By raezwrites

52.8K 2.7K 848

I feel we're close enough .... Could I lock in your love? More



1.5K 73 29
By raezwrites

*if you feel rereading will be too much, this chapter starts after the chaos in the elevator between Beyoncé, Shawn, and Nicki. Beyoncé has also unfortunately had a miscarried and due to it being an incomplete miscarriage she becomes hospitalized. The story now re-begins 2 months later post hospital and elevator trauma* - 💞


"Stop, you both are so adorable" Kim cooed as Beyoncé managed to show a glimpse of her and Carter on FaceTime.

"Wassup, Kim.." Carter spoke. She watched the camera turn slightly then focus back on Beyoncé who was glowing underneath the warm sunlight. After everything she had just been through, Kim was more than happy that her bestie was practicing self-care on the semi-isolated island of Bora Bora with her man.

It had been almost two months since Beyoncé's lost which Kim had been made aware of the week her best friend was discharge from the hospital. Yes, she had heard some news from Nicki but decided not to push Beyoncé for clarification; Kim believed she would tell her when she was well and ready. Kim did, however, give Nicki an earful about how senseless she was to lash out the way she did and finished their conversation by saying that she'd 100% accept if Beyoncé were to never speak to her again.

"How long are you staying again?" Kim questioned.

"..Forever if I could." Beyoncé answered after a slight pause, "But I'll be back by the end of this week." Kim nodded her head and made herself a mental reminder to expect Beyoncé within two days.

Like clockwork, baby West began to cry vigorously. "Time to go. Love you." Kim bid Beyoncé and Carter goodbye and ended the call.

After disconnecting, Beyoncé placed her phone back on airplane mode then took another sip of her morning dose of chilled Mimosa. She glanced at the other spacious bungalows around her then back to her soulmate who was currently focusing all of his attention on the addictive game of Candy Crush. Her lips formed a small pout and she let out a small whine to get his attention.

He chuckled, "What's wrong, now?"

"That game is so much more entertaining than me, huh?"

Carter hit the pause button and placed his phone down on the sturdy bamboo table, "Of course not," he said in laughter "All my attention is yours, baby."

The look on her face did nothing but warm his heart. At this point in time, Carter could honestly say that he felt at peace with Beyoncé, despite their many hardships and losses. This vacation was his idea after the couple spent a few weeks in counseling together where Dr. Isaacson - pleased with their progress - brought them to the conclusion that trying again for another bundle of joy wouldn't be a bad idea after all. Carter sought the opportunity to place his seed in a beautiful and secluded place where their mother can scream as loud as she wanted to ... & just this thought alone caused him to shift slightly in his seat to hide his growing boner.

Immediately, Beyoncé's eyes shifted to lower half of her man's body and she began to smirk; "Something wrong?"

Carter pushed his chair back and stood up before responding. "Yeah, can you fix it?" Beyoncé was now eye level with his greatest asset. It stood strong and at attention, begging to be freed from the metal zipper of his brown khaki shorts. After making a slight chuckle, Beyoncé granted its wish and began to kiss the tip ever so softly. The idea of someone catching her in the act placed a small ounce of worry in the back of her head, yet when Carter released a sexual growl she could care less who saw her pleasing her man.

Gently, Carter tugged on her natural curly top and pushed her mouth further down his shaft, proud that she took him all without gagging. As he felt himself getting close, he demanded B to stand up and go with him to what they both deemed their love making couch. Ever since their arrival, the two had been at it like horny rabbits hoping to achieve the end result of pregnancy. A part of Beyoncé wanted to decline Carter's efforts as she felt it was too soon to start trying again, yet she couldn't deny that her motherhood clock was ticking and that a baby was something she and her man wanted badly.

Without a word, Beyoncé prepped herself with a slight rub on her folds and settled in the doggy style position. Carter's mouth watered a the sight before him so he couldn't help but get a taste while gently caressing her coco brown cheeks. With no words spoken between the two, they sexed like their first time with a hint of roughness.

