Best Of Enemy's

By Hazel3630

608 17 2

We all have someone that grinds our gears. That person who just annoys your soul. Someone who you just wish w... More



56 2 0
By Hazel3630

I looked at the text. I already had a feeling what this was about.   I didn't respond. Juan was bobbing his head to the music that played and M was on her phone. I peeped a smile form on her lips. She was probably texting Marcus.

Juan finally pulled up to my house. Nathan's car was in my drive way. He was sitting on the hood looking at his phone.

"Is that Nathan in your drive way?" Juan asked. He seemed confused.

"Yes, Sadly." I sighed and unbuckled my seat belt. You good?" He asked. I nodded my I head. Miranda grabbed my shoulder and winked at me.

"Be nice." I say to her before I get out to face the music. I wave goodbye to Juan and got out the car and walked up to him.

He took a second to admire me before speaking. "You look nice." He grabbed the bottom of my dress flinging it out. "Thanks." I say dryly, swatting his hand away. I was trying to display a annoyance. He caught on the because he smiled and continued on with why he really wanted to talk to me.

"So I have some great news," He starts off with a wide smile. "Well more so great for me, less great for you. My dad decided to give me a shot at the manager position!"

I head shot at him immediately!

"What?"  I asked in disbelief. No way Howard would consider him of all people.  "You don't even want or deserve that promotion." As harsh as it may have sounded it was true, this man didn't deserve it. I'm the one putting in extra hours, filling paperwork, ordering food and supplies, renewing and getting all permits, the list goes on and all Nathan has done was play second fiddle, he isn't half the employee I am.

"Ehh my father seems to think I might be a candidate. And 3 extra dollars a hour is a lot plus the 2500 bonus and the college scholarship." 

"Things you don't need! Your dad owns the park, he made over a 6 figures last year."  I say in protest. Though the park was small but it had a lot of people coming threw every year.

"Yeah, you think I didn't say the same things, he want me to "earn and work for things I want in life." So I'm just as unhappy about this as you but I gotta do what I have to Nia." He shrugged.

I shook my head in disappointment. I would have to talk to Howard. No way he thought Nathan was a better candidate that me. I was hard working, coordinated and ambitious! All things a manager should be and Nathan is a half ass slacker employee who been riding my cartel for the last 2 years!

"Liam told me he gave you a ride home." He snapped me outta my thoughts. He looked away from me looking towards Liam's car. I had totally forgot about that. "Yeah, it was raining and the bus was late."  I state simply.

He chuckled. "I had no problem giving you a ride Nia."

I laugh. "I'm sure you wouldn't have. You've been trying to give me rides for 3 years now." I say slyly.

After a moment of silence I spoke up. "Okay! I have homework... so..." I start walking until I feel Nathan grab me.

"You know Liam is to old for you?" He grabbed my wrist. My heart sped up. 

I scoffed trying to play it off. "Excuse me?" I asked. It sounded like he was trying to check me.

"You heard me." He repeated.

"Your not my daddy or my man you can't check me!"

He shrugs. "It appears like I just did."

I squint my eyes at him. "You know what?" I snatch my wrist from his grasp. "What?" He asks calmly.

"I'm starting to think your jealous?" I smiled.

He snorted then laughed dramatically. I waited till he was done, folding my arms over my chest. "Whew!" He pretended to wipe a tear out his eye. "Oh Nia, aren't you a doll?" He  my pinched cheek.

"Oh my god! you aren't you?" I say removing his hands off my face. Obviously I was just teasing him as he always does me, it's time he got a taste of his own medicine. But his reaction made me think my assumption was actually true. Men and their ego's.

He looked at me almost confused. "You don't honestly believe that? Me jealous? Of Liam?"

I smiled. "I mean he's older, more mature, nice, intelligent."

"First off Liam is completely Boring. He so simple! He works and comes home."

"A man that works and comes home! Some girls like that in a guy, sounds like  husband material to me."

"I can be husband material or even boyfriend material."

Now I'm laughing. I couldn't help the ejecting laughs that passed threw my body. I held onto my stomach. Now we all know this man couldn't commit to save his life.

"You done?" He asked irritated. I smiled wiping the tears from my eyes. "Whew! now that! That was a good one Walker." I say pinching his cheek.

"Haha laugh it up, I can. I'll prove you wrong." He walked up to me. Our bodies close but our faces seemed closer, his sparkling dark blue eyes piercing into my dark brown ones. He grabbed my face carefully but firmly. "Tania Lopez will you be my girlfriend?"


"Your shitting me right?"

"Scared I'll prove you wrong?" That sexy yet annoying smirk made my blood boil.

"Uhhh, no. I'm never wrong sweetie." I say with confidence. I'm a intellectual being who's acts off of logic. It's logical to assumes ones actions based off past ones. "Why would I ever give you the opportunity to claim me, yeah no."

"And that statement there proves why your scared to take a bet on me cause deep down you know I can." He smiles confidently. Who does he even think he is? Even in asking though I couldn't help but wonder.

"What do you even get outta this?"

"I get Britney off my back And I get to call you my girlfriend. I'd say that one's a prize in its self." He gave me a wink.

I roll my eyes. "Your so lame."

"Come on, You wanna prove I'm the man you say I am then you have nothing to worry about." He seemed almost sincere in his words. What was he thinking, this couldn't happen even if it's fake and for a bet. He was my best enemy. "So what's in it for me?"
I ask. I was curious where this whole thing could go.

"You get to call me your man, something no girl in school has been able to do." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I shake my head. No way he thought that was gonna cut it. I shake my head.

"Fine I'll do all paper work and scheduling until we graduate."  He adds but I'm looking for something more. Something we both know I deserve.

