I can help you if you want it

By riplittlebakedpotato

31.1K 568 255

Seth Rollins aka Colby Lopez is a WWE superstar along with his two best friends Dean Ambrose aka Jonathan Goo... More

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Rest easy Cameron Boyce πŸ’”πŸ‘Ό
Life is worth living β€πŸ™
House Tour
House Tour part 2
House Tour part 3
Updated house tour


493 11 5
By riplittlebakedpotato

                                  Joe's POV

I open my eyes with a groan as my door swings open. I see my cousins, Trinity, Jon and Colby there with food. Nick who's in his bed whines and pulls the cover over his face. The door swings open again making me groan once more. I see it's Lesnar and Renee. Nick takes the covers off his face to see who it is. Renee waves at him and he waves back. I just grab a pillow and put it over my face. In a few seconds I feel someone climb on me. I smile knowing it's Colby.

" Nooo, no do that " Colby whines tugging at the pillow that's currently over my face. I hear my cousins and Jon laugh. I then hear a bunch of laughter after a small thud. I take the pillow off my face to see Nick getting off the floor. I give him an questioning ' are you okay ' look. He just shrugs and walks out the hotel room. Everyone then looks at me and I sigh as Colby gets off me telling me to go see if he's ok. I yawn and walk out the room. I don't see Nick in the hallway so I go down the stairs into the lobby seeing him at the vending machine he likes. I slowly walk up to him and lean against the wall. He completely ignores my presence which we usually do to each other anyways. He looks through the pops and picks the one he wants. It's a mountain Dew. That's his favorite.

" Hey " I shyly say even though I'm not shy around him. He just nods his head and grabs his drink. " You okay? " I ask him as he moves aside so I can get a pop. I put my dollar in the slot and pick a Pepsi. " Fine " he replies dryly. I know he's not fine first of all because he walked out the room not saying a word and also he usually replies with ' I'm fine ' not just ' fine '. I grab my drink out the bottom of the machine and we start walking up the stairs.

" Liar " I finally say once we reach the top of the stairs and enter the hallway. He shrugs and flips me the middle finger. " What's wrong? " I ask him stopping my walking but he just continues walking. I grab his arm getting him to halt. " What's wrong? " I ask again when he just looks at me.

" Nothing " he says lying. I sigh and he goes to start walking again but I stop him making him groan. " Nick what's wrong? " I ask again since I just want my fucking answer. " Why do you keep asking what's wrong? " he ask voice raising a bit telling me he's getting irritated. I could care less though not like he'll be mad long. He usually isn't. " Because I don't want to have to worry about you again " I tell him truthfully.

" You don't need to fucking worry about me Joe! " he tells and walks in our hotel room. I stand next to the door shocked that he yelled. I take a few deep breathes. The door opens and Jon comes out and closes it. " You good? " he ask me. I nod slowly.

" Yeah I'm good " I tell him and we walk back in. Josh looks at me wanting to know what happened. I take out my phone signalling him I'm going to text him what happened. He nods and I start typing.

Me: I asked him what's wrong like twenty times because he wouldn't answer so he asked why do I keep asking him. So then I gave him my answer and he yelled and he's never yelled at me before.

Josh: What was your answer?

Me: not saying.

Josh: Yeah you are. What'd you say?

Me: ugh. I told him I keep asking because I don't want to worry about him anymore.

Josh: What do you mean?

Me: it's something to do with a convo we had.

Josh: ?

Me: personal convo between just me and him. You aren't dragging it outta me uce.

Josh: ehh ok 💁
Josh: But try to get him to eat please he won't listen to any of us

Me: what makes you think he'll listen to me?

Josh: " Personal convo we had "
Josh: Y'all best friends now

I roll my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket. Colby and Renee walk up to me exited and smiling. Colby wraps his arms around my neck happily. Jon laughs probably knowing what he's up to. " Wanna come shopping with me, Nae, and Jonny boy? " Colby ask me and I cringe at the nickname he gave Jon. I look at Jon grinning. " Jonny boy? " I ask him and he just laughs. I shake my head no. Colby whines making me bite the inside of my lip that already almost making me change my mind. " Pleaseeee I'll love you for infinity " he tells me getting closer to my lips making me not comprehend what I'm saying or my surroundings.

