I Think I'm Gay (BoyxBoy)

By alysscka

779K 26.3K 15.4K

Samuel Kendler is sexy, and every girl in school knows it. He gets with girls just to dump them the next day... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine (END)

Chapter Eight

36.1K 1.1K 914
By alysscka

Picture: Darren Hart

Sam's POV:

The weekend drags on for what seems like centuries rather than a few days. Each day, anxiety built inside of me, knowing that not only would I have to face Kayden, but I would also have to face Darren.

When I went into my junior year, I had no classes with Darren whatsoever, but with a little talk from my father (and some money), I was able to have all my classes with my best friend.

Oh how that backfired.

"Sam, if you continue to pace I'm going to tie you to a chair," My half-awake sister tells me from the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in her hands. I, on the other hand, am pacing my kitchen, trying to figure out what to do if I was to bump into either one of them. I hardly slept last night, and what little sleep I did get was filled with nightmares about everyone knowing I was gay.

I roll my eyes and continue to make circles in our giant kitchen, biting my nails and tugging at my hair the whole while. "Shut up, Macy. I am nervous," I take a sip of my tea before running a hand through my hair. I planned to wake up extra early (not that it mattered, I was already awake) to look nice today. I brushed my hair at least fifty times to get it perfect, I ironed my clothes so they were crisp and looking flawless, and I even put a touch of makeup to cover the tiny blemish on my forehead.

Don't judge me, I need to look perfect for Kayden.

Oh Kayden... He hasn't seem to get out of my mind the whole weekend, his coco colored eyes always seeming to find a way to be wedged in my brain and flash before my eyes whenever Kayden started to drift from my mind.

"You're muttering to yourself," Macy laughs and talks a long sip from her mug. "You need to chill out little bro, it's not like Kayden or Darren are he-" My sis's voice is cut off by the doorbell ringing, causing me to freeze mid-step and go rigid.

"Coming!" Macy calls in a sweet tone before mouthing for me to smile. I hear her footsteps pad to the front door, and before I realize what I'm doing, I too am moving to the door.

"Oh... Darren," I hear my sister say in a cautious, loud tone, as if to warn me of my ex-best friends presence.

I freeze.

"Hi Macy," I hear Darren say to my sister, and I can picture the smile accompanied with it. "Is Sam-" His words are cut off and a loud slap that sounds throughout the house, making my eyes widen.

"How dare you, you heartless bastard!" I hear Macy yell, making my eyes widen even more and seem to unfreeze my legs. I rush towards a very pissed off Macy- who is glaring at Darren with venom in her stare- and a shocked Darren- who is holding his face and staring at my sister like she's gone crazy.

Darren notices me the second I walk through the hallway to get to the front entrance, and a look of guilt crosses his features. "What the fuck is going on?" I stare at my ex-best friend and best friend, waiting for them to say anything. They just stare right back, Mac biting her bottom lip with her eyebrows scrunched and Darren with a look of pure shame and embarrassment. "I know I am sexy, but stop staring at me. Someone tell me what just happened."

"I slapped his homophobic ass," Macy crosses her arms and shoots another death glare towards Darren, who happily returns it. "You can thank me later, little bro."

Darren moves his eyes from my sister back to me, remorse flooding every feature in his face."Sam-" I hold up a hand to stop him, I don't need to hear his story on how he is "sorry", when I know he isn't.

"Save it, Darren," I shake my head at him, not caring that he is literally on his knees. "I don't need to hear what you have to say, it will all be lies. You dumped me as your best friend because I'm gay. Do you understand how stupid that is? Get off your damn knees, Darren. You left me as a friend and that's the end." Darren's mouth hangs open, his eyebrows pulled together.

"But... But... Let me explain!" Darren stands back to his feet and grabs my shoulders, his eyes sadder than I have ever seen. "I didn't dump you as my friend, it's just that the news shocked me and I kinda freaked. You gotta remember Sam, just a few days before that we were making fun of Jermiah for being gay, and now you tell me you're gay? It's a lot for a person to digest."

