Signed Away

By enylmik

511K 15.9K 944

Charlotte Mitchell's life was signed away by her parents to another man by the name of Alexander Grey who is... More

Character Aesthetics
Authors Note


16.8K 531 41
By enylmik

It was the next day after the wedding and a feeling of uneasiness was settling in. I got some breakfast downstairs and decided to take this chance to explore the house. I walked around the first floor and then headed upstairs. I went into one room that seemed to be the study. Probably Alex's office. I then walked into another room, Alex's room it seemed. I walked in curious. It was everything you would expect a bachelor's room to be like. I walked out remembering to close the door behind me and went to go outside to explore some more.

There was a large rose garden. Roses were my mother's favorite flowers. I on the other hand hated them. They were so basic in my opinion. I was more of a Hydrangea person or Stargazer Lilies. I took note of the pool that I was going to use later on. I used to be a swimmer back in high school. I have a love for the water.

I was bored. We were supposed to be on our honeymoon at the moment which is why everything on my calendar was blocked off so I had nothing to do. Clearly Alex didn't pass along the memo that that was not going to happen when he waltzed off to another country. I didn't even want to go, but he should have had the decency to tell me.

"I brought a house warming gift." A shrilling voice rang through the house, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What the hell are you doing here" I said glaring down at my step mom who stood at the bottom of the stair case.

"Here to see my daughter and her new husband of course."

Why was she talking so nicely?

And then I got my answer. A man in a business suit stepped into the room and appeared right next to her. The hell? Who was he. I looked down at my outfit and of course I was in my pajamas. Great.

I hurried down the stairs and put my hand out to shake the guy's.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Charlotte."

"Tyler." The guy shook my hand. "Nice shorts." He gave me a wink. I blushed at my flamingo pajama sorts.

"So what's going on?" I looked at Trisha.

"This is Tyler Parker. He's a potential business partner with Grey- Mitchell."

"Are you here to see Alex then? He's not home right now."

"No actually he's here for you." Trisha grinned her wicked smile at me.

"Me? Oh I'm sorry I don't have anything to do with the business." I said to Tyler.

"I know. Alex called and said that you could entertain me while he was away."

"Enter- Entertain you?" I said in disbelief. Oh that asshole. He thinks just because her marriage was a business deal that meant he could sell me too for some stupid business partner. What is it with men thinking that they could do whatever the hell they want and just controlling women like that. First my dad. Now my deranged husband.

"It's nothing like that. We were supposed to have a meeting today, but he is out of town and so he told me that you could take over a little bit. We'll just go out to lunch. If that's okay with you?"

I was still infuriated that Alex would make me do his bidding, but Trisha's sharp look made me scared to object. It was just a lunch. That's it. He seems like a nice guy and plus I was bored out of my mind in this house. "Sure. Just give me a little bit of time to get ready." I turned around and hurriedly made my way into my room.

"Take your time!" Tyler called after me.

I was able to shower, do my makeup and get dressed all in record time. I wore a tight white tank top that was cropped, high waisted blush pink pants, and white block heels. I didn't have time to do my hair so I just let it fall straight down my back. I did a once over to make sure I looked presentable and grabbed my purse on the way out.

"You look beautiful" Tyler grinned at me.

"Thanks." I smiled back at him. "You can let yourself out now." I looked at Trisha. When I get home the first thing I'm gonna do is tell the guards to put Trisha on the no-enter list.

"Here you go." Tyler opened the door to his black Bentley for me. Something that Alex never did...I mean I didn't expect him too, and honestly didn't care, but the gesture was something nice for a change.

The drive was about 15 minutes when we pulled up to a fancy restaurant and once again Tyler rushed to my side to hold the door open for me. Oddly there were paparazzi standing outside waiting for us already snapping pictures.

Charlotte are you cheating on your new husband?


Charlotte what are you doing with the heir of the Parker family?

Just keep walking

Charlotte are you only using Alexander Grey for his money?


Charlotte are you aware that Alexander has been seen with his ex Marissa in Paris?

I stopped abruptly shocked to what I had just heard. I looked up to be met with a huge camera shoved in my face. I could feel my face go pale and I didn't know what to do. Suddenly I felt a hand on my back and saw another hand shove the big camera out of my face. Tyler helped me push our way into the restaurant where people were staring at us wondering who had created the big commotion outside.

"Are you okay?" Tyler looked at me with concern and I nodded at him trying to catch my breath. A woman lead us to a table, but before I sat down I told Tyler that I had to go to the washroom and ran off before he could say anything.

