  today. I went  to the  home  affairs  today  and  they  never  sent anyone  over  to our  house "

"So who were  there? "

"What  are  the  the  odd?We were  obviously pranked. It was fools day after all  "

"I  can't  believe  you  lashed  out  at me  for  nothing. I won't  ever  forgive  you. You  are  so stupid. Can't  you  read  between  the lines"Jungkook yelled.

"Well did  you. I feel  like  mom  is behind  this. She  got me arrested  because  of this  thing  once in the past "

"Did anyone  call  mommy? "a voice  emerged  from the  door .

"Where  were  you? How  could  you  just  leave  on the  last  minute? "Taehyung  asked  his  mother.

"I bumped  into  an old  boyfriend  of mine  and  he wanted  me to  go on a vacation  with  him "

"Is he  married? "

"I  didn't  ask. I really  don't  have  time  for  this. I need  to see my  granddaughter. How  are  you  Jungkook "

"I'm  fine mother and  you. ?"

"I  just  hope  that  Taehyung  didn't  fight  with  you "

"He  didn't "Jungkook  lied before glaring at  his husband.

"You  have  become  really  responsible  my son.You  now  made  a good husband as well  as a father  "she pinched  his  cheek

"Can  you  at least  show  respect  for  me.Many people tell  me  that  I  look  like Ara but  you  didn't. Are you  blind  or just jealous?  "

"You are right. I thought  I was  seeing things. I was  so happy  to see your  pictures together  on social  media. The  three of you  look  cute  together "she  squeaked.

An uneasy  sensation  crept  over  Jungkook 's  gut as he chucked nervously. Hyuna could  feel  the  younger 's uneasiness.

Jungkook went into his  room  and  almost  fell on his knees  from  relief. If Taehyung had  kept  on pressing  him  then  he would  have  snapped  and  blurted  out  the  truth. Without  a doubt he was sure  that Taehyung  was  recollecting memories  from  that  night. Jungkook wanted  to take Ara 's  birth  secret  to his  grave but Taehyung was  proving  to be  problematic by being too inquisitive.

He  vowed  to keep  a safe  distance  from  the  older.

Three  months  went  by quickly. Namjoon 's  will  was  read and  he  had  divided  everything  he  owned  between  the  four  of them. Jungkook  became  emotional .Taehyung 's  interest  in Jungkook  had  grown  to tremendous  length. He  would  steal glances from  time  to time without being obvious about  it.Jungkook had became  Taehyung 's  sectret passion.

Ara had  grown up healthy, extremely cheerful and  very  pretty. What's  more  was  that  there was  no more denying  that  she  was  a slippting image  of Taehyung and  it had Jungkook  over  the  edge. The  real suprise was  no one  else  was  buzzing  about it.

As Jungkook wanted  to forget that Ara was Taehyung 's  daughter he couldn't. Every  look  at her  reminded  him  of the  painful  bitter  truth  but  whom  was  he  to blame  after  all. He  wondered  why no outsiders posed  any  question  about  her birth.

Baby  Ara was  sitting  and  starting  to crawl not  to mention  how  loud   she  was. Her screams  were  intense. To make  things  worse  she  was  teething  and  would  bite anyone, anywhere .

Ara  was  more  than an excuse  for Taehyung  to see Jungkook  during  their  family  time.She was the reason why he entered the younger 's room.  Jungkook  was also  aware  about  the way  Taehyung  looked  at him. It had  changed  and  made him utterly   uncomfortable.  He  looked at him wrong and breathed on him wrong as well.

Their  marriage was  in a  state  of stalemate .Taehyung  treated  Jungkook as he  deserved  and  even  more.

This  brought  back  memories  from  that  alwful  night. The things that Taehyung did to his body made Jungkook wanna weep  so bad .Every touch of his left a bruise on Jungkook 's body.

As the memories were coming back to him, Jungkook could  feel  himself tremble and his clenched fist shaking as well. His  nails went to dig into the  flesh of his pulm. How he regretted being  weak that  night.

Hyuna sat on the couch trying to fix Ara's hair by she  slipped  through  her  fingers by literally squirming  away. She  was way  too adamant  for  a seven month old.A quality neither Namjoon or Jungkook possessed according to Hyuna.

Ara didn't cry  as much rather she screamed to get  what  she  wanted.

When  Hyuna had seen that  the  toddler  was  peacefully playing  on the carpet with  her toys  she  walked  over to Jungkook who seemed  pretty  out  of it.

"Ara  has rush on her  neck ,what happened? "she  started snapping Jungkook out  of his trance. .

"That. The  doctor  said  I  should  give  her other fluids that  aren't  formula .So  I  thought  Orange  juice  would  do but  she  ended  getting  a mild allergic reaction  to it. Hopefully I  got it treated with  rash cream "

"That's  strange. Taehyung  has the  same  allergy "Hyuna said  thoughtfully.

"What? "Jungkook  yelled literally.

"He  is also  allergic  to oranges "Hyuna confessed and Jungkook found  the  glass  he was holding  shattered  on the  ground, his  hand  trembling.His  face  went  pale.

"Are  you  okay. You  don't  look  well. Go and  rest. I will  bring  Ara to you  when  she  wants  you "

Jungkook gave her a  slight  nod.

He  slowly walked to his  room feeling  out  of sorts. Why did his daughter have  to resemble Taehyung  a lot and even  his  mannerisms and  every  little  bit thing like an allergy.Those  things were  going  to be the  end  of him. How  long was  he  going  to live  in a  lie for? .Jungkook  didn't  fail to register  the unsettled look that  Hyuna  had on her face. Was she  coming  on to him. Did  she  smell something. The  more Ara grew up the  more  it was  almost inconceivable  to believe  that  he  wasn't  Taehyung 's daughter. There needed  no telling. It was was  because no one  had  to guts to address the elephant  in the  room  yet.

He didn't know how fast time  flew by.He  only  found  himself  sitting in the dark and staring  at the  ceiling  with  the  same  old  emptiness in his  heart.

If he were  his old self then he would  have gone  into  a panic  attack  but this  Jungkook had  to be  strong to face the world  for  his  daughter.

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