"Cum in me please .." She flirtatiously urged to her man.

"Only if you say that shit again." Carter demanded. He delivered a few more strokes and granted Beyoncé's wishes. Together, they yelled out in ecstasy and allowed their now sweaty bodies to collapse on the couch beneath them.

"That was amazing." Beyoncé commented in a restless voice. With the left strength she had, she curled her frame into Carter's body. She gave his lips a sweet kiss and basked in the moment.

"Let's just hope for a positive.." said Carter

"I agree .. My tracker said this week was a prime time. I want my little baby so bad .."

Carter appreciated that Beyoncé was now more comfortable to discuss her feelings with him and he even noticed that their conversations with one another were becoming more raw and honest; "Me too.. We just got to trust the process."

The process to baby was already showing to be an obstacle. The couple had already been to a few fertility appointments in which the doctor prescribed Beyoncé to discontinue her IUD in order for her body to produce more ovums and for Carter to decrease his alcohol and occasional weed intake to increase his sperm count. Now, they were left to try as often as possible and hope for the best results.

"What do you want more?" Beyoncé pried in regards to which sex Carter favored for their upcoming child.

"A healthy human." He dodged the question so effortlessly.

Beyoncé lightly tapped his chest, "That's not exactly what my question meant, Shawn. Do you want a baby boy or girl?"

Carter let out a small laugh, "Twins." He responded to shut her up.

She kissed her teeth, "You annoy me. And don't wish that twin mess on me! My body will never snap back from that." She arose from the couch and admired her naked glory in the full length mirror of their vacation bedroom. Her hands gently slid around her abdomen as she envision just how much her body would change if they were successful. She felt ready for the aching back and sore breast and was quite excited to add more tiger stripes to her collection. Another woman may call her crazy for children, but she could care less.

Carter cleared his throat to interrupt her daydreaming state; he spoke as they made eye contact through the mirror "We should get ready for dinner .. but right after I handle you in the shower."

A sexual smirk graced the both of their lips once Beyoncé turned to face him. Now chest to chest, she parted her lips to speak ..

"Then handle me."


With a pep in her step, Angela quickly made it Beyoncé's office. When she received no response, she opened the door and found her boss head down upon her modern glass desk. She had returned from her needed vacation a week ago and was in her newly purchased office space quite often since Ivy Park & Top Shop sales were blossoming before her eyes.

"Are you alright?" Angie asked sheepishly.

"Trying to be," Beyoncé responded after a few moments of silence. She ran her hands down her face and released a breath before giving Angie her undivided attention. "How can I be of service?"

"You need to see this." Angie pressed. She sat down in the comfy guest chair and swiveled her laptop screen to Beyoncé's view. "There's been a video released."


What possible video could be released on her behalf? Had Carter been caught doing the unthinkable? She thought as Angie sat quietly in the front of her. With a light touch on her MacBook mousepad, Angie enlarged the black and white footage.

"Oh my goodness.." B muttered under her breath. She could barely get her thoughts in order to prompt a response, so she sat idle until the video came to an end.

"I have no clue how it got released I- .. I don't even know who would want to release this!" Angie let out with a slight yell. The vibe in the office space became one of anxiety. In the past, Angie was quick on her feet when it came to cover up PR for her clients, but how could she cover up a mess so personal as this? As her mind raced with things to say next, a husky knock sounded at the door.

"Come in." Beyoncé announced quietly. When Carter appeared from the other side, she hoped to her feet and raced into his arms; "Please tell me this isn't true .." she mumbled.

Carter had gotten word of the video just 30 minutes prior and already had his team assembled to cover his and Beyoncé's behalf; the only one left to be deemed a fool in this situation was Nicki herself.

"We have to release a statement-" Beyoncé suggested.

"For what!?" Carter interjected. "On the video clear as day you can see Nicki being the cause of all this."