I rushed into the restroom and thank god it was empty. I took several deep breaths trying to regain my composure and try to settle down. My hands were shaking. I was never good with big crowds due to my anxiety. One would think that I was used to the paparazzi by now, but no. At a certain point in my life my anxiety was something that I could deal with. I went to therapy and I was once surrounded by people that loved me. I had a safety net who was always right by my side at big events or anywhere and he would calm me down, but he's not here anymore.

A lot of my family's attention came from my mother. My mom was famous for being a model and business woman. She was well known for gracing the covers of Vogue and other magazines many time. She had a clothing and make up line. She had many awards for being the most charitable due to all the charities that she has started. She was everything I aspired to be and alsobeverything that I could never be. And my father was well known for his absurdly large car collection and of course his business as well. They were the most respected couple.

Alex and me would never be the most respected couple. Well how could we? Our marriage was a sham and soon people would see right through it considering he's out and about with his ex who I know isn't his ex because I heard his phone call with her the other day. He couldn't even seem to bother to hide it? Unbelievable that I'm sacrificing myself just so he can go and blow it all up. I mean he's the one who wanted this marriage. Well... he didn't object it Mr. Business is business. Hmph.

I took a deep breath and walked out to Tyler who was probably wondering what was taking me so long.

"Hi. Sorry about that." I took a seat.

"No worries." Tyler smiled up at me.

I scanned through the menu an decided on the Penne Calabrese. Yum.

"Pasta?" Tyler looked at me confused.

"What about it?"

"I didn't peg you as a carb girl. Figured you'd go for the salad."

Frankly I was kinda hurt by that. "Nah. Give me meat and pasta for the rest of my life and I'll be happy."

Tyler laughed at that and put his hand out to fist bump me which earned a big smile from me as I fist bumped him back. "You're not like the other girls are you?"


Our lunch was surprisingly fun. Tyler was really funny and a good company to be around. After lunch we took a stroll around that area and got to know each other a little bit more.

This contract with Alex was suppose to solidify his spot as CEO. His father wanted to see if he was capable of doing something so easy as accomplishing this deal considering the fact that he really didn't have to do anything. It was Alex who was supposed to try and get Tyler on his good side. This should be a piece of cake for Ty.

"Ice cream?" I asked Tyler hopefully.

"Go for it."

He gave me the go ahead and I excitedly rushed inside the ice cream store. I felt like a kid here. I ordered a chocolate cone while Tyler got vanilla.

"Ew vanilla?" I wrinkled my nose at his choice of ice cream.

"What? It's the best flavor!" He defended himself.

"Nah that's so plain... and basic. Chocolate is the superior flavor."

"No way. Chocolate isn't even that good.

"Nuh uh"

"Ya huh"

"Nuh uh"

"Yah huh"

You can imagine that went on a while until I decided to stick my tongue out like a child at him and ran out of the store leaving him there.

"You are such a kid." Tyler laugh and slung his arm around me. I stiffened up, but Tyler didn't seem to notice how uncomfortable I was, so I removed his arm myself.

"What's wrong?" Tyler looked at me.

"Nothing." I said and hurried up my pace to the car.

"Hey, hey whats wrong?" Tyler put his hand on my lower back. Way too low.

"Nothing" I said once again and moved out of his touch.

"Listen. Your husband isn't here. He doesn't care about you. He's off with his ex model girl friend."

"And what about it? Doesn't mean I should stoop to his level. Plus I already know they're together right now." I lied hopefully trying to salvage our fake marriage.

"But we're not even doing anything." Tyler said. "Unless... you want to?" He had a hopeful look in his face. I literally gagged. Wow he really wasn't who I thought he was. That was quick 180 from the man I met earlier.

"What the hell? No!" I spat and turned to walk away. I would call myself an Uber.

Tyler chased after me and grabbed my arm to stop me. "I'm so sorry Charlotte. I didn't mean to come on to you like that. It's just the way Alex said I should hang out with you today suggested something else..."

"It doesn't matter what he said. I'm married and you know it." I snarled.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I guess I just misinterpreted things wrong. Come on let me drive you home."

"It's okay. I can get my own ride."

"No please I insist. I promise I won't try anything." He pleaded with me. I looked at him for a little bit but then I noticed a paparazzi following us closely. Not wanting to deal with that I agreed and got in the car quickly to avoid any more interaction with that cockroach who loves to take pictures of people as a career.

The car ride home was quiet and awkward. He would try to pick a conversation with me which I would respond to with short answers. Was that rude of me? I don't know.

When we arrived at home I quickly got out of the car before he could come around and open the door for me.

"Thanks for the ride." I waved at him.

"No problem. Give me a call anytime." I could've sworn he winked at me before he drove off. I made my way inside to find a very and I mean VERY angry step mom waiting for me inside.

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