I shrug his hands off my shoulders and shake my head. Be strong, Sam. Don't let him break you down. "No Darren, it's honestly not. You took a whole minute to digest that shit and what you came out with was 'No friend of mine can be gay' and you left," I narrow my eyes and shake my head again. "I'm sorry, but when you walked away, you walked away from our friendship."

Macy gives me an encouraging smile from her spot behind Darren. "I think that is your cue to leave, Darren," My sister puts a hand on his shoulder and pulls him to the door. Darren doesn't even put up a fight, he just stares at me with a bunch of emotions on his face.

I turn away from them and make my way to the living room, where my backpack and shoes lay neatly near the door. "Please let this day go good," I whisper to no one. "Please let Kayden be okay."

When I walk back to the front door, I see that no one is near it, which means that Darren left and Macy is God knows where. "Macy? Mac!"

"Kitchen!" I hear Macy call and peek her head out, a little bit of flower on her face on her face. "I'm baking! Don't eat to much, there will be a ton of yummy food here!" She sounds like an excited two year old who is finally getting that toy she wanted. "Oh, and Darren left. So... Yeah. Have fun in school, baby brother. Don't be to nervous, alright?"

I nod my head wearily before calling goodbye and dashing out of the house and to my Porsche, waiting all pretty in the morning sunlight. "Good morning, beautiful," I pat my cars hood and hop in, the nervous feeling building in my chest again.

As I zoom off to school, two things come into my mind.

One, Kayden (obviously) and two, being with Kayden. If I was to be able to get with Kayden... Hell, I would never let him leave me. I would hold him closer than anyone has ever held someone and run my fingers through his beautiful blonde locks. With a tiny sigh, I pull into the parking lot and start the beginning of what is to be a looooong day.


The first period I have is Gym- the only one I have with Kayden. I make my way to the locker rooms, walking in cautiously to make sure I don't run into Darren or Kayden. The better of the two would be Kayden (obviously), but if he was to run away from me again...

I go to my changing locker and just before I turn into it, dirty blonde hair catches my eyes. Turning quickly, I see Kayden staring at me with wide eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, but no sound comes out. I feel myself deflate a little, and don't make an effort to say anything before turning into the locker and peeling my shirt off.

"Say something, dumb ass," I hear a voice, immediately knowing that voice anywhere. West Destry, my friend since kindergarten. He is very much gay, and doesn't even try to hide it. Hell, he asked me out about five times, and each time I would reply with a no.

"Shut up, West," I hear a hushed voice say. Kayden. "He obviously doesn't want me to speak with him." I continue to hold the shirt in my hand, not bothering to put it on as I listen to the argument between the two.

I hear a yelping noise before West and Kayden appear at the entrance of the changing room, West holding onto the back of Kayden's shirt.

When they see me, both of their mouths drop open, and I swear West salivates a little bit. "Holy fuck," The purple haired boy says with wide, hungry eyes. Kayden, on the other hand, is staring at me with equally as large eyes, but his face tinted red.

I clear my throat and cross my arms. "Just 'cause I think I'm gay doesn't mean you can stare at me like I'm a piece of meat." I can't help the smirk that crosses my face as my crush and West's eyes grow in size some more.

West lets go of of Kayd's shirt and raises an eyebrow. "And when were you planning to tell me this?" I laugh; West has been trying to get with me forever, and I know this is just what he wanted to hear.

"I kinda just figured it out myself," I admit with a shrug before pulling on my shirt and ending the show for West. My eyes flicker to Kayden who is staring at the ground, eyes wide as saucers. "West, leave for a minute please."

West looks between me and Kayden before whispering something in my crush's ear and strutting out of the changing locker. When Kayden and I are alone, I stare at him for a second before speaking. "Um, I just wanted to apologize for ya know... Kissing you," I bite my bottom lip and make sure not to look at Kayden while I speak. "I guess... I guess I like you a little bit and... I'm sorry again, I know you're not gay."