" Fine " I cave in and smash my lips against his. Renee claps jumping up and down while Jon just laughs. Colby grabs Renee's hands pulling her to the door. " Let's go get ready " he tells her making me just shake my head. " Not to fancy " Jon tells them making them both pout. " Your no fun " Colby whines and sticks his tongue out at Jon then him and Renee leave. Jon looks at me hating his life.

" See what I had to deal with for three months? " he ask me making me laugh. " At least he's out the closet " I tell him and he shakes his head. " He needs to go back " he jokes and I laugh again. He says bye and leaves to get ready. Now it's just my cousins, me and Nick. Lesnar left a while ago. Josh nods his head to Nick and I look at him. He's lying on the bed with one hand over his face. I sigh and grab his food and I walk over and sit next to him which we don't do so he takes his hand off his face to look at me with wonder. I hand him his food and he rolls his eyes but takes it. I get up and walk in the bathroom to get ready for this shopping I caved in to.

During the shopping

We've been shopping for maybe two hours maybe three. Colby walks up to me and hands me another bag to hold for him. I groan and Jon laughs taking a bag from Renee. Problem is Jon is a gentleman and wants to take Renee's bags from her to hold. Me on the other hand does not. Colby just forces me to hold them for him. I only have like four bags that aren't heavy but still.

" So this is why you wanted me to come? " I ask and Jon and Renee laugh. Colby shakes his head no and takes my hand in his. I smile and Jon just makes a whipping noise. I look at him and he shrugs. " Did Nick teach you that? " I ask because Nick's the only one who does that to me. He nods his head and I groan. Renee gasp and we all look at her to see what she's about to get Colby exited about. Everything Renee likes Colby basically likes too. They're like twins. She points to a Victoria Secrets store.

" Come on Colbs! " she says and takes his hand and they walk in there. Jon shakes his head no and sits on a bench. " Definitely not going in there " he says and I chuckle and agree. I get a text so I set the bags next to Jon and take my phone out of my pocket and see it's from Nick. I click on it making it pop up.

Nick: You still shopping?
Me: I'm not shopping I'm just bag carrier why?

Nick: idk
Me: what's wrong?
Nick: you mad at me?
Me: I'm not mad at you
Nick: well you were
Me: I was never mad at you
Nick: well Ambrose had to go get you from the hallway earlier

Me: no he didn't I wasn't mad
Nick: mkay
Me: I wasn't I was just shocked you yelled
Nick: I always yell
Me: not at me

" Who are you texting? " I hear Jon ask me. I look at him then quickly look back at my phone seeing Nick answered. " Nick " I answer Jon.

Nick: oh
Me: gotta go Colby's back from V. S ✌

I smile at Colby when he walks up with Renee. He hands me the bag and I groan. He just smiles happily as I grab the bags I set down on the bench. He takes my hand again and Jon takes Renee's bag. " Are you going to let me hold any bags? " Renee ask Jon and Colby laughs. " No I'm not " Jon tells her. She pouts and he just chuckles.

" Colby makes me hold the bags " I say complaining a bit. Jon and Renee laugh. I probably wouldn't let Colby hold every single bag anyway. " I love you " Colby tells me in a baby voice making me smile and Renee says aww like she usually does. Colby gasp and jumps pointing.

" Build a bear!! " he says and Renee runs in there Colby following behind. Jon laughs and I turn to him confused. " What's build a bear? " I ask him as we walk in. " Exactly how it sounds. You'll see " he tells me and we walk up to where Colby and Renee are. They're looking at bears.

" I want this one! " Colby says exited and grabs a blue bear. Renee laughs and grabs a brown one. They turn to us. " You making a bear too " Colby tells me pulling me by my shirt to him. " I don't want a bear " I tell him and Jon just picks any old bear since he probably doesn't want to do it either. " You can give it to JoJo " Colby says and I shrug that being true I guess. I grab a pink one since JoJo likes the color pink. " Ok I don't know how to do this " I say and Colby laughs and brings me to a machine with what it looks like to be stuffing in it.

