Waiting Game | pjm ✓

By SingularitaeAddict

975K 53.7K 34.4K

"We become the monsters we're most afraid of." --- "Jimin," she breathed out. "You're allowed to touch me." H... More

tracklist & aesthetics
01. Loyal
02. Inside
03. Respect
04. Fire
05. Just For Tonight
06. Red
07. Dirty Laundry
08. V
09. Window Pane
010. Black
011. Remember
012. Announcement
013. Chandelier
014. Petrified
015. Healed
016. Never Here
017. No One
018. Bullet
019. Vinnie
020. Broken Mirror
021. Break Free
022. Cursed
023. Untamed
024. Resurrection
025. Together
026. Dangerous Liaisons
027. Monster
028. Unleashed
029. Origins
030. The Manipulator
031. Troublemaker
032. Welcome Home
033. Face/Off
035. Blank
036. Warrior Princesses
037. No Angel
038. Doctor
039. Reunion
040. Make Me Forget
041. Blanket
042. Mind Games
043. Mother
044. Aera's Dream
045. Escape
046. Sacrifice
047. Infinity
048. What Do You Desire?
049. Thank You
050. Savior
051. Friendship Restored
052. Before the Storm
053. Trickery
054. Shattered Trust
055. Intimacy
056. Loved One
057. Playing Dirty
058. Scarlet Sky
059. Fighting Battles
060. Brave
061. The End
062. Epilogue
Author's note
The Fiction Awards 2020

034. Are You Afraid?

9.2K 682 576
By SingularitaeAddict

"No." Taehyung said.

Aera's arms dropped briskly to her sides. He hadn't even let her finish her sentence before bluntly throwing his refusal in her face.


"I said no." he repeated firmly, eyes flashing towards her for a split second as he left his spot behind the car wheel and casually scurried off to rummage through a cupboard before pulling out a screwdriver. "No fucking way in hell."

"Why not?" Aera waddled after him, bumping into his back when he stopped in his tracks.

He turned around very slowly, his broad chest hovering over her as his dark eyes peered at her from above. It made her gulp when she detected the same vibrancy exuding from him that she had sensed in Jimin and Jungkook, yet there was something different.

His face seemed more chiseled and defined than ever, his jaw gracefully curved as if by a sculptor. Thick, dark coal black curls framed his striking face. A sheen of sweat covered the sleeveless gray shirt that hugged his firm chest and showcased his strong arms, the sun-kissed caramel skin glistening even in the dimmed light of the garage.

Not only his whole physical appearance seemed to have changed in the span of two days, but the air around him had shifted. It was basically crackling with tension, lust and hunger. There was an intense aura swirling around him.

Taehyung had always oozed power and dominance, but this was something else, something stronger. The personification of desire and seduction. Aera felt like all of her nerve endings were strained to the maximum, her senses sharpened and enhanced as she stood there in his presence. Was he the one doing all of this?

The pulsing of a single vein on Taehyung's tattooed neck caught Aera's attention, making her gape openly. Even if this suspense hanging in the air was because of him, she wasn't sure he was doing it on purpose, at least his nonchalant face told her he was completely oblivious to the energy flowing out of him.

"So let's see if I got this straight," the deep baritone of his velvety voice drew her back to reality. "Your scumbag of a half-brother hates your guts and threatens you, your sleazy ex tried to murder you through your brain-washed bodyguard and you found a weird box thing in the ruins of your psycho grandmother's house that you want me to help you open. Did I get it right?"

An exasperated sigh made its way up Aera's throat. She didn't have the energy to argue.

"More or less, yeah."

"Wow, they should make a movie about your life. It's so fucked up, they're gonna have material for years."

Aera merely let out a single hmmpf, her shoulders drooping. Wordlessly, Taehyung walked away, grabbing a towel and wiping the motor oil off his large hands, his midnight black locks swaying with the motion.

"And what makes you think I'd want to help you?" he asked with his back turned to her, bent over the sink to wash his hands.

Indeed, what made Aera think that? If she had to be completely honest, she didn't really think he'd agree to it. She knew Taehyung, he never obeyed anyone. Part of her reason for coming here still remained the guilt she harbored over how their friendship had crumbled. Just like the rest of them, he had ended up having Powers, and knowing what a lone wolf he was she was eager to include him, to make him feel like he belonged somewhere. He had no friends, no family.