"But you can't just throw her under the bus like this, Shawn! Yes, she was wrong .. we were all wrong!-"

"Look baby, I get that that's your bestie and all, but she attacked me and hurt you all in the same sentence. Why should we be the ones issuing an apology statement?"

"I didn't say it had to be an apology, Shawn," Beyoncé said through gritted teeth "It could be something so simple like tensions were high or some shit, I don't know!" She exclaimed as she threw her hands up in the air. Her mind, body, and soul were slowly entering into its natural fight-or-flight response which lead her mind to enter into overdrive; what would this video do to her career? Granted the viewers could witness her standing idle against the steel elevator wall, but they could also see her boyfriend getting viciously attacked by her drunken best friend ... oh boy, she could see the tabloid headlines now and media commentators ripping apart the private sector of her life she tried so hard to hide.

"She's panicking.." Carter said with a quiet sigh to Angie who stood shoulder's length away from him.

"W-what should we do?"

Carter shrugged, "Let her panic. It's the only way she'll understand. If you intervene or try to disrupt the process ... she'll snap. And trust me, things will then get ugly."

Angie admired the calmness present in Carter's voice as he spoke about his love; he could proudly say he knew this woman in and out from all angles, so whatever he said .. believe him.

"When she's done, just let her know that it's already taken care of and that this will all blow over in due time."

"But what about Nicki?"

"Nicki isn't your client, correct?" He said with a slight smug. When Angie could not muster up a response, Carter bid her farewell after placing a kiss upon Beyoncé's cheek.


"..Exactly Juliana, we barely know anything about Ms. Beyoncé Knowles to begin with. We've seen her work and behind the scenes actions for forever and now all of sudden in a grueling 2 minute video we have a door into her private life. Big shot boyfriend and alcoholic best friend!?-"

"Right Jason a boyfriend who has quite the career might I add, but who knows if this happens all the time with this trio!?-"

"Well from the looks of Beyoncé's timid behavior in that elevator, Juliana, it seems to me this is their norm am I right? She did nothing for Christ sakes!"-


"Who are these assholes again?" Beyoncé muttered to Kim before taking another sip of wine and placing the tv remote beside her.

"Juliana and Josh Kennedy, the E! News extraordinaries!" Kim said in an theatrical tone which caused a small giggle to arise between the two. "They credit themselves on knowing all things on celebrities when in actuality, all this shit they spew out needs to be shoved right back up their tight asses."

Beyoncé let out a small scoff, "I agree. I just don't know what possess them to lie about someone and their family like this?!" She shook her head lightly then rose to her feet "Craziness if you ask me."

"Has Nicki reached out to you yet?" Kim asked as she trailed behind Beyoncé into her glamorous kitchen.

"Nope. Apparently avoiding one another seems to be the best course of action for us."

"That's childish though-"

"But is it really, Kim?" Beyoncé said in a stern tone while cutting her off. "You weren't there that night. That footage does the actual damage from her actions no justice."

Kim shrugged her shoulders, "So then call her out on it. If she hasn't been man enough to contact you and apologize in what, two months, she needs to be called out!"

"Okay, Kim. Okay." She responded with an aggravated sigh. "Do you know where she even is?"

Kim scoffed, "Probably in Canada somewhere." Soon after, the two heard a soft knock at the door. "You were expecting someone?"

Beyoncé glanced quietly at her Apple Watch while taking strides to the front door; "Not at this hour." She could see a fuzzy figure through the peephole while turning locks. After a soft pull on the door handle, it eased open to reveal Nicki dressed casually in a grey sweatsuit on the other side.

"Holy shit .." Beyoncé heard Kim mumble in the distance.

"Can I come in?" Nicki said softly underneath Beyoncé's cold glare. When she moved to the side, Nicki took a stride forward into beautiful LA home.

"I-I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you since .. everything has happened." Nicki stammered over her words. "My anxiety and all got the best of me and I thought you hated me, so I .. kept my distance. But since this video leaked and everybody calling me a drunk I"-

"Thought you could apologize now to essentially save your ass?" asked Beyoncé. Her tone set a shutter of fear down Nicki's spine.

