Scars between us✔️(JJK•FF)

By smak_OO4

2.9M 89.8K 54.4K

In a story where Jungkook accuses Y/N for cheating on him and terribly tortures her for years. But what will... More

Back to the present
So close...Yet so far away
The melancholy of us
The witness to the lie
Scared to be lonely
Meticulously misunderstood
Agitated to accept
True yet feels untrue
Frost of recession
Demented in the maze
Unwanted yet interrupted
Tricks of fate
lost track into words
Constrained Upon Posession
Shattered pieces of mystery
Demolished with the truth untold
Detrimention of the verity
Unfortunate predistine has no dilemma
Aurora of forlorn is perpetual for us
Out of the tenebrous into the flame
Thantophobia yet her place is lacuna
Absquatulate to me
Dying meliorism for the distance
Fragmented in dolor, Wedged by trauma
Soliticious to misplace
Misfortune's acedia to disappear
All alew but heart intent
Rejoinder of Euphoria
Her echt orenda
Alexthymia due ineffeble emotion
Reverie of the Illusion
Her amnesia His ibrat
Target to metonoia
Nigh yet feels selcouth
His wonderwall
Anhedonia in me
Unintentional but Intentional
Eldritch Attendance
Paroxysm of the inturder
Little do you know
Guilt in exchange
Avoid the latibule
Unknown to dreptomania
Viridity within
Hiraeth for you
Section of veracity
Wonderwall Astray
Mnemophobia in him
The insuperable
Rebound of the memory lane
Amnesia's departure
Enigmatic situation
Two direction apart
Epilogue (Original)
End of solivagant (Alternate)
Anam Cara (Alternative)
Desirable euphoria (Alternative)
Ecstasy (Alternative)
Scars between us
Epilogue (Alternative)
Authors note

Sonder in view

18.8K 672 495
By smak_OO4

Jimin had come by to visit and for some reason I feel odd around him. He keeps on staring at me giving me looks which made me uncomfortable.

I was about to sit beside him to ask if he had something to say but Jungkook forced me too sit beside him and I was too lazy to argue.

I looked back at him to understand what he is trying say but he kept on doing stuff that make me blush from embarrassment.

"So there is a fair coming up this Sunday! Do you guys want to go? I didn't want to go alone." Jimin asked suddenly

"I have some assignments to finish today so I can't can ask other hyungs if you want to" Jungkook replied

"I am free. I can go with you"

Suddenly a voice spoke from behind and I flinched hearing. Jungkook looked back and knitted his eyebrows.

I looked back to see a fairly tall guy with brow parted hair. He had charming smile on and he was very good looking. Are all of Jungkook's friends this handsome?!

"How did you get in?! Through the window?!" Jungkook asked

"Please consider closing the door next time and you think it's possible to get in through the window when your on the 17th floor?!" He said with a slightly raised voice

Jungkook shrugged and looked at me. I raised my eyebrow at him and he got the signal and turned towards his friend.

"Uh hyung this is Y/N..." He said while smirking at me

I squinted my eyes at as he kept on smirking at me.

"Oh really? Hi I am Hoseok! Jungkooks friend" He said forwarding his hand for a shake

"I figured" I replied shaking his hand

"So you're his girlfriend?" He asked with a teasing smile

"No!" I said with a pitched tone

"Then?" Hoseok asked

"W-We.." I trailed off not being able to complete the question.

They all raised eyebrow at me waiting for me to finish my the sentence. I couldn't really think of an answer. What are we actually? We have kissed, he comforted me when I needed him. I feel butterflies when I am usually with him but... Still an unknown feeling lingers making me question if he deserves it or not.

"We are friends"

After the little visit by Hoseok and Jimin, Jungkook sat in his room trying to process what Y/N said. He felt hurt but a bit of joy was present as he was sure there was no hatred present. But he slightly confused over what were the exact meaning behind her words.

He got up and went towards his door. He opened the door and only two steps away was Y/N's door. He went near and knocked on her door.

"Come in" came from inside

He entered the room only to see her sitting on her bed with a pillow supporting her back. She was reading a book. She looked up at him.

" bothered knocking this time" She mocked

Jungkook let out a chuckle at sat on the bed beside her. She kept her book down and looked at him.