" You take your bear and turn him over and you'll see he has a hole " Colby tells me and I turn the bear over seeing a hole on his back. " Then you take your bears hole and put him on this thingy the stuffing comes out of " Colby explains then puts his bear on the tube thing. " Then you hit this button then the tube puts stuffing in him " Colby says hitting the button. The machine turns on and the stuffing starts moving around and going into Colby's bear. Once it's filled up Colby turns the machine off and looks at me.

" I did it! " he says and Jon laughs. " I recorded him explaining that whole process to you " Jon says and I flip him off. I take my bear and put him on the tube. I hit the button and then just wait for my bear to be done. Once it's done I turn the machine off and Colby claps for me. I laugh and Renee and Jon do their bears as Colby takes mine and goes to pay. Once Renee and Jon get done and pay for theirs we leave the store.

" You were all exited for that " I tell Colby and he smiles and nods. " I'm hungry! " he says wrapping his arms around my neck kissing me. " Faggots " I hear someone say. Jeez why is everyone calling us faggots. Colby looks at the guy and laughs.

" You mad us faggs don't have weak dick like you! " Colby yells to the guy making us all laugh. The guy doesn't say anything he just keeps walking so we just go to the nearest food place in the mall which is Chipotle.

" Who taught you not to get upset when people make fun of your sexuality? " I ask Colby because usually he gets upset when people call him a faggot. Colby giggles which is the cutest fucking thing I've ever heard. Colby points to Jon and I look at him. He just raises his hand being the one who taught Colby.

" What do you want Joe? " Renee ask me. God dammit their going to force me to eat aren't they. That's what sucks being with them instead of Nick. They make me eat more then one meal a day to where Josh and Jonathan only make me eat one. " Nothing " I tell her and Jon gives me a look and Colby makes a sad puppy face at me.

" What? " I ask him and he just keeps giving me the look. " You better change your mind before he starts crying " Jon says and I sigh caving in once again. " Fine " I say and Colby gets happy again. He runs over to Renee since he probably knows what I want already. I get the same thing everytime. Jon laughs and sits at a table so I go and sit too.

" He does that a lot doesn't it? " I ask Jon referring to Colby making sad faces to get what he wants. Jon chuckles and nods. " It doesn't work that much for me but for Renee it does everytime " he tells me and I laugh. I hear my phone ding and I groan. I swear this idiot. Colby and Renee walk over with the food as I take my phone out. Colby sits next to me and Renee sits next to Jon. Colby hands me my food as I click on the message.

Nick: I won't be here when you get back
Me: why?

" Who you texting? " Colby ask me as I stare at my phone. He looks over my shoulder which he usually does if I'm texting someone. " Who's crack head? " Colby ask and Renee laughs. " He put that in your phone too? " Renee ask me and I nod. Nick changed his contact name to crack head. Colby whines and I look at him. " It's Nick " I tell him and he says ok. I look at Jon surprised.

" Taught him that too " Jon mouths to me so Colby doesn't hear. My phone dings and I tap it so it'll pop up again. Colby whines and shoves my sandwich in front of my face. Jon laughs and I just take it and take a bite so he doesn't cry.

Nick: I'll be somewhere
Me: where?

" Why does it matter where he's going? " Colby ask me and I groan. " Why you gotta read my messages? " I ask and Renee just chuckles. " Because I don't want no sneak ass bitches trying to get you " Colby tells me and Jon just starts dying with laughter. " Then I should read your messages too " I tell Colby looking at him.

" Go ahead no bitches want me " he says. " That's definitely not true " me, Jon and Renee say all at the same time. Colby looks at us like what the fuck making me chuckle and take another bite of my food when Jon points to it. My phone dings again so I tap the screen turning it on.

Nick: none ya
Me: where?