Furthermore, there was also the mystery of how he was linked to everything else going on around them.

"I have no idea," she admitted after a brief pause, helplessness washing over her. "The truth is, I thought you wouldn't want anything to do with me and something makes me think that I wasn't wrong after all."

A sardonic sneer crept up on Taehyung's lips as he spun around to leer at her. He scuffed, running a wet hand through his bangs. "You never struck me as a smart one, but here you managed to surprise me."

Aera's face fell. This was harsh and she probably deserved it, but it still stung. Apparently Taehyung wasn't planning to put down the tough façade one bit as he leaned his back against the sink and continued staring her down.

"This isn't you," she mumbled, determined not to let the spiteful remark get to her. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Cause I'm a dick," he shrugged with a face of utter nonchalance. Still grinning widely, he glanced down to see that a large stain occupied the lower area of his shirt. He gave an annoyed sigh, grabbing the hem and slightly pulling it upwards, revealing the caramel skin of his toned abdomen just above his belt. Mischievously, his sparkling eyes darted at her. "You staying for the show or?"

Red in the face, Aera tightened her jaw. He could put up this act as long as he wanted to, she wasn't going to let it bother her. "Insult me all you want if it makes you feel better."

Narrowed eyes glancing at her and long fingers still clutching on the hem of his shirt, he put one leg in front of the other. "And how do you know I'm not one of the bad guys?" he grinned smugly. "That I haven't teamed up with your evil brother and your crazy ex. For what is worth, I can kill you right here and now and no one will ever know. It wasn't very bright to come here alone, was it now?"

"You wouldn't hurt me," she said in a shaky voice as Taehyung started prowling towards her.

"You really think so? Because in your little self-absorbed mind, you're the only important character in this fantasy world you have created for yourself. All that ever matters is sweet little Lee Aera who the world revolves around. God forbid someone doesn't like her and wants to harm her. You think you can run around hurting people all you want and then act like nothing happened, throw a half-hearted 'sorry' here and there and everyone will forgive you. Not me, Aera. Scratch me off the list of fools who bow down to worship you."


"You're entitled, and you're spoiled. Do you think everyone should cater to your needs?"

"No!" she cried out, hands balling into fists in frustration. "Taehyung, if I didn't care about you would I be here now? Would I have run after you the other day to make sure you are alright? You're ignoring the effort I'm putting into this and instead just chose to focus on how I've done you wrong. Is that fair?"

All of these sounded like lame ass excuses, but she was so tired of him accusing her of being a brat. Yes, what she had done was selfish, but she truly wanted to redeem herself. He was treating her so poorly and it made her feel so lowly and pathetic for going there and trying to fix things with him. She had changed, and the realization hit her harder than she could possibly imagine. She wanted to prove to him that she could be selfless and a good friend.

"I gave up on you a long time ago," his cold hostile glare was piercing through her. "We can't go back to being friends again. That's why I need you to back off."

Even with the last words being said, he still took a step towards her. She shuddered as the thick air in the garage seemingly became even thicker with sweltering heat. His soft pine scent hit her, penetrating her nostrils.

"I can't be close to you." he uttered flatly, their chests now a couple of inches away from each other. His body tilted slightly forward, going completely against his statement.

"I made a mistake," Aera gulped loudly. "I neglected you, and I'm sorry for making you feel like I had abandoned you. This was shitty and I'm admitting it right now in front of you. I should have been more considerate of your feelings. I imagine that must have caused you pain. It's not like I didn't care about you, I was overwhelmed and dealing with my own problems. Truth is, Taehyung, you never showed me that this friendship was this meaningful to you, and I never really expected it to be."

This seemingly worked to melt down his stone exterior, at least a little bit. His expression slightly softened, and he almost looked disheartened. His arm gravitated towards her shoulder where his fingers lightly brushed over the clothing of her shirt before he rested his palm against the wall next to Aera. The gesture startled her and her breath got stuck in her throat. Still, his midnight black irises refused to break eye contact.

