The Knight

By Whatitdofifthharmony

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The story where the knight falls for the princess, what will happen? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

166 9 0
By Whatitdofifthharmony

Michael swung at Lauren first, but Lauren blocked it with her sword. He kept swinging until he hit the sword out her hand. It landed to the side and he swung at her making her duck.

She rolled over and picked up the sword. Blocking his attack just in time. She hit his sword up making him lose balance a little which she took advantage of and kept swinging heavy hits his way.

She hit his sword and kicked him to the ground. Kicking the sword out his hand, she picked it up and aimed it at him as soon as he got up. Every step she took he took back. She stuck a sword in the ground and took off the helmet.

"Come on, you been a knight longer than I have, pick up the sword." Lauren said stepping out the way.

Michael clenched and he grabbed it before attacking her fasted. He swung again and Lauren grabbed it making is slice her hand, she yanked him toward and held the point to his neck.

Lauren kicked him off the sword and stuck them both in the ground. She walked over to him as he lifted himself up. She crotched down next to him and took of his helmet.

"You don't deserve to live." Lauren said getting back up before kicking him in the stomach.

"You want to fight like a man, than let's go." Michael said getting up.

Lauren took off the armor before readjusting her gloves. Michael circled her as Lauren tightened her fist. Michael charged at her and Lauren swung at him which he blocked.

He punched her in the stomach, but she kicked him on his leg. She swung at his head when he was one knee down, but he dodged that. Punching her in the face and pushing her away, he got up and Lauren charged at him.

She flipped over him and punched him in the back before kicking him in the leg. She punched him in the side of his face making him spit out blood. She punched him again and the same reaction.

She was going to do it again, but Camila jumped in front of them making Lauren stop. Lauren lowered her fist before Camila pushed her away from Michael and the crowd.

"Stop kneeling." She told them before walking pass them.

"Yes miss." They said getting up.

"Are you crazy?" Camila asked.

"No I'm not, but you are for jumping in the way." Lauren said.

"You could have killed him, you don't want to be just like him, do you?" Camila asked.

"I'm nothing like him and I'll never be like him." Lauren said.

"Well sure as hell look like it if you actually thought about killing him in front of everyone or just killing him in general." Camila said.

"What am I supposed to do? Everytime I look at him I just get the same vision of him murdering her in front of us." Lauren said.

"He's a knight here Lauren, you can't kill him." Camila said making Lauren huff.

Camila hugged her which Lauren accepted, because truth be told she needed a hug right now.

"Is everything okay, it got really bloody back there?" Dinah said running her hand through her sweaty hair.

"Everything is fine." Camila said.

"Did I just see you two hug?" Normani asked.

"She needed it, it's almost lunch so we got to go." Camila said and they nodded.

Camila and Normani went back into the castle as for Dinah and Lauren went to go sit by a tree. Lauren sat quietly eating an apple while Dinah sneak a little or couple of looks her way.

"What is it DJ?" Lauren asked not even turning her head into Dinah's direction.

"I...I don't know if I should tell you this, but I need to rant and you're the only person I trust her." Dinah did ramble, but in a whisper as if someone was near.

To be honest no one was near them because they are outside where all the knights eat inside. Lauren looked up as Dinah looked around.

"Go ahead and spill." Lauren says so Dinah can relax a little.

"So when we first got here, you knew I thought the princesses are beautiful..." Dinah admitted trailing off.

"Okay and?" Lauren asked.

"And I kinda, well Normani and I kinda....made out which alsl led to..." Dinah trailed off again feeling a little embarrassed as Lauren was smirking.

"Did you two have sex?" She asked making Dinah turn really red.

"I- it- it happened so fast and we didn't even know what was happening to where we were both-" Lauren cuts Dinah rambled with a laugh.

Dinah looked at her confusingly and questionably as to why she is laughing.

"DJ, you're young and it's life. If you liked her and she liked you then you have nothing to be embarrassed about." Lauren said patting her shoulder.

Dinah sighed in relief and felt a little less stressed.

"So can she come to our fantasy world?" Dinah asked making them laugh.

"The more the merrier." Lauren exclaimed making Dinah smile.

After about 20 minutes they got up and went to go join the princesses. Dinah went into Normani's room and Lauren went to Camila's. Knocking first, Camila called for her to enter and she did.

"Well, what is this?" Lauren asked looking at the dresses on the bed.

"The ball, held every month to attend." Camila said looking in the mirror at the dress she has on.

Lauren looked around and a certain dress caught her eye. Turning around, Camila was stripping out of the dress not liking the choice as Lauren turned around.

"I like this one." Lauren said remembering the memories of that dress specifically.

"Mmm." Camila hummed laying her head on Lauren's back and having her arms wrapped around Lauren's waist.

"I usually don't like to cuddle." Lauren smirked and Camila lifted her head.

"What?" Camila asked.

"Where this dress princess." Lauren ushered as Camila sighed before picking it up.

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