It ain't me (Taekook)

By mamwadhi

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Jungkook's marriage of three years with his once windowed husband is threatened by his brother in la... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.

Chapter 5

8K 348 64
By mamwadhi

Jungkook looked at the boxes and bags piled up on the bed and resisted  the  urge to push them on the floor and lie down. He  was  exhausted after shopping  all  afternoon with his  mother in law  for  a layette .His  feet and back ached a lot.

Kicking of his shoes ,he  eased himself down on the edge of the bed and began emptying the shopping  bags. He never thought  that  he would  ever  get the privilege to go  for  baby  shopping.All  his pregnancies  had  never  passed the  second  trimester  but  there  he was already  in his third  trimester. It was  indeed a miracle.

It would  only  take  a minute  to empty the bags and  then  he would  be done. Jungkook  knew he  shouldn't  complain. His  pregnancy was  going  smoothly. Namjoon  was  still  supportive as he was  from  the  start  and  he hadn't  seen Taehyung 's  shadow at all.

Jungkook clutched his stomach as a stab of pain shot  through  to his back. The baby  had been  in a good position, now  he felt  it sumersaulting inside  him.Sometimes he  felt  as though  it was doing  jumping  jacks in there,quite an athlete he  had  gotten  there.

At the moment he  desperately needed  to lie down so he screwed the  bed and went  over  to the  couch. He felt super  exhausted.

He  had only  manage to unpack  only a few things. All  of them so  tiny and doll like.He couldn't  fathom  a real human  being  wearing  them.

More tired than  he  realized he  slept  through  dinner.

The next morning he unfortunately bumped into Taehyung. He didn't even  spare him  a glance  as he went  about  his  day. Moodswings were slightly getting  the  better  of him.

Taehyung then  went  to his  mother  who was in the  kitchen  with  confusion  in his  eyes.

"Mom is Jungkook  alright ?"

"Why  are you suddenly  worried  about  him "

"I'm  just  concerned. His  belly  looks  weird as if its  swollen "

"He is pregnant  you  dumb  ass"Hyuna blurted  out  before  taking  in Taehyung 's  perplexed gaze.

"That  wasn't  supposed  to slip up"

"You  mean  I  wasn't  supposed  to know? He  is such  a weirdo. It that  why hyung  needs  him. To have  his  babies? "Taehyung mocked incredulously.

"That's  not  the  case. Namjoon  didn't  know  that  Jungkook  was  capable of conceiving from the  start  "

"But why did  he get  pregnant  now. Maybe  he  wants  to keep  his  place  in this  family  so he  wouldn't  be kicked  out "Taehyung mocked.

"I  too  was  suprised. They  said  they  would  stop after  two  miscarriages but  this  time  lucky  was  on their  side. This  time  we might  actually get to  hear  a baby  crying  in this  house "

"You  mean  they  had  already  tried  twice already. What  was  the rush  anyways.Don't  you  think  maybe  that  it was  some  kind  of curse.Is that  why hyung  kept  me away. Did  he think  I  would  kill  him  or something.He  needs to give me a break. I won't  ever waste any  of my time  on him  "

"Taehyung  stop  sprouting  and  just  be happy  for  your  brother  for  once. Jungkook  has gone  through  a lot "Hyuna said  as she  looked up towards Jungkook  who was  coming  into  the  kitchen.

"Mother, I'm  going  out "he  said flatly. 

"Why?You  are supposed to stay home  remember? "she  reminded sternly.

"I  want  to go  and  see how  my  replacement  at the kindergarten  is holding  things. After  that  Namjoon  will  come  a take  me to the  hospital  from  there "

"The driver  isn't  home so Taehyung  will  drive  you  there "she offered.

"No , I  will go on my  own "Jungkook  protested.

Taehyung laughed grimly "Don't  be stubborn, Jungkook "

Anguish filled Jungkook 's  wide brown eyes.

He struggled  to get into  the  car.Something  he had never  done.Maybe  he was just  getting  overweight. He opted for the  backseat because their  auras  needed  their  pace.

Jungkook  couldn't fathom how Taehyung was  looking  at him. Amusement, fascination, disgust?

He  decided  to sleep  his  thoughts  away. Soon  enough  he  had  arrived and mentally sighed in relief. Taehyung went back home  with  the  car.

Jungkook 's mood got much better as he saw the  kids. He  also  turned  into  a kid admist them. An hour later Namjoon  came  to pick his  up for  his  check up. Jungkook  couldn't  hide his guilty  whenever Namjoon was  with  him. He probably deserves a whole  lot better  than him. 

When the  doctor announced that  they  were  having  a girl  Namjoon  was  more  thrilled than Jungkook. Everything regarding the  baby  made  his  heart  clench a whole  lot.Their  joy was  soon short-lived by what the  doctor had  to say  next.

She  displayed the  current sonogram  on the  monitor  so they  could  get  to see clearly.

"You guys are  gonna have to listen  to me  carefully.There  is a hole at the  back  of the  baby 's  diaghphram. She  will  need surgery  or she  won't  be able  to breathe  all  her life. We could  have  waited  until she  comes  to term in order  to perform  the surgery  but  your  uterus  is weak and might  rapture  before  that "

Namjoon  looked  hopelessly at Jungkook who  displayed no emotion.

"So basically I'm  saying you  need  to have a c-section as soon  as possible and  today  is more recomendable .Soon  after  delivery her surgery  will  be done by specialists. After  that  she will  be  incubated since  she  is premature. I hope  you  guys have  understood  me.Don't  panic. I can assure  you  that your baby  will  be  in safe hands "

"If that's  the  only  way then  I  guess  it will  have  to be  done"

"Great before  that  we need  to give  you  a Labour inducing  drug before  the  c-section so it will be  less dangerous. "

"I  understand. "Jungkook  whispered weakly. He never thought that an illegitimate child could give him so much trouble .

When  the  doctor left  there  was  dead silence  until Namjoon  spoke up.

"I  guess  we will  have  to think  of names  in the  meantime. I will  call  up mom and Taehyung. They  need  to be  here "

"Taehyung? "Jungkook choked.

"Jungkook if we excluded  him  from  this  then  mom  will  raise some  suspicions.It's  not  like  we will be  telling  him  the  truth  or anything. Just  chill "

"I  trust  you "

A nurse  then  came and  told Jungkook  to go and  change  into  the  hospital  gown.

He got  into  the  bed and  an IV was  connected  to  his  arm.It was the  Labour inducing drug.

Namjoon  then  lovingly  pressed  his  hand  over Jungkook 's  bump.

"Just  hang on  there  princess. You  are  strong  and  you  are  a fighter "he  mumbled.

"I  think  I'm  gonna  die"Jungkook  cried.

"Is it already  taking  effect? "

"Yeah "Jungkook  swallowed  dryly as a gush of water drenched over him.

"I  will  go and  call  mom"


"Taehyung  we have  to go to the  hospital"Hyuna  panicked.

"Who died  mom "

"Don't  you  say such  inauspicious  words .You  might  just  be an uncle today "

"It is already  due"

"No,there  was  some  complications  and Jungkook  is about  to go through  forced  labour "

"Okay, let's  go.It might  be serious then. "

When Taehyung and Hyuna arrived at the hospital Jungkook was  already  in the OT.They both joined Namjoon is impatiently pacing  the hallway of the maternity ward.

About an hour later Jungkook  was  brought out and Namjoon went  to check  up on him. He was  still  unconscious.

The baby didn't come out  instead more doctors rushed  in there making the  other  three panic. It was initially code blue.

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