" None ya is where " Colby says and I just look at him. He smiles so I kiss him. " Awww " Jon and Renee say so I flip them off and Colby gasp. " Not in front of blue! " he scolds me. " Who? " I ask laughing. He grabs his bear and sets him on his lap. Of course should of known. I tap my phone screen seeing no message. Why is he answering so slow? He usually answers right back. I then realize the lack of Nick telling me information. Usually if he goes somewhere and I ask where he tells me. That's fucking weird. Oh shit ok that's real weird. I quickly take my phone in my hand scared now of what he's doing.

Me: why you answering so slow?
Nick: I'm not and none ya
Me: where
Me: are
Me: you
Me: going?

My heart rate speeds up me being real freaked now. Colby whines and points to my sandwich but I just ignore him.

Me: Nick
Me: dude
Me: whatever you're doing stop
Nick: I'm not doing anything wdym?
Me: well your going to do something so stop

Nick: yeah I'm going to go somewhere. Why are you flipping out?

Me: BECAUSE you won't tell me where you're going.

Nick: I don't need to
Me: yes you do
Nick: again you don't need to fucking worry about me Joe.

Me: then where are you going?

I look to see he's read it but hasn't typed. " Joe " I hear Jon say. I look at him and he mouths what's wrong. I mouth back Nick and he nods.

Nick: somewhere.
Me: don't. Don't you even dare
Nick: ...

I jump up and tell Colby to stay there because I know he'll try and follow me. I walk away and Jon tells Colby that I'm ok. I turn a corner and click on Nick's contact calling him. I feel my eyes well up as he doesn't answer the first few rings but he answers on the last one.

" Please don't " I say voice cracking, me not even caring that it did. Nick's quiet for a few seconds. " Joe- " he says. He sounds upset. He could be crying but I'm not sure. " Please don't ok? Don't do anything. Please " I beg afraid I'll walk in the hotel to see his dead body. I've seen it once and I don't want to see it while we're actually friends now.

" Ok " he breathes and I sigh in relief. The last thing I need is him dying. " I won't do anything. I promise " he tells me calming me down. " I'll be there in less than an hour " I tell him and we hang up. I take a few deep breaths and wipe my eyes. Once I collect myself I walk back to the table.

" You ok? " Colby ask me worried. I nod and sit down. He hugs me making me smile. " Now eat " he says making me chuckle and eat. " Is he ok? " Renee ask me. I nod and put my phone in my pocket. " Yeah he's ok now " I tell her.

At the hotel

Jon walks with me to me and Nick's room because I'm afraid I'll walk in on his dead or unconscious body. I open the door taking a deep breath. I see him laying on his bed watching TV. " Oh thank fuck " I say accidentally out loud. I sit on the floor because my heart is beating out of my chest to the point it hurts. Jon walks all the way in the room and goes to the fridge grabbing a water. He walks over to me and hands me it. I thank him and take a drink.

" You okay? " Jon ask me. I nod and he says ok and leaves. I trow my head back on the wall taking deep breathes. I'm pretty sure this is a fucking panic attack. Now I know how Colby feels when he has these. I don't fucking like them at all. I set my water down next to me and put my arms on my knees and put my head on them. Jesus fuck I literally thought I was going to walk in on him dead and blood everywhere. I start feeling the need to puke and I start coughing and my eyes start watering as I run in the bathroom. I go to the toilet and puke right in it. Nick yells hopping up. I don't know who he's calling but he's calling someone. I puke again and sit down next to the toilet since I'll be here a while. My heart is still fast as fuck. I hear the hotel room door open as I puke again. Fuck I hate this. Little fucker had to give me a panic attack. I look at the door as someone walks in. I see it's Colby and Jon.

" Is he puking because of the panic attack? " Colby ask Nick. " I don't know I didn't even know he was having a panic attack " Nick tells him. Jon sits down in front of me and puts up one finger. " Ok can you count to ten Joe? " he ask. I'm confused for a few seconds then I remember how when Colby had a panic attack at the restaurant when we first started dating Jon had him count his fingers. I nod and start counting. Once I reach ten I'm calmer.