"No Bey.. not at all. I mean of course I want to apologize and I should have done so sooner it's just, things have gotten too messy at this point with what Carter has said.."

"What did Carter say?" She asked in pure confusion. She hadn't spoken to him much after the news broke two days ago and even now with him sleeping peacefully in their shared bedroom he hadn't muttered a word about the ordeal, though she could remember Angie saying something along the lines that Carter had said it was handled.

"That this is all my fault." Nicki said, breaking Beyoncé out her train of thought.

" he wrong?"

"You actually believe him?!"

"Nicki no one told you to get black out drunk, hunny! No one told you to follow us in that elevator and yell at him! No one even told you to put your hands on him and say what you said but you did!!" Beyoncé spoke at a loud volume.

"Only on your behalf! He was being a menace to you Beyoncé"-

"Both of you were!" She yelled at Nicki as they stood apart from each other in the spacious foyer. "You knew what had happen the night before and while I will be forever grateful for what you did for me you had no"- she paused for a moment as she felt those feelings from that night come rushing back. She tried hard to hold back those tears that danced around her eyelids, really to fall onto her rosy cheeks "No. Right. Nicki." She mustered to say as the tears fell against her will. To say that she was over that moment in time would be a lie and she felt even more hurt when Nicki, the woman she felt the closest to out of all of her friends, went mute for two whole months.

"Save that, 'I was trying to protect you' bull crap Nicki. I'm a grown woman I can handle my own, and if you were to just let me and my man solve our own problems then this all could have been avoided."

"Yeah okay, tell me .. has that been working for you both in the past?" Nicki sneered.

"Excuse me?"

"Please don't deny how unsuccessful you two have worked through these 'problems'. I've seen what he's put you through and frankly I've had enough!"-

"But you clearly forget it is not your place to have enough, Nicki!! That's your problem, you don't know when to back the fuck up and frankly, I've had enough of that!"

"Okay B just breathe-" Kim tried to inject

"No fuck this! Fuck you Nicki! For two whole months you cowered in a corner for what!? You're so big and bold any other time but when the situation goes left you chose to just walk away!?"

"I tried to apologize!" Nicki yelled

"When!? When I was in the operating room getting my insides scraped out or when me and mine were going to therapy faithfully rebuilding our life together?"... "Oh right, no you were too busy doing just what those commentators called you out to be, a drunk who had no plans on apologizing but had time to party and drink away their problems!"

Those words felt worse than knife piercing her chest. She looked at Beyoncé through blurry eyes as those salty tears clouded her vision. She wanted nothing more than to spew more hurt Beyoncé's way, but how could she when everything she said about her was the closet things to the truth? She had intentions in the beginning to apologize to her friend for her foul actions, but when Beyoncé dodged her advances within her first week of recovery, she gave up and never intended on trying again; figured the situation would become a thing of the past for them, but this video had other plans.

"I think it will be best for everyone if you just leave, Nicki." A manly voice spoke from the stairwell. Carter, who had been awoken by the sound of scorned women in his foyer, jogged down the steps and stood firmly by Beyoncé's side. He whispered to her to meet him upstairs then watched as she made her descent upward while wiping away her tears with the sleeve of her black knitted cardigan.

Without a fight, Nicki stormed out the house and sped off in her G-wagon. Kim followed suit and bid Carter a goodbye.

After locking up the house and cleaning the kitchen mess leftover, he went upstairs and cuddled his love in a strong hold.

"It didn't have to be like this" Beyoncé said in between her sobs. Deep down, she knew that this would probably put a strain or if not be the end to a lifelong friendship. She loved her friend with all her heart, but knew that if things were going to change ... it would definitely be for the better.


Heyyyyy y'all

Look. I know it's almost been two years, and if this doesn't get the views, I won't be upset cause it's my own fault! I'm sorry! I'm a hot mess, I know ... but enjoy!!

Much Love,
Rae 🥴💞

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