Leaning on You(FF7)

By Mrs_Strife

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COMPLETED First book: Lean on Me Life's looking up for the members of Avalanche. They're starting families... More

62- The End


80 4 2
By Mrs_Strife

~Tifa's POV~

I can't believe he's actually gonna do it. Even though it could kill her easily. That man must be desperate. I have my head as I watch Cid nervously pace back and forth on the phone, Kara following behind him and completely unaware that her twin brother died yesterday. His eyes keep flickering down to her as if she's annoying him, but he doesn't do anything about it.

"Uh yeah. I got your call yesterday? I'll do it, but um... Just... Nevermind, just don't kill her, okay?" He chuckles wearily. "That would not be good. No. Thanks. Mhmm. Bye."

The second he snaps his phone shut, he slouches against the wall with a loud sigh.

"You alright?" I ask, worried about him.

"Terrible," he groans, rubbing his face. Dark circles under his eyes indicate that he hasn't slept in forever, probably staying up all night worrying.

"She'll be fine," I reassure him, laying a hand on one of his big shoulders.

"But do you really think that or are you just saying it?"

"It doesn't matter what I think. You being all negative isn't gonna help anything?"

"So am I supposed to be positive just to be negative again when I'm holding her dead body?" He glowers.

"She's not gonna die, Cid. Shera will be fine."

"Whatever," he grumbles, going over to the wheel. "We've gotta get to Mideel anyway. They're having a materia sale and Barret thought that might cheer Yuffie up."

"She's been moping in the room all day," I shake my head.

"She just lost a kid, Teef," he shoots a look at me as we begin moving. "Give her a break. I thought you of all people would be the most considerate."

"I'm trying," I sigh. "It's just so hard when Vince..."

"I told you, he should be fine. Who knows, maybe he'll wake up just fine one day."

"I highly doubt it," I grumble, looking back out the window.

"Well we're here anyways," he says, his voice a little shaky and nervous. I don't blame him, honestly.

"So I'm gonna take Yuffie materia shopping with Barret or whatever and then we'll meet you guys outside the clinic when I get a call, right?" I ask.

"Sounds about right," he nods, looking distant. "God I hope she survives this."

"Was that a prayer?" I raise an eyebrow.

"It could've been," he says absentmindedly before I shake my head and go off to find Yuffie. Going straight to the bunk room, I see her curled up in bed, her shoulders shaking slightly.


"What do you want?"

"Cmon, we're gonna go do something today," I say gently, touching her back.

"Go away." She demands into her pillow.

"No can do," I shake my head. "Look, I'm trying to be nice, but if you don't.."

"I'm not going."

"That's it," I scoff, ripping her blankets off. She groans and balls up to an even smaller size. Then I yank her pillow away and grab her arm, pulling her out of the bed.

"No," she shakes her head. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"It just doesn't seem right to be all happy and go shopping or whatever right after Mikey..." She trials off, biting her lip and swiping at her eyes.

"Let's go," I sigh, pulling her to her feet.

"Is it horrible knowing that when someone dies, you're so used to death that you get over it too fast?"

"It is for me," I shrug. "I'm not a big crier anymore, but I have my moments."

"Me too," she agrees, the redness around her eyes almost blending in with her tanned face.

"Cmon," I take her wrist into my hand and pull her to her feet. Reluctantly, she follows me to the door and down the short two door drop since Cid decided to finally land this thing. A person drops down behind us and I jump, startled.

"Sorry," Kunsel apologizes. "I just... Sorry. I already talked to that Cloud guy and I'm going home. Haven't seen my parents in awhile. Not that I belong with you guys anyway. You're legendary!" He grins before we wave, watching him run for the houses.

"Can't say I'm gonna miss him," Yuffie shakes her head.

"Neither can I," Barret joins the conversation, stepping out of the ship and stretching. "Though I'd rather it be Cloud's dad."

"Cloud said he might drop he and Kara off with that Louise lady in Corel," Yuffie says quietly.

"Not gonna lie, the space would be nice. I'm already missin the Highwind," Barret shakes his head.

"Me too," I agree, following behind him as he takes us down to random materia shop that's been rebuilt since the town's destruction. There we convince Yuffie to get a materia or two, a simple Ice and Bolt.

"Thanks," she gives him a weak smile that he returns. I think that this is sort of a scary thing for him because now he knows that those troops are after our kids too. It must be unnerving to know that one of your friends' kids was killed at the age of two by those people.

"Anyone hungry?" I grin. "I know I am."

"Me too," Barret nods. Yuffie just shrugs and avoids looking at us again.

"Cmon, we're makin you eat," Barret demands, grabbing her small wrist and pulling her after us. We end up in a small lunch cafe, ordering lunch for me and Barret, and a small bowl of soup for Yuffie. Can't eat, just take it light, right?

"That was good," I look over at Yuffie after we finish eating and continue walking down the sidewalk.

"It was," my friend agrees, now both of us looking at her in expectancy.

"I... I think I'm gonna be sick," she stutters, suddenly holding her mouth and running behind a building, the sound of her vomiting pushing into my ears. We share a worried glance before going after her, what used to be chicken noodle soup half digested and regurgitated onto someone's lawn.

"Sorry, I just.... Can't keep anything down right now," she winces up at us and I nod, helping her to her feet. Then my phone rings, my hand automatically flipping it open and bringing it to my ear.


"So they said it was a success," Cid's cheery voice fills my head. "You on your way over?"

"Yeah," I glance at Yuffie. I feel kinda bad for making her come when she obviously doesn't want to.