" You okay? " Colby ask me. I nod and reach my arms out wanting him to come here. He walks over and lays down on me. " You actually puked? " he ask me and I nod. " Four times " I say. I see Nick standing at the door completely horrified. " I'm ok now man " I tell him. He just still looks completely horrified. I sigh and Colby and Jon get up. " I'm tired I'll see you later " Colby says and I give him a thumbs up. Once Colby and Jon leave I get up and flush the toilet. I walk out the bathroom and lay in my bed. Nick sees that I'm ok and calms down and goes to his bed.

" Thanks for that " I tell him sarcastically. He turns the TV off and looks at me. " I'm sorry " he says. I just nod not really knowing how to respond to that. " Why'd you get so freaked out though? " he ask me. I sigh and look at him then look away since I don't like looking at people. " I didn't want to walk in on your dead body again " I tell him truthfully. He stays quiet letting me know he's either confused why or doesn't know what to say. It's probably both.

" Because I actually care enough about you to not wanna see your dead body. You're believe it or not like my best friend " I tell him answering his question. " Thank you for caring " he says. I yawn and turn the light off wanting to go to sleep. " I care enough to not wanna see your dead body either " Nick says making me chuckle a bit because he makes it so awkward. You can tell he never talks about feelings and stuff. I turn to look at him.

" Ok let's make something. If either one of us feels like we're going to kill ourselves and nobody's with us we have to talk to each other about it " I purpose to him. He nods and lays down. " Ew feelings. Deal though " he says. I chuckle and pull the blanket over me. My phone dings making me groan. I grab it and see it's a text from Jon.

Jon: come here your boyfriend is freaking out because he thinks there's a ghost

Me: oh my
Me: I'm bringing Nick
Jon: alright 👍

I laugh and get up. " Come on " I tell Nick and he gets up. " Where we going? " he ask sliding his shoes on the same with me. " Colby thinks there's a ghost in his room and he's freaking out " I say. He just laughs and we walk out and walk to Jon, Colby and Renee's room. I open the door it being unlocked already. Jon and Renee are in the living room.

" Where's Colby? " I ask and Jon points to the bedroom. I walk in and he's standing on his bed crying holding a baseball bat. " What even- " I say and he looks at me. He jumps down from the bed and drops his bat on the floor. He jumps on me making me fall onto the wall. I laugh and wrap my arms around him. We're like that for maybe about ten minutes before I see Nick walk in with a bag. Colby gets off me and looks at the bag curiously. Nick sets it on the bed and opens it up pulling out candles.

" These will get rid of ghost and evil spirits " Nick tells Colby. " You light it and go around whatever room with it then when your done blow it out "

Colby nods and I walk out into the living room. " Got a lighter? " I ask Jon making sure Colby doesn't hear. He nods and takes one out his pocket handing me it. " Ok come help it'll probably get done quicker I'm fucking tired " I say and he laughs and him and Renee follow me in the room. I start handing everyone candles and lighting them.

" Why do you have a lighter? " Colby ask me suspicious of it. " It's mine " Nick says for me and me and Jon look at each other like thank fuck. Colby just nods. " Ok so Jon go do the bathroom, Renee do you and Jon's room, Nick do the kitchen, I'll do the living room and Colby can do this room " I say and they say ok and go do it. I start slowly walking around the room with the candle.

" Won't this piss the ghost off? " Colby ask from his room making me and Nick laugh. " No it'll make them leave " Nick tells him. I finish and walk in Colby's room and just watch him get the ghost out. " Holy fuck! " Colby yells and jumps. " What? " I ask him seeing nothing in the room happen.

" You scared the hell out of me! " he yells and I laugh. " Not funny " he says. Once he's done I walk up to him and grab his face. " I love you " I say then slam my lips on his.

" Bold ass boy! " Nick yells and I flip him off. " I'll be in our room! Have fun fucking! " he yells and I'm assuming he leaves after that. Colby wraps his arms around my neck deepening the kiss until we hear a camera go off. I groan and look at Jon.

" Now I'll remember the day you officially get back together and I don't need to take care of Colby twenty four seven " Jon says and Colby flips him off. I just close the door and kiss Colby again. I pick him up and lay him on the bed never breaking the kiss.

" I love you too " Colby says after pulling away.

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