"And?" I say. Hoping he would get what I was hinting at. He looked like he was thinking but he went from thinking to a look of defeat but acceptance.

"I know what your thinking, No!" He waves me off. I smirk knowingly. "Now look who's chicken," I turn on my heels and started walking to my door.

"I won't go against you in the  Park manager position." He says low, not looking in my direction.

"Huh?" I say cupping my hand behind my ear. Pretending I didn't hear him. He looked at me annoyed but still he repeated his words. "I'll let you have the manger position." He says this time clearly and loud.

I smiled. "You gotta deal Mr. Walker." I reached my hand out for a hand shake. He grasped it firmly giving me a shake but then he pulled me close. Catching me off guard a squeal left my lips.

He looked me in the eye's, smirking down at me. "We sure do girlfriend." And with that he let go and walked away. I gave turned  back towards walking towards my door but something compelled me to turn around when I did all I saw was  Nathan smiling a sexy smoldering smile at me. Ugh! Why did a turn around? I made my way back toward my door this time not even thinking of giving a second glance.  Obviously this was weird. But this was my chance to get this promotions.

In class I felt myself barely able to pay attention. I barely got any sleep at all last night. My Aunt tried once again to talk about Alisa. I had to once again explain I wanted no parts of her in my life.  15 years without her and I'm doing fine. 



"Huh?" I say dazed and confused. I hear the class laughing. I looked around sheepishly. "Sorry." I say paying attention to the front of the Class. The last ten minutes of class I tried to focus but I struggled. When the bell ran Ms. Long called me.

I sighed.

"Yes?" I saw walking up to her desk. She smiles at me. I'm assuming to comfort me. 

"I notice you were zoned out in class today, very unusual for one of my best students."

I smiled at her acknowledgment. "Thanks."

"Is there anything going on at home?" She asked. I started to respond then paused. What made her ask me that? Cause I had one off day.

I shake my head. "Everything is fine at home."

"Okay." Was all she said before dismissing me. I walked out the classroom but not quick enough because her comes M. Oh jeez. I love M don't get me wrong but she just so extra I can only handle but so much of her antics.

"Nia, We need to talk." She says quickly. I walk up to my locker and she followed. About?" I ask.

She looked around. Waiting in till people in the hall way cleared out a bit. The she moved her head in and spoke low. "I think I want to fuck your Cousin." She says almost as if she's ashamed.

I look at her giving her a smirk. "I could have told you that M."

"What! You knew? How?"

"Your always Negging him." I point out. I placed my books into my locker and closed it. She seems to be shocked that I already knew.

"You think he's interested in me?" She asked a Anxious. I shrugged. "Maybe if your nice, he could."

She shook her head. "That night at your grandma's house I tried to work my Magic ya know? He completely ignored me, just about." She seemed almost in shock and upset that her charms didn't work on him. "He basically told me he wasn't interested and then when he gave me my keys he was being to nice and we talked about our favorite music, then I kissed him and at the party I didn't know what to say so I just ignored him the whole time  and Nia I'm just so lost!"

"Try just being normal and asking him out. Get to know him M. He's a great guy."

She nods. Then sighs. "Ughh I've never had to chase a guy before."

"Well welcome to my world." I smiled walking away. She laughs. "Oh please you got a 23- year old tryna get in them pants." She smacked my ass.

I smacked her hand, "Ewww, plus he's 20 year old and No he's not. We're just co- workers." I protest sternly.

"What happened to You liking him?"

"I said I think I do but maybe it was a little premature." I was debating on weather I should tell M about my situation or bet with Nathan.

She nods. "Oh gosh there's Marcus!" She attempted to hide behind me but Marcus didn't look in our direction.

"What's wrong?"

"Let's just say the rumors about his skills off the court were false." She said in disgust. I laughed.

"You fucked him?"

"Uhh no, he went downtown." She winked at me as she pointed to her area. We finally exited the building. "I'm walking home today." I tell her letting her know I wasn't waiting on a ride.

"I'll walk with you." She offers. I shrugged and offer my hand. She smiled and grabbed my hand. As we started walking down towards the side walk I feel a arm on my shoulder. I look to my left it's Nathan. "What up baby." He kissed my cheek and smacked my ass. 2nd time today.

M let go my hand. "Uh what the hell Nathan!" She yelled. I sighed trying to calm her. "He's going to far!" She continues. He smiles, waiting for her to shut up. "Should I tell her or should you." He asks arrogantly. I sighed. I guess this is really real and really happening. M looked at me confuse looking for a answer.

I took a moment to say the words I'd never thought I say. "Me..... me and uh, Nathan are a thing." I spit out slowly. Her face took disbelief quickly. "No.fucking.way!" She pushes me.

"Yeah we both realized that we have this chemistry that couldn't be fought. Nia is my girl." He squeezes my boob which causes me to elbow him in his stomach. I give him a look. He was pushing it. M seemed to not believe it and I don't blame her.

"So this is why you don't like—" she starts but Immediately cut her off. "Bye Miranda." I say grabbing Nathan and walking toward his car.
"I thought we were gonna walk home together!" She yelled. I almost ignored her but she didn't deserve that. "I'll call you later!"
Once he got outta her sight I felt the weight leave my body.

"You asshole!"


"I wasn't prepared for that, we need to establish rules."

"Okay," he unlocks his car doors. Come on we'll do it at my house."

I shake my head.

He sighs. "No funny business I promise. We can sit in the living room." He getting in the car and opened the passenger door, encouraging me to get in. I thought for a moment but gave in. Thought we had been neighbors I'd had never been in their house. Well there's a first time for everything.

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