"So why are you here?" She asked

"Can't I come to my girlfriend's room to check up on her?" He teased

"I am not your girlfriend" She replied with an annoyed face and tone

There was a moment of silence.

"What are you?" Jungkook whispered

Y/N shoot her head at him and looked shocked. She knew this conversation would come but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

"I-I...I don't know...." She whispered

"But I can assure that I do love you" Jungkook said

Jungkook said looking into her eyes. He meant it. He truly did. His mouth, heart, brain, every part of his body was craving to say those words to her. To tell her she is special to him. To love her.

Y/N's heart fluttered at the confession. She didn't know how to reply to that comment. She was not willing to either. She knew this wasn't the right time.

She chuckled breaking the akward tension and tried to change the subject. The attempt was successful as they spoke about every thing except that matter.


Y/N entered the campus alone. Jungkooks had some work to do. Y/N felt comfortable alone as Jungkook was not there to fluster her with his activities.

She entered the campus quietly without looking at anybody. She went straight for her locker. As soon as she reached, she opened the lock, she started taking out her books for her next class.

As she was taking her books out, she felt a tingling sensation near her ear.

"Hey" Someone spoke in her ear with a raspy voice

Y/N flinched as she turned around. Her eyes widened as she saw him only inches away from her face. He had grin plastered over his face.

"U-Uh J-Jimin can you please move.." She speaking cautiously

Jimin chuckled as he spoke again going near her ear.

"Why you don't like it?" He asked

"Umm no.." Y/N replied trying to push him away.

"Why not?" He asked getting closer as his hand sneaked around her waist and his nose caressed her neck

"Please Sto-" Y/N said trying to push him away but was cut off

"If she is saying she doesn't like! Then why the fuck don't you move away from her!!"

Jimin looked the other way as he rolled his eyes at the voice still not moving an inch away from Y/N.

Y/N was getting more and more uncomfortable with each passing second. Being pinned on the locker by the person she just met few days ago was absurd. The position was tight, she could barely move.

Soon Jimin was detached from Y/N by Jungkook as he looked far into distance.

"Y/N go to your class" Jungkook instructed

Without saying another word Y/N quickly took her books and shot one last look at Jimin and then at Jungkook and then went away.

"What the fuck do you want hyung?" Jungkook growled

Jimin poked the inside of his cheeks with his tongue as he let out a harsh chuckle.

"What I want? Will you give it to me if I ask for it?" Jimin asked in a sarcastic tone

Jungkook looked at Jimin with anger and darkness in his eyes. He was frustrated and hurt.

"Fine! I want...." Jimin paused

"Her" He finished

Jungkook clenched his jaw harder than it was already clenched. His hands wrapped into a fist.

"Will you give it to me?" Jimin asked

"I will give you my organs but not her...never" Jungkook said with a low voice

"And she isn't an object which I can give around. She is a human" Jungkook spoke with gritted teeth.

Jimin let out chuckle followed by a smile spread across his face. He looked at Jungkook with squinted eyes

"Oh really? Then why did YOU treat her like that before?" Jimin mocked making Jungkook look away in anger.

"What is there in you that I lack? That she liked a jerk like you more than me?" Jimin asked

"What's wrong with you hyung?" Jungkook asked in a cracked voice

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?!" Jimin said raising his tone

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked in a whisper

Jimin let out another chuckle at his words. Jungkook was more confused than ever.

"Now your gonna play dumb?! You clearly knew I liked her and infront of me you took her away!!! And then you start hurting her!!" Jimin screamed

Jungkook was shocked. He never knew neither expected  that Jimin would have feelings for Y/N.

"No hyung...I didn't know" He said

"Oh really? You have been snatching away people for a long time now. First Joon and now me.. I must say your a good actor" Jimin said

"Joon?" Jungkook asked with a dark voice

"Yeah Joon" Jimin replied

"You spoke to him and he brainwashed you didn't he?" Jungkook asked feeling rage within himself

"No he didn't, you did!" Jimin countered back

"Anyway how does Joon relate to this situation?!" Jungkook raised his tone

Jimin smirked at him as he bought himself near Jungkook with an evil smirk in his face.

"Remember Orelia"


Sorry if the chapter was boring... Thank you for the reads and support. I really appreciate it.😀😀😀

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