I look at Kayden for a response, but all I see is shock etched in his beautiful face. "You-you're really gay?" I nod. "And you like me?" I nod again. "And you think I'm straight?"



That mean's he's not?! "You're gay?" I ask, not bothering to hide the enthusiasm in my voice. If there was a chance that Kayden was gay... Oh my Lord, I wouldn't even know what to do.

"Um... No," Kayden looks at the ground and bites his lower lip. I feel myself deflate a little, but Kayden could just be trying to hide his sexuality, God knows I am going to have to do that for a while... Unless Darren already told everybody. "I just... People usually think I'm gay 'cause of the way I look and stuff..."

My whole body droops, and I feel a frown break out on my face. "Oh..." I look away from Kayden, the temptation to kiss him somehow stronger. "Well, I'm sorry Kayden... Maybe we could be, you know, friends?"

I look back at Kayden and see a smile on his gorgeous face. "I would love that," My own lips turn up in a smile- His smile is contagious.

"Good," I pull my sneakers on and walk out of the locker room. "How about tomorrow we can hang out? If you want, that is." My nervousness shows, but with Kayden's warm smile on his face, I know that he doesn't notice.

My crush nods his head just as West walks back to us. "Hola, sexy people," The purple haired kid winks at both Kayden and I, making both us erupt into laughter.

Kayden's laughter is literally the cutest thing I have ever heard, and when he snorts, I laugh even harder. "Jesus, your laugh is amazing," Kayden's face turns bright red but he continues to laugh.

"Well, my dears, I think that is our cue to go and work our asses off," West tells us after the warning bell to get to class rings. I roll my eyes at him before making my way to the field where I do, indeed, work my ass off.


Darren didn't bother me at all during gym, but now, in English, he is relentless. "Sam, please," My old friend begs. "I will get on my knees again, I swear." When I don't even give him a glance, he exhales loudly and grabs onto my arm.

"Just listen then, please?" Darren's voice is filled with guilt and shame, so I nod my head slightly, indicating for him to go on. "Okay... So you know how my parent's are homophob's right? Well, I obviously picked up on that. So did you, or at least that's what I thought. I know your parents are very against gays especially when they found out-" I cut him off, not wanting him to continue.

"Shut the fuck up about that, do you hear me?" I snap, my voice relatively loud in the hushed classroom. A few kids turn my way, but face forwards again when they see my icy glare. I finally look at my old friend, my angry gaze now trained on him. "You know better than to bring him up."

Darren nods his head, and gives me a sad smile. "Sorry..." He clears his throat and continues to look at me with sadness in his eyes. "I don't want to lose my best friend over this. Please, Sam. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking and it was the first thing that came to my brain. I couldn't sleep the whole weekend knowing what I said to know, but I was too scared and embarrassed to talk to you."

"Mr. Hart, Mr. Kendler, is there something you would like to share with the class?" My teacher calls from the front of the class, her fists buried into her large hips.

"No Mrs. Henlington," I tell my teacher, flashing her a charming smile. She rolls her eyes and continues on with her lecture about The Secret Life of Bees.

"Do you forgive me?" Darren asks in a softer voice, hopefulness seeping from every word.

With a tiny sigh, I slowly nod my head. "I forgive you, but that doesn't mean I'm still pissed at you," Darren smiles brightly and wraps me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He whispers against my shirt, not letting go of me. "I will never judge you or any other gay people again, I promise."

I smile slightly, but can't help but still feel the heated anger towards my friend. He hurt me badly, and I'm not sure if our friendship can be repaired to it's original state, but we can try.

My smile widens as I remember Kayden and I's plan to hang out. Before we walked out of gym, he gave me his cellphone number and told me with a shy smile to text him when I want to hang out.

For the rest of the day, I can't think of anything else except Kayden and what we plan to do tomorrow.



I am dedicating this chapter to @YOUTUBER9702 because they are amazing and are helping me to better the story!

Hoepfully you will notice a difference :)







Seriously tho, I enjoy writing with West so much XD

Hope you enjoyed





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