He was dangerously close. Just a slight touch of his skin against hers and her brain would liquefy with lust and sexual hunger. He'd have her bent to his will and would be able to make her do things she'd have no control over. She knew it, he knew it. They both knew it.

Thrown off guard, she struggled to keep her composure. "Taehyung, I'm not the fucked up, conflicted girl I was years ago that knew nothing better than to run from her problems. At least I'd like to think I'm not. I'm trying to get a grip, somehow. Won't you cut me some slack? Here I am, standing in front of you and begging you to accept my apology. This should mean something, shouldn't it? What do you want from me? I just want to be your friend."

"Perhaps I want something more," he admitted in a small voice. Aera's mind was racing, his words flying right over her head.

"I never meant to hurt you," she went on. "And I'm more than willing to make it up to you, just tell me what I have to do so that you'd want to give this friendship a second chance."

The closeness they shared was capable to subdue any rationality. Taehyung stared into her quivering eyes silently. She shivered when she saw him raise one hand up and let it just hover over her cheek. She was pinned to her spot, one wrong move and she was doomed. Her body would fill with uncontrollable need and sexual longing and she would commit things she'd regret long after. This got her feeling like she was stuck in a lion cage with a very hungry beast and had to stay as still as possible so that it wouldn't sense her.

Trembling, she gave a nervous swallow. It would be less stressful if he had an actual gun pointed at her head, the imagery was very similar to what she was experiencing right now.

"Are you afraid?" he asked quietly, seeing how she struggled to breathe normally.

"No." she breathed out, an impetuous feeling rumbling deep within her chest.

"Liar," he hissed, maintaining their locked gazes. "You're lying again."

"You wouldn't do this to me," she stated boldly, fighting against the trembling of her own limbs. "You wouldn't make me do this." Her voice sounded weak in her mind but she kept her head leveled.

Glazed orbs burning through her, he let out a huff. "Oh you're right, I wouldn't make you," cocking his head to the side, he brought his face closer to her neck, his breath fanning against it before traveling up to her earlobe where he whispered. "The decision will be entirely yours."

Instinctively, Aera's fingers gripped into tight fists at her side as he finally pulled away. She realized she had been barely breathing when her lungs deflated in a long, relieved exhale. Even though he hadn't touched her, she still felt a trail of heat burning on the cheek his hand had lingered over. No mind power was left in her brain for her to try and figure out what he meant with those last words.

Still bemused, she cleared her throat and fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"I'll help you," he said huskily, shifting back to his casual demeanor from before.

This caused a spark of gratefulness to ignite in her heart. "Really?" she exclaimed. What made him change his mind?

Slowly, his rigid stare trailed the distance from her lips to her neck, his expression practically unreadable. "Yes, leave the box here and I'll see what I can do."

Aera's mouth stretched into a wide smile, relief blooming deep within her chest. She was so glad and in an impulse, she let her feelings bubble through her and lurched forward, trying to give Taehyung a friendly hug, completely forgetting the devastating consequences it would bring upon them.

Unadulterated horror registered on his face the moment she stepped forward. Shuddering, he staggered backwards in shock, looking at her hands like she was leprous.

"I'm so sorry," she apologized immediately, heart dropping at how uncomfortable she had made him. "I forgot," she mumbled, eyebrows dipping slightly in remorse, realizing what a catastrophe they had just avoided. "Anyway, uhh..." she felt extremely awkward all of a sudden. "So I can drop by again when you're ready with the-"

"This doesn't mean we're back to being friends," he cut her off, the tone of his voice harsh and cold. "I'll get back to you when I have something. Now, I'd rather you leave."

Shoulders slumping, she sighed. "Okay. See you soon. I hope," Aera smiled sheepishly. She acknowledged the fact that he needed space, nonetheless, she had sensed his grudge had started to dissolve.

Making her way towards the exit of the garage, she felt a weird feeling crawl up in her chest when she realized.

Taehyung had stepped back.

He wasn't going to use his Power on her. He didn't want to shift her will or force her into doing something. He was acting like this out of spite, wanting to make her feel vulnerable because he was mad and hurt. He wouldn't really do it.

He wouldn't harm her.

Perhaps their friendship wasn't a lost cause yet.

author's note:

Taetae is dangerous mmhmmm

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