"See ya soon!"

"Bye," I mumble.

"Was that Cid?" Yuffie frowns. I nod and she sighs.


"Cmon," I smile at her, grabbing her hand and skipping toward the middle of the small town. She actually ends up laughing when an old man cusses me out for tripping over his cat.

"That was too perfect," she giggles, gasping for breath.

"He needs to chill," I grin and watch Barret take the blame, claiming that we're just kids and he's in charge of us.

"Y'all owe me," he glares at me and huffs when Yuffie gives him her puppy eyes. "Fine. But it ain't Cuz of that big eyeball thing you got goin on."

"Sure," she rolls her eyes and peers into her materia bag. "Hmm... If only I'd gotten some more Cure materia... Then her eyes widen. " I have an idea for Vincent!"

"What is it?" I brighten.

"Use transform to turn him into a frog and then use Maiden's Kiss on him!" She grins widely, proud of herself.

"It's worth a try," Barret acknowledges.

"Definitely," I nod.

"Well what about..." She starts.

"Hey guys!" Cloud jogs up to us, panting.

"Hey?" Yuffie raises an eyebrow.

"Cid said that *wheeze* he could *pant* beat me here. *huff* Guess the smoking has finally *gasp* caught up to him."

"Really?" Cid smirks, already standing a short ways behind us, breathing easily unlike Cloud, who looks like he ran five miles.

"But how...?"

"I'm awesome like that," the pilot grins. "We goin yet? There ain't no way we're all gonna fit into that clinic."

"I'll stay here with Red and Cait?" Barret offers. We all know Shera's kindness usually makes him uncomfortable.

"Sounds okay," I shrug.

"Cmon then," Cid nods for us to follow him. Yuffie quickly slips her hand into Cloud's, who gives her a small squeeze.

I sigh, wishing that Vincent was here. I wouldn't feel so lonely. Heck, I'm actually kinda jealous. Yuffie and Cloud's relationship seems so perfect, Cid and Shera fit together like puzzle pieces, and Vincent and I just fight all the time and when we're not, one of us is always working. I miss spending normal time with him, but I know that'll be hard until he accepts that he can't change the monster side of him.

"Mr. Highwind?" The nurse frowns when we walk through the door, her green eyes shining brightly. "There's a problem with Shera."

"What do you mean?" Cid asks slowly, as if not sure if he should b terrified or not.

"I don't know how to put this," she sighs, but I can see the humor behind her eyes. She's up to something and I almost burst out laughing when I realize what. She's intentionally making Cid worried.

"What's wrong?" Cid asks a little more tensely. I can tell Cloud and Yuffie know what's going on too because they both have big smiles on their faces and Yuffie's trying hard to cover up her snickers.

"Like I said, there's something wrong with her.."

"Gosh dang it woman, just get to the point," he glares at her, one hand on his hip and the other pushing his pale hair back.

"You see sir, she won't stop saying 'I can't wait until Cid gets here. I've missed him,'" the woman grins. Cid freezes and curses.

"I swear, if you ever do that to me again, it will not be pretty," he says, but we all know he's kidding when his face brightens.

"Well let's go in then," the nurse laughs and leads us to a small room where there's a person looking out the window with a bored expression on her face, her messy brown hair still in a piny tail as always.

"There's some guess here to see you," the nurse says, knocking in the open door lightly.

"I told you, I don't want any..." She looks up and stops in mid sentence, blinking. "Cid?!" She's already on him before he can get all the way into the room.

He ends up stumbling back into me, making me roll my eyes and push him forward a little. Shera grabs his face and pulls his mouth down to hers, making us all laugh as practically his whole head turns red. Despite how happy for them I am, I still have that green jealousy booking in my gut. Finally Cid pushes her off him.

"Chillax, Sher. It's only been three days."

"I know but... Ugh!" She stomps her foot good naturedly.

"Well now that that's over with, I need to go over a few things with you all," the nurse interrupts, and we all file into the room. Later that day, Cid claimed that Shera wouldn't let go of his hand, but we all saw him grab it into his and not let go.

"Just making sure," the nurse says slowly when Cloud shuts the door behind him. "You're all aware that Shera's p..."

"Yeah," Cid cuts her off quickly. Shera giggles and shoves his shoulder. He shoves her back, nearly knocking her off the chair she's in. So much for fitting like puzzle pieces.

"They do not," she pouts.

"I know but...," the pilot looks over at us, his nervous blue eyes wandering over to Yuffie and Cloud. Hang on a second.. I think I know what's going on here. But I'll wait and see. "Just hang on, okay?"

"Fine," she sighs.

"Good girl," he smirks, patting the top of her head. This is entirely strange, mostly because those two never act like a couple.

"I'll leave that up to you two then," the woman smiles and then goes on to discuss random medical stuff that Yuffie seems to be listening intently to, probably more interested in that than Cloud's random cheek poking.

"Have a nice day!" I call back into the clinic when we leave.

"We heading for Corel then?" Barret asks when he joins our little group.

"I guess," Cid looks back at Cloud, who looks at Yuffie, who looks back at Cloud.

"Mhmm," he finally hums. I know it must be hard for him to be leaving his little girl again, especially since Michael just died. He won't mind his father leaving, though it makes him nervous that he'll be around his kid.

"Leh go!" Yuffie blurts, pulling Cloud behind her as they dash for the ship. "We'll beat you there!"

"No way!" Shera calls back, tugging Cid behind her. Barret shrugs and follows with Red and Cait.

And I